210 Democrats vote against bill requiring medical care for babies born alive after abortion attempt

Abortion doesn't "kill babies". A "baby" is a living breathing human being.
Arbitrary. “Baby” isn’t a technical term and you are hinging on technicalities. If you were saying “neonate” or other technical developmental terms you might approach some sort of true distinction at least in terms of age, but your arbitrary hate against younger humans would remain entirely arbitrary and unsupported by science.

One third of all pregnancies end in miscarriage.
The possibility of a natural death does not justify killing someone. Your logic is vile and stupid.

The ONLY people who don't believe in a woman's right to choose whether she has a baby or not, white Republican males.
Since no such right exists to believe in, and since half of pro-lifers are female, you are just once again proving yourself a habitual crazy liar.

Similarly, there is no right to gun ownership
Absolutely ignorant of fact. Stupid. Frankly, retarded, as in such a deficient statement that its author is demonstrating extreme mental defect or disability.

You cannot read plain English text. Cease opining about things, you are not equipped.
Abortion doesn't "kill babies". A "baby" is a living breathing human being. Terminating a pregnancy prevents a zygote or a fetus from becoming a baby.

One third of all pregnancies end in miscarriage. Women don't get a choice about that, we just have to endure it. It's "God's will", But it definitely proves that God doesn't consider every zygote or fetus to be all that "precious" or vital. Even evangelical women don't believe that bullshit.

13% of all abortions are performed on "evangelical" women. Since evangelicals are only 19% of the population, it appears that even a majority of evangelicals believe in a woman's right to her own choices. The ONLY people who don't believe in a woman's right to choose whether she has a baby or not, white Republican males.
All across the nation, in states which literally had abortion on the ballot, voters overwhelmingly rejected extreme anti-abortion laws promoted by Republican men.

There are no first amendment rights to discriminate against people you don't like on the grounds of religion. I note that blood sacrifice for religious reasons is banned by law. I've never once seen a conservative complain about that being an infringement on religious rights, but that is exactly what it is. But they complain about having to provide public services to gays. That's not a religious right and it infringes on the rights of others, which is wrong.

Similarly, there is no right to gun ownership except for the need to provide defense for the nation, but you ignore the preamble to the 2nd Amendment, which was passed at a time when there was no standing army, and became redundant when the nation created a both a standing army, and National Guard and Army reserves at home.

The NRA has perverted the 2nd Amendment to create the most heavily armed and criminal nation in the first world. And they did it so they could sell more guns, not because it was in the best interests of the nation. Fools continue to applaud their efforts.
babies breath in the womb!
Abortion doesn't "kill babies". A "baby" is a living breathing human being. Terminating a pregnancy prevents a zygote or a fetus from becoming a baby.

One third of all pregnancies end in miscarriage. Women don't get a choice about that, we just have to endure it. It's "God's will", But it definitely proves that God doesn't consider every zygote or fetus to be all that "precious" or vital. Even evangelical women don't believe that bullshit.

13% of all abortions are performed on "evangelical" women. Since evangelicals are only 19% of the population, it appears that even a majority of evangelicals believe in a woman's right to her own choices. The ONLY people who don't believe in a woman's right to choose whether she has a baby or not, white Republican males.
All across the nation, in states which literally had abortion on the ballot, voters overwhelmingly rejected extreme anti-abortion laws promoted by Republican men.

There are no first amendment rights to discriminate against people you don't like on the grounds of religion. I note that blood sacrifice for religious reasons is banned by law. I've never once seen a conservative complain about that being an infringement on religious rights, but that is exactly what it is. But they complain about having to provide public services to gays. That's not a religious right and it infringes on the rights of others, which is wrong.

Similarly, there is no right to gun ownership except for the need to provide defense for the nation, but you ignore the preamble to the 2nd Amendment, which was passed at a time when there was no standing army, and became redundant when the nation created a both a standing army, and National Guard and Army reserves at home.

The NRA has perverted the 2nd Amendment to create the most heavily armed and criminal nation in the first world. And they did it so they could sell more guns, not because it was in the best interests of the nation. Fools continue to applaud their efforts.
Link up!
Not an abortion once you are born, Dumbass.
the term `born alive', with respect
to a member of the species homo sapiens, means the complete expulsion or
extraction from his or her mother of that member, at any stage of
development, who after such expulsion or extraction breathes or has a
beating heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord, or definite movement of
voluntary muscles, regardless of whether the umbilical cord has been
cut, and regardless of whether the expulsion or extraction occurs as a
result of natural or induced labor, cesarean section, or induced

Abortion doesn't "kill babies". A "baby" is a living breathing human being. Terminating a pregnancy prevents a zygote or a fetus from becoming a baby.

One third of all pregnancies end in miscarriage. Women don't get a choice about that, we just have to endure it. It's "God's will", But it definitely proves that God doesn't consider every zygote or fetus to be all that "precious" or vital. Even evangelical women don't believe that bullshit.

13% of all abortions are performed on "evangelical" women. Since evangelicals are only 19% of the population, it appears that even a majority of evangelicals believe in a woman's right to her own choices. The ONLY people who don't believe in a woman's right to choose whether she has a baby or not, white Republican males.
All across the nation, in states which literally had abortion on the ballot, voters overwhelmingly rejected extreme anti-abortion laws promoted by Republican men.

There are no first amendment rights to discriminate against people you don't like on the grounds of religion. I note that blood sacrifice for religious reasons is banned by law. I've never once seen a conservative complain about that being an infringement on religious rights, but that is exactly what it is. But they complain about having to provide public services to gays. That's not a religious right and it infringes on the rights of others, which is wrong.

Similarly, there is no right to gun ownership except for the need to provide defense for the nation, but you ignore the preamble to the 2nd Amendment, which was passed at a time when there was no standing army, and became redundant when the nation created a both a standing army, and National Guard and Army reserves at home.

The NRA has perverted the 2nd Amendment to create the most heavily armed and criminal nation in the first world. And they did it so they could sell more guns, not because it was in the best interests of the nation. Fools continue to applaud their efforts.
Life begins at conception.

Science, try it sometime Dumbass.
the term `born alive', with respect
to a member of the species homo sapiens, means the complete expulsion or
extraction from his or her mother of that member, at any stage of
development, who after such expulsion or extraction breathes or has a
beating heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord, or definite movement of
voluntary muscles, regardless of whether the umbilical cord has been
cut, and regardless of whether the expulsion or extraction occurs as a
result of natural or induced labor, cesarean section, or induced

So? Once it is out of the womb it would be murder, much the way people are charged with two counts of murder when killing a pregnant woman.
Where? Examples?
I think public disapproval is holding the post-birth baby killers from being too open anout it

Have you already forgotten the governor of VA who wanted to legalize infanticide?
What happened to "Abortion is a matter for the states"?
Once the baby has left the birth canal. abortion is totally removed from the issue.
I know that this shouldn't matter....because we're talking about a human life here, but you folks on the left have to play by the same exact rules we in the middle have to play by.
Just because you like snuffing infants.....doesn't mean we have to stand by and let you do it.
Abortion doesn't "kill babies". A "baby" is a living breathing human being. Terminating a pregnancy prevents a zygote or a fetus from becoming a baby.

One third of all pregnancies end in miscarriage. Women don't get a choice about that, we just have to endure it. It's "God's will", But it definitely proves that God doesn't consider every zygote or fetus to be all that "precious" or vital. Even evangelical women don't believe that bullshit.

13% of all abortions are performed on "evangelical" women. Since evangelicals are only 19% of the population, it appears that even a majority of evangelicals believe in a woman's right to her own choices. The ONLY people who don't believe in a woman's right to choose whether she has a baby or not, white Republican males.
All across the nation, in states which literally had abortion on the ballot, voters overwhelmingly rejected extreme anti-abortion laws promoted by Republican men.

There are no first amendment rights to discriminate against people you don't like on the grounds of religion. I note that blood sacrifice for religious reasons is banned by law. I've never once seen a conservative complain about that being an infringement on religious rights, but that is exactly what it is. But they complain about having to provide public services to gays. That's not a religious right and it infringes on the rights of others, which is wrong.

Similarly, there is no right to gun ownership except for the need to provide defense for the nation, but you ignore the preamble to the 2nd Amendment, which was passed at a time when there was no standing army, and became redundant when the nation created a both a standing army, and National Guard and Army reserves at home.

The NRA has perverted the 2nd Amendment to create the most heavily armed and criminal nation in the first world. And they did it so they could sell more guns, not because it was in the best interests of the nation. Fools continue to applaud their efforts.
Your reasoning is good but the things you base that reasoning on is jive in my opinion. Live and let live, and that includes born and unborn babies. It's hard to imagine such a large percentage of Democrat (leaders?) who find it acceptable to kill a baby after it is born. That's just pure evil.
Evil incarnate!
Nearly every House Democrat on Wednesday voted against legislation that would require immediate medical attention for babies who are born alive after an attempt was made to abort them.

The House passed the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which says any infant born alive after an attempted abortion is a "legal person for all purposes under the laws of the United States." Doctors would be required to care for those infants as a "reasonably diligent and conscientious health care practitioner would render to any other child born alive."

The bill passed 220-210, and all 210 of the "no" votes came from Democrats. Only one Democrat voted for the bill — Rep. Henry Cuellar of Texas — and one other Democrat, Rep. Vicente Gonzalez of Texas, voted "present."
Republicans seem oblivious to the fact that there is already a law in place covering this.
I am confused. I thought this was a state issue now.
Meh, redux of 2019. Standard OP for the Lying Piece OS in the Neo GOP to try this very same political stunt to try and hurt the Democrat by saying they support Infanticide, when federal law, passed by unanimous consent, has been on the books for over 20 years, not to mention the states all had law against infanticide before it.

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