21st century: Australia decides whether to give rights to Aboriginals


Gold Member
Jun 14, 2021
Over there
The Australian Senate has given the go-ahead for a referendum on Aboriginal rights.
Australia's lower house of parliament has already approved the referendum. Aboriginal people can have an advisory vote in Parliament on Indigenous issues, following a popular consultation.

The referendum must decide whether to enshrine aboriginal rights in the country's constitution. Aborigines must also be given a special right to vote in parliament," reports "Deutsche Welle.

It is interesting that 19 deputies voted against the referendum on Monday, June 19. Fifty-two senators voted in favor.
The popular vote should take place as early as this year. A specific date for the vote has not yet been set.
Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has already said that Australia has a chance to make history. It is unclear why this question is being raised only now.

According to the census, Aborigines constitute only 2.7% of the population. During the colonial period Aborigines were mercilessly exterminated and persecuted. From the favorable conditions of the southern coast with its comfortable climate, the Aborigines had to move to the arid desert areas in the north and central part of the continent.

The same thing happened to the Aborigines of Australia as to the Indians of North America. Only the Indians, in their masses, were more advanced and militant and offered greater resistance to the newcomers.

The Australian and Tasmanian aborigines were rounded up, poisoned, and driven into deserts where they died of hunger and thirst. There are known cases when aliens, on purpose to exterminate the natives, gave poisoned food to the natives. White settlers hunted the natives as wild animals, not considering them human.

The sad result of Australia's colonization, in flagrant violation of natural human rights, was that by 1921 there were only 60,000 of the original one million Aboriginal people left alive.

Since 1967, when Aboriginal Australians achieved equal rights with the white population of the country, the situation of the indigenous population began to improve. Many tribes, with government support, assimilated and moved to cities. Programs were initiated to increase the birth rate and to preserve Aboriginal cultural heritage. In 2007, there was even a television channel for indigenous people, but because of the great diversity of Australian languages, the program is broadcast in English.

Quite a large percentage of Australia's Aboriginal people today are engaged in tourism. Excursions to reserves, places where the indigenous population has kept their habitual way of life, are popular. Aborigines also act as guides.

The amendments to the Constitution of Australia will allow the Aboriginal peoples to establish their own advisory committee in the Parliament with a special right to vote. This committee would advise parliamentarians on indigenous issues.
But it is reported that the committee's recommendations will not be binding.

The referendum is expected to take place between October and December 2023. If a majority of Australians support the proposals on the ballot, the Australian constitution will be amended.

Aboriginal tribes periodically sue local authorities. For example, the Bigambul and Kuma tribes have demanded $50 billion in compensation for their eviction from their ancestral lands, the Financial Times reports. This is not the only precedent. Previously, another tribe of aborigines Nungar demanded from the authorities of Australia the sum of 290 billion dollars.

Aborigines began to sue the Australian authorities since 1992. Then the supreme court of the country cancelled the declarations of the British colonizers that by their arrival 250 years ago to Australia the continent wasn't inhabited. By the present time the area of the disputed territories of the continent makes 2.8 million square kilometers.
The white guy here is from Australia ... and he supported these Americans 100%, he was appalled by the treatment of Aboriginals in his home country ... just that black gloves were in short supply in Mexico City during summer ... but all three are wearing the anti-racism patch on their warm-up jackets ...

55 years ago ...

Australia has always lagged behind on granting equality to all their people. It's a huge contrast to New Zealand's progressive acceptance and honouring of their Maoris.

Look at this comparison to see how attitudes have made such a difference between the two and how it paid dividends for New Zealand.
The Australian Senate has given the go-ahead for a referendum on Aboriginal rights.
Australia's lower house of parliament has already approved the referendum. Aboriginal people can have an advisory vote in Parliament on Indigenous issues, following a popular consultation.

The referendum must decide whether to enshrine aboriginal rights in the country's constitution. Aborigines must also be given a special right to vote in parliament," reports "Deutsche Welle.

It is interesting that 19 deputies voted against the referendum on Monday, June 19. Fifty-two senators voted in favor.
The popular vote should take place as early as this year. A specific date for the vote has not yet been set.
Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has already said that Australia has a chance to make history. It is unclear why this question is being raised only now.

According to the census, Aborigines constitute only 2.7% of the population. During the colonial period Aborigines were mercilessly exterminated and persecuted. From the favorable conditions of the southern coast with its comfortable climate, the Aborigines had to move to the arid desert areas in the north and central part of the continent.

The same thing happened to the Aborigines of Australia as to the Indians of North America. Only the Indians, in their masses, were more advanced and militant and offered greater resistance to the newcomers.

The Australian and Tasmanian aborigines were rounded up, poisoned, and driven into deserts where they died of hunger and thirst. There are known cases when aliens, on purpose to exterminate the natives, gave poisoned food to the natives. White settlers hunted the natives as wild animals, not considering them human.

The sad result of Australia's colonization, in flagrant violation of natural human rights, was that by 1921 there were only 60,000 of the original one million Aboriginal people left alive.

Since 1967, when Aboriginal Australians achieved equal rights with the white population of the country, the situation of the indigenous population began to improve. Many tribes, with government support, assimilated and moved to cities. Programs were initiated to increase the birth rate and to preserve Aboriginal cultural heritage. In 2007, there was even a television channel for indigenous people, but because of the great diversity of Australian languages, the program is broadcast in English.

Quite a large percentage of Australia's Aboriginal people today are engaged in tourism. Excursions to reserves, places where the indigenous population has kept their habitual way of life, are popular. Aborigines also act as guides.

The amendments to the Constitution of Australia will allow the Aboriginal peoples to establish their own advisory committee in the Parliament with a special right to vote. This committee would advise parliamentarians on indigenous issues.
But it is reported that the committee's recommendations will not be binding.

The referendum is expected to take place between October and December 2023. If a majority of Australians support the proposals on the ballot, the Australian constitution will be amended.

Aboriginal tribes periodically sue local authorities. For example, the Bigambul and Kuma tribes have demanded $50 billion in compensation for their eviction from their ancestral lands, the Financial Times reports. This is not the only precedent. Previously, another tribe of aborigines Nungar demanded from the authorities of Australia the sum of 290 billion dollars.

Aborigines began to sue the Australian authorities since 1992. Then the supreme court of the country cancelled the declarations of the British colonizers that by their arrival 250 years ago to Australia the continent wasn't inhabited. By the present time the area of the disputed territories of the continent makes 2.8 million square kilometers.


Deutsche Welle got much of that correct, but not all.

The referendum is not about Aboriginal rights...they were achieved in 1967 as mentioned.
"The Voice" referendum is a 'Yes' or 'No' vote whether or not to 'recognise Indigenous people in the Constitution' and enshrine an advisory Indigenous body into our precious Constitution....ie; introduce race into said Constitution.
BUT, The People really don't know exactly what it's all about...because Prime Minister 'Albo' won't tell us all the details, simply refuses.
It seems that Albo and co are saying one thing, 'purely recognition as First Peoples' and Aboriginal activists are saying "Voice, Treaty, reparations and sovereignty".
The 'yes' vote is decreasing.

The proposed change to the Constitution must be approved by a ‘double majority’ – that is:

  • a national majority of voters (more than 50%) from all states and territories, and
  • a majority of voters (more than 50%) in a majority of states (at least four of the six states).
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Deutsche Welle got much of that correct, but not all.

The referendum is not about Aboriginal rights...they were achieved in 1967 as mentioned.
"The Voice" referendum is a 'Yes' or 'No' vote whether or not to 'recognise Indigenous people in the Constitution' and enshrine an advisory Indigenous body into our precious Constitution....ie; introduce race into said Constitution.
BUT, The People really don't know exactly what it's all about...because Prime Minister 'Albo' won't tell us all the details, simply refuses.
It seems that Albo and co are saying one thing, 'purely recognition as First Peoples' and Aboriginal activists are saying "Voice, Treaty, reparations and sovereignty".
The 'yes' vote is decreasing.

The proposed change to the Constitution must be approved by a ‘double majority’ – that is:

  • a national majority of voters (more than 50%) from all states and territories, and
  • a majority of voters (more than 50%) in a majority of states (at least four of the six states).

The referendum is on Oct 14.
The Yes campaign and the No campaign are in full swing, insults being hurled thick and fast at the No campaigners by the Yes camp...the camp of Prime
Minister Anthony Albanese...'Albo'.
Everything from 'racist' to 'Ku Klux Klan membership'.
Insults are 'king'.
Albo isn't doing it, but many in his Yes camp certainly are.
There are already Indigenous bodies advising the govt on Aboriginal needs, funded to the tune of very very large sums of money.
There are Aboriginal people, highly educated, very competent, sitting in the Parliament advising, duly elected by voters.

It has been shown clearly what this referendum is really about..."Voice, Treaty, Truth"...displayed on Albo's T shirt from the past.
Treaty? it's 2023, not 1788.
'Truth'...reparations and sovereignty ( absolute power, authority).
(Bloomberg) -- Votes were counted on the 14th for a referendum on constitutional amendments to establish the status of Australia's indigenous peoples, and media forecasts predict that the referendum will be rejected. According to forecasts by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), the opposition vote has a clear lead with about 20% of votes counted.

(Bloomberg) -- Votes were counted on the 14th for a referendum on constitutional amendments to establish the status of Australia's indigenous peoples, and media forecasts predict that the referendum will be rejected. According to forecasts by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), the opposition vote has a clear lead with about 20% of votes counted.

Dividing Oz by RACE has been kicked to the kerb. The ANSWER to the "Gap" has been known for years. It is money going to the "in" crowd at the expense of the poorest "out" groups. There is NO "Aboriginal Voice". There is only a Middle Management syphoning off money and power. Let's hope that Community Elders are LISTENED TO!! No professional activists!!!

(Bloomberg) -- Votes were counted on the 14th for a referendum on constitutional amendments to establish the status of Australia's indigenous peoples, and media forecasts predict that the referendum will be rejected. According to forecasts by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), the opposition vote has a clear lead with about 20% of votes counted.

It was NOT an appeal to be listened to; it was entrenching Activists with a mechanism to get their own radical way!! Stuff them. LISTEN TO THE ELDERS AND THE NEEDS OF THEIR COMMUNITIES!!!!!

Watching the losers now!!




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