24 GOP Senate seats will have to be defended this year


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
There is a certain amount of "giddiness" among conservatives that this year will be a time for them to win the Trifecta.....The WH, and maintaining the majority in the Senate and House.

Now, their chances are very good to keep the House....but that is where the "giddiness" should yield to a strong dose of reality.

This forum offers lots of stipulation on who will win the oval office.....but in the privacy of their own minds, many republicans see the early polls and some (if not many) should know what a tough road they'll have to travel following the likes of Trump, Cruz and Rubio.

Keep this in mind: There are 24 GOP senate seats to defend, many in states that were easily won by Obama....and we all know that voter turn-out is key in most elections and that in presidential-election cycles, turn out of voters is considerably increased.

Keep your eye on such states as WI, IL , NV, OH, PA, NH, CO, IN, FL and NC and expect democrats to win at least these 10 seats; making the current 46 (44 plus 2 Independents caucusing with Dems.) and 54 republican majority, make a considerable reversal....if 4 or more of the contested seats beside the 10 fall into Dems. hands, they may actually have a super majority.
In other words, the Senate may go Democrat.

How about the House? If it is turning Democratic too, then I am forced to vote Republican for President.

Sorry, but I am against giving the keys to just one party.
The GOP will lose seats in the House, but, I think, retain a majority. In the Senate, we have the same situation as 2014, only with the parties reversed. That will go Dem. The Presidency, Dem. The GOP has a severe image problem with the far right wingnuts setting the agenda.
What we really need is to have a multiplicity of parties, forcing cooperative coalitions to be continually rebuilt every two years.

Basically the parliament system.
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There is a certain amount of "giddiness" among conservatives that this year will be a time for them to win the Trifecta.....The WH, and maintaining the majority in the Senate and House.

Now, their chances are very good to keep the House....but that is where the "giddiness" should yield to a strong dose of reality.

This forum offers lots of stipulation on who will win the oval office.....but in the privacy of their own minds, many republicans see the early polls and some (if not many) should know what a tough road they'll have to travel following the likes of Trump, Cruz and Rubio.

Keep this in mind: There are 24 GOP senate seats to defend, many in states that were easily won by Obama....and we all know that voter turn-out is key in most elections and that in presidential-election cycles, turn out of voters is considerably increased.

Keep your eye on such states as WI, IL , NV, OH, PA, NH, CO, IN, FL and NC and expect democrats to win at least these 10 seats; making the current 46 (44 plus 2 Independents caucusing with Dems.) and 54 republican majority, make a considerable reversal....if 4 or more of the contested seats beside the 10 fall into Dems. hands, they may actually have a super majority.
I think it's too early to declare Indiana a win. The filing deadline for party primaries is February 2. I doubt there will be any new candidates but the possibility still exists for some key people. In my opinion the top two Republican candidates are Representatives Stutzman and Young. The Democrats will most likely put forth the man whom Representative Young beat, Mr. Baron Hill. I think the Democrats would get a win if Congressman Stutzman wins the primary. If the candidate is Rep. Young, the Democrats can still win but it would be close. It's close enough I wouldn't place a wager on it.
Sorry, but I am against giving the keys to just one party.

What we really need is to have a multiplicity of parties, forcing cooperative coalitions to be continually rebuilt every two years.
That's maybe the one thing the founders never accounted for. That 1 party could control everything. But then again, they've only held on to it for a couple of years when it's happened.

It would be nice for there to be some kind of check to balance things when one party rules it all.
In other words, the Senate may go Democrat.

How about the House? If it is turning Democratic too, then I am forced to vote Republican for President.

Sorry, but I am against giving the keys to just one party.
Then do nt complain about the Congress "getting nothing done"...
This "balance:" thing is a myth.
Whomever started this stupid shit should be punched in the nuts
It's close enough I wouldn't place a wager on it.

Agreed....Never meant to imply that each of those 10 states were a sure thing. Voters' turnout is always the biggest, unknown factor.
No worries. I know what you meant. Indiana has been leaning a little more towards Democrats lately. I agree about the voter turnout. I also think support from the DNC will be crucial this year. They sometimes write off Indiana Democrats and put their money/support where they think it will be of more use. They should invest more and try to find better challengers in my opinion. You're only going to do as well as the time, effort, and money you spend.
I hope they can lose at least 10!!! Fuck em! If they want austerity we the people need to kick them out.
This forum offers lots of stipulation on who will win the oval office.....but in the privacy of their own minds, many republicans see the early polls and some (if not many) should know what a tough road they'll have to travel following the likes of Trump, Cruz and Rubio

A tough road with Rubio? :laugh: Rubio polls very well in the general. Republicans will likely have it easier with him at the top of the ticket.
This forum offers lots of stipulation on who will win the oval office.....but in the privacy of their own minds, many republicans see the early polls and some (if not many) should know what a tough road they'll have to travel following the likes of Trump, Cruz and Rubio

A tough road with Rubio? :laugh: Rubio polls very well in the general. Republicans will likely have it easier with him at the top of the ticket.
I agree. He is a much easier sell. Senator Rubio is the only one of those three I would vote for.
The GOP will lose seats in the House, but, I think, retain a majority. In the Senate, we have the same situation as 2014, only with the parties reversed. That will go Dem. The Presidency, Dem. The GOP has a severe image problem with the far right wingnuts setting the agenda.
Not it won't. Just a handful of the 24 senate seats are 'vulnerable'
According to the info in this link Johnson of Wisconsin, Toomey of PA and Kirk in Illinois....There is also the seat held by Rubio in Florida which is a toss up.
For Democrats, the seat held by fmr Sen majority leader Harry Reed is up for grabs. It will be interesting to see if Nevada which has leaned democrat in recent POTUS elections does not tilt back to the right
It looks like if the tea leaves are being read correctly the dems may pick up 1-3 seats giving them 49.
Senate 2016: Sorting Out the Democrats' Best Targets - Rasmussen Reports™
The only hope for the middle class is Democrats having more than 60 votes in the Senate, a majority in the House, and a Democratic President. Without that, the middle class is doomed.
This forum offers lots of stipulation on who will win the oval office.....but in the privacy of their own minds, many republicans see the early polls and some (if not many) should know what a tough road they'll have to travel following the likes of Trump, Cruz and Rubio

A tough road with Rubio? :laugh: Rubio polls very well in the general. Republicans will likely have it easier with him at the top of the ticket.
That is a pretty big IF though. I don't know if he is going to take the primary.
dems might take the senate. It would not surprise me. They are not going to get a super majority though.
The GOP will lose seats in the House, but, I think, retain a majority. In the Senate, we have the same situation as 2014, only with the parties reversed. That will go Dem. The Presidency, Dem. The GOP has a severe image problem with the far right wingnuts setting the agenda.
Not it won't. Just a handful of the 24 senate seats are 'vulnerable'
According to the info in this link Johnson of Wisconsin, Toomey of PA and Kirk in Illinois....There is also the seat held by Rubio in Florida which is a toss up.
For Democrats, the seat held by fmr Sen majority leader Harry Reed is up for grabs. It will be interesting to see if Nevada which has leaned democrat in recent POTUS elections does not tilt back to the right
It looks like if the tea leaves are being read correctly the dems may pick up 1-3 seats giving them 49.
Senate 2016: Sorting Out the Democrats' Best Targets - Rasmussen Reports™

And that is accurate from everything I read also. I figure that if Kirk holds Illinois, it is going to be a very bad election day for the Democrats though; in fact, even if it is a close loss.

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