24 new polls show GOP in grave danger of losing House in wake of government shutdown


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
GOP could lose the House in 2014

We're still digesting the details, but we wanted to give you a first look at these new polls because the results are so stunning. Here are a few details:

  • In 17 districts a Democrat would likely beat the incumbent Republican if the election were held today—and that's the magic number, as Democrats need 17 seats to take back the House from Tea Party Republicans.
  • Majorities of respondents in every poll indicated that they "oppose Congress shutting down major activities of the federal government as a way to stop the health care law from being put into place."
  • When voters learn that their Republican Representative supported the government shutdown over Obamacare, they're even more likely to support the Democratic candidate—with four more seats flipping Democratic when people learn that news.
  • The Tea Party's approval is in the gutter and some of their greatest champions are already trailing—like Steve King from Iowa who is known for immigrant-bashing, and is now trailing a Democratic opponent 45% to 49%.

It's a lovely poll, but without mobilization, we got nothin. Plus, how far out are the elections? The American people are notorious for short attention spans.

The next month or so should give us a better idea of where everybody stands - it's really going to depend on how badly things unfold.

And the TPM congress critters don't seem to have any sort of realization that they are damaging other GOP critters who aren't so blessed on the gerrymandered front.
even with mobilization you have nothing. while americans may have short memory spans one group who doesn't have a short span are supporters of our constitutional rights. The democrats willingness to ban together and violate those rights is a black eye they won't recover from for a long time. democrats made the mistake of thinking the only ones who cared about the 2nd amendment were a few redneck gun nuts and a handful of neo nazis. the truth is they have galvanized a large segment of the population and at the same time alienated many members of their own support network. look at the ramifications of this we have seen already. they couldn't even push through legislation they claimed had the support of 90% of the population even when they exploited the deaths of children to do so. Successful recalls. Police suing states over gun laws passed.

People are tired of government overspending. People are tired of governement passing laws they can't fund. This growing deficite in not acceptable. I don't care which party is doing it. And as long as we continue to accept it just because "our party" is in charge we are pretty much screwed. We should be all over our government to stop spending we can't afford, eliminate waste, focus on jobs and the economy and get out of our personal lives. This needs to become governement of the people, for the people, by the people again.
Not only will they lose the House, but deep pockets on wall street if this sucker defaults.
Not only will they lose the House, but deep pockets on wall street if this sucker defaults.

hope you like crow in case your crystal ball is wrong

they didn't lose it the LAST TWO elections...the people must know what they want...and that WAS TAKING the purse away from Obama and his spending...tsk tsk
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It's really not a problem, as long as we can limit you to the out House.
GOP could lose the House in 2014

We're still digesting the details, but we wanted to give you a first look at these new polls because the results are so stunning. Here are a few details:

  • In 17 districts a Democrat would likely beat the incumbent Republican if the election were held today—and that's the magic number, as Democrats need 17 seats to take back the House from Tea Party Republicans.
  • Majorities of respondents in every poll indicated that they "oppose Congress shutting down major activities of the federal government as a way to stop the health care law from being put into place."
  • When voters learn that their Republican Representative supported the government shutdown over Obamacare, they're even more likely to support the Democratic candidate—with four more seats flipping Democratic when people learn that news.
  • The Tea Party's approval is in the gutter and some of their greatest champions are already trailing—like Steve King from Iowa who is known for immigrant-bashing, and is now trailing a Democratic opponent 45% to 49%.

It's a lovely poll, but without mobilization, we got nothin. Plus, how far out are the elections? The American people are notorious for short attention spans.

The next month or so should give us a better idea of where everybody stands - it's really going to depend on how badly things unfold.

And the TPM congress critters don't seem to have any sort of realization that they are damaging other GOP critters who aren't so blessed on the gerrymandered front.

Meh, the mid terms are still over a year away, Obama and the democrats will have about 10 more scandals to cover up in that amount of time..........
Not only will they lose the House, but deep pockets on wall street if this sucker defaults.

if the deep pockets on wall street were actually concerned this sucker would be over already

Government shutdown: Wall Street angry at tea party it has no influence over - MJ Lee - POLITICO.com

That's almost exactly what I said earlier today, Spoonman. The TPM are all gloating - they're not thinking about how this will adversely affect the rest of the party.

The reality is that deep-pocketed financial services executives and their lobbyists have little leverage against tea party lawmakers who don’t much care for financiers or big banks and don’t rely heavily on the industry for campaign cash.

“Those are the ones who are most problematic for Boehner,” one D.C.-based lobbyist who represents financial services clients said of tea party lawmakers. “I don’t think there’s any way for Wall Street to punish the 25 to 50 hard core House Republicans. It’s not like [Reps. Steve] Stockman and Tim Huelskamp are doing a lot of Goldman Sachs events. I don’t think Justin Amash cares if Bank of America gives to him or not.”

The rise of tea party lawmakers’ influence is shift from years past when the Republican party was more business friendly and could be counted on by Wall Street to give great weight to its concerns.
GOP could lose the House in 2014

We're still digesting the details, but we wanted to give you a first look at these new polls because the results are so stunning. Here are a few details:

  • In 17 districts a Democrat would likely beat the incumbent Republican if the election were held today—and that's the magic number, as Democrats need 17 seats to take back the House from Tea Party Republicans.
  • Majorities of respondents in every poll indicated that they "oppose Congress shutting down major activities of the federal government as a way to stop the health care law from being put into place."
  • When voters learn that their Republican Representative supported the government shutdown over Obamacare, they're even more likely to support the Democratic candidate—with four more seats flipping Democratic when people learn that news.
  • The Tea Party's approval is in the gutter and some of their greatest champions are already trailing—like Steve King from Iowa who is known for immigrant-bashing, and is now trailing a Democratic opponent 45% to 49%.

It's a lovely poll, but without mobilization, we got nothin. Plus, how far out are the elections? The American people are notorious for short attention spans.

The next month or so should give us a better idea of where everybody stands - it's really going to depend on how badly things unfold.

And the TPM congress critters don't seem to have any sort of realization that they are damaging other GOP critters who aren't so blessed on the gerrymandered front.

Meh, the mid terms are still over a year away, Obama and the democrats will have about 10 more scandals to cover up in that amount of time..........

hopefully he'll drive his approvals down into the 20's by then

then the President elections....look out here come the Republicans
Not only will they lose the House, but deep pockets on wall street if this sucker defaults.

if the deep pockets on wall street were actually concerned this sucker would be over already

Government shutdown: Wall Street angry at tea party it has no influence over - MJ Lee - POLITICO.com

That's almost exactly what I said earlier today, Spoonman. The TPM are all gloating - they're not thinking about how this will adversely affect the rest of the party.

The reality is that deep-pocketed financial services executives and their lobbyists have little leverage against tea party lawmakers who don’t much care for financiers or big banks and don’t rely heavily on the industry for campaign cash.

“Those are the ones who are most problematic for Boehner,” one D.C.-based lobbyist who represents financial services clients said of tea party lawmakers. “I don’t think there’s any way for Wall Street to punish the 25 to 50 hard core House Republicans. It’s not like [Reps. Steve] Stockman and Tim Huelskamp are doing a lot of Goldman Sachs events. I don’t think Justin Amash cares if Bank of America gives to him or not.”

The rise of tea party lawmakers’ influence is shift from years past when the Republican party was more business friendly and could be counted on by Wall Street to give great weight to its concerns.

wall street doesn't care. they don't buy into the hype becasue they no there is no need too.

you do realize that all of these so called reasons why the GOP doesn't care pretty much says they don't care becasue they are not the ones on the payrolls of the banks and corporations, the democrats are. the arguments you are now using are really pretty damning to your own party
I see BDBitch would love nothing more than one party rule in the US.

it seems all these modern day liberals would

they love the power to control people

but don't talk banning abortion, then they will bust some heads
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The far right Tea Party extremists want the GOP to lose the House; they have a perverse notion that somehow proves a point.
No actually, I wouldn't. But the Republicans called, and they want their party back.

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