240 Pound Plus-Size Model Scores Exclusive in ‘Women’s Health’ Magazine – Was Recently Refused Ride at Horse Farm Due to Weight Limit

“We are proud that our horses at the National Riding Stables are in phenomenal condition to ride, both in terms of training and fitness. We have a diverse herd of horses for riders of all ages and experience. We have a handful of horses that can carry heavier riders up to 210 pounds.”
Not very sturdy horses if all they can carry is 210 pounds.
No, we have an owner that cares about his animals and realizes that fat people need to lose weight.

I was fat for many years but I decided to do something, I researched and now stay off of sugars, processed foods and threw out the idea of the food pyramid.
Good for yous...They would never make it as pack horses.
Not very sturdy horses if all they can carry is 210 pounds.
It is the owners right to impose a weight limit on its animals.

Even theme parks provide a seat outside the ride to see if someone has an appropriate size to fit in the seat.


If you are too short or have a fat ass. You are not riding.


• We have an absolute weight limit of 210 pounds.
• When making your reservations for a horseback riding tour, we will ask you the weights of each rider in your party, both children and adults. We do this not only to ensure that no one in your party weighs more than 210, but to better match up riders to horses.
• Any customer who appears to approach the weight limit of 210 pounds will be weighed on a calibrated physician’s scale. In addition, any customer who appears to weigh 10-20 pounds more than the weight reported when you made your reservation will be weighed.
• Anyone weighing more than 210 pounds will not be allowed to ride. In addition, anyone who weighs 10-20 (or more) more than the weight reported when the reservation was made may not be able to ride on horseback if we do not have another horse available to carry the actual weight, or if another horse cannot be tacked up in time for an on-time departure.
• Because we are asking you in advance for the weights of the riders in your party, we will not be able to provide refunds for any customers who are not able to ride because of excessive weight.

How is this not the right of the business to impose this?


• We have an absolute weight limit of 210 pounds.
• When making your reservations for a horseback riding tour, we will ask you the weights of each rider in your party, both children and adults. We do this not only to ensure that no one in your party weighs more than 210, but to better match up riders to horses.
• Any customer who appears to approach the weight limit of 210 pounds will be weighed on a calibrated physician’s scale. In addition, any customer who appears to weigh 10-20 pounds more than the weight reported when you made your reservation will be weighed.
• Anyone weighing more than 210 pounds will not be allowed to ride. In addition, anyone who weighs 10-20 (or more) more than the weight reported when the reservation was made may not be able to ride on horseback if we do not have another horse available to carry the actual weight, or if another horse cannot be tacked up in time for an on-time departure.
• Because we are asking you in advance for the weights of the riders in your party, we will not be able to provide refunds for any customers who are not able to ride because of excessive weight.

How is this not the right of the business to impose this?
Their business. Don't like it, go elsewhere.
glad someone was thinking of the horse
Amen to this. If the person had been allowed to ride and an accident had taken place due to how heavy the person is, I wonder who would've taken the financial fall in the end, the person or the ranch.

God bless you always!!!

Grossly overweight people should NOT be ridiculed or embarrassed.

That is just decent human behavior.

I remember that in 1999, a grossly overweight health worker waddled into my mother's hospital room.

Of course, I pretended not to notice his appearance.

Some people might ask this question: Which is preferable? A grossly overweight health worker who is competent or a lithe health worker who is incompetent?

I would definitely choose the former.

BUT I think that it is wrong and cruel to celebrate being grossly overweight by using such a person as a pin-up.

Most doctors seem to agree that being grossly overweight is very dangerous to one's health.
The grossly overweight have to recognize that there are just some things they will not be allowed to do. They will not be permitted to injure animals. There are many amusement rides they will not be allowed on. They are allowed to be fat. They are not allowed to make others unsafe.
Not very sturdy horses if all they can carry is 210 pounds.
The weight a horse can safely carry is determined by the weight of the horse and its general level of health and fitness.

Like I said most people who know horses will say 20% of the horse's weight is the limit.

Now a Clydesdale could have easily carried this heifer of a "fitness" model.
This is yet another bonus of wokester insanity- now they are insisting we pretend being obese is a healthy lifestyle alternative.
Unless the article in Women's Health was about this woman needing a diet for health purposes, putting her in there is an insult to actual healthy people.
Someone needs to tell her to put down the fork & step away from the pie.

She is so big a dude ranch was afraid she would break the back of a horse. Or at least injure it.
Yes, even a horse can have a weight limit.
Now they are trying to cancel the ranch.

Maybe if they had offered her a bucket of sweet feed as compensation, this wouldn't be a story.

Remi Bader was recently refused service at the Deep Hollow Ranch in Montauk. She is too heavy. They have a 240 pound weight limit to protect their animals.

Remi immediately went on Tik-Tok and flamed the ranch. One employee was fired and the ranch has been under constant attack.

Do they do the same for 240 lb men?

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