25 New Papers Confirm A Remarkably Stable Modern Climate: Fewer Intense Storms, Hurricanes, Droughts


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Oh.......and remember when every single one of the alarmist guys in here promised a few years ago, "Wider and wilder" weather?

Nearly all the predictions of the high priests of the Church of Warmers, has been proven false...but truth and facts matter not. They just BELIEVE!!!!
Getting through the link, one ends up at NoTrickZone, which is a long diatribe about someone named Richard's opposition to GW and no mention of 25 new papers.

"fake news"
The link shows no address in the task bar. Another load of denial.
Nearly all the predictions of the high priests of the Church of Warmers, has been proven false...but truth and facts matter not. They just BELIEVE!!!!
What fools they are to believe their lyin' eyes...


Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis: Analysis Graphs and Plots
Nearly all the predictions of the high priests of the Church of Warmers, has been proven false...but truth and facts matter not. They just BELIEVE!!!!
What fools they are to believe their lyin' eyes...


Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis: Analysis Graphs and Plots

Global Warming : Feature Articles

Wow... doesn't that look like we have a problem!!!!


Not really. It is all part of a natural cycle that has been occurring for the past 400,000 years.
The link shows no address in the task bar. Another load of denial.

Libtard ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth you are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies.

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection, smear people, attack religion

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi card

11. Make up stuff

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat
Heard on the Mark Stynne show today that only ONE prediction came true out of all of the predictions made in the Gore movie 10 years ago..............:spinner::spinner::spinner:

You AGW people really are stoopid mofu's..........been saying its not an intelligence thing ( always thought just fucked up thought processing ) the last ten years but you know what, it really is starting to look like these people are indeed borderline.

Virtually everything these bozos lecture us about turn out to be 100% incorrect!!!:ack-1::ack-1::2up:
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Getting through the link, one ends up at NoTrickZone, which is a long diatribe about someone named Richard's opposition to GW and no mention of 25 new papers.

"fake news"

Liberterians and loserterians don't like facts, evidence or anything that questions their screwed up reality. So they're going to make up their own reality and package it as the real truth. Sad but so is everything else about these people. A mental disorder is what it is on a truly massive scale.
It is to doctor as witch doctor in Africa as Science is to these people.

s0n.....you live in a makey-uppey world where facts don't matter........like virtually all progressives.

Sorry......I cant help you!!:itsok:
Getting through the link, one ends up at NoTrickZone, which is a long diatribe about someone named Richard's opposition to GW and no mention of 25 new papers.

"fake news"

Liberterians and loserterians don't like facts, evidence or anything that questions their screwed up reality. So they're going to make up their own reality and package it as the real truth. Sad but so is everything else about these people. A mental disorder is what it is on a truly massive scale.

Really s0n?

Heres the reality........."evidence" of global warming doesn't mean DICK if it is having zErO impact in the real world. Show me........please ( with a link ) where the "evidence" is impacting public policy on any scale other than light bulbs!!:bye1::bye1: And with Trump, its about to get more laughable than ever!!:deal:

THEN we can talk about mental cases!!:2up:
Tornado activity = significantly down

Hurricane activity = significantly down

Drought = significantly down


................but the climate k00ks say "its not true".......but skeptics are the mental cases!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

And oh.....lets not forget..........every single global warming religion guy in here have been telling us for 10 years the frequency of all these events was going to be off the charts like something you'd see in a Hollywood movie. Matthew even said by now that Miami would be underwater!!:oops-28: But we skeptics are clearly the mental cases!!:up:
just in case anybody missed it...........significant because weve been hearing for years a bunch of bull shit from the warmers how off the hook wild the storms would be............

As per almost all of their predicktions...........fAiL
Nearly all the predictions of the high priests of the Church of Warmers, has been proven false...but truth and facts matter not. They just BELIEVE!!!!
What fools they are to believe their lyin' eyes...


Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis: Analysis Graphs and Plots

Yeah.. Way too bad that the guys at GISS --- you know -- the GLOBAL INST. for SPACE STUDIES prefer to daily and weekly RECOOK temperatures from the 30s and 40s from 10,000 land/ocean thermometers -----

Instead of USING THEIR FUCKING SATELLITES.. . It's not quite as scary when you realize that for 20 years of the satellite era -- the Satellite analysis and land based analysis tracked BEAUTIFULLY, until the decade when the temperatures stopped rising.. And then NASA/NOAA decided to go back to the 1800s method of using ship water intake readings to BOOST the ocean temps.

Here's the trustworthy last 30 years from Satellite looking a LOT less cooked..

You'll notice the 1998 El Nino event is getting smaller and smaller in the GISS data as time goes on. It hardly even shows. BUT THE RECENT El Nino is getting LARGER AND LARGER as the months pass.

It's fake.. Quite bluntly. Compared to the simplicity and better coverage and instrument uniformity of the 8 or 10 satellites that cover the ocean and land..
Well now, I see some -0.5's, and one +0.8. That is a difference with of over 1.3 degrees C. And that is mid-Troposphere temperatures. There is a bigger jump in surface temperatures.

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