25 Pages of Quotes By Scientists Refuting Darwinism

I would classify that as medicine than evolution. If vaccination is evolution, then that which the vaccine was developed for evolved as well. Evolutionists contradict themselves and think it's only for the good.
Than you admit. You don’t know shit about modern vaccines which use evolutionary related constructs to alter the immune system, the same way the body responds to disease to allow survivors of diseases to help their off spring evolve into a more protected species ..while radiation therapy for for cancers that matter which directly alters the DNA of a virus.

Modern Medicine is steeped in evolutionary related “characteristics.”

So admit. You know nothing of this shit do you.
Vaccines use THE NATURAL IMMUNE SYSTEM OF THE BODY. But instead of WAITNG a generation and millions of deaths to occurred, the vaccines stimulate the natural body response SAFELY and immediately
You are really Naive aren’t you.
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My thread was recently LOCKED by BIASED MFer Meister for no personal content. ('Iowa 60% Windpower')
This one just warned.
Additionally, the entire OP was obviously PLAGIARIZED in an exact order (making it unique in theme/goal) with No Link, when it is in fact copied from one of several Kweationist websites.
"25 Pages" FROM WHERE?
Unless you think ChemEnginBeer Found them independently and posted them in the same order.
Many are usually Misquotes as well.

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Unless you think ChemEnginBeer Found them independently and posted them in the same order.
Many are usually Misquotes as well.
Chem engineer couldn’t find his butt with a trail of bread crumbs. He’s a fraud. His fraud avatar tells you everything you need to know.
Than you admit. You don’t know shit about modern vaccines which use evolutionary related constructs to alter the immune system, the same way the body responds to disease to allow survivors of diseases to help their off spring evolve into a more protected species ..while radiation therapy for for cancers that matter which directly alters the DNA of a virus.

Modern Medicine is steeped in evolutionary related “characteristics.”

So admit. You know nothing of this shit do you.
Vaccines use THE NATURAL IMMUNE SYSTEM OF THE BODY. But instead of WAITNG a generation and millions of deaths to occurred, the vaccines stimulate the natural body response SAFELY and immediately
You are really Naive aren’t you.
Not regarding this. It's medicine.

Your link doesn't even mention evolution. Where is it? In our cells? How does th Covid 19 vaccine work in regards to evolution?
It requires just as much faith to believe in "the big band" or macroevolution as it does to believe in the Bible. Nobody has ever adequately explained how NOTHING produced EVERYTHING. It's my opinion that it makes more sense that an intelligent Being created intricate and complex things like cells, eyeballs, solar systems, and organ systems than it does to be it all erupted from pure chaos and happenstance.
Not regarding this. It's medicine.

Your link doesn't even mention evolution. Where is it? In our cells? How does th Covid 19 vaccine work in regards to evolution?
Not all medicines use evolution related attributes to develope. VACCINES DO . But, all medicines approved by the FDA are tested not to affect you or the child of a oregnan5 woman. If it does , there are warnings. Evolution is dependent upon the dna passed from one
generation to another.
It requires just as much faith to believe in "the big band" or macroevolution as it does to believe in the Bible. Nobody has ever adequately explained how NOTHING produced EVERYTHING. It's my opinion that it makes more sense that an intelligent Being created intricate and complex things like cells, eyeballs, solar systems, and organ systems than it does to be it all erupted from pure chaos and happenstance.
Kind of senseless but not lacking in woo woo. You did your best to throw in a lot of science sounding phrases and words that ended in a post that is meaningless.
Kind of senseless but not lacking in woo woo. You did your best to throw in a lot of science sounding phrases and words that ended in a post that is meaningless.
Oh, thank you. Your post was extremely enlightening. Not.
Now everyone knows your post makes no sense. Yup.
Eyeballs and solar systems, go well together in Oz.
Could you create an eyeball out of nothing? Have you ever seen nothing create anything? Silly boy.
Could you create an eyeball out of nothing? Have you ever seen nothing create anything? Silly boy.
We create “ eyeballs “ out of evolution, like all normal mammalian appendages. Solar systems are created ” by “ the weaker force of gravity and other stronger forces found in atomic and subatomic particles. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
We create “ eyeballs “ out of evolution, like all normal mammalian appendages. Solar systems are created ” by “ the weaker force of gravity and other stronger forces found in atomic and subatomic particles. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
"WE" do, do "we." Got a video? But I admire your "faith."
Than you admit. You don’t know shit about modern vaccines which use evolutionary related constructs to alter the immune system, the same way the body responds to disease to allow survivors of diseases to help their off spring evolve into a more protected species ..while radiation therapy for for cancers that matter which directly alters the DNA of a virus.

Modern Medicine is steeped in evolutionary related “characteristics.”

So admit. You know nothing of this shit do you.
Vaccines use THE NATURAL IMMUNE SYSTEM OF THE BODY. But instead of WAITNG a generation and millions of deaths to occurred, the vaccines stimulate the natural body response SAFELY and immediately
You are really Naive aren’t you.
Pretty much every one knows that many vaccines are killing folks or permanently damaging their bodies in various ways. I'm glad I was generous and gave my share to a brainwashed Sheeple. I had Covid and it was a nothing burger. I've never worn a mask and I sure as hell didn't take the Fauci Ouchie.
Pretty much every one knows that many vaccines are killing folks or permanently damaging their bodies in various ways. I'm glad I was generous and gave my share to a brainwashed Sheeple. I had Covid and it was a nothing burger. I've never worn a mask and I sure as hell didn't take the Fauci Ouchie.
Keep telling yourself that. Tucker would be proud.
Tucker, the guy who lies for a living and hates Trump with a passion. His words. It has to be tough winding your way through one lie after another.
I don't care if he likes Trump or hates Trump. Trump isn't my god and different folks have different opinions about him. I'm just interested in whether Tucker reports facts during his newscast. I will be the judge of whether he's telling the truth or lying. I take nothing for granted.
I'm just interested in whether Tucker reports facts during his newscast.
So two things you admit. First, you’re a Tucker fan, and secondly, you‘re not interested whether he lies or not, as long as he tells you what you want to hear. That he has to lie to do it, tells you everything about Humpers. They‘ re FOS.

God, if he exist, is the judge and jury in the Fix News slander suit which is going to trial. Pay attention to the testimony.. You obviously won’t.
. I will be the judge of whether he's telling the truth or lying. I take nothing for granted.
Of course you will. Whether it’s actually true or not, is immaterial. That’s what Humpers do. They believe liars, like Trump and Tucker, who tell them what they want to hear. The truth hurts. I haven’t seen a Humpers who can handle it very well.
I don't care if he likes Trump or hates Trump. Trump isn't my god and different folks have different opinions about him. I'm just interested in whether Tucker reports facts during his newscast. I will be the judge of whether he's telling the truth or lying. I take nothing for granted.
Tucker trying to get back in the food graces of his listeners by walking back his comments.


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