27 men held in Saudi over 'church' at home


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
According to Islam, there is no compulsion in religion. Who were these men from India hurting? They were away from the public so were "corrupting" nothing. It's not like they were preaching out in the street. If the Saudis continue to have no respect for other religions, then they will never be part of the civilized world.

6.14 AM Tuesday, 9 September 2014

27 men held in Saudi over 'church' at home
  • Staff
Published Sunday, September 07, 2014
Saudi police arrested 27 Indian workers on charges of turning a room at their company’s living quarters into a church, a newspaper reported on Sunday.
Continue reading at:
27 men held in Saudi over church at home - Emirates 24 7
According to Islam, there is no compulsion in religion. Who were these men from India hurting? They were away from the public so were "corrupting" nothing. It's not like they were preaching out in the street. If the Saudis continue to have no respect for other religions, then they will never be part of the civilized world.

6.14 AM Tuesday, 9 September 2014

27 men held in Saudi over 'church' at home
  • Staff
Published Sunday, September 07, 2014
Saudi police arrested 27 Indian workers on charges of turning a room at their company’s living quarters into a church, a newspaper reported on Sunday.
Continue reading at:
27 men held in Saudi over church at home - Emirates 24 7

whom are you asking, Sally? There is a line in the Koran which is attributed to the muhummad which is something like
'you to your religion and me to mine'--------but LATER on
lines attributed to the pig on his deathbed are "get rid of
anyone who refuses to worship me" Over time that idea
came to be modified for practical reasons of conquest and
exploitation. Some people could retain their religions if
they practiced in a HIGHLY RESTRICTED manner and agreed
to be enslaved to muslim rulers-----in both BODY AND MIND.
Even in muslim lands in which there was a bit of freedom of
religion for jews and Christians (and later on hindus)----any
expression of a bit of "non -muslim" was a serious crime.
You can be jailed in Saudi Arabia for humming a Christmas
carol. Interestingly enough----muslim children are TAUGHT---
that of all religions----it is ISLAM which is the MOST
tolerant of both different races AND CREEDS

that one-liner---that shows up in the Koran is UTTERLY
They could be beheaded. Some people can have a prayergroup at home with family but when too many people are involved for a sunday service, it comes to the attention of the Mukhabarat.
The Indian workers knew the law and decided to break it.

Now they must pay the price for their criminal activities. ..... :cool:
The Indian workers knew the law and decided to break it.

Now they must pay the price for their criminal activities. ..... :cool:
They were exercising their basic human right of freedom of religious belief.

The pig-emulating Saudi Religious Intolerance Nazis have no right to criminalize such worship in the first place.

Then again, that half-plagiarized, half-hallucinatory-dictation fairy-tale book they believe in, encourages that.
It's the Saudi peoples country, so they have the right to make and enforce any law they want.

Regardless of how the offended the faggot cry babies of the western nation's feel about it. ..... :cool:
It's the Saudi peoples country, so they have the right to make and enforce any law they want.

Regardless of how offended the faggot cry babies of the western nation's feel about it. ..... :cool:
Faggot cry babies of the western nations?


Those same faggot cry babies of western nations have kicked your (Radical Islam's) ass time and again in recent centuries, and most especially in the past decade and more.

The only 'manly' thing you thugs do is to beat up on women and children and queers.

You sure-as-hell can't stand up against The West in an open, face-to-face knock-down drag-out fight.

In fact, your folk usually pee their pants and run away from a stand-up fight.

Faggoty crybaby westerners, indeed.
The Indian workers knew the law and decided to break it.

Now they must pay the price for their criminal activities. ..... :cool:

no respect for people of the book.
and yet, Paris Hilton in her usual attire was in a Mecca Mall promoting her handbags. A city where non-muslims are not allowed.
Islam does not teach muslims to kill christians for their belief.

Islam, like Judaism and Christianity, believes in prophets and messengers of God- One interesting way of understanding the Islamic view on freedom of religion is to look at the role of the prophets and messengers.

Had they been sent to forcefully bring the people into their teachings? Were Moses, Jesus and Muhammad ordered by the Almighty to impose their teachings upon the people by sword? Absolutely not! Look at the Qur'an, the holy scripture of Islam; the revealed words of God where He clearly outlines the duty of his messengers by saying:

“(And as for My messenger,) there is no (obligation) on him except to deliver (the. message). God knows what yon expose and what conceal”. (5:99).

Once the people of Mecca said to Prophet Muhammad that if god did not want them to worship idols then why He does not forcefully prevent them from doing so. Then God sent the following message:

“(O Muhammad) This is not a new excuse; those who weft before, them made, the same excuses. Is there anything upon the messengers except the dear conveying of the message”. (16: 35).

So we see that from the Qur'anic point of view, the mission of the prophets and messengers of God was not to forcefully impose their teachings on the people but to guide them and ask them to accept God with their own will, in one revelation, God says to Prophet Muhammad:

"But if the people turn away (then do not be sad because) We did ma sent you to be a guardian over them. It is for you only to deliver the message." (42:43).

The Qur’an clearly says that religion cannot be forced on anyone. It says,

"There is no compulsion in (accepting) the religion (of Islam)…”

Why? Because:

"truly the right way has become clearly distinct from error. " (2:256).<<Books on Islam Muslims Prophet Muhammad s Ahlul Bayt Al-Islam.org
It's the Saudi peoples country, so they have the right to make and enforce any law they want.

Regardless of how offended the faggot cry babies of the western nation's feel about it. ..... :cool:
Faggot cry babies of the western nations?


Those same faggot cry babies of western nations have kicked your (Radical Islam's) ass time and again in recent centuries, and most especially in the past decade and more.

The only 'manly' thing you thugs do is to beat up on women and children and queers.

You sure-as-hell can't stand up against The West in an open, face-to-face knock-down drag-out fight.

In fact, your folk usually pee their pants and run away from a stand-up fight.

Faggoty crybaby westerners, indeed.
I wouldn't brag too much if I were you.

Over the last decade, a bunch of civilian Iraqi and Afghan farmers turned freedom fighters, much like the Minute Men of the American Revolution, resisted and eventually overcoming the vast armies of the western nations.

Once again proving, like Vietnam and Korea, that the west doesn't have the stomach or endurance to win a protracted conflict. ....... :cool:
It's the Saudi peoples country, so they have the right to make and enforce any law they want.

Regardless of how offended the faggot cry babies of the western nation's feel about it. ..... :cool:
Faggot cry babies of the western nations?


Those same faggot cry babies of western nations have kicked your (Radical Islam's) ass time and again in recent centuries, and most especially in the past decade and more.

The only 'manly' thing you thugs do is to beat up on women and children and queers.

You sure-as-hell can't stand up against The West in an open, face-to-face knock-down drag-out fight.

In fact, your folk usually pee their pants and run away from a stand-up fight.

Faggoty crybaby westerners, indeed.
I wouldn't brag too much if I were you.

Over the last decade, a bunch of civilian Iraqi and Afghan farmers turned freedom fighters, much like the Minute Men of the American Revolution, resisted and eventually overcoming the vast armies of the western nations.

Once again proving, like Vietnam and Korea, that the west doesn't have the stomach or endurance to win a protracted conflict. ....... :cool:
Resisted and eventually overcame...

Uhhhhhh... yeah... sure.
It's the Saudi peoples country, so they have the right to make and enforce any law they want.

Regardless of how offended the faggot cry babies of the western nation's feel about it. ..... :cool:
Faggot cry babies of the western nations?


Those same faggot cry babies of western nations have kicked your (Radical Islam's) ass time and again in recent centuries, and most especially in the past decade and more.

The only 'manly' thing you thugs do is to beat up on women and children and queers.

You sure-as-hell can't stand up against The West in an open, face-to-face knock-down drag-out fight.

In fact, your folk usually pee their pants and run away from a stand-up fight.

Faggoty crybaby westerners, indeed.

were exercising their basic human right of freedom of religious belief , when in Sa do what they say.

The only 'manly' thing you thugs do is to beat up on women and children and queers.

The white male Christian does a good job of that as well.
...were exercising their basic human right of freedom of religious belief...
when in Sa do what they say...
What they say is against basic human rights.

...The only 'manly' thing you thugs do is to beat up on women and children and queers...
The white male Christian does a good job of that as well.
At least we stopped hanging ours by their necks or cutting off their heads in the public square.

I'd advise strongly against any serious comparison of Tolerance between modern nations dominated by Islam versus those dominated by Christianity, if I were you. You'll lose every time.
...were exercising their basic human right of freedom of religious belief...
when in Sa do what they say...
What they say is against basic human rights.

...The only 'manly' thing you thugs do is to beat up on women and children and queers...
The white male Christian does a good job of that as well.
At least we stopped hanging ours by their necks or cutting off their heads in the public square.

I'd advise strongly against any serious comparison of Tolerance between modern nations dominated by Islam versus those dominated by Christianity, if I were you. You'll lose every time.

Right Christians are pure as the driven snow. Wrong.
It's the Saudi peoples country, so they have the right to make and enforce any law they want.

Regardless of how offended the faggot cry babies of the western nation's feel about it. ..... :cool:
Faggot cry babies of the western nations?


Those same faggot cry babies of western nations have kicked your (Radical Islam's) ass time and again in recent centuries, and most especially in the past decade and more.

The only 'manly' thing you thugs do is to beat up on women and children and queers.

You sure-as-hell can't stand up against The West in an open, face-to-face knock-down drag-out fight.

In fact, your folk usually pee their pants and run away from a stand-up fight.

Faggoty crybaby westerners, indeed.

were exercising their basic human right of freedom of religious belief , when in Sa do what they say.

The only 'manly' thing you thugs do is to beat up on women and children and queers.

The white male Christian does a good job of that as well.

what "white male Christians" penesloppy? They call themselves "Christians" who reside in the cesspit from which you emerged? I am beginning to get some idea why
you are a lump of dung.
It's the Saudi peoples country, so they have the right to make and enforce any law they want.

Regardless of how offended the faggot cry babies of the western nation's feel about it. ..... :cool:
Faggot cry babies of the western nations?


Those same faggot cry babies of western nations have kicked your (Radical Islam's) ass time and again in recent centuries, and most especially in the past decade and more.

The only 'manly' thing you thugs do is to beat up on women and children and queers.

You sure-as-hell can't stand up against The West in an open, face-to-face knock-down drag-out fight.

In fact, your folk usually pee their pants and run away from a stand-up fight.

Faggoty crybaby westerners, indeed.

were exercising their basic human right of freedom of religious belief , when in Sa do what they say.

The only 'manly' thing you thugs do is to beat up on women and children and queers.

The white male Christian does a good job of that as well.

what "white male Christians" penesloppy? They call themselves "Christians" who reside in the cesspit from which you emerged? I am beginning to get some idea why
you are a lump of dung.

She is very lucky, IRosie, that she and the Iranian gang down in Arkansas can invite the other Iranians in that small town to prayer services in their home. I don't think there would be any mosques there yet. The only time they would be told to stop is if the neighbors hear any shrieking which disturbs the peace of the neighborhood or that the parking situation is intolerable when prayer goers start blocking people's driveways. The police would never arrest those attending services in the house, and would just tell them to stop if the neighbors started complaining for the reasons I mentioned., So different from the country from where Maryam originates.
It's the Saudi peoples country, so they have the right to make and enforce any law they want.

Regardless of how offended the faggot cry babies of the western nation's feel about it. ..... :cool:
Faggot cry babies of the western nations?


Those same faggot cry babies of western nations have kicked your (Radical Islam's) ass time and again in recent centuries, and most especially in the past decade and more.

The only 'manly' thing you thugs do is to beat up on women and children and queers.

You sure-as-hell can't stand up against The West in an open, face-to-face knock-down drag-out fight.

In fact, your folk usually pee their pants and run away from a stand-up fight.

Faggoty crybaby westerners, indeed.

were exercising their basic human right of freedom of religious belief , when in Sa do what they say.

The only 'manly' thing you thugs do is to beat up on women and children and queers.

The white male Christian does a good job of that as well.

what "white male Christians" penesloppy? They call themselves "Christians" who reside in the cesspit from which you emerged? I am beginning to get some idea why
you are a lump of dung.

She is very lucky, IRosie, that she and the Iranian gang down in Arkansas can invite the other Iranians in that small town to prayer services in their home. I don't think there would be any mosques there yet. The only time they would be told to stop is if the neighbors hear any shrieking which disturbs the peace of the neighborhood or that the parking situation is intolerable when prayer goers start blocking people's driveways. The police would never arrest those attending services in the house, and would just tell them to stop if the neighbors started complaining for the reasons I mentioned., So different from the country from where Maryam originates.

oh-----good for Arkansas----they actually do something when the ass in the air pigs disturb the neighborhood? Not in my
town. I do hope that something is done to put a curb on the meccaist antics in my part of the USA..
...were exercising their basic human right of freedom of religious belief...
when in Sa do what they say...
What they say is against basic human rights.

...The only 'manly' thing you thugs do is to beat up on women and children and queers...
The white male Christian does a good job of that as well.
At least we stopped hanging ours by their necks or cutting off their heads in the public square.

I'd advise strongly against any serious comparison of Tolerance between modern nations dominated by Islam versus those dominated by Christianity, if I were you. You'll lose every time.

Right Christians are pure as the driven snow. Wrong.
Never said they were.

Does your continued opposition mean that you would like to seriously explore a comparison of Tolerance between modern nations dominated by Islam, versus those dominated by Christianity?

If so, just a friendly warning in advance... be prepared to lose... dramatically.

Many subscribers to this forum will be at your service, whenever you'd like to begin that exercise in futility (futile, from the Muslim perspective, anyway).
...were exercising their basic human right of freedom of religious belief...
when in Sa do what they say...
What they say is against basic human rights.

...The only 'manly' thing you thugs do is to beat up on women and children and queers...
The white male Christian does a good job of that as well.
At least we stopped hanging ours by their necks or cutting off their heads in the public square.

I'd advise strongly against any serious comparison of Tolerance between modern nations dominated by Islam versus those dominated by Christianity, if I were you. You'll lose every time.

Right Christians are pure as the driven snow. Wrong.
Never said they were.

Does your continued opposition mean that you would like to seriously explore a comparison of Tolerance between modern nations dominated by Islam, versus those dominated by Christianity?

If so, just a friendly warning in advance... be prepared to lose... dramatically.

Many subscribers to this forum will be at your service, whenever you'd like to begin that exercise in futility (futile, from the Muslim perspective, anyway).

I am game------I have a gross disability regarding this issue-----one that renders me very UNPOPULAR with some people---- to the point that I have been convicted of
CAPITAL CRIMES--------my husband was born in a shariah
cesspit------but long before meeting him-----I had the advantage of learning all about the GLORIES OF THE
COMING CALIPHATE from starry eyed meccaists. Long
long ago------a starry eyed "surgeon" (really---a surgeon!!!)--told me about the BEAUTY OF ISLAM which amputates
the hands of petty thieves---(really petty----as in "hey kid---don't touch that pretzel" )
...were exercising their basic human right of freedom of religious belief...
when in Sa do what they say...
What they say is against basic human rights.

...The only 'manly' thing you thugs do is to beat up on women and children and queers...
The white male Christian does a good job of that as well.
At least we stopped hanging ours by their necks or cutting off their heads in the public square.

I'd advise strongly against any serious comparison of Tolerance between modern nations dominated by Islam versus those dominated by Christianity, if I were you. You'll lose every time.

Right Christians are pure as the driven snow. Wrong.
Never said they were.

Does your continued opposition mean that you would like to seriously explore a comparison of Tolerance between modern nations dominated by Islam, versus those dominated by Christianity?

If so, just a friendly warning in advance... be prepared to lose... dramatically.

Many subscribers to this forum will be at your service, whenever you'd like to begin that exercise in futility (futile, from the Muslim perspective, anyway).

What warning is that? And since I'm a Christian I ought to know just how pure they are. Haven't you read history. Most Christians are trained by the book, and many will stab one in the back same a as jew, or perhaps muslim.

Why don't you go to SA and tell them there is freedom of religion.

Let me know what my warning is now.
The Indian workers knew the law and decided to break it.

Now they must pay the price for their criminal activities. ..... :cool:
They were exercising their basic human right of freedom of religious belief.

The pig-emulating Saudi Religious Intolerance Nazis have no right to criminalize such worship in the first place.

Then again, that half-plagiarized, half-hallucinatory-dictation fairy-tale book they believe in, encourages that.

So you see the bible as fairy tale since they copied most of it from there. You don't live there so you have no right telling them what to do.

All this stuff our gov does in the name of "humanity" and yet they let the worst monarchy survive and thrive. Makes one wonder , no?
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