27 Things Every Black Person Must Learn Before Age 12

I can winnow that list quite a bit.

1) Drop any weapon.
2) Refrain from violent encounters with citizens or police.
3) Obey lawful orders issued by police.

Did I miss any?

Would every one of these situations been resolved without lost of life had these guidelines been observed?
Let's talk, Lakhota.

We both know you're using hyperbole. It's not needed.

Hyperbole? So that's what it is...

What is your point here Lakhota?

Looking at your hasty yet declarative post about welfare moochers, I get from your posts in this thread that you might not have the clearest judgment. Forgive me, but I wonder what your posts outside of this thread say about you.

Don't bore us with the latest, sloppily-made post about what you want or believe in. You're not nearly as clever as you think. Get to the point, and keep it honest. If you can't or won't do that, you're not worth the time.

I always appreciate your self-righteous supposed voice of reason - for about one minute. Your minute is up.

If, for once, you decided to listen you might learn a thing or two from that voice.

Have you even thought this through? Do you understand why you might be wrong?

You can believe what you want, but don't complain when things don't go as planned.

Thank you. I will ponder your wisdom. Ok, I'm done...

The end came the moment you thought your constant stream of extremely biased posts would never be responded to with criticism and cold reality.

Who do you think you are? Do you really think people are that stupid? Day in and day out you push for your ideals, just as badly as your conservative counterparts, and you think you have any leg to stand on? Let's see you actually bring your case to me directly, piece by piece, and go over it in its entirety. If you will not do that, then I'll know you aren't ready, and all you have is guff and hot air. No one likes a parrot, and when I say that I mean you. Give the people something new, or are you only interested in pulling your party's rope?
At some point, the cops are just going to hang out at the station and not bother going out on patrol. Let the gangsters take over the streets and kill each other off. Americans who can afford it will have to hire private security.

That's when we need to fire the lazy bastards.
Blah blah blah

1. Don't break laws
2. If you can't follow 1. then don't assault the cop who arrests you
3. Repeat 1 and 2.

That's all blacks need to do.
29. Don't enter a Walgreen's with two of your homies and expect not to be watched carefully. We know why you're there and it's not to buy anything.

America is teaching us not to expect justice for our deaths.

The news broke Monday afternoon that yet another jury has declined to indict a person responsible for the unnecessary death of a black person.

There was Trayvon Martin. And Michael Brown. And Sandra Bland. And now 12-year-old Tamir Rice's killer won't be put on trial. The message is clear: Black life in America is as expendable as ever.

Every time the shooting death of another young life goes unpunished, subtle messages are communicated to young black people about how they should behave, expect to be treated, and navigate the world. These lessons include:

1. Be respectful to police, no matter what. (Even when they unfairly threaten or arrest you, ignore basic protocols, and use excessive force.)

2. Sometimes that won't help.

3. Sometimes that won't save your life.

4. Do not wear hoodies.

5. Or baggy pants, or any other clothing that might be misconstrued as "thuggish."

6. If possible, wear a suit at all times.

7. Know that not even the fanciest suit will protect you from being pegged "suspicious."

8. Your blackness will always be the main thing that makes you a threat.

9. Long before you even hit puberty, you will be regarded as a man, not a boy.

10. Skip the toy aisle with guns at your local department store, lest you be mistaken for an armed gunman.

11. Recognize that these lessons don't apply to your white friends.

12. Don't listen to loud music in a car with friends.

13. Don't Cosplay.

14. Don't hang out at pool parties.

15. Tread carefully. There's a chance you could be shot dead by the police before you're even arrested for anything.

16. You will be blamed for your own death, thanks to any past behavior that paints you in a less than stellar light.

17. That means bad grades, experimenting with marijuana, or taking grainy webcam pics where you're holding up the middle finger.

18. Make sure to have at least one or two "respectable" photos of you online for the media to use after you're killed. Preferably, a picture of you in a cap and gown(because only educated people deserve to live).

19. In the event that you are needlessly shot and killed, do not expect justice for your death.

20. It does not matter if your death is caught on camera, and replayed over and over on the 24-hour-news-cycle to the morbid fascination and horror of the country.

21. It does not matter if your name becomes a trending hashtag on Twitter.

22. It does not matter if people march the streets of your city, of countless U.S. cities, in your name.

23. It does not matter if your parents tearfully stand at press conference podiums and plead for your killer to be held accountable for your death.

24. More often than not, your killer will not be indicted, they will go free.

25. Across social media, people will post messages of disgust and sadness. But no one will be surprised.

26. This is not OK. No black person should ever have to learn these lessons and accept them as facts of life. No black person should grow up feeling unsafe, or feeling like they must prove their own humanity.

27. But, we do.

America is teaching us not to expect justice for our deaths.

Yep, it's just a sad fact of living while black.

This all coming from someone who cannot think of enough mean things to say to Christians, conservatives, people who are pro life and want to preserve the family. Coming from someone who is an atheist and has said nothing honorable or moral for black people in America to strive for, but instead is all about telling the world his life is nothing more than being a perpetual victim of our evil.

Sorry it is our fault all your lives are ruined and there is nothing you could have done about it.
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At some point, the cops are just going to hang out at the station and not bother going out on patrol. Let the gangsters take over the streets and kill each other off. Americans who can afford it will have to hire private security.

That's when we need to fire the lazy bastards.
Go ahead, fire them. See if that works. You have no concept of anything I said, do you?
28. Crime doesn't pay.
29. When the police say stop, stop.
30. Get a job, Obama has done a great job creating jobs.
How about a shorter simpler list that will lead to a successful life:
1. Don't join a gang.
2. Don't do or sell drugs.
3. Study hard and stay in school.
4. Don't resist arrest.

And the all important #5 You dont need seven baby mommas.

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