27 Things Every Black Person Must Learn Before Age 12

Of course racism exists. So do racemongers. What's your point?

I was waiting for board racists to deny it exists. Acceptance/awareness is the first step to recovery.
Everyone knows racism exists. Just as 180 years ago, Democrats like using skin color to determine who goes to school and who gets a job.

I assume you're talking about the old KKK Democrats who switched to the GOP.

False. Makes no sense that the Democrat KKK would switch to the party ending slavery and JimCrow. So they didn't. You progressive Democrats can't shake your racist history onto the GOP. Dixiecrats all died as Democrats, except for Thurmond, who served his black constituency well. Democrats still subjugate blacks, only your methods have changed.

They always claim that. They say back then....the GOP was like today's liberals and the Democrats were the racist Klansmen, like today's GOP they say.

Which makes me want to ask......So, back then, the liberals of the day spread their arms wide open and welcomed all those KKK Democrats into their midst huh?
. Democrats are trying to erase their history and blame the republicans for the KKK. It's a stupid argument. They do nothing for the blacks but only enough to get their votes. Then they are ignored for 4 years. Blacks are too stupid to catch on apparently. But we're winning a few over every year.

America is teaching us not to expect justice for our deaths.

The news broke Monday afternoon that yet another jury has declined to indict a person responsible for the unnecessary death of a black person.

There was Trayvon Martin. And Michael Brown. And Sandra Bland. And now 12-year-old Tamir Rice's killer won't be put on trial. The message is clear: Black life in America is as expendable as ever.

Every time the shooting death of another young life goes unpunished, subtle messages are communicated to young black people about how they should behave, expect to be treated, and navigate the world. These lessons include:

1. Be respectful to police, no matter what. (Even when they unfairly threaten or arrest you, ignore basic protocols, and use excessive force.)

2. Sometimes that won't help.

3. Sometimes that won't save your life.

4. Do not wear hoodies.

5. Or baggy pants, or any other clothing that might be misconstrued as "thuggish."

6. If possible, wear a suit at all times.

7. Know that not even the fanciest suit will protect you from being pegged "suspicious."

8. Your blackness will always be the main thing that makes you a threat.

9. Long before you even hit puberty, you will be regarded as a man, not a boy.

10. Skip the toy aisle with guns at your local department store, lest you be mistaken for an armed gunman.

11. Recognize that these lessons don't apply to your white friends.

12. Don't listen to loud music in a car with friends.

13. Don't Cosplay.

14. Don't hang out at pool parties.

15. Tread carefully. There's a chance you could be shot dead by the police before you're even arrested for anything.

16. You will be blamed for your own death, thanks to any past behavior that paints you in a less than stellar light.

17. That means bad grades, experimenting with marijuana, or taking grainy webcam pics where you're holding up the middle finger.

18. Make sure to have at least one or two "respectable" photos of you online for the media to use after you're killed. Preferably, a picture of you in a cap and gown(because only educated people deserve to live).

19. In the event that you are needlessly shot and killed, do not expect justice for your death.

20. It does not matter if your death is caught on camera, and replayed over and over on the 24-hour-news-cycle to the morbid fascination and horror of the country.

21. It does not matter if your name becomes a trending hashtag on Twitter.

22. It does not matter if people march the streets of your city, of countless U.S. cities, in your name.

23. It does not matter if your parents tearfully stand at press conference podiums and plead for your killer to be held accountable for your death.

24. More often than not, your killer will not be indicted, they will go free.

25. Across social media, people will post messages of disgust and sadness. But no one will be surprised.

26. This is not OK. No black person should ever have to learn these lessons and accept them as facts of life. No black person should grow up feeling unsafe, or feeling like they must prove their own humanity.

27. But, we do.

America is teaching us not to expect justice for our deaths.

Yep, it's just a sad fact of living while black.
LOL. Great comedy. Thanks for the morning chuckle!
Lesson 3,472: Your black Mayor who is butt buddies with Obama will bury evidence of police corruption against blacks so he can win elections.
It can be summed up much simpler. Blacks, you are a victim and you need the Democrat party to protect you from whites. Whites, you are a victim and you need the Democrat party to protect you from nonDemocrat whites.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Some people like Lakhota just don't get it.

Imagine the same kid had a convincing replica of a knife, and was chasing people in the park with it. Say he approached an officer with it, posturing as though he was ready to take a stab.

Lakhota would still complain that the officer was in the wrong because he hadn't tapped into his psychic senses that would inform the officer that it was a replica. People like him are disappointing because they NEVER find fault with the idiots that actually do really stupid fucking things. Can you believe we've got people like him actually this crap online?
'He' is a 'she'. When she's not 'riding the cotton pinto' she putting up ignorant bullshit here. When she's not doing that she's throwing another garbage bag onto her front lawn.
She thinks having a four foot high pile of rotting garbage on her front lawn is what indians think it is: Landscaping.
You know the indians: "Keepers Of The Land".
The very most important thing any citizen, let alone black citizens should learn…

Never, ever trust a democrat bearing government gifts……..they will lead to nothing but death, destruction and slavery.

After that one the rest will work themselves out.
It can be summed up much simpler. Blacks, you are a victim and you need the Democrat party to protect you from whites. Whites, you are a victim and you need the Democrat party to protect you from nonDemocrat whites.

Yes…as I have always pointed out…the democrat party, past and present is the home of all racism. Racists of all colors flock to the democrat party because it seeks to amass as much power to itself as it can, and they can then use that power to attack their race enemies…..
Look at the Eric Garner case. He died as a direct result of leftist policies. The high tax rates on cigarettes allowed him to make some money, and Big Brother had to jump all over him like he was a terrorist with a bomb vest. And the senior officer was black.
Look at the Eric Garner case. He died as a direct result of leftist policies. The high tax rates on cigarettes allowed him to make some money, and Big Brother had to jump all over him like he was a terrorist with a bomb vest. And the senior officer was black.

As I recall - the little cop who strangled him was a white Italian.

It wasn't the "little cop's" fault that the whale resisted arrest and the blubber build up around his neck caused problems.
Look at the Eric Garner case. He died as a direct result of leftist policies. The high tax rates on cigarettes allowed him to make some money, and Big Brother had to jump all over him like he was a terrorist with a bomb vest. And the senior officer was black.

As I recall - the little cop who strangled him was a white Italian.

With a black cop there - who was senior.
Look at the Eric Garner case. He died as a direct result of leftist policies. The high tax rates on cigarettes allowed him to make some money, and Big Brother had to jump all over him like he was a terrorist with a bomb vest. And the senior officer was black.

As I recall - the little cop who strangled him was a white Italian.

With a black cop there - who was senior.

Who was doing the choking and killing?
Eric Garner was not strangled. He died of a massive heart attack incident to morbid obesity and diabetes.
Look at the Eric Garner case. He died as a direct result of leftist policies. The high tax rates on cigarettes allowed him to make some money, and Big Brother had to jump all over him like he was a terrorist with a bomb vest. And the senior officer was black.

As I recall - the little cop who strangled him was a white Italian.


And you would be wrong……..he died because he was diabetic, overweight and any number of maladies…...

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