27 Things Every Black Person Must Learn Before Age 12

"Rice's gun was later found to be an Airsoft replica that lacked the orange safety feature marking it as a replica and not a true firearm."

Cop friend sent this pic to me. Found during a search. Shotgun made to look like a toy.
View attachment 58272

So, I guess we'll see more cops hanging out at playgrounds.
It means you pull out a toy gun cops are justified for shooting.

As was the case with Rice.
Let's talk, Lakhota.

We both know you're using hyperbole. It's not needed.

Hyperbole? So that's what it is...

What is your point here Lakhota?

Looking at your hasty yet declarative post about welfare moochers, I get from your posts in this thread that you might not have the clearest judgment. Forgive me, but I wonder what your posts outside of this thread say about you.

Don't bore us with the latest, sloppily-made post about what you want or believe in. You're not nearly as clever as you think. Get to the point, and keep it honest. If you can't or won't do that, you're not worth the time.

I always appreciate your self-righteous supposed voice of reason - for about one minute. Your minute is up.
yea we appreciate your nazilib bullshit too....
Does anyone deny that racism exists?

Yes, it exists, but it’s not burning in the hearts of cops or white people. It is burning in yours.

Are you blind, dishonest - or just stupid? All honest sane people know racism exists. Whites are getting more panicky knowing they'll soon be a minority.
and then you will see racism going the other way....so whats changing for the better?....
Does anyone deny that racism exists?

Yes, it exists, but it’s not burning in the hearts of cops or white people. It is burning in yours.

Are you blind, dishonest - or just stupid? All honest sane people know racism exists. Whites are getting more panicky knowing they'll soon be a minority.
and then you will see racism going the other way....so whats changing for the better?....

I suspect blacks and Hispanics will want some payback before things settle down. Too late for Native Americans.
Thank goodness not ALL American Black children are raised with this kind of cynical hopelessness.

Those who aren't at least have a decent chance of independence and success.

There is no evidence he was emotionally unstable anywhere in the article or "dismal" with a firearm.

You morons can't even lie good.

Can't you read? Sounds clear enough to me.

I read the entire article. He had some disciplinary problems but nothing that shows he was emotionally unstable or dismal with a firearm.

If you can hear the words you read, you have bigger problems.

There is no evidence he was emotionally unstable anywhere in the article or "dismal" with a firearm.

You morons can't even lie good.

Can't you read? Sounds clear enough to me.

I read the entire article. He had some disciplinary problems but nothing that shows he was emotionally unstable or dismal with a firearm.

If you can hear the words you read, you have bigger problems.

I read out loud...so me, myself, and I can all hear it.

There is no evidence he was emotionally unstable anywhere in the article or "dismal" with a firearm.

You morons can't even lie good.

Can't you read? Sounds clear enough to me.

I read the entire article. He had some disciplinary problems but nothing that shows he was emotionally unstable or dismal with a firearm.

If you can hear the words you read, you have bigger problems.

I read out loud...

A sign of oncoming dementia.
Does anyone deny that racism exists?

Yes, it exists, but it’s not burning in the hearts of cops or white people. It is burning in yours.

Are you blind, dishonest - or just stupid? All honest sane people know racism exists. Whites are getting more panicky knowing they'll soon be a minority.
and then you will see racism going the other way....so whats changing for the better?....

I suspect blacks and Hispanics will want some payback before things settle down. Too late for Native Americans.
I can not wait for a bunch of negro thugs to come and get some "payback". Trouble is they don't have the collective IQ to know which direction they are going in.
My 308 Norma Magnum can vaporise a fucking watermelon 200 yards down range.
'Come Get Some Mother Fuckers!'
There are literally MILLIONS of men and women who are hoping what I'm hoping for.
Indians included if they attack us.
We must take this filthy sub human garbage out!
Does anyone deny that racism exists?

Yes, it exists, but it’s not burning in the hearts of cops or white people. It is burning in yours.

Are you blind, dishonest - or just stupid? All honest sane people know racism exists. Whites are getting more panicky knowing they'll soon be a minority.
and then you will see racism going the other way....so whats changing for the better?....

I suspect blacks and Hispanics will want some payback before things settle down. Too late for Native Americans.
things will never settle down,there will always be racist.....something you and guno dont seem to understand....mexicans and blacks out here are not exactly luncheon buddies...
Does anyone deny that racism exists?

Yes, it exists, but it’s not burning in the hearts of cops or white people. It is burning in yours.

Are you blind, dishonest - or just stupid? All honest sane people know racism exists. Whites are getting more panicky knowing they'll soon be a minority.
and then you will see racism going the other way....so whats changing for the better?....

I suspect blacks and Hispanics will want some payback before things settle down. Too late for Native Americans.
things will never settle down,there will always be racist.....something you and guno dont seem to understand....mexicans and blacks out here are not exactly luncheon buddies...
The hilarious thing is literally EVERY person who enters the country legally or illegally is the negro and Indian's worst fucking enemy.
Yet the negroes vote for Obamy whose goal is to replace the negro vote.
Does anyone deny that racism exists?

Yes, it exists, but it’s not burning in the hearts of cops or white people. It is burning in yours.

Are you blind, dishonest - or just stupid? All honest sane people know racism exists. Whites are getting more panicky knowing they'll soon be a minority.
and then you will see racism going the other way....so whats changing for the better?....

I suspect blacks and Hispanics will want some payback before things settle down. Too late for Native Americans.
I can not wait for a bunch of negro thugs to come and get some "payback". Trouble is they don't have the collective IQ to know which direction they are going in.
My 308 Norma Magnum can vaporise a fucking watermelon 200 yards down range.
'Come Get Some Mother Fuckers!'
There are literally MILLIONS of men and women who are hoping what I'm hoping for.
Indians included if they attack us.
We must take this filthy sub human garbage out!
Does anyone deny that racism exists?

Yes, it exists, but it’s not burning in the hearts of cops or white people. It is burning in yours.

Are you blind, dishonest - or just stupid? All honest sane people know racism exists. Whites are getting more panicky knowing they'll soon be a minority.
and then you will see racism going the other way....so whats changing for the better?....

I suspect blacks and Hispanics will want some payback before things settle down. Too late for Native Americans.
things will never settle down,there will always be racist.....something you and guno dont seem to understand....mexicans and blacks out here are not exactly luncheon buddies...
There is no race on the planet that has any respect for the negro race. That's why the negro race has become a marginalized failing race.
Does anyone deny that racism exists?

Yes, it exists, but it’s not burning in the hearts of cops or white people. It is burning in yours.

Are you blind, dishonest - or just stupid? All honest sane people know racism exists. Whites are getting more panicky knowing they'll soon be a minority.
and then you will see racism going the other way....so whats changing for the better?....

I suspect blacks and Hispanics will want some payback before things settle down. Too late for Native Americans.
When I was a teenager I had this BB gun... - Johnathan Gentry | Facebook
Yes, it exists, but it’s not burning in the hearts of cops or white people. It is burning in yours.

Are you blind, dishonest - or just stupid? All honest sane people know racism exists. Whites are getting more panicky knowing they'll soon be a minority.
and then you will see racism going the other way....so whats changing for the better?....

I suspect blacks and Hispanics will want some payback before things settle down. Too late for Native Americans.
I can not wait for a bunch of negro thugs to come and get some "payback". Trouble is they don't have the collective IQ to know which direction they are going in.
My 308 Norma Magnum can vaporise a fucking watermelon 200 yards down range.
'Come Get Some Mother Fuckers!'
There are literally MILLIONS of men and women who are hoping what I'm hoping for.
Indians included if they attack us.
We must take this filthy sub human garbage out!
I'm a White man who has served our country in the military and in LEO. Did I mention I am a WHITE man? HAAA HAAA.
Anyway. The negroes are a globally failing race.
The only women who get involved with negroes are the ones who are mentally ill and enjoy being abused and deserted after spawning a kid who will never fit into society.
I'm a White man who has served our country in the military and in LEO. Did I mention I am a WHITE man? HAAA HAAA.

you are balsa fuck-stick and a clown

Cop Who Killed 12-Year-Old Described As Emotionally Unstable, "Dismal" With A Firearm
In a November 2012 letter to the Independence Police Department’s human relations director recommending Loehmann’s termination, Independence Deputy Chief Jim Polak explained that for much of his time on the force, Loehmann “was distracted and weepy.” He could not “follow simple directions, could not communicate clear thoughts nor recollections, and his handgun performance was dismal.”

Polak then provided a specific example of an emotional breakdown Loehmann
had while working with another officer, Field Training Officer Sgt. Tinnirello.

During this drive, Sgt. Tinnirello continued to speak with Tim about his problems, and Ptl. Loehmann continued with his emotional meltdown to a point where Sgt. Tinnirello could not take him into the store, so they went to get something to eat and he continued to try and calm Ptl. Loehmann. Sgt. Tinnirello describes the recruit as being very downtrodden, melancholy with some light crying. … Some of the comments made by Ptl. Loehmann during this discourse were to the effect of, “I should have gone to NY,” “maybe I should quit,” “I have no friends,” “I only hang out with 73 yr old priests,” “I have cried every day for 4 months about this girl.”

According to Tinnirello, Loehmann told him his behavior was due to a bad breakup with his on-again, off-again girlfriend.

In the personnel file, Sgt. Tinnirello reported three other incidents in which he was concerned about Loehmann’s behavior.

“Individually these events would not be considered major situations,” Polak wrote. “But when taken together they show a pattern of a lack of maturity, indiscretion and not following instructions.”

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