2700 page obamacrap explained in one page for idiots


Gold Member
May 22, 2011
This would mean you, libberhoids...

Trump Explains Dumbo Care -- No one can sum it up better than Trump

Let me get this straight.... We're going to be "gifted" with a health care plan we are forced to purchase and fined if we don't, which purportedly covers at least ten million more people, without adding a single new doctor, but provides for 16,000 new IRS agents, who have recently demonstrated their objective and professional integrity; written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn't understand it, passed by a Congress that didn't read it but exempted themselves from it, and signed by a Dumbo President who smokes, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn't pay his taxes, for which we'll be taxed for four years before any benefits take effect, by a government which has already bankrupted Social Security and Medicare, Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac, and the Post Office all to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and financed by a country that's broke!!!!!

'What the hell could go wrong?"
Aside from the fact that any government managed program will be extremely inefficient, the biggest question about Obamacare is: Who is going to pay for it? Contrary to popular liberal mythology, money doesn't grow on trees (or corn stalks, for that matter).
How hopey-changey!!!! The low income people ObamaCare was supposed to help are in severe sticker shock due to high premiums and deductibles....yet ObamaCare is projected to cost $2.6T over the next 10 years. Where all da money at?

On Thursday, the government's official Obamacare Facebook page was riddled with people expressing sticker shock over the government's high cost premiums after struggling for hours to wade through the technical failures vexing Obamacare exchanges all across the country.

"I am so disappointed," wrote one woman. "These prices are outrageous and there are huge deductibles. No one can afford this!" The comment received 169 "likes."

"There is NO WAY I can afford it," said one commenter after using the Kaiser Subsidy Calculator. "Heck right now I couldn't afford an extra 10$ [sic] a month...and oh apparently I make to [sic] much at 8.55/hour to get subsidies."

Another person shared a link found on the federal government's main Obamacare page listing premium estimates for small business employers:

"The information is not very complete as I don't see anything about deductible or other detailed info, but it does given an actual price as to the "Premium." It is VERY SCARY!! For example, my insurance plan right now for my spouse and I costs $545 a month with 100% coverage after my $2500 deductible. We are both 32 years old. When I looked at this site for 80% coverage it says it will be $954.78 a month!!!! So compare my old Plan: 100% coverage for $545 a month To New Plan: 80% Coverage for $945 a month. This is only only an estimate but it is VERY Scary for me to see this kind of increase in rates and reduction in benefits!"

A single mother of two said she is in school and working full-time while living "75% below the poverty level." She said she was shocked to learn she did not qualify for a healthcare subsidy. "Are you F'ing kidding me????" she wrote on the government's Obamacare Facebook page. "Where the HELL am I supposed to get $3,000 more a year to pay for this 'bronze' health insurance plan!?!??? And I DO NOT EVEN WANT INSURANCE to begin with!! This is frightening," she wrote.

Amid scores of comments expressing frustration with technical failures, one woman said she is "just amazed you could even get to the point of seeing pricing" and that she had been trying to access the system for three days to no avail.

Obamacare sticker shock will not affect millions of low-income Americans; a New York Times analysis published on Wednesday found that Obamacare "will leave out two-thirds of the poor blacks and single mothers and more than half of the low-wage workers who do not have insurance, the very kinds of people that the program was intended to help."

Obamacare will cost taxpayers an estimated $2.6 trillion over the next 10 years.

Obamacare Facebook Erupts with Citizen Sticker Shock
This would mean you, libberhoids...

Trump Explains Dumbo Care -- No one can sum it up better than Trump

Let me get this straight.... We're going to be "gifted" with a health care plan we are forced to purchase and fined if we don't, which purportedly covers at least ten million more people, without adding a single new doctor, but provides for 16,000 new IRS agents, who have recently demonstrated their objective and professional integrity; written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn't understand it, passed by a Congress that didn't read it but exempted themselves from it, and signed by a Dumbo President who smokes, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn't pay his taxes, for which we'll be taxed for four years before any benefits take effect, by a government which has already bankrupted Social Security and Medicare, Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac, and the Post Office all to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and financed by a country that's broke!!!!!

'What the hell could go wrong?"

Oh, well apparently he didn't actually read the PPACA. Why am I not surprised.


Oh, look..... in the Table of Contents

Subtitle A—Purpose and Definitions
Sec. 5001. Purpose.
Sec. 5002. Definitions.
Subtitle B—Innovations in the Health Care Workforce
Sec. 5101. National health care workforce commission.
Sec. 5102. State health care workforce development grants.
Sec. 5103. Health care workforce assessment.
Subtitle C—Increasing the Supply of the Health Care Workforce
Sec. 5201. Federally supported student loan funds.
Sec. 5202. Nursing student loan program.
Sec. 5203. Health care workforce loan repayment programs.
Sec. 5204. Public health workforce recruitment and retention programs.
Sec. 5205. Allied health workforce recruitment and retention programs.
Sec. 5206. Grants for State and local programs.
Sec. 5207. Funding for National Health Service Corps.
Sec. 5208. Nurse-managed health clinics.
Sec. 5209. Elimination of cap on commissioned corps.
Sec. 5210. Establishing a Ready Reserve Corps.
Subtitle D—Enhancing Health Care Workforce Education and Training
Sec. 5301. Training in family medicine, general internal medicine, general pediatrics, and physician assistantship.
Sec. 5302. Training opportunities for direct care workers.
Sec. 5303. Training in general, pediatric, and public health dentistry.
Sec. 5304. Alternative dental health care providers demonstration project.
Sec. 5305. Geriatric education and training; career awards; comprehensive geriatric
Sec. 5306. Mental and behavioral health education and training grants.
Sec. 5307. Cultural competency, prevention, and public health and individuals with
disabilities training.
Sec. 5308. Advanced nursing education grants.
Sec. 5309. Nurse education, practice, and retention grants.
Sec. 5310. Loan repayment and scholarship program.
Sec. 5311. Nurse faculty loan program.
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This would mean you, libberhoids...

Trump Explains Dumbo Care -- No one can sum it up better than Trump

Let me get this straight.... We're going to be "gifted" with a health care plan we are forced to purchase and fined if we don't, which purportedly covers at least ten million more people, without adding a single new doctor, but provides for 16,000 new IRS agents, who have recently demonstrated their objective and professional integrity; written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn't understand it, passed by a Congress that didn't read it but exempted themselves from it, and signed by a Dumbo President who smokes, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn't pay his taxes, for which we'll be taxed for four years before any benefits take effect, by a government which has already bankrupted Social Security and Medicare, Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac, and the Post Office all to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and financed by a country that's broke!!!!!

'What the hell could go wrong?"

Oh, well apparently he didn't actually read the PPACA. Why am I not surprised.


Oh, look..... in the Table of Contents

Subtitle A—Purpose and Definitions
Sec. 5001. Purpose.
Sec. 5002. Definitions.
Subtitle B—Innovations in the Health Care Workforce
Sec. 5101. National health care workforce commission.
Sec. 5102. State health care workforce development grants.
Sec. 5103. Health care workforce assessment.
Subtitle C—Increasing the Supply of the Health Care Workforce
Sec. 5201. Federally supported student loan funds.
Sec. 5202. Nursing student loan program.
Sec. 5203. Health care workforce loan repayment programs.
Sec. 5204. Public health workforce recruitment and retention programs.
Sec. 5205. Allied health workforce recruitment and retention programs.
Sec. 5206. Grants for State and local programs.
Sec. 5207. Funding for National Health Service Corps.
Sec. 5208. Nurse-managed health clinics.
Sec. 5209. Elimination of cap on commissioned corps.
Sec. 5210. Establishing a Ready Reserve Corps.
Subtitle D—Enhancing Health Care Workforce Education and Training
Sec. 5301. Training in family medicine, general internal medicine, general pediatrics, and physician assistantship.
Sec. 5302. Training opportunities for direct care workers.
Sec. 5303. Training in general, pediatric, and public health dentistry.
Sec. 5304. Alternative dental health care providers demonstration project.
Sec. 5305. Geriatric education and training; career awards; comprehensive geriatric
Sec. 5306. Mental and behavioral health education and training grants.
Sec. 5307. Cultural competency, prevention, and public health and individuals with
disabilities training.
Sec. 5308. Advanced nursing education grants.
Sec. 5309. Nurse education, practice, and retention grants.
Sec. 5310. Loan repayment and scholarship program.
Sec. 5311. Nurse faculty loan program.

you're either a retard or a liar...because the section quoted does not add new doctors, nor is it a provision to.

it only an assessment you idiot, i mean the word is right in the heading and you still don't get it
This would mean you, libberhoids...

Trump Explains Dumbo Care -- No one can sum it up better than Trump

Let me get this straight.... We're going to be "gifted" with a health care plan we are forced to purchase and fined if we don't, which purportedly covers at least ten million more people, without adding a single new doctor, but provides for 16,000 new IRS agents, who have recently demonstrated their objective and professional integrity; written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn't understand it, passed by a Congress that didn't read it but exempted themselves from it, and signed by a Dumbo President who smokes, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn't pay his taxes, for which we'll be taxed for four years before any benefits take effect, by a government which has already bankrupted Social Security and Medicare, Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac, and the Post Office all to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and financed by a country that's broke!!!!!

'What the hell could go wrong?"

Oh, well apparently he didn't actually read the PPACA. Why am I not surprised.


Oh, look..... in the Table of Contents

Subtitle A—Purpose and Definitions
Sec. 5001. Purpose.
Sec. 5002. Definitions.
Subtitle B—Innovations in the Health Care Workforce
Sec. 5101. National health care workforce commission.
Sec. 5102. State health care workforce development grants.
Sec. 5103. Health care workforce assessment.
Subtitle C—Increasing the Supply of the Health Care Workforce
Sec. 5201. Federally supported student loan funds.
Sec. 5202. Nursing student loan program.
Sec. 5203. Health care workforce loan repayment programs.
Sec. 5204. Public health workforce recruitment and retention programs.
Sec. 5205. Allied health workforce recruitment and retention programs.
Sec. 5206. Grants for State and local programs.
Sec. 5207. Funding for National Health Service Corps.
Sec. 5208. Nurse-managed health clinics.
Sec. 5209. Elimination of cap on commissioned corps.
Sec. 5210. Establishing a Ready Reserve Corps.
Subtitle D—Enhancing Health Care Workforce Education and Training
Sec. 5301. Training in family medicine, general internal medicine, general pediatrics, and physician assistantship.
Sec. 5302. Training opportunities for direct care workers.
Sec. 5303. Training in general, pediatric, and public health dentistry.
Sec. 5304. Alternative dental health care providers demonstration project.
Sec. 5305. Geriatric education and training; career awards; comprehensive geriatric
Sec. 5306. Mental and behavioral health education and training grants.
Sec. 5307. Cultural competency, prevention, and public health and individuals with
disabilities training.
Sec. 5308. Advanced nursing education grants.
Sec. 5309. Nurse education, practice, and retention grants.
Sec. 5310. Loan repayment and scholarship program.
Sec. 5311. Nurse faculty loan program.

you're either a retard or a liar...because the section quoted does not add new doctors, nor is it a provision to.

it only an assessment you idiot, i mean the word is right in the heading and you still don't get it

Keep reading, it is a big bill

"ESTABLISHMENT.—The Secretary shall establish the Public
Health Workforce Loan Repayment Program (referred to in this
section as the ‘Program’) to assure an adequate supply of public
health professionals to eliminate critical public health workforce
shortages in Federal, State, local, and tribal public health agencies.

) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary may makegrants to, or
enter into contracts with, an accredited public or nonprofit
private hospital, school of medicine or osteopathic medicine,
academically affiliated physician assistant training program,
or a public or private nonprofit entity which the Secretary
has determined is capable of carrying out such grant or contract—
‘‘(A) to plan, develop, operate, or participate in an
accredited professional training program, including an
accredited residency or internship program in the field
of family medicine, general internal medicine, or general
pediatrics for medical students, interns, residents, or practicing physicians as defined by the Secretary;
‘‘(B) to provide need-based financial assistance in the
form of traineeships and fellowships to medical students,
interns, residents, practicing physicians, or other medical
personnel, who are participants in any such program, and
who plan to specialize or work in the practice of the fields

defined in subparagraph (A);

Secretary agrees to make payments on the principal
and interest of undergraduate, graduate, or graduate medical
education loans of professionals described in paragraph (1)
of not more than $35,000 a year for each year of agreed upon
service under such paragraph for a period of not more than
3 years during the qualified health professional’s—

I am not going to read the whole bill for you....
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(a) LOAN AGREEMENTS.—Section 836(a) of the Public Health
Service Act (42 U.S.C. 297b(a)) is amended—
(1) by striking ‘‘$2,500’’ and inserting ‘‘$3,300’’;
(2) by striking ‘‘$4,000’’ and inserting ‘‘$5,200’’; and
(3) by striking ‘‘$13,000’’ and all that follows through the
period and inserting ‘‘$17,000 in the case of any student during
fiscal years 2010 and 2011. After fiscal year 2011, such amounts
shall be adjusted to provide for a cost-of-attendance increase
for the yearly loan rate and the aggregate of the loans.’’.
(b) LOAN PROVISIONS.—Section 836(b) of the Public Health
Service Act (42 U.S.C. 297b(b)) is amended—
(1) in paragraph (1)(C), by striking ‘‘1986’’ and inserting
‘‘2000’’; and
(2) in paragraph (3), by striking ‘‘the date of enactment
of the Nurse Training Amendments of 1979’’ and inserting
‘‘September 29, 1995’’.
Has the cost of this loan/financial assistance program been determined?
‘‘(a) ESTABLISHMENT.—The Secretary shall establish and carry
out a pediatric specialty loan repayment program under which
the eligible individual agrees to be employed full-time for a specified
period (which shall not be less than 2 years) in providing pediatric
medical subspecialty, pediatric surgical specialty, or child and
adolescent mental and behavioral health care, including substance
abuse prevention and treatment services.
‘‘(b) PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION.—Through the program established under this section, the Secretary shall enter into contracts
with qualified health professionals under which—
‘‘(1) such qualified health professionals will agree to provide
pediatric medical subspecialty, pediatric surgical specialty, or
child and adolescent mental and behavioral health care in
an area with a shortage of the specified pediatric subspecialty
that has a sufficient pediatric population to support such pediatric subspecialty, as determined by the Secretary; and
‘‘(2) the Secretary agrees to make payments on the principal
and interest of undergraduate, graduate, or graduate medical
education loans of professionals described in paragraph (1)
of not more than $35,000 a year for each year of agreed upon
service under such paragraph for a period of not more than
3 years during the qualified health professional’s—
Oh, well apparently he didn't actually read the PPACA. Why am I not surprised.


Oh, look..... in the Table of Contents

Subtitle A—Purpose and Definitions
Sec. 5001. Purpose.
Sec. 5002. Definitions.
Subtitle B—Innovations in the Health Care Workforce
Sec. 5101. National health care workforce commission.
Sec. 5102. State health care workforce development grants.
Sec. 5103. Health care workforce assessment.
Subtitle C—Increasing the Supply of the Health Care Workforce
Sec. 5201. Federally supported student loan funds.
Sec. 5202. Nursing student loan program.
Sec. 5203. Health care workforce loan repayment programs.
Sec. 5204. Public health workforce recruitment and retention programs.
Sec. 5205. Allied health workforce recruitment and retention programs.
Sec. 5206. Grants for State and local programs.
Sec. 5207. Funding for National Health Service Corps.
Sec. 5208. Nurse-managed health clinics.
Sec. 5209. Elimination of cap on commissioned corps.
Sec. 5210. Establishing a Ready Reserve Corps.
Subtitle D—Enhancing Health Care Workforce Education and Training
Sec. 5301. Training in family medicine, general internal medicine, general pediatrics, and physician assistantship.
Sec. 5302. Training opportunities for direct care workers.
Sec. 5303. Training in general, pediatric, and public health dentistry.
Sec. 5304. Alternative dental health care providers demonstration project.
Sec. 5305. Geriatric education and training; career awards; comprehensive geriatric
Sec. 5306. Mental and behavioral health education and training grants.
Sec. 5307. Cultural competency, prevention, and public health and individuals with
disabilities training.
Sec. 5308. Advanced nursing education grants.
Sec. 5309. Nurse education, practice, and retention grants.
Sec. 5310. Loan repayment and scholarship program.
Sec. 5311. Nurse faculty loan program.

you're either a retard or a liar...because the section quoted does not add new doctors, nor is it a provision to.

it only an assessment you idiot, i mean the word is right in the heading and you still don't get it

Keep reading, it is a big bill

"ESTABLISHMENT.—The Secretary shall establish the Public
Health Workforce Loan Repayment Program (referred to in this
section as the ‘Program’) to assure an adequate supply of public
health professionals to eliminate critical public health workforce
shortages in Federal, State, local, and tribal public health agencies.

) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary may makegrants to, or
enter into contracts with, an accredited public or nonprofit
private hospital, school of medicine or osteopathic medicine,
academically affiliated physician assistant training program,
or a public or private nonprofit entity which the Secretary
has determined is capable of carrying out such grant or contract—
‘‘(A) to plan, develop, operate, or participate in an
accredited professional training program, including an
accredited residency or internship program in the field
of family medicine, general internal medicine, or general
pediatrics for medical students, interns, residents, or practicing physicians as defined by the Secretary;
‘‘(B) to provide need-based financial assistance in the
form of traineeships and fellowships to medical students,
interns, residents, practicing physicians, or other medical
personnel, who are participants in any such program, and
who plan to specialize or work in the practice of the fields

defined in subparagraph (A);

Secretary agrees to make payments on the principal
and interest of undergraduate, graduate, or graduate medical
education loans of professionals described in paragraph (1)
of not more than $35,000 a year for each year of agreed upon
service under such paragraph for a period of not more than
3 years during the qualified health professional’s—

I am not going to read the whole bill for you....

that is merely a loan repayment program...it does not authorize anyone to ADD new doctors

my lord you are fucking stupid
For purposes of carrying out this section
(other than subsection (b)(1)(B)), there are authorized to be
appropriated $125,000,000 for fiscal year 2010, and such sums
as may be necessary for each of fiscal years 2011 through
‘‘(2) TRAINING PROGRAMS.—Fifteen percent of the amount
appropriated pursuant to paragraph (1) in each such fiscal
year shall be allocated to the physician assistant training programs described in subsection (a)(1)(F), which prepare students
for practice in primary care.

purposes of carrying out subsection (b)(1)(B), there are authorized to be appropriated $750,000 for each of fiscal years 2010
through 2014.’’.
you're either a retard or a liar...because the section quoted does not add new doctors, nor is it a provision to.

it only an assessment you idiot, i mean the word is right in the heading and you still don't get it

Keep reading, it is a big bill

"ESTABLISHMENT.—The Secretary shall establish the Public
Health Workforce Loan Repayment Program (referred to in this
section as the ‘Program’) to assure an adequate supply of public
health professionals to eliminate critical public health workforce
shortages in Federal, State, local, and tribal public health agencies.

) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary may makegrants to, or
enter into contracts with, an accredited public or nonprofit
private hospital, school of medicine or osteopathic medicine,
academically affiliated physician assistant training program,
or a public or private nonprofit entity which the Secretary
has determined is capable of carrying out such grant or contract—
‘‘(A) to plan, develop, operate, or participate in an
accredited professional training program, including an
accredited residency or internship program in the field
of family medicine, general internal medicine, or general
pediatrics for medical students, interns, residents, or practicing physicians as defined by the Secretary;
‘‘(B) to provide need-based financial assistance in the
form of traineeships and fellowships to medical students,
interns, residents, practicing physicians, or other medical
personnel, who are participants in any such program, and
who plan to specialize or work in the practice of the fields

defined in subparagraph (A);

Secretary agrees to make payments on the principal
and interest of undergraduate, graduate, or graduate medical
education loans of professionals described in paragraph (1)
of not more than $35,000 a year for each year of agreed upon
service under such paragraph for a period of not more than
3 years during the qualified health professional’s—

I am not going to read the whole bill for you....

that is merely a loan repayment program...it does not authorize anyone to ADD new doctors

my lord you are fucking stupid

Are you really such an idiot? How do you think doctors become doctors? Get their diploma out of a cracker jack box? No, they go to medical school. Medical school costs money. In today's academic environment, that money comes from student loans.

Making loans available increases the number of people in medical school. Increasing the number of students, increases the number of doctors when they graduate.

You really don't understand how things work, do you?

Not only that, but an increase in the supply of doctors reduces the cost. Remember supply and demand?
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my lord you are truly retarded

example: there is a program for law students, teachers to get their loans either reduced or paid off if they serve in a low income jobs/areas. that does not ADD any teachers or lawyers. it merely offers those who have gone to school a loan reduction.

as to supply and demand, lmao....the medical field is not about supply and demand. please stop posting.
Aside from the fact that any government managed program will be extremely inefficient, the biggest question about Obamacare is: Who is going to pay for it? Contrary to popular liberal mythology, money doesn't grow on trees (or corn stalks, for that matter).

Actually, it basically does.

What matters is the level of employment and where that labor is being used.

Contrary to your belief, money was historically mined out of the grown. These days, Paper money is made from 75% cotton and 25% linen fibers.

So, for all intents and purposes, you are wrong.
my lord you are truly retarded

example: there is a program for law students, teachers to get their loans either reduced or paid off if they serve in a low income jobs/areas. that does not ADD any teachers or lawyers. it merely offers those who have gone to school a loan reduction.

as to supply and demand, lmao....the medical field is not about supply and demand. please stop posting.

Yes it does. It specifically ADDS to the supply. Of course the medical field is about supply and demand. Otherwise we wouldn't be discussing the SUPPLY of doctors.

You are welcome to take a basic course in macro and micro econ any time.

Paying off loans to student and professional for serving in low income areas increases the supply of doctors across the board. It does so by increasing the number of people that are able to go to school and get a degree. People that are not on the program go work where they want. People that are on the program go work in the low income areas.
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my lord you are truly retarded

example: there is a program for law students, teachers to get their loans either reduced or paid off if they serve in a low income jobs/areas. that does not ADD any teachers or lawyers. it merely offers those who have gone to school a loan reduction.

as to supply and demand, lmao....the medical field is not about supply and demand. please stop posting.

So, shall we discuss how the supply and demand curves are derived?

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