271,000 New Jobs in October 2015


Free Breast Exam
Oct 10, 2009
In your head
271,000 New Jobs added in October 2015. :rock::rofl::woohoo:

Previous month Jobs revised UP 17,000 Jobs! :rock::rofl::woohoo:

Average Hourly Pay UP 0.4%! :rock::rofl::woohoo:

Unemployment Rate Drops to 5% :rock::rofl::woohoo:
Previous month jobs were revised down from 142,000 down to 137,000- not up.
44,000 of the new jobs were in retail, 42, 000 were in food services, for Oct., the beginning of the Christmas season.
Wages up by 1 cent from Sept.
"Household Survey Data
Both the unemployment rate (5.0 percent) and the number of unemployed persons (7.9 million) were essentially unchanged in October."

"Real GDP increased 1.5 percent in the third quarter, after increasing 3.9 percent in the second. The deceleration in real GDP in the third quarter primarily reflected a downturn in private inventory investment and decelerations in exports, in nonresidential fixed investment, in PCE, in state and local government spending, and in residential fixed investment that were partly offset by a deceleration in imports."

So real gdp is down from second quarter by 2.4%.

Wow! Talk about spin!

271,000 New Jobs added in October 2015. :rock::rofl::woohoo:

Previous month Jobs revised UP 17,000 Jobs! :rock::rofl::woohoo:

Average Hourly Pay UP 0.4%! :rock::rofl::woohoo:

Unemployment Rate Drops to 5% :rock::rofl::woohoo:
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"Both the unemployment rate (5.0 percent) and the number of unemployed persons (7.9 million) were essentially unchanged in October." and "271,000 New Jobs added in October 2015."

Context, folks, context.

Oh, I thought 94 million not 7.9 million were unemployed.
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CPI is great on utility cost for the year, but food at home and out are up, transportation costs are up, shelter and healthcare costs are up.
Previous month jobs were revised down from 142,000 down to 137,000- not up.
44,000 of the new jobs were in retail, 42, 000 were in food services, for Oct., the beginning of the Christmas season.
Wages up by 1 cent from Sept.
"Household Survey Data
Both the unemployment rate (5.0 percent) and the number of unemployed persons (7.9 million) were essentially unchanged in October."

"Real GDP increased 1.5 percent in the third quarter, after increasing 3.9 percent in the second. The deceleration in real GDP in the third quarter primarily reflected a downturn in private inventory investment and decelerations in exports, in nonresidential fixed investment, in PCE, in state and local government spending, and in residential fixed investment that were partly offset by a deceleration in imports."

So real gdp is down from second quarter by 2.4%.

Wow! Talk about spin!

271,000 New Jobs added in October 2015. :rock::rofl::woohoo:

Previous month Jobs revised UP 17,000 Jobs! :rock::rofl::woohoo:

Average Hourly Pay UP 0.4%! :rock::rofl::woohoo:

Unemployment Rate Drops to 5% :rock::rofl::woohoo:
Yet gas is down, compared to the Boosh! economy when oil men were in the White House...
Good going Obama!!! Wahooo!!!!! The loserterians would have us become a third world ass hole through not building infrastructure and killing millions of jobs.

Thank god we have a president that won't listen to the assholes.

Keep up the good work!
Behind the New Job Numbers for October

5.77 million now working part-time

19,500 were for clothing stores ahead of the holiday shopping season – meaning they won't be there in Jan 2016

Only 1.5% monthly wage growth for construction workers.

Zero – the number of new jobs in manufacturing

52.6% jobs created by health care, retail and restaurants – the last two clearly minimum wage

And this is supposed to be good news?

From The October US jobs report, by the numbers for those who demand links and then won't click on them.
The Most Surprising Thing About Today's Jobs Report @ The Most Surprising Thing About Today's Jobs Report | Zero Hedge

As the chart below shows, in October the age group that accounted for virtually all total job gains was workers aged 55 and over. They added some 378K jobs in the past month, representing virtually the entire increase in payrolls. And more troubling: workers aged 25-54 actually declined by 35,000, with males in this age group tumbling by 119,000!

The ones who are screwed are those aged 25-54. And no word on black unemployment figures.
Behind the New Job Numbers for October

5.77 million now working part-time

19,500 were for clothing stores ahead of the holiday shopping season – meaning they won't be there in Jan 2016

Only 1.5% monthly wage growth for construction workers.

Zero – the number of new jobs in manufacturing

52.6% jobs created by health care, retail and restaurants – the last two clearly minimum wage

And this is supposed to be good news?

From The October US jobs report, by the numbers for those who demand links and then won't click on them.

I'd like to see millions of more infrastructure, science, r&d and education jobs,,,but your party won't allow it.
First-Time Homeowners at a 28-year Low

It’s just a lack of affordable homes, especially in the starter range,” Lawrence Yun, chief economist at the National Association of Realtors, said in a telephone interview. “At a time when housing wealth is growing, we have fewer people participating in this recovery, and that worsens wealth inequality in the U.S.”

But, according to the Obama administration, our economy is booming and Americans are better off now than during the Bush years. Just what does this really mean? It means that the home construction industry is suffering. Lots of people not working because nobody is building anything. Carpenters. Plumbers, Electricians. On and on, middle class workers struggling to get by. But, who cares? They're not the ones who make big campaign contributions.

Read more @ Share of First-Time Homebuyers Falls in U.S., Now at 28-Year Low
I'd like to see millions of more infrastructure, science, r&d and education jobs,,,but your party won't allow it.

IF you get those jobs thru GOVT jobs, you get the lawyers, slow progress, cost over-runs, gold-plated lifetime retirements, frivolous lawsuits, affirmative action appointments, shoddy work, cronyism etc.

see the Big Dig, Bay Bridge, Bullet train lies/costs .......... I wish it was different.
The ones who are screwed are those aged 25-54. And no word on black unemployment figures.

no joke. And the hidden tax on the parents of this group, they still have to fund their lives. The Debt rises while inefficient GOVT programs hand out tax dollars to the Ghetto.

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