28 Republican Men Threaten Government Shutdown Over Planned Parenthood

They won't vote to fund the federal government if the bill includes any money for the family planning provider.

WASHINGTON -- A group of 28 House Republican lawmakers, all men, are pledging to do everything in their power to defund Planned Parenthood this fall, even it means shutting down the federal government in protest.

In a letter circulated this summer by Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-S.C.), the congressmen pledged to vote against any bill that funds the federal government if it includes money for Planned Parenthood. Congress must fund the government by Sept. 30 to avoid a shutdown.

"We must act to fully defund Planned Parenthood," the letter says. "Please know that we cannot and will not support any funding resolution – an appropriations bill, an omnibus package, a continuing resolution, or otherwise – that contains any funding for Planned Parenthood, including mandatory funding streams."

The lawmakers cited a series of heavily edited undercover videos that show Planned Parenthood doctors discussing the donation of fetal tissue for medical research after abortions. The anti-abortion group that circulated the videos claims that the family planning provider is selling fetal parts for profit, although multiple state investigations into that claim have come up with nothing.

Planned Parenthood receives about $500 million in government funding, mostly through Medicaid and a federal family planning program. The money is used to subsidize birth control, cancer screenings and other women's health services. The longstanding Hyde Amendment prevents any federal funds from being used to pay for abortions, but Republicans have been trying to defund Planned Parenthood over its abortion services since 2011.

More: 28 Republican Men Threaten Government Shutdown Over Planned Parenthood

ACORN was defunded based on lies. Now they're trying to do the same thing to Planned Parenthood. Oh, and why is it all men doing this?

Defund every illegal activity the Democrats support...

Yeah, the hell with women who need and use Planned Parenthood's services.
We have Obama care now, no need for planned parenthood. There are plenty of doctors.

Republicans made sure that Obamacare does not include abortion services
Obama care was touted as the best thing that has ever happened. So did the liberals lie again?
They won't vote to fund the federal government if the bill includes any money for the family planning provider.

WASHINGTON -- A group of 28 House Republican lawmakers, all men, are pledging to do everything in their power to defund Planned Parenthood this fall, even it means shutting down the federal government in protest.

In a letter circulated this summer by Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-S.C.), the congressmen pledged to vote against any bill that funds the federal government if it includes money for Planned Parenthood. Congress must fund the government by Sept. 30 to avoid a shutdown.

"We must act to fully defund Planned Parenthood," the letter says. "Please know that we cannot and will not support any funding resolution – an appropriations bill, an omnibus package, a continuing resolution, or otherwise – that contains any funding for Planned Parenthood, including mandatory funding streams."

The lawmakers cited a series of heavily edited undercover videos that show Planned Parenthood doctors discussing the donation of fetal tissue for medical research after abortions. The anti-abortion group that circulated the videos claims that the family planning provider is selling fetal parts for profit, although multiple state investigations into that claim have come up with nothing.

Planned Parenthood receives about $500 million in government funding, mostly through Medicaid and a federal family planning program. The money is used to subsidize birth control, cancer screenings and other women's health services. The longstanding Hyde Amendment prevents any federal funds from being used to pay for abortions, but Republicans have been trying to defund Planned Parenthood over its abortion services since 2011.

More: 28 Republican Men Threaten Government Shutdown Over Planned Parenthood

ACORN was defunded based on lies. Now they're trying to do the same thing to Planned Parenthood. Oh, and why is it all men doing this?

Defund every illegal activity the Democrats support...

Yeah, the hell with women who need and use Planned Parenthood's services.
We have Obama care now, no need for planned parenthood. There are plenty of doctors.

Republicans made sure that Obamacare does not include abortion services
Obama care was touted as the best thing that has ever happened. So did the liberals lie again?

Better than the Republican alternative of....Let em die

Defund every illegal activity the Democrats support...

Yeah, the hell with women who need and use Planned Parenthood's services.
We have Obama care now, no need for planned parenthood. There are plenty of doctors.

Republicans made sure that Obamacare does not include abortion services
Obama care was touted as the best thing that has ever happened. So did the liberals lie again?

Better than the Republican alternative of....Let em die
Then planned parenthood should get no tax payer dollars. Oh and look for some newer talking points.

Defund every illegal activity the Democrats support...

Yeah, the hell with women who need and use Planned Parenthood's services.
We have Obama care now, no need for planned parenthood. There are plenty of doctors.

Republicans made sure that Obamacare does not include abortion services
Obama care was touted as the best thing that has ever happened. So did the liberals lie again?

Better than the Republican alternative of....Let em die

link to someone saying "let em die"?
Yep, lets throw away a few billion more worth of cancer research, close our national parks and fuck everything up as you go on your little whine.

Fuck you assholes. You will lose if you attempt it again.
Yeah, the hell with women who need and use Planned Parenthood's services.
We have Obama care now, no need for planned parenthood. There are plenty of doctors.

Republicans made sure that Obamacare does not include abortion services
Obama care was touted as the best thing that has ever happened. So did the liberals lie again?

Better than the Republican alternative of....Let em die
Then planned parenthood should get no tax payer dollars. Oh and look for some newer talking points.

So you don't think woman should get birth control and parenting help? lol Enjoy more single parent babies growing up to be thugs. Moron.
The Republican party is filled with children who have given up on American democracy because it doesn't work for them anymore. America was founded on the principle of forced compromise. Republicans want to rule by decree with no compromise.

They are diametrically opposed to the Constitutional framework set down by the founders.
Yep, lets throw away a few billion more worth of cancer research, close our national parks and fuck everything up as you go on your little whine.

Fuck you assholes. You will lose if you attempt it again.
We have Obama care now, no need for planned parenthood. There are plenty of doctors.

Republicans made sure that Obamacare does not include abortion services
Obama care was touted as the best thing that has ever happened. So did the liberals lie again?

Better than the Republican alternative of....Let em die
Then planned parenthood should get no tax payer dollars. Oh and look for some newer talking points.

So you don't think woman should get birth control and parenting help? lol Enjoy more single parent babies growing up to be thugs. Moron.
They are in the abortion business, let a doctor that actually cares about babies give them parenting help. We have Obama care now. A woman can go to any doctor she wants to. They also can get free birth control. No need for planned parenthood now.
They won't vote to fund the federal government if the bill includes any money for the family planning provider.

WASHINGTON -- A group of 28 House Republican lawmakers, all men, are pledging to do everything in their power to defund Planned Parenthood this fall, even it means shutting down the federal government in protest.

In a letter circulated this summer by Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-S.C.), the congressmen pledged to vote against any bill that funds the federal government if it includes money for Planned Parenthood. Congress must fund the government by Sept. 30 to avoid a shutdown.

"We must act to fully defund Planned Parenthood," the letter says. "Please know that we cannot and will not support any funding resolution – an appropriations bill, an omnibus package, a continuing resolution, or otherwise – that contains any funding for Planned Parenthood, including mandatory funding streams."

The lawmakers cited a series of heavily edited undercover videos that show Planned Parenthood doctors discussing the donation of fetal tissue for medical research after abortions. The anti-abortion group that circulated the videos claims that the family planning provider is selling fetal parts for profit, although multiple state investigations into that claim have come up with nothing.

Planned Parenthood receives about $500 million in government funding, mostly through Medicaid and a federal family planning program. The money is used to subsidize birth control, cancer screenings and other women's health services. The longstanding Hyde Amendment prevents any federal funds from being used to pay for abortions, but Republicans have been trying to defund Planned Parenthood over its abortion services since 2011.

More: 28 Republican Men Threaten Government Shutdown Over Planned Parenthood

ACORN was defunded based on lies. Now they're trying to do the same thing to Planned Parenthood. Oh, and why is it all men doing this?

These 28--are making certain they get "the war on women campaign" started early this election season. They just couldn't wait until after November 2016.

Hey why not, Mike Huckabee already started his war on "little girls".

The Republican party is filled with children who have given up on American democracy because it doesn't work for them anymore. America was founded on the principle of forced compromise. Republicans want to rule by decree with no compromise.

They are diametrically opposed to the Constitutional framework set down by the founders.
Is that why Obama said the republicans can get on board, but they will have to sit in the back seat compromise? Or in 2007 after the democrats took over both houses compromised? Bush compromised way to much with the liberals, that was one of his down falls so take your bullshit some where else.
They won't vote to fund the federal government if the bill includes any money for the family planning provider.

WASHINGTON -- A group of 28 House Republican lawmakers, all men, are pledging to do everything in their power to defund Planned Parenthood this fall, even it means shutting down the federal government in protest.

In a letter circulated this summer by Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-S.C.), the congressmen pledged to vote against any bill that funds the federal government if it includes money for Planned Parenthood. Congress must fund the government by Sept. 30 to avoid a shutdown.

"We must act to fully defund Planned Parenthood," the letter says. "Please know that we cannot and will not support any funding resolution – an appropriations bill, an omnibus package, a continuing resolution, or otherwise – that contains any funding for Planned Parenthood, including mandatory funding streams."

The lawmakers cited a series of heavily edited undercover videos that show Planned Parenthood doctors discussing the donation of fetal tissue for medical research after abortions. The anti-abortion group that circulated the videos claims that the family planning provider is selling fetal parts for profit, although multiple state investigations into that claim have come up with nothing.

Planned Parenthood receives about $500 million in government funding, mostly through Medicaid and a federal family planning program. The money is used to subsidize birth control, cancer screenings and other women's health services. The longstanding Hyde Amendment prevents any federal funds from being used to pay for abortions, but Republicans have been trying to defund Planned Parenthood over its abortion services since 2011.

More: 28 Republican Men Threaten Government Shutdown Over Planned Parenthood

ACORN was defunded based on lies. Now they're trying to do the same thing to Planned Parenthood. Oh, and why is it all men doing this?

Defund every illegal activity the Democrats support...

Yeah, the hell with women who need and use Planned Parenthood's services.
We have Obama care now, no need for planned parenthood. There are plenty of doctors.

Republicans made sure that Obamacare does not include abortion services
Obama care was touted as the best thing that has ever happened. So did the liberals lie again?

Hyperbole, meet ad absurdum.

Defund every illegal activity the Democrats support...

Yeah, the hell with women who need and use Planned Parenthood's services.
We have Obama care now, no need for planned parenthood. There are plenty of doctors.

Republicans made sure that Obamacare does not include abortion services
Obama care was touted as the best thing that has ever happened. So did the liberals lie again?

Hyperbole, meet ad absurdum.
Oops facts smacked you across the face, huh? Lol
Last edited:
Republicans want to shut down the government over another phony video

Spending $26 billion on a shutdown of a $500 million subsidy is another example of Republican fiscal responsibility

Never mind the LIVES lost, over 300,000 a year, it ALL ABOUT MONEY that you liberals waste with reckless abandonment, and your immoral, unethical, and unprincipled belief that LIVING HUMAN BEINGS inside a HOST are part of that HOST, even their DNA is different! You disgust many of us!

Abortion has been legal for 40 years

Planned Parenthood is following the law
Illegally selling body parts from aborted babies ISN'T legal, and that's what the fuss is about...

Try to keep up, OK???
Good thing PP doesn't do that, eh?
Woman want birth control
Woman want help
Woman want at least the choice of abortion

This is the cold hard truth...Good luck winning the national election with woman voting 60% against you. A shut down will just make you look stupid.
Yeah, the hell with women who need and use Planned Parenthood's services.
We have Obama care now, no need for planned parenthood. There are plenty of doctors.

Republicans made sure that Obamacare does not include abortion services
Obama care was touted as the best thing that has ever happened. So did the liberals lie again?

Hyperbole, meet ad absurdum.
Pops facts smacked you across the face, huh? Lol

lol,,,Wipe the rich mans cum off your face.
Woman want birth control
Woman want help
Woman want at least the choice of abortion

This is the cold hard truth...Good luck winning the national election with woman voting 60% against you. A shut down will just make you look stupid.
Women can get FREE birth control under Obozocare, and there are other avenues for abortions.

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