288k new jobs stunner, UE at 6.3%. Pubs study new phony crisis lol...

This is good news...I'll admit it.

Are the new jobs high paying jobs, or fast food jobs?
Btw, this administration has such a habit of lying about the numbers on everything, it carries EXTRA no-cred. <pfft> Is that bucket getting heavy?
Faux will uncover the real numbers. You mark my words. LOL
This is good news...I'll admit it.

Are the new jobs high paying jobs, or fast food jobs?
Do you even have to ask? hint: I'm not sayin' it's min wage, but it's most likely min wage, part time, and temp.

We're at .1% growth and when the revise the numbers, it'll prolly be in the negative.
Faux will uncover the real numbers. You mark my words. LOL
By all means, blame the perpetually shitty economy on FOX news. It's their policies that have us in the crapper for the last 6 years.

Are you even conscious? Get off the couch and go make yourself some coffee.
From the link:

The unemployment rate fell to 6.3% from 6.7% &#8212; the lowest since September 2008, the Labor Department said Friday. The decline, however, came because the labor force--which includes those working and looking for jobs--shrank by 806,000.

Economists surveyed by Action Economics estimated that 210,000 jobs were added last month.

Businesses added 273,000 jobs, led by strong gains in professional and business services, retail and restaurants, and construction. Federal, state and local governments added 15,000.

Scott Brown, chief economist of Raymond James, says many small businesses have been hesitant to add employees, in part because of concerns about the new health coverage mandate. But rising demand is increasingly forcing their hand.

"You're at the point where hiring is really going to start to pick up," he says.

Some other labor market indicators in Friday's report were also strong. The number of temporary employees increased by 24,000, possibly heralding further solid gains in permanent workers.

A broader measure of job-market distress &#8212; that includes part-time employees who prefer full-time jobs and those who've given up looking for work, as well as the unemployed &#8212; fell to 12.3% from 12.7%.

And the number of Americans out of work at least six months dropped by 287,000 to 3.5 million. That group still represents 35.5% of all those unemployed.

Other developments were less encouraging. The average work week was unchanged at 34.5 hours after posting a healthy gain in March. Average hourly earnings were also unchanged at $24.31 and are up just 1.9% for the year, in line with sluggish wage growth so far in the five-year-old recovery.

"Typical workers are running as fast as they can to stay in the same spot,"
Brown says. Many economists say wage growth will accelerate when the jobless rate falls below 6% as demand for workers starts to outstrip the supply.
Spring stunner: Jobs report blows past forecasts

Still a bleak reality.
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trolling troll is still trolling

and oh... LPR is lowest in 30 years.... more people left workforce or left the counting of the UE numbers than were added to the workforce

Suck it, troll
the real unemployment rate is upward of 12%

libs are losers who lie to themselves
Dude, regardless of econ activity, labor force participation will DROP until all the boomers are DEAD.
And how come, before the BLS news hit this morning the Dow surged up to 16620 but closed down, to 16512?

You gotta be a special kind of stupid to be a dimocrap
The economy is roaring!!!

And how come, before the BLS news hit this morning the Dow surged up to 16620 but closed down, to 16512?

You gotta be a special kind of stupid to be a dimocrap

That was not so good. Seriously. You were doing good there up until that one.

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