291,493,263 Personal Exemptions About To Disappear Forever! (IRS, 2015)


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The Raise of the Standard Deduction in the Socialist Subsidy For The Giddy Rich--extracted at the gunpoint of Federal Enforcement--actually combines the former tax exemptions and standard deduction into just the standard deduction.

In the name of Tax Simplification: One or more checkmarks are lifted from the tax forms, and billions of dollars are lifted from the checkbooks and paychecks of the 99% of taxpayers. Gone are 291,493,263 exemptions and more that were taken for Tax Year 2015, or so, (IRS).

Not even so far: Can even North Korea match that!

People can claim the Additional Child Tax Credit--actually called that--which is refundable and further helps off-set the regressive Payroll Tax: First done with the Earned Income Credit.

Grannies still get raped under the Republican Plan. Not even Streep-person is noticing that, in all of Hollywood(?). None of the others are noticing that.

Of Ancient History, Moses alleged that a deity prohibited fixed percentage usury computing in all of Israel. Instead it was to be applied to all of the foreign, (Deut 23:19-20). Moses was an educated man, skilled in all the conquering and denigrating arts of Imperial Egypt. A legendary Price of Legend(?): Arithmetic denigration was likely even approved of the Heavens of Pharaoh, likely the role model for Heavens of Sinai.

Fiction aside, likely some Greek explained, finally, actual computing to the World Famous Nazarene of the New Testament. The usury computing is shown in Matthew 25:14-30. The rich get more, the poor get foreclosure. An alternative is like an equal refundable amount tax credit, shown in Matthew 20:1-16. If a rectangle is thought a giant box of credit, (money), and the usury a diagonal from the lower left to the upper right--the equal amount can be shown a line in the middle: Perpendicular to the left and right sides. The people below a certain point on the diagonal start to prosper using the equal amount. Usually that would be taken from the people above the certain point.

The additional, refundable, amount under the New Tax Plan is $1400 per kid, kept in the household(?). Senator Rubio got that increased from $1100.00. The Obama Make Work Pay Refundable Credit had been $400 per adult filers. That really crawled up the Income Scale ladder: The left side of the rectangle. The elderly got some nature of Stimulus(?). . . .too(?)!

"Money" actually now comes more from credit, as opposed to any mythology in the sky.

Some people tend to hope it stays in the sky, it is being shown. Even Las Vegas went into a foreclosure crisis. None of it clearly stayed there. The President of the United States seems to know this--who will get more!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Still OK to buy back Manhattan, for $25.00 of find turquoise strung on leather strap(?)! With larger and larger deficits that don't amount to much improvement in world economics: It is worth a thought!)

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