2nd Consecutive Quarter 3% GDP- POTUS Economy Winning!

So how does it feel to be winning?

Everyone is a winner with Mr Trumps economy and plenty of room on the bandwagon for you to prosper from it


We know what Obama did, but what has Trump done other than divide the nation and create a foreign policy crisis?

Please explain why Obama is blamed for the Great Recession when the number of jobs lost continued into 2009, and why you credit Trump with the economic continuing recovery in 2017.

I don't expect a rational response, but I needed to ask.

Your questions fail on many levels. Starting with "Trump, other than dividing the nation"

That award stands with Barack Obama the racist

So how does it feel to be winning?

Everyone is a winner with Mr Trumps economy and plenty of room on the bandwagon for you to prosper from it

What has Trump actually done to help the economy?
What Trump has created is a free for all economy for those wealthy enough to exploit and abuse it...already the predatory mortgage industry is back in full swing, credit card companies are now back giving out easy credit to anyone breathing. But not one single person here can say their take home pay is better or the fact their job has gotten lighter with hiring, for the working class, nothing has changed and Trump is still riding the Obama train without regulations.....
By declaring no more regulatory regulations, all he did was open the flood gates for easy financial abuse of the mortgage industry and banking...same shit that took this economy to the edge in 2007.

That is your opinion.
[Certainly no individual can have such an impact on the economy in the space of 6 months, it's just impossible.

I would have agreed had the stock market not shot up the day after Trump was elected, and hit record highs at least 50 times since.

What has he specifically done that has helped the economy? Defeated Hillary.

Trump has added 4 TRILLION dollars in value to the stock market since he was elected.

Trump unleashes $4 trillion in stock market gains since election, says Wilbur Ross
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[Certainly no individual can have such an impact on the economy in the space of 6 months, it's just impossible.

I would have agreed had the stock market not shot up the day after Trump was elected, and hit record highs at least 50 times since.

What has he specifically done that has helped the economy? Defeated Hillary.

Trump has added 4 TRILLION dollars in value to the stock market since he was elected.

Trump unleashes $4 trillion in stock market gains since election, says Wilbur Ross

Do you know the expression "the bigger you are, the harder you fall"?

The same goes around. You fall big, you rise highers too. Any president would have seen these rises. Maybe the rise the day after Trump got elected was because Trump had threatened the country with almost civil war, and then the relief that the US was going to continue with stability led to this rise.

Perhaps this was because of Trump, but not because he was doing anything POSITIVE, but because, like a petulant child, he threatened the whole system if he didn't get his way.
[Certainly no individual can have such an impact on the economy in the space of 6 months, it's just impossible.

I would have agreed had the stock market not shot up the day after Trump was elected, and hit record highs at least 50 times since.

What has he specifically done that has helped the economy? Defeated Hillary.

Trump has added 4 TRILLION dollars in value to the stock market since he was elected.

Trump unleashes $4 trillion in stock market gains since election, says Wilbur Ross

Trump added $4 trillion?

The stock market rose from 6500 to 19,500 under the Great Obama. That's TRIPLE its value
For Trump to match The Great Obama, the market would have to go to 60,000
The economy started to turn around as soon it was known Trump won. Businesses started investing as soon as the knew Hillary would be continuing the disastrous Obama presidency.
The economy started to turn around as soon it was known Trump won. Businesses started investing as soon as the knew Hillary would be continuing the disastrous Obama presidency.
A fine example of faith-based politics. You have a gut-feeling about the economy, reinforced by Trump and his supporters, and don't really need any facts to support it. Do you have any numbers that support your theory?
The economy started to turn around as soon it was known Trump won. Businesses started investing as soon as the knew Hillary would be continuing the disastrous Obama presidency.
A fine example of faith-based politics. You have a gut-feeling about the economy, reinforced by Trump and his supporters, and don't really need any facts to support it. Do you have any numbers that support your theory?
We have the best unemployment numbers since 1973.
I gave you facts and you gave me your opinion. I find many people accuse others of what they themselves are doing as a way a justifying positions that are not justified.
The economy started to turn around as soon it was known Trump won. Businesses started investing as soon as the knew Hillary would be continuing the disastrous Obama presidency.
A fine example of faith-based politics. You have a gut-feeling about the economy, reinforced by Trump and his supporters, and don't really need any facts to support it. Do you have any numbers that support your theory?
We have the best unemployment numbers since 1973.
Unemployment has been falling since at least 2010. Why should Trump get credit but not Obama?
The economy started to turn around as soon it was known Trump won. Businesses started investing as soon as the knew Hillary would be continuing the disastrous Obama presidency.
A fine example of faith-based politics. You have a gut-feeling about the economy, reinforced by Trump and his supporters, and don't really need any facts to support it. Do you have any numbers that support your theory?
We have the best unemployment numbers since 1973.
Unemployment has been falling since at least 2010. Why should Trump get credit but not Obama?
Obama didn't want the economy to grow. If it does than people will be able and support themselves. Can't have that. Obama's legacy will be the welfare president, and put men in girls locker rooms.
Obama didn't want the economy to grow. If it does than people will be able and support themselves. Can't have that. Obama's legacy will be the welfare president, and put men in girls locker rooms.
Another fine example of faith-based politics. You know want Obama 'wanted' even though what he did was the exact opposite. None so blind as those that will not see.
Obama didn't want the economy to grow. If it does than people will be able and support themselves. Can't have that. Obama's legacy will be the welfare president, and put men in girls locker rooms.
Another fine example of faith-based politics. You know want Obama 'wanted' even though what he did was the exact opposite. None so blind as those that will not see.
What did Obama care do, instead of hurting the middle class, and making insurance unaffordable? Oh yeah, it did turn full time jobs into part time jobs. Putting regulations on businesses, so hiring was out of the question. Just a few facts that proves Obama hated the private sector. Oh and I loved the way he told business owners, you didn't build that. Meaning their businesses.
Oh and I loved the way he told business owners, you didn't build that. Meaning their businesses.
That is exactly not true. He was talking about infrastructure, roads and bridges, which new business owners didn't pay for but on which their businesses depended. It was taken out of context by the Right and the GOP. They were dishonest and you were lied to. That's on them. You passed the lie along and that's on you. If you want to see who is selling fake news, check a mirror.

"Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen."

In the news today, a formerly bankrupt coal mine is going back into production.

You gave me opinions, not facts. You kept saying "probably". "Probably" is not a fact.
Oh and I loved the way he told business owners, you didn't build that. Meaning their businesses.
That is exactly not true. He was talking about infrastructure, roads and bridges, which new business owners didn't pay for but on which their businesses depended. It was taken out of context by the Right and the GOP. They were dishonest and you were lied to. That's on them. You passed the lie along and that's on you. If you want to see who is selling fake news, check a mirror.

"Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen."

Bad news! New businesses often do pay for their own infrastructure. Try building a housing development without building the roads, electrical power, and sewage treatment facilities if they are not there already. They do pay for it, so they built it!

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