2nd Consecutive Quarter 3% GDP- POTUS Economy Winning!

The economy started to turn around as soon it was known Trump won. Businesses started investing as soon as the knew Hillary would be continuing the disastrous Obama presidency.
A fine example of faith-based politics. You have a gut-feeling about the economy, reinforced by Trump and his supporters, and don't really need any facts to support it. Do you have any numbers that support your theory?
We have the best unemployment numbers since 1973.
Unemployment has been falling since at least 2010. Why should Trump get credit but not Obama?

By July 2011, we had 26 months of Job losses. Believe me, we give Obama full "credit" for that.
I made half a million on the market within I think weeks of Trumps election.

It's fucking amazing what faith in a capitalist president can do for the US... hell maybe the world, I'm sure a bunch of foreign folks made bank on their investments too.
So how does it feel to be winning?

Everyone is a winner with Mr Trumps economy and plenty of room on the bandwagon for you to prosper from it

What has Trump actually done to help the economy?

Killed Ohbummer's job killing regulations.
Sounds like a pretty generic response. Can you identify any specific regulations that Trump killed that had an effect on the economy?

Ohbummer's War on Coal.
Give us the improved coal prospects. Be specific. How many jobs created? Where? How man lost?

Nah, you have lost this one after your second post.
Give us the improved coal prospects. Be specific. How many jobs created? Where? How man lost?

Nah, you have lost this one after your second post.

U.S. Has Lost 191,000 Mining Industry Jobs Since September 2014

191000 coal jobs lost under Obama in the last 2 years alone.

Coal industry says Trump's repeal of Obama-era rule saves jobs

Coal industry touts Trump is saving coal jobs. I'm a bit skeptical myself as to the real numbers, but it's what they say.
I'm converting my house to coal this winter to show my support for Trump
Give us the improved coal prospects. Be specific. How many jobs created? Where? How man lost?

Nah, you have lost this one after your second post.

U.S. Has Lost 191,000 Mining Industry Jobs Since September 2014

191000 coal jobs lost under Obama in the last 2 years alone.

Coal industry says Trump's repeal of Obama-era rule saves jobs

Coal industry touts Trump is saving coal jobs. I'm a bit skeptical myself as to the real numbers, but it's what they say.
Thank you for making the point. No one can show that coal jobs are coming back on the positive side of the numbers.
But we can definitely show that Obama killed coal jobs.

And we can show that coal production fell in Obama's term by almost 40%, and rose sharply already under Trump:

U.S. coal production last year reached its lowest level since 1978, but miners have bounced back in 2017. The nation’s output of coal fell about 10% in 2015 and 17% in 2016, according to the Energy Information Administration. Production in the first eight months of 2017 was sharply higher, rising 14% to 528 million short tons. The EIA projects an 8% increase for the full year.
The rise and fall and rise of coal production means nothing in this conversation if we cannot show a corresponding rise in coal jobs.

You won't be able to do that, airplanemechanic.
If the decline in coal production can be shown to have a corresponding decline in coal jobs, it's definitely not "meaningless."

I've already done that.

At least Trump is TRYING to bring back coal. Obama did everything in his power to kill it. Fuck Obama.
Yes, it is meaningless. The coal jobs are not coming back. You cannot document that they are. I am all for natural gas.

Miners, whether in Utah or WV, can retrain. They refuse to do so. Fuck them.
If the decline in coal production can be shown to have a corresponding decline in coal jobs, it's definitely not "meaningless."

I've already done that.

At least Trump is TRYING to bring back coal. Obama did everything in his power to kill it. Fuck Obama.
Trump lied

He can't bring back those jobs
He's trying to. He hasn't been in office a year and he's already kept more promises than Obama did in 8.

Better to have tried and failed than never tried at all.

Why did your Obama hate coal jobs so much? Why did he hate coal miners?
He's trying to. He hasn't been in office a year and he's already kept more promises than Obama did in 8.

Better to have tried and failed than never tried at all.

Why did your Obama hate coal jobs so much? Why did he hate coal miners?
Where is my damn wall!
[Certainly no individual can have such an impact on the economy in the space of 6 months, it's just impossible.

I would have agreed had the stock market not shot up the day after Trump was elected, and hit record highs at least 50 times since.

What has he specifically done that has helped the economy? Defeated Hillary.

Trump has added 4 TRILLION dollars in value to the stock market since he was elected.

Trump unleashes $4 trillion in stock market gains since election, says Wilbur Ross
What did he do? What is causing it? What changed over 3 months? My guess is, wealth is sooo centralized now that a just a few levers were pulled to go in over drive when someone was promising to crush the epa and taxes. I don't see another explanation.

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