2nd IT Company: Go to Jail, Go DIRECTLY to Jail, Do NOT Pass 'Go...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

- Denial of using personal e-mail device.

- Once caught, admitted to one, denied more.

- Once caught, admitted 2nd, denied more

- Once caught, admitted to 3rd device

- Claimed personal server - NOT legally cleared to store TS/SI classified material – was encrypted

- Inspection revealed server was not encrypted properly – was UN-SECURE

- Personal server – the ‘only one’ – containing TS/SI classified material was entrusted to a ‘mom and pop’ IT company – not legally authorized to maintain/hold such classified systems/data; the server was found unsecured in their BATHROOM

- Now SECOND IT company – also not legally authorized to maintain/hold such classified systems/data – offers to turn over server data to the FBI

- Claimed she never received or sent any classified information over a personal e-mail

- In an ongoing review of Clinton’s work emails, the State Department and intelligence agencies have found more than 400 containing classified information, including at least two declared “Top Secret,” the most sensitive national security data. Clinton has said none of the emails were marked classified during her tenure although some communications by their nature are classified at creation. [LIE!]

- Claimed she had turned over all official e-mails [this lie, like many that have been revealed, was made UNDER OATH] – official e-mails she never turned over have been found [Can you say 'PERJURY'?!]

- Months of e-mails / Benghazi e-mails remain missing; Clinton informed the FBI she had ‘wiped her server’ – the FBI has recovered the server and has stated they will be able to recover what is on it

- State Department just threw her under the proverbial bus by sending Clinton official correspondence ordering her to turn over ALL official e-mails; this is an admission by the State Department that Hillary has not done so, as they publicly take this action as a ‘CYA’ move and a signal that they will not cover for her – she’s on her own now.

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Former secretary of state hired Datto Inc. to provide a private cloud backup of her emails

FBI asked the Connecticut company to turn over data. It agreed.
-- I don’t remember the FBI ASKING Sheriff Joe if they could have his department’s computers when they took them in a raid. WHY does Hillary get such ‘special treatment’?

-- Hillary has ‘Lawyered up’ – good. She’s going to need them!

The investigation has shown Hillary / the Clinton foundation asked the IT firm to shorten the amount of time it keeps stored e-mails and to delete the e-mails faster than followed by their standard timeline.
- 'Get rid of the evidence!'


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