3 - 5 million illegal votes! Outrageous! Investigate!

Fleeing poverty to provide a better more opportunistic life for their family is a different type of crime than committing felony voter fraud. Let me ask, if your family was starving and you had no money would you steal a loaf of bread from a sidewalk vendor? You are comparing apples to oranges, in an extremely unempathetic way. It's a sad perspective if you really think an act of desperation for the betterment of ones family makes the entire family law breaking criminals who can break any law without batting an eye. And the fact you think 3-5 million did it last election shows a disconnect from reality.
Actually, you've described why entering the country illegally and voting illegally are exactly the same kind of crime: both can seem to an illegal to be ways to protect his or her family or himself or herself if there is no family if they believed Trump would deport them if elected.
It's a bullshit argument and you know it. I'd support beefing up our voting programs. I'm all for anything that makes gov programs more efficient. I'm down to investigate voting fraud. Go for it an punish any law breakers. But you have to be crazy if you believe 3-5 million people voted illegally. You are a Trump puppet if you really believe that.
I have no idea how many illegals illegally voted in the election, but it is bullshit to say these people who broke our laws to come here would hesitate to break our laws to vote against Trump who threatened to deport them.
I'll have to tell you, that sounds stupid to me.

Committing fraud like that could result in them being deported, thus losing for them the fundamental reasons that motivated them to come and the expenses and risks that involved. Plus, it could prevent them from ever coming here legally - and remember that nearly half those living here without papers came here legally.
Now that's clearly stupid since they are already subject to being deported for being here illegally. If they believe Trump will deport them, then illegally voting against him is pretty much the only action they can take to avoid being deported.

Actually that is dumb.
Here is the problem with most of you Trump supporters. Most or all of you assumed and think that they have the same rationale and behavioral like Americans.
Oh I'm going to walk in there and cast my votes. Or............. Oh I'm going to deport my self to AMERICA if they cut off my freebies.

Dude they don't think and behave like that.
[I don't give a fuck where you live. Common sense says that no illegal in this country, is going to risk getting caught and deported in order to cast a vote. That would be a Felony and reason for immediate deportation. They know that. It's the here I am, come and get me moment.

You're an idiot, but at least nothing you claim is true

{This bill would provide that if a person who is ineligible to vote becomes registered to vote by operation of the California New Motor Voter Program in the absence of a violation by that person of the crime described above, that person’s registration shall be presumed to have been effected with official authorization and not the fault of that person. The bill would also provide that if a person who is ineligible to vote becomes registered to vote by operation of this program, and that person votes or attempts to vote in an election held after the effective date of the person’s registration, that person shall be presumed to have acted with official authorization and is not guilty of fraudulently voting or attempting to vote, unless that person willfully votes or attempts to vote knowing that he or she is not entitled to vote.}

Bill Text - AB-1461 Voter registration: California New Motor Voter Program.

Hey, you only lie because you're a Communist, hence a sociopath devoid of so much as a shred of integrity.

Actually he's right, under Fedral law (18 U.S. Code § 611 - Voting by aliens) that applies to all elections where a Federal office holder appears on the ballot. Since the punishment is at least one year in prison, that makes it a Federal felony.

(a)It shall be unlawful for any alien to vote in any election held solely or in part for the purpose of electing a candidate for the office of President, Vice President, Presidential elector, Member of the Senate, Member of the House of Representatives, Delegate from the District of Columbia, or Resident Commissioner, unless—
the election is held partly for some other purpose;
aliens are authorized to vote for such other purpose under a State constitution or statute or a local ordinance; and
voting for such other purpose is conducted independently of voting for a candidate for such Federal offices, in such a manner that an alien has the opportunity to vote for such other purpose, but not an opportunity to vote for a candidate for any one or more of such Federal offices.
Any person who violates this section shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than one year, or both.​

18 U.S. Code § 611 - Voting by aliens


Yes, federal law. This is why we need the FEC. What I posted though, is FROM the California law. And as you saw, California ENCOURAGES election fraud.

{The bill would also provide that if a person who is ineligible to vote becomes registered to vote by operation of this program, and that person votes or attempts to vote in an election held after the effective date of the person’s registration, that person shall be presumed to have acted with official authorization}

California AUTHORIZES illegal voting.

You are very wrong. Very wrong.
According to the *President, there were between 3-5 million illegal votes on Election Day! That amount seriously undercuts our cherished democratic process! We need an Investigation! Post Haste! Join me in contacting your Congressperson to demand this be investigated!

anyone who believes that is insane.

oh right....we're talking about the donald.
Actually, you've described why entering the country illegally and voting illegally are exactly the same kind of crime: both can seem to an illegal to be ways to protect his or her family or himself or herself if there is no family if they believed Trump would deport them if elected.
It's a bullshit argument and you know it. I'd support beefing up our voting programs. I'm all for anything that makes gov programs more efficient. I'm down to investigate voting fraud. Go for it an punish any law breakers. But you have to be crazy if you believe 3-5 million people voted illegally. You are a Trump puppet if you really believe that.
I have no idea how many illegals illegally voted in the election, but it is bullshit to say these people who broke our laws to come here would hesitate to break our laws to vote against Trump who threatened to deport them.
I'll have to tell you, that sounds stupid to me.

Committing fraud like that could result in them being deported, thus losing for them the fundamental reasons that motivated them to come and the expenses and risks that involved. Plus, it could prevent them from ever coming here legally - and remember that nearly half those living here without papers came here legally.
Now that's clearly stupid since they are already subject to being deported for being here illegally. If they believe Trump will deport them, then illegally voting against him is pretty much the only action they can take to avoid being deported.

Actually that is dumb.
Here is the problem with most of you Trump supporters. Most or all of you assumed and think that they have the same rationale and behavioral like Americans.
Oh I'm going to walk in there and cast my votes. Or............. Oh I'm going to deport my self to AMERICA if they cut off my freebies.

Dude they don't think and behave like that.
You seem to be saying illegals are not capable of rational thought.
It's a bullshit argument and you know it. I'd support beefing up our voting programs. I'm all for anything that makes gov programs more efficient. I'm down to investigate voting fraud. Go for it an punish any law breakers. But you have to be crazy if you believe 3-5 million people voted illegally. You are a Trump puppet if you really believe that.
I have no idea how many illegals illegally voted in the election, but it is bullshit to say these people who broke our laws to come here would hesitate to break our laws to vote against Trump who threatened to deport them.
I'll have to tell you, that sounds stupid to me.

Committing fraud like that could result in them being deported, thus losing for them the fundamental reasons that motivated them to come and the expenses and risks that involved. Plus, it could prevent them from ever coming here legally - and remember that nearly half those living here without papers came here legally.
Now that's clearly stupid since they are already subject to being deported for being here illegally. If they believe Trump will deport them, then illegally voting against him is pretty much the only action they can take to avoid being deported.

Actually that is dumb.
Here is the problem with most of you Trump supporters. Most or all of you assumed and think that they have the same rationale and behavioral like Americans.
Oh I'm going to walk in there and cast my votes. Or............. Oh I'm going to deport my self to AMERICA if they cut off my freebies.

Dude they don't think and behave like that.
You seem to be saying illegals are not capable of rational thought.

no. he's saying you aren't.
Well show me a proof here where 5 illegals voted? I'm not asking for 3 to 5 millions only 5. That alone both of you are way way off.

I'm very disappointed with Unsensored posting this kind of ridiculous garbage link. He's been here very long he should know better. Then you supporting his link above. This just show how that both of you are ignorant................. big time. Read his link and tell me what is wrong.

Why, so you can say "nuhn uhn" again?

You've been shown, but chose to lie about it so that you can keep reciting the mantra you memorized from the Soros hate sites..

So far your link are nothing but pure garbage. You've been here very long. You should know better.
It's a bullshit argument and you know it. I'd support beefing up our voting programs. I'm all for anything that makes gov programs more efficient. I'm down to investigate voting fraud. Go for it an punish any law breakers. But you have to be crazy if you believe 3-5 million people voted illegally. You are a Trump puppet if you really believe that.
I have no idea how many illegals illegally voted in the election, but it is bullshit to say these people who broke our laws to come here would hesitate to break our laws to vote against Trump who threatened to deport them.
I'll have to tell you, that sounds stupid to me.

Committing fraud like that could result in them being deported, thus losing for them the fundamental reasons that motivated them to come and the expenses and risks that involved. Plus, it could prevent them from ever coming here legally - and remember that nearly half those living here without papers came here legally.
Now that's clearly stupid since they are already subject to being deported for being here illegally. If they believe Trump will deport them, then illegally voting against him is pretty much the only action they can take to avoid being deported.

Actually that is dumb.
Here is the problem with most of you Trump supporters. Most or all of you assumed and think that they have the same rationale and behavioral like Americans.
Oh I'm going to walk in there and cast my votes. Or............. Oh I'm going to deport my self to AMERICA if they cut off my freebies.

Dude they don't think and behave like that.
You seem to be saying illegals are not capable of rational thought.

They do but not like how you whitey think and behave.

Yes Trump won the election no question but to say millions of illegals voted. That's nonsense.

You misspelled "fact" sparky.

Instead of keep going around and around. Do you mind answering some of my questions.

DL was issued for several reasons that people like you will never understand the benefits. So it's even worthless to debate that part of the subject.
What made you think people like me support criminality?
You assumed that we there are no GOPs law makers in California. You assumed that all GOPs are not nothing but worthless & ignorant in California. You assumed that there are no republicans that monitored these polling places.
1. Name me any republicans officials that say...... legals has voted in California.
2. Name me one republicans that monitored these polling places that illegals has voted.
3. Give me one illegals that has registered to vote.

Dude get real.

Son, I live in California. This is a 100% democrat controlled state, The major way the party wrested power away from the people is through the massive influx of illegals.

We didn't go from Dukmajian and Wilson to the current Estado Atzlan by magic. This involved MASSIVE fraud and corruption by the Mecha motherfuckers in Sacramento. This state has been invaded and occupied, with the collusion of the corrupt democrats who will sell their own mother for power.

And I'm done playing fetch, I gave you facts which you ignored and ran from.

I don't give a fuck where you live. Common sense says that no illegal in this country, is going to risk getting caught and deported in order to cast a vote. That would be a Felony and reason for immediate deportation. They know that. It's the here I am, come and get me moment.


Agree. They risk their life to get here one last chance to improve their lives and their families. Now they risk of getting arrested then deported for illegal activity for one lousy stupid vote. Just imagine what will happen to their family if they get caught.
I cannot picture an illegal going to a polls ............. My name Pedro I like to vote.
What you say does make sense. Most of these people come from countries where they have zero trust in government and they didn't vote while they were there so why in the world are they going to risk going to jail and being deported to vote in a political system, they don't even understand.

Their wish list is simple, green cards so they don’t get deported, driver’s licenses so they can get to work, and the right to travel back to their home country to visit relatives. That’s it. No rallies, no jury duty, no voting, no PTA meetings, no cute little stickers announcing to the world: “I voted!”

It would take a real idiot that was an illegal to cast a vote. Their biggest concern is getting caught and deported. So that would be the very last thing they would attempt.

It's just all the BULLSHIT hype that Trump and Reich wing talk shows host have put out for the last many years. They have an audience that has absolutely no critical thinking skills of their own anymore. Everything that is spoonfed to them they never question. Tomorrow they'll turn on "Mr. Talent on loan from GAWWWDDD'D" and he'll confirm that 5 million illegals were voting, and by golly it's great we're spending all these Tax payer dollars to confirm it--LOL


I am certain Sean Hannity is on FOX New right now--talking about all the illegals that voted and that's why Comrade Trump didn't win the popular vote. They'll take the bait, swallow it hook, line and sinker, every single time. And they'll do it again.

So just to satisfy Trump's ego, we're going to have an investigation that will cost god knows how much money to prove he won the popular vote. Is the parks dept. going to count every head in photos of the inauguration to prove there were more people at his inaugurations than protest marches? This guy is one sick puppy.

His Achilles' heel is his ego and don't think for a second that his opposition, both foreign and domestic are not going to use it against him.

When Trump was a boy, he learned from his father that his name was his most precious possession. This is why Trump plasters his name on everything he owns and a lot he's doesn't own. He has demonstrated that he will go to any extreme to protect his good name. As a business man that's fine, but not as president. He needs to leave his fragile ego in trust for the day he leaves the presidency.
Well any proof you can provide will be nice señor.

Proof that you can ignore again?

According to election observers in California, ICE agents arrived at one polling location in Los Angeles County around 10:30 AM PST Tuesday morning after election officials caught a group of 7 illegal immigrants attempting to cast votes. The officials were initially going to allow the men to cast provisional ballots, but a court-appointed Republican election observer asked officials to take another look.

After further review it was determined that two of the men were not only illegal immigrants, but they were also wanted on separate federal warrants.

ICE agents arrested the fraudulent voters, but it is unclear exactly where they are being detained.

In Broward County, Florida, at least 18 arrests have been made.

“I was standing in line to vote when a bunch of guys in black ICE jackets walked several men out of the polling place in handcuffs,” one voter told CTN.

CTN is learning that similar arrests have been made in North Carolina, New Mexico, and Colorado.}

BREAKING : Over 40 Illegals Arrested For Trying to Vote in California ⋆ Freedom Daily

That's proof, sploogy.

I already answered this post which is nothing but non sense. But I will let you try again.

We have moved on to discussing how uninformed you are. For example I doubt you are aware of the article the NY Post ran in 2014 on scientists who said their data showed over 2.4 million illegal votes. So you understand the challenge, your ignorance has been years in the making.
You're talking about Richman an Earnest??


That was no study. They reviewed the results of unscientific online polling conducted by the CCES and claimed 1.2 million illegals voted. They even put out the disclaimer, "extrapolation to specific state-level or district-level election outcomes is fraught with substantial uncertainty." What they found was 828 respondents who said they were illegal aliens in 2010 who voted and extrapolated that to 1.2 million. What they didn't report, but others did in debunking their nonsensical claims, was that more than 40% of the respondents who said they were illegal aliens in 2010 said they were U.S. citizens in the 2008 unscientific online poll.

Yet more evidence that rightards will b'lieve anything they read online as long as it supports their craziness.

You libs walk right into my traps, its almost no fun anymore :laugh: We need to improve the quality of libs around here.

You getting caught bullshitting is actually you setting traps??

The point with provisional ballots is that they are examined to determine whether they are valid before they are counted.

And, I pointed out that there are a number of reasons such ballots get rejected. You can NOT suggest that a rejected provisional ballot indicates that someone broke the law. So, you haven't show that fraud occurred in these cases

More to the point of this issue, you haven't show that ANY ballots got counted that should not have been counted.

Again. I'll say it slowly so that it sinks in. The fact that they are rejected and not counted doesn't mean that no fraud occurred. It's the WILL to investigate and PROSECUTE that is lacking here. Just like the habit of harboring criminal aliens and filling the Cali jails with them --- there's no UPSIDE to investigating and hauling people in for questioning when the state is run that way. And the state has ZERO motivation to UNCOVER and PROSECUTE any fraud.

And you ducked my question to you. People who ASK for provisionals are expected to eligible to CAST a ballot. If you're NOT registered, or not in the County you're SUPPOSED to be in or not ELIGIBLE -- that's a crime. Knowing this -- you could hose an election by FLOODING the polls with ineligible voters, create a post election hose fest nighmare and prevent VALID provisionals from being processed.

And 1.5 MILLION provisionals means that system sucks. So INVESTIGATING would be a good thing. I know that several groups have TRIED to audit the provisionals in the past. The Libertarian party that I was with in Cali did so. They charged us $10,000 to look at about 1000 provisional ballots. So you get the impression -- it's not exactly an "open process"..
It may or may not be fraud, depends on the circumstances. Meanwhile, many of those folks didn't get to have vote counted because they couldn't prove eligibility. That would be the system working.

Doesn't satisfy me or the folks worried about voter fraud that those fraudulent attempts to vote were not counted. It should worry you that they were not punished. OR -- at least discovered, investigated and admitted.

The system is NOT working when you hand out 1.5Million provisionals in a Gen Election. The paltry resources and methods of the registrars cannot handle that. And it's not a matter of more people or more money. It's a matter of better "system design" and use of technology.

Should never be catering to folks who misplaced or lost their VBMail ballots and waited until ELECTION DAY to do something about it. That just promotes the expectation that the voter right does not come with ANY responsibilities.
Utter bullshit.

Provisional ballots are a safeguard against fraud and the system works. And who are they going after? The folks who forget to bring ID? The folks who moved and went to the wrong precinct? It's not always fraud as you make it appear. Provisional ballots are designed to protect eligible voters from being disenfranchised, sometimes for no fault of their own. At the same time, they weed out folks who truly are not eligible to vote at the precinct they show up at.

According to SeaWytch, these are largely folks who waited until election day to discover their VBMail was misplaced. Don't need to cater to them. If they want the convenience of VBM -- they should pay MORE ATTENTION to protecting it, knowing where it is, and filling it out and returning it in time.

But the REST of them, are UNKNOWN to the registrar. Dont care if they are in wrong precinct or the wrong state. They also have not invested in doing THEIR part to insure their right. And when this number of people reaches 1.5Million people, it's a breeding ground for abuse and fraud. Needs to be FIXED. It's broken..

You'll NEVER FIND people voting in 2 states or people voting in 2 counties, or non-citizens if you don't follow up and LOOK at this mountain of uncleared ballots. And if you look at the mountain and you're ONLY CONCERNED about whether the vote counts or not --- you're not LOOKING for fraud and abuse -- are you?

Let's take all 1.5Million of them and find out...
Nope, we're not about to disenfranchise eligible voters just because you don't like provisional ballots.I don't see them going away anytime soon.
If 5 million illegals voted that means that illegals had a higher participation rate in the election than did the general voting public.

The estimate is about 3 million in the Peoples Republic. Election fraud is encouraged and protected by the demonrats in California, where you Soros thugs have 100% control of all state government functions.

You Soros soldiers work on behalf of a foreign power to destroy the USA.
"Soros" again.............oy vey!
Soros has taken over that one's mind.
There were 4 documented cases of voter fraud in 2016. 3 of them were Trump voters.

Ooo look, another lying fucktard democrat, posting fake news on behalf of FOREIGN billionaire George Soros, in his lust to subvert American elections.

BREAKING : Over 40 Illegals Arrested For Trying to Vote in California ⋆ Freedom Daily

You rightards will b'lieve anything that you think fluffs your agenda. There is absolutely no evidence in that article to prove what they're claiming.
Again. I'll say it slowly so that it sinks in. The fact that they are rejected and not counted doesn't mean that no fraud occurred. It's the WILL to investigate and PROSECUTE that is lacking here. Just like the habit of harboring criminal aliens and filling the Cali jails with them --- there's no UPSIDE to investigating and hauling people in for questioning when the state is run that way. And the state has ZERO motivation to UNCOVER and PROSECUTE any fraud.

And you ducked my question to you. People who ASK for provisionals are expected to eligible to CAST a ballot. If you're NOT registered, or not in the County you're SUPPOSED to be in or not ELIGIBLE -- that's a crime. Knowing this -- you could hose an election by FLOODING the polls with ineligible voters, create a post election hose fest nighmare and prevent VALID provisionals from being processed.

And 1.5 MILLION provisionals means that system sucks. So INVESTIGATING would be a good thing. I know that several groups have TRIED to audit the provisionals in the past. The Libertarian party that I was with in Cali did so. They charged us $10,000 to look at about 1000 provisional ballots. So you get the impression -- it's not exactly an "open process"..
It may or may not be fraud, depends on the circumstances. Meanwhile, many of those folks didn't get to have vote counted because they couldn't prove eligibility. That would be the system working.

Doesn't satisfy me or the folks worried about voter fraud that those fraudulent attempts to vote were not counted. It should worry you that they were not punished. OR -- at least discovered, investigated and admitted.

The system is NOT working when you hand out 1.5Million provisionals in a Gen Election. The paltry resources and methods of the registrars cannot handle that. And it's not a matter of more people or more money. It's a matter of better "system design" and use of technology.

Should never be catering to folks who misplaced or lost their VBMail ballots and waited until ELECTION DAY to do something about it. That just promotes the expectation that the voter right does not come with ANY responsibilities.
Utter bullshit.

Provisional ballots are a safeguard against fraud and the system works. And who are they going after? The folks who forget to bring ID? The folks who moved and went to the wrong precinct? It's not always fraud as you make it appear. Provisional ballots are designed to protect eligible voters from being disenfranchised, sometimes for no fault of their own. At the same time, they weed out folks who truly are not eligible to vote at the precinct they show up at.

According to SeaWytch, these are largely folks who waited until election day to discover their VBMail was misplaced. Don't need to cater to them. If they want the convenience of VBM -- they should pay MORE ATTENTION to protecting it, knowing where it is, and filling it out and returning it in time.

But the REST of them, are UNKNOWN to the registrar. Dont care if they are in wrong precinct or the wrong state. They also have not invested in doing THEIR part to insure their right. And when this number of people reaches 1.5Million people, it's a breeding ground for abuse and fraud. Needs to be FIXED. It's broken..

You'll NEVER FIND people voting in 2 states or people voting in 2 counties, or non-citizens if you don't follow up and LOOK at this mountain of uncleared ballots. And if you look at the mountain and you're ONLY CONCERNED about whether the vote counts or not --- you're not LOOKING for fraud and abuse -- are you?

Let's take all 1.5Million of them and find out...
Nope, we're not about to disenfranchise eligible voters just because you don't like provisional ballots.I don't see them going away anytime soon.

Great.. Hope you live in California. Because those lazy slackers are USING provisionals as a crutch. And in 2020 --- they'll probably be 3.5MILL of them after election day and they can DISENFRANCHISE ANOTHER MILLION people when the mental midgets can't clear them by certification day..

You're not thinking straight. That MASSIVE AMOUNT IS disenfranchising voters. Right now...
But then again -- you're a partisan fanatic. Not a problem solver.. .
It may or may not be fraud, depends on the circumstances. Meanwhile, many of those folks didn't get to have vote counted because they couldn't prove eligibility. That would be the system working.

Doesn't satisfy me or the folks worried about voter fraud that those fraudulent attempts to vote were not counted. It should worry you that they were not punished. OR -- at least discovered, investigated and admitted.

The system is NOT working when you hand out 1.5Million provisionals in a Gen Election. The paltry resources and methods of the registrars cannot handle that. And it's not a matter of more people or more money. It's a matter of better "system design" and use of technology.

Should never be catering to folks who misplaced or lost their VBMail ballots and waited until ELECTION DAY to do something about it. That just promotes the expectation that the voter right does not come with ANY responsibilities.
Utter bullshit.

Provisional ballots are a safeguard against fraud and the system works. And who are they going after? The folks who forget to bring ID? The folks who moved and went to the wrong precinct? It's not always fraud as you make it appear. Provisional ballots are designed to protect eligible voters from being disenfranchised, sometimes for no fault of their own. At the same time, they weed out folks who truly are not eligible to vote at the precinct they show up at.

According to SeaWytch, these are largely folks who waited until election day to discover their VBMail was misplaced. Don't need to cater to them. If they want the convenience of VBM -- they should pay MORE ATTENTION to protecting it, knowing where it is, and filling it out and returning it in time.

But the REST of them, are UNKNOWN to the registrar. Dont care if they are in wrong precinct or the wrong state. They also have not invested in doing THEIR part to insure their right. And when this number of people reaches 1.5Million people, it's a breeding ground for abuse and fraud. Needs to be FIXED. It's broken..

You'll NEVER FIND people voting in 2 states or people voting in 2 counties, or non-citizens if you don't follow up and LOOK at this mountain of uncleared ballots. And if you look at the mountain and you're ONLY CONCERNED about whether the vote counts or not --- you're not LOOKING for fraud and abuse -- are you?

Let's take all 1.5Million of them and find out...
Nope, we're not about to disenfranchise eligible voters just because you don't like provisional ballots.I don't see them going away anytime soon.

Great.. Hope you live in California. Because those lazy slackers are USING provisionals as a crutch. And in 2020 --- they'll probably be 3.5MILL of them after election day and they can DISENFRANCHISE ANOTHER MILLION people when the mental midgets can't clear them by certification day..

You're not thinking straight. That MASSIVE AMOUNT IS disenfranchising voters. Right now...
But then again -- you're a partisan fanatic. Not a problem solver.. .
Provisional ballots solved problems. They caused none.
Doesn't satisfy me or the folks worried about voter fraud that those fraudulent attempts to vote were not counted. It should worry you that they were not punished. OR -- at least discovered, investigated and admitted.

The system is NOT working when you hand out 1.5Million provisionals in a Gen Election. The paltry resources and methods of the registrars cannot handle that. And it's not a matter of more people or more money. It's a matter of better "system design" and use of technology.

Should never be catering to folks who misplaced or lost their VBMail ballots and waited until ELECTION DAY to do something about it. That just promotes the expectation that the voter right does not come with ANY responsibilities.
Utter bullshit.

Provisional ballots are a safeguard against fraud and the system works. And who are they going after? The folks who forget to bring ID? The folks who moved and went to the wrong precinct? It's not always fraud as you make it appear. Provisional ballots are designed to protect eligible voters from being disenfranchised, sometimes for no fault of their own. At the same time, they weed out folks who truly are not eligible to vote at the precinct they show up at.

According to SeaWytch, these are largely folks who waited until election day to discover their VBMail was misplaced. Don't need to cater to them. If they want the convenience of VBM -- they should pay MORE ATTENTION to protecting it, knowing where it is, and filling it out and returning it in time.

But the REST of them, are UNKNOWN to the registrar. Dont care if they are in wrong precinct or the wrong state. They also have not invested in doing THEIR part to insure their right. And when this number of people reaches 1.5Million people, it's a breeding ground for abuse and fraud. Needs to be FIXED. It's broken..

You'll NEVER FIND people voting in 2 states or people voting in 2 counties, or non-citizens if you don't follow up and LOOK at this mountain of uncleared ballots. And if you look at the mountain and you're ONLY CONCERNED about whether the vote counts or not --- you're not LOOKING for fraud and abuse -- are you?

Let's take all 1.5Million of them and find out...
Nope, we're not about to disenfranchise eligible voters just because you don't like provisional ballots.I don't see them going away anytime soon.

Great.. Hope you live in California. Because those lazy slackers are USING provisionals as a crutch. And in 2020 --- they'll probably be 3.5MILL of them after election day and they can DISENFRANCHISE ANOTHER MILLION people when the mental midgets can't clear them by certification day..

You're not thinking straight. That MASSIVE AMOUNT IS disenfranchising voters. Right now...
But then again -- you're a partisan fanatic. Not a problem solver.. .
Provisional ballots solved problems. They caused none.

Hey idiot. There were at LEAST 400,000 not counted because of the MASSIVE NUMBER of provisionals. Wake up to the discussion.. Stop typing. THINK.

ALL those people were "disenfranchised".... Because even in the Primary they were forcing Bernie voters who had declared Independent onto provisionals. And at the end of the allotted time to clear the ballots, Bernie had a LOT of folks locked out. Go read THEIR VIEW of the sloppy process.
Utter bullshit.

Provisional ballots are a safeguard against fraud and the system works. And who are they going after? The folks who forget to bring ID? The folks who moved and went to the wrong precinct? It's not always fraud as you make it appear. Provisional ballots are designed to protect eligible voters from being disenfranchised, sometimes for no fault of their own. At the same time, they weed out folks who truly are not eligible to vote at the precinct they show up at.

According to SeaWytch, these are largely folks who waited until election day to discover their VBMail was misplaced. Don't need to cater to them. If they want the convenience of VBM -- they should pay MORE ATTENTION to protecting it, knowing where it is, and filling it out and returning it in time.

But the REST of them, are UNKNOWN to the registrar. Dont care if they are in wrong precinct or the wrong state. They also have not invested in doing THEIR part to insure their right. And when this number of people reaches 1.5Million people, it's a breeding ground for abuse and fraud. Needs to be FIXED. It's broken..

You'll NEVER FIND people voting in 2 states or people voting in 2 counties, or non-citizens if you don't follow up and LOOK at this mountain of uncleared ballots. And if you look at the mountain and you're ONLY CONCERNED about whether the vote counts or not --- you're not LOOKING for fraud and abuse -- are you?

Let's take all 1.5Million of them and find out...
Nope, we're not about to disenfranchise eligible voters just because you don't like provisional ballots.I don't see them going away anytime soon.

Great.. Hope you live in California. Because those lazy slackers are USING provisionals as a crutch. And in 2020 --- they'll probably be 3.5MILL of them after election day and they can DISENFRANCHISE ANOTHER MILLION people when the mental midgets can't clear them by certification day..

You're not thinking straight. That MASSIVE AMOUNT IS disenfranchising voters. Right now...
But then again -- you're a partisan fanatic. Not a problem solver.. .
Provisional ballots solved problems. They caused none.

Hey idiot. There were at LEAST 400,000 not counted because of the MASSIVE NUMBER of provisionals. Wake up to the discussion.. Stop typing. THINK.

ALL those people were "disenfranchised".... Because even in the Primary they were forcing Bernie voters who had declared Independent onto provisionals. And at the end of the allotted time to clear the ballots, Bernie had a LOT of folks locked out. Go read THEIR VIEW of the sloppy process.

You're not much of a thinker, are ya?

Those 400,000, if there were 400,000, would have been disenfranchised had there not been provisional ballots as whatever reason led them to fill out a provisional ballot would have left them without being allowed to cast a vote without provisional ballots.
Proof that you can ignore again?

According to election observers in California, ICE agents arrived at one polling location in Los Angeles County around 10:30 AM PST Tuesday morning after election officials caught a group of 7 illegal immigrants attempting to cast votes. The officials were initially going to allow the men to cast provisional ballots, but a court-appointed Republican election observer asked officials to take another look.

After further review it was determined that two of the men were not only illegal immigrants, but they were also wanted on separate federal warrants.

ICE agents arrested the fraudulent voters, but it is unclear exactly where they are being detained.

In Broward County, Florida, at least 18 arrests have been made.

“I was standing in line to vote when a bunch of guys in black ICE jackets walked several men out of the polling place in handcuffs,” one voter told CTN.

CTN is learning that similar arrests have been made in North Carolina, New Mexico, and Colorado.}

BREAKING : Over 40 Illegals Arrested For Trying to Vote in California ⋆ Freedom Daily

That's proof, sploogy.

I already answered this post which is nothing but non sense. But I will let you try again.

We have moved on to discussing how uninformed you are. For example I doubt you are aware of the article the NY Post ran in 2014 on scientists who said their data showed over 2.4 million illegal votes. So you understand the challenge, your ignorance has been years in the making.
You're talking about Richman an Earnest??


That was no study. They reviewed the results of unscientific online polling conducted by the CCES and claimed 1.2 million illegals voted. They even put out the disclaimer, "extrapolation to specific state-level or district-level election outcomes is fraught with substantial uncertainty." What they found was 828 respondents who said they were illegal aliens in 2010 who voted and extrapolated that to 1.2 million. What they didn't report, but others did in debunking their nonsensical claims, was that more than 40% of the respondents who said they were illegal aliens in 2010 said they were U.S. citizens in the 2008 unscientific online poll.

Yet more evidence that rightards will b'lieve anything they read online as long as it supports their craziness.

You libs walk right into my traps, its almost no fun anymore :laugh: We need to improve the quality of libs around here.

You getting caught bullshitting is actually you setting traps??

You misspelled "fact" sparky.

Son, I live in California. This is a 100% democrat controlled state, The major way the party wrested power away from the people is through the massive influx of illegals.

We didn't go from Dukmajian and Wilson to the current Estado Atzlan by magic. This involved MASSIVE fraud and corruption by the Mecha motherfuckers in Sacramento. This state has been invaded and occupied, with the collusion of the corrupt democrats who will sell their own mother for power.

And I'm done playing fetch, I gave you facts which you ignored and ran from.

I don't give a fuck where you live. Common sense says that no illegal in this country, is going to risk getting caught and deported in order to cast a vote. That would be a Felony and reason for immediate deportation. They know that. It's the here I am, come and get me moment.


Agree. They risk their life to get here one last chance to improve their lives and their families. Now they risk of getting arrested then deported for illegal activity for one lousy stupid vote. Just imagine what will happen to their family if they get caught.
I cannot picture an illegal going to a polls ............. My name Pedro I like to vote.
What you say does make sense. Most of these people come from countries where they have zero trust in government and they didn't vote while they were there so why in the world are they going to risk going to jail and being deported to vote in a political system, they don't even understand.

Their wish list is simple, green cards so they don’t get deported, driver’s licenses so they can get to work, and the right to travel back to their home country to visit relatives. That’s it. No rallies, no jury duty, no voting, no PTA meetings, no cute little stickers announcing to the world: “I voted!”

It would take a real idiot that was an illegal to cast a vote. Their biggest concern is getting caught and deported. So that would be the very last thing they would attempt.

It's just all the BULLSHIT hype that Trump and Reich wing talk shows host have put out for the last many years. They have an audience that has absolutely no critical thinking skills of their own anymore. Everything that is spoonfed to them they never question. Tomorrow they'll turn on "Mr. Talent on loan from GAWWWDDD'D" and he'll confirm that 5 million illegals were voting, and by golly it's great we're spending all these Tax payer dollars to confirm it--LOL


I am certain Sean Hannity is on FOX New right now--talking about all the illegals that voted and that's why Comrade Trump didn't win the popular vote. They'll take the bait, swallow it hook, line and sinker, every single time. And they'll do it again.

So just to satisfy Trump's ego, we're going to have an investigation that will cost god knows how much money to prove he won the popular vote. Is the parks dept. going to count every head in photos of the inauguration to prove there were more people at his inaugurations than protest marches? This guy is one sick puppy.

His Achilles' heel is his ego and don't think for a second that his opposition, both foreign and domestic are not going to use it against him.

When Trump was a boy, he learned from his father that his name was his most precious possession. This is why Trump plasters his name on everything he owns and a lot he's doesn't own. He has demonstrated that he will go to any extreme to protect his good name. As a business man that's fine, but not as president. He needs to leave his fragile ego in trust for the day he leaves the presidency.

I doubt California is going to pay for this investigation. They have their own election laws, stating that if there is no evidence of voter fraud no investigation will be done.

Since it involves our TAXPAYER dollars, I believe this executive order would require congressional approval first. Mitch McConnell & Paul Ryan need to get out in front of Comrade Trump very quickly. This guy is a fucking maniac and needs to be stopped. Now he's insulting their authority and constitutional duties.


Comrade Trump is attacking our Democracy and this can't stand. These Riech wingers were in total outrage over Obama's executive orders. BUT Obama gave Republican Senate & House members plenty of opportunities to write their own legislation. After a couple of years when they couldn't get anything done or come to any kind of agreement on anything, he would then step in with an executive order. Obama sure as hell didn't do executive order one after another upon coming into office.
Utter bullshit.

Provisional ballots are a safeguard against fraud and the system works. And who are they going after? The folks who forget to bring ID? The folks who moved and went to the wrong precinct? It's not always fraud as you make it appear. Provisional ballots are designed to protect eligible voters from being disenfranchised, sometimes for no fault of their own. At the same time, they weed out folks who truly are not eligible to vote at the precinct they show up at.

According to SeaWytch, these are largely folks who waited until election day to discover their VBMail was misplaced. Don't need to cater to them. If they want the convenience of VBM -- they should pay MORE ATTENTION to protecting it, knowing where it is, and filling it out and returning it in time.

But the REST of them, are UNKNOWN to the registrar. Dont care if they are in wrong precinct or the wrong state. They also have not invested in doing THEIR part to insure their right. And when this number of people reaches 1.5Million people, it's a breeding ground for abuse and fraud. Needs to be FIXED. It's broken..

You'll NEVER FIND people voting in 2 states or people voting in 2 counties, or non-citizens if you don't follow up and LOOK at this mountain of uncleared ballots. And if you look at the mountain and you're ONLY CONCERNED about whether the vote counts or not --- you're not LOOKING for fraud and abuse -- are you?

Let's take all 1.5Million of them and find out...
Nope, we're not about to disenfranchise eligible voters just because you don't like provisional ballots.I don't see them going away anytime soon.

Great.. Hope you live in California. Because those lazy slackers are USING provisionals as a crutch. And in 2020 --- they'll probably be 3.5MILL of them after election day and they can DISENFRANCHISE ANOTHER MILLION people when the mental midgets can't clear them by certification day..

You're not thinking straight. That MASSIVE AMOUNT IS disenfranchising voters. Right now...
But then again -- you're a partisan fanatic. Not a problem solver.. .
Provisional ballots solved problems. They caused none.

Hey idiot. There were at LEAST 400,000 not counted because of the MASSIVE NUMBER of provisionals. Wake up to the discussion.. Stop typing. THINK.

ALL those people were "disenfranchised".... Because even in the Primary they were forcing Bernie voters who had declared Independent onto provisionals. And at the end of the allotted time to clear the ballots, Bernie had a LOT of folks locked out. Go read THEIR VIEW of the sloppy process.
This happens with absentee ballots, too.

That is, it isn't unusual to have some absentee ballots not counted if there is no chance that they could change any decision.

I'm in favor of upgrading the process if there are any indications of problems.

However, the "voter ID" thing is total BS.

There are too many problems around the operation of polling places to consider "voter ID" as an issue.

Plus, gerrymandering is focused disenfranchisement of whole communities at a time.

If we want real democracy in our elections, if we want our votes to count, we need to go after the real problems, not the red herrings tossed to us by officials who are spending their time designing the disenfranchisement.

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