3 - 5 million illegal votes! Outrageous! Investigate!

According to the *President, there were between 3-5 million illegal votes on Election Day! That amount seriously undercuts our cherished democratic process! We need an Investigation! Post Haste! Join me in contacting your Congressperson to demand this be investigated!
He will....:rofl:
Good! To claim that there were 3-5 million illegal votes is a yuuuuuge issue.....that certainly warrants a very serious investigation.
According to the *President, there were between 3-5 million illegal votes on Election Day! That amount seriously undercuts our cherished democratic process! We need an Investigation! Post Haste! Join me in contacting your Congressperson to demand this be investigated!

A national voter ID law will fix it.
Agree...as long as such IDs are issued free of charge.
Don't you think it wreckless and dangerous for our president to use numbers like 3-5 million when there is no facts behind it? Doesn't that just show that he will lie and manipulate to make a point or get what he wants? I don't know how he can earn trust from the masses when he makes wild claims like this from the White House. I know this is advancing your cause in this instance but the next one may not... Are you really not concerned?
Not at all.....the number of vids with govt employees advocating and aiding fraud.......and again the President joining in and telling them to vote......its not a small prob......keep inviting an investigation...ya might get one and not like the outcome
Post links to evidence that back up your claims of voter fraud
the Al Franken Sen seat theft....never in history have so many votes changed.....off the probability scale......stuffed ballot boxes floating around FL during Bush v Gore
Links with proof please... can't just take your word for it
Not surprised you're "ignorant" of .....facts inconvenient
Apparently I am so why don't you prove your claims. If it was so elementary there would be court cases and arrests... so provide some evidence or go crawl back into your partisan hole
Not at all.....the number of vids with govt employees advocating and aiding fraud.......and again the President joining in and telling them to vote......its not a small prob......keep inviting an investigation...ya might get one and not like the outcome
Post links to evidence that back up your claims of voter fraud
the Al Franken Sen seat theft....never in history have so many votes changed.....off the probability scale......stuffed ballot boxes floating around FL during Bush v Gore
Links with proof please... can't just take your word for it
Not surprised you're "ignorant" of .....facts inconvenient
Apparently I am so why don't you prove your claims. If it was so elementary there would be court cases and arrests... so provide some evidence or go crawl back into your partisan hole
almost 500 vote swing ...now go find another recount anywhere in the US where that has happened ........it simply doesnt ergo fraud........ooooops
Relax lefties. Don't y'all have enough on your plate without being outraged about alleged illegal alien voters? Give the President time but you might not be happy when federal investigators probe so-called sanctuary cities for criminal violations of the electoral process.
How, and what would the repercussions be? Let's say you have the evidence a million people voted illegally, what's gonna happen next? What's the Government gonna do about it? I suspect it'll do nothing.

Voting Laws are only loosely enforced. Very little voter fraud is investigated and prosecuted. The reality is, you can vote illegally and not have to worry about being punished for it. It is what it is.
Absolutely. I'm in favor of that and learning how many voters were denied of their right to vote due to Republican State Legislation and Republican Governors acting with fiat.

I would also like to see both of these controversies put to rest...but here is the $64,000 question. Who would you and I both trust to give us honest answers?
Post links to evidence that back up your claims of voter fraud
the Al Franken Sen seat theft....never in history have so many votes changed.....off the probability scale......stuffed ballot boxes floating around FL during Bush v Gore
Links with proof please... can't just take your word for it
Not surprised you're "ignorant" of .....facts inconvenient
Apparently I am so why don't you prove your claims. If it was so elementary there would be court cases and arrests... so provide some evidence or go crawl back into your partisan hole
almost 500 vote swing ...now go find another recount anywhere in the US where that has happened ........it simply doesnt ergo fraud........ooooops
what are you talking about and how does it translate to 3-5 million fraudulent votes?
OMG......that was what 8 yrs ago......the President encourages illegals to vote but of course why would they do that rriiiiggghhhhhhttt.......the problem has been building.....now it may be epidemic
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You honestly believe those rediculous numbers?!

I live in the peoples republic. I have no doubt that around 3 million Mexican nationals voted. The state was openly encouraging illegals to vote.

:cuckoo: It defys common sense and has NO evidence to back it up. He won't investigate this because the investigation would prove it a lie. The claim is so large that if true it would absolutely warrent investigations and action, but we will see no action taken. It's empty rhetoric used to rile up the anti immigrant base.

He shot himself in the foot bringing it into he spotlight. I have no clue why he would bring something like this up right now. Serves no benefit to him, only inflicts harm.

Stupid shit for you to say. California is arrogant, they were blatant in the election fraud here. If the FEC investigates, people are going to prison.

You are right. There was open encouragement to illegals to vote.
According to the *President, there were between 3-5 million illegal votes on Election Day! That amount seriously undercuts our cherished democratic process! We need an Investigation! Post Haste! Join me in contacting your Congressperson to demand this be investigated!

I wouldn't believe the president if he said water was wet.
Ah, but what if he said the water was NOT wet? That's what the Trumpbots are buying. LOL
Gruber proved you would believe water is not wet. If Obama said it.
By all means! Let's have an investigation! Special Prosecutor by tomorrow. 3-5 million! All for H. Clinton! More than even marched on Saturday!

If they find 5 illegal votes that Brown, Harris, or the other Bolshevik elite were colluding in, then there needs to be some prison sentences handed down.

This should scare the shit out of you;

{We will bring back our jobs. We will bring back our borders. We will bring back our wealth. And we will bring back our dreams.
We will build new roads, and highways, and bridges, and airports, and tunnels, and railways all across our wonderful nation.
We will get our people off of welfare and back to work -- rebuilding our country with American hands and American labor.
We will follow two simple rules: Buy American and hire American.
We will seek friendship and goodwill with the nations of the world -- but we do so with the understanding that it is the right of all nations to put their own interests first.
We do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone, but rather to let it shine as an example for everyone to follow.}

America haters like you are entering dark days.
You've been posting for nearly 8 years and finally posted a truth: Liberals think! Clearly you don't, so who explained to you that liberals think and racist reek.

You're not a liberal though, you are a totalitarian leftist, a Soros controlled Stalinst.

You march to the orders of a foreign billionaire in an effort to conquer America on his behalf.
By all means! Let's have an investigation! Special Prosecutor by tomorrow. 3-5 million! All for H. Clinton! More than even marched on Saturday!

If they find 5 illegal votes that Brown, Harris, or the other Bolshevik elite were colluding in, then there needs to be some prison sentences handed down.

This should scare the shit out of you;

{We will bring back our jobs. We will bring back our borders. We will bring back our wealth. And we will bring back our dreams.
We will build new roads, and highways, and bridges, and airports, and tunnels, and railways all across our wonderful nation.
We will get our people off of welfare and back to work -- rebuilding our country with American hands and American labor.
We will follow two simple rules: Buy American and hire American.
We will seek friendship and goodwill with the nations of the world -- but we do so with the understanding that it is the right of all nations to put their own interests first.
We do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone, but rather to let it shine as an example for everyone to follow.}

America haters like you are entering dark days.
What exactly do you think liberals are scared of? If anybody, Dem or Republican broke the law they should be held accountable. And what is with all this "Bring back, bring back bring back" "Make America Great Again" talk... When exactly would you like to transport back to? Which decade had all these things that you can't wait to bring back. Please be specific.
OMG......that was what 8 yrs ago......the President encourages illegals to vote but of course why would they do that rriiiiggghhhhhhttt.......the problem has been building.....now it may be epidemic
Why can't you provide one link? Show when Obama encouraged illegal voting. Show any significant findings of voter fraud in our election to justify making a 3-5 million fake vote claim. Come on prove your empty claims or at least give us something to review and discuss beside your partisan words.
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