3.573 TRILLION kWh is needed if 25% of all cars/trucks in USA are EVs. Would any of you EV supporters please refute that FACT?

Stop with your giant, error-filled excel spreadsheets.
Stop playing dumb about naturally emitted and naturally absorbed CO2.

Stop making that whiney abu moron look like he knows what he's talking about.

So where is the 72 billion tons of Co2 coming from if it doesn't include the 36 billion man-made emissions?

Rotting organic material.
So then the total of 72 Billion tons of Co2 trees absorb come from rotting organic material you say.
poorly operated compost pile will release 0.21 tons of CO2 per ton of food waste.
So my poor math skills aside... to create 72 billion tons of Co2 at .21 tons for every 1 ton of waste food you would divide
72 billion by .21 tons right? So 342,857,142,857 tons of waste food would generate 72 billion tons of Co2. Hmmmm
That works out to with 7.98 billion humans about 34 tons of waste per human per year. Now that seems large right?
How much food does a human consume per day:Some doctors say that the average American adult eats about 525 pounds/ year.

That doesn't sound right does it?
So according to you 72 billion tons of Co2 comes from rotting organic material ...what is your source!
So then the total of 72 Billion tons of Co2 trees absorb come from rotting organic material you say.
poorly operated compost pile will release 0.21 tons of CO2 per ton of food waste.
So my poor math skills aside... to create 72 billion tons of Co2 at .21 tons for every 1 ton of waste food you would divide
72 billion by .21 tons right? So 342,857,142,857 tons of waste food would generate 72 billion tons of Co2. Hmmmm
That works out to with 7.98 billion humans about 34 tons of waste per human per year. Now that seems large right?
How much food does a human consume per day:Some doctors say that the average American adult eats about 525 pounds/ year.

That doesn't sound right does it?
So according to you 72 billion tons of Co2 comes from rotting organic material ...what is your source!

So my poor math skills aside... to create 72 billion tons of Co2 at .21 tons for every 1 ton of waste food you would divide

Who said anything about waste food?

Are you a moron?

Co2 comes from rotting organic material

Rotting organic material doesn't release CO2?
So then the total of 72 Billion tons of Co2 trees absorb come from rotting organic material you say.
poorly operated compost pile will release 0.21 tons of CO2 per ton of food waste.
So my poor math skills aside... to create 72 billion tons of Co2 at .21 tons for every 1 ton of waste food you would divide
72 billion by .21 tons right? So 342,857,142,857 tons of waste food would generate 72 billion tons of Co2. Hmmmm
That works out to with 7.98 billion humans about 34 tons of waste per human per year. Now that seems large right?
How much food does a human consume per day:Some doctors say that the average American adult eats about 525 pounds/ year.

That doesn't sound right does it?
So according to you 72 billion tons of Co2 comes from rotting organic material ...what is your source!
ALL your numbers Ignore the FACT that the natural Carbon Cycle PRODUCED the same amount of CO2 as Natures ability to Absorb it:
app 720 Billion Tons (20x the number in your Idiotic Bitsy world)
So it remained at 260-280 before Industrial Man showed up, and then it all when to hell when mn started Burning Fiossil Fuels releasing thousands of years of Stored carbon into the atmosphere.. EVERY Year

Note the Numbers in the Graphic you Neglected.
That Nature had a natural Balance at 260-280.. Producing and absorbing 20x as much CO2 as man and NOT JUST WITH TREES!

Again with Graphic this time and the real Numbers/the whole Carbon Cycle.
But the graphic is a dated and had humans only Producing 29 Bil (Now 36 Bil) which was Still a Big Problem.

"""Before the industrial revolution, the CO2 content in the air remained quite steady for thousands of years. Natural CO2 is not static, however. It is generated by natural processes, and absorbed by others.

As you can see in Figure 1, natural land and ocean carbon remains roughly in balance and have done so for a long time – and we know this because we can measure historic levels of CO2 in the atmosphere both directly (in ice cores) and indirectly (through proxies).


Figure 1: Global carbon cycle. Numbers represent flux of carbon dioxide in gigatons (Source: Figure 7.3, IPCC AR4).

But consider what happens when more CO2 is released from outside of the natural carbon cycle – by burning fossil fuels. Although our output of 29 gigatons of CO2 (abu: now 36 gig) is tiny compared to the 750 gigatons moving through the carbon cycle each year,
it adds up because the land and ocean cannot absorb all of the extra CO2.
About 60% of this additional CO2 is absorbed.
The rest Remains in the Atmosphere, and as a Consequence, Atmospheric CO2 is at its Highest level in 15 to 20 Million years (Tripati et al. 2009).

A Natural change of 100ppm normally takes 5,000 to 20,000 years. The Recent increase of 100ppm has taken Just 120 years).

Human CO2 emissions upset the natural balance of the carbon cycle. Man-made CO2 in the atmosphere has increased by a Third (abu: now half/50%) since the pre-industrial era, creating an artificial forcing of global temperatures which is Warming the Planet.
While fossil-fuel derived CO2 is a very small component of the global carbon cycle, the extra CO2 is Cumulative because the natural carbon exchange cannot absorb all the additional CO2.

The level of atmospheric CO2 is building up, the additional CO2 is being produced by burning fossil fuels, and that build up is accelerating."""

Again Link
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Trees absorb Co2 and emitted oxygen. I learned that in science class in 7th grade.
So where is the 72 billion tons of Co2 coming from if it doesn't include the 36 billion man-made emissions?
Inquiring minds want to know.

Simply by eating and breathing, 0.9 kilograms of carbon dioxide are released each day per human.

Don't forget the respiration of all animals and bugs. Also volcanos.
The weight of the world's bug population is about 70 times that of its human population.
Simply by eating and breathing, 0.9 kilograms of carbon dioxide are released each day per human.

Don't forget the respiration of all animals and bugs. Also volcanos.
The weight of the world's bug population is about 70 times that of its human population.

"Rotting" is a biological process ... sorry Todd, but in of itself doesn't produce very much carbon dioxide ... the bugs and microbes themselves breath in oxygen and breath out carbon dioxide ... this respiration is what makes the carbon dioxide ... CnH2nOn + nO2 ≈≈> nCO2 + nH2O ...

The carbon in dead things is still reduced ... and is a vital resource for all living things ... both for structural material and for burning ... it won't simply evaporate, who knows, it might wind up in you when we reduce meat consumption by 90% ...

Oh ... just a nitpick ... volcanoes don't respirate, they explode ... CO2 (s) ≈≈> CO2 (g) et al ... [giggle] ... 'tis said half the bio-mass of land animals are ants ...
"Rotting" is a biological process ... sorry Todd, but in of itself doesn't produce very much carbon dioxide ... the bugs and microbes themselves breath in oxygen and breath out carbon dioxide ... this respiration is what makes the carbon dioxide ... CnH2nOn + nO2 ≈≈> nCO2 + nH2O ...

The carbon in dead things is still reduced ... and is a vital resource for all living things ... both for structural material and for burning ... it won't simply evaporate, who knows, it might wind up in you when we reduce meat consumption by 90% ...

Oh ... just a nitpick ... volcanoes don't respirate, they explode ... CO2 (s) ≈≈> CO2 (g) et al ... [giggle] ... 'tis said half the bio-mass of land animals are ants ...
More than half of the Earth's mammalian biomass is composed of humans and their livestock.
ALL your numbers Ignore the FACT that the natural Carbon Cycle PRODUCED the same amount of CO2 as Natures ability to Absorb it:
app 720 Billion Tons (20x the number in your Idiotic Bitsy world)
So it remained at 260-280 before Industrial Man showed up, and then it all when to hell when mn started Burning Fiossil Fuels releasing thousands of years of Stored carbon into the atmosphere.. EVERY Year

Note the Numbers in the Graphic you Neglected.
That Nature had a natural Balance at 260-280.. Producing and absorbing 20x as much CO2 as man and NOT JUST WITH TREES!

Again with Graphic this time and the real Numbers/the whole Carbon Cycle.
But the graphic is a dated and had humans only Producing 29 Bil (Now 36 Bil) which was Still a Big Problem.

"""Before the industrial revolution, the CO2 content in the air remained quite steady for thousands of years. Natural CO2 is not static, however. It is generated by natural processes, and absorbed by others.

As you can see in Figure 1, natural land and ocean carbon remains roughly in balance and have done so for a long time – and we know this because we can measure historic levels of CO2 in the atmosphere both directly (in ice cores) and indirectly (through proxies).


Figure 1: Global carbon cycle. Numbers represent flux of carbon dioxide in gigatons (Source: Figure 7.3, IPCC AR4).

But consider what happens when more CO2 is released from outside of the natural carbon cycle – by burning fossil fuels. Although our output of 29 gigatons of CO2 (abu: now 36 gig) is tiny compared to the 750 gigatons moving through the carbon cycle each year,
it adds up because the land and ocean cannot absorb all of the extra CO2.
About 60% of this additional CO2 is absorbed.
The rest Remains in the Atmosphere, and as a Consequence, Atmospheric CO2 is at its Highest level in 15 to 20 Million years (Tripati et al. 2009).

A Natural change of 100ppm normally takes 5,000 to 20,000 years. The Recent increase of 100ppm has taken Just 120 years).

Human CO2 emissions upset the natural balance of the carbon cycle. Man-made CO2 in the atmosphere has increased by a Third (abu: now half/50%) since the pre-industrial era, creating an artificial forcing of global temperatures which is Warming the Planet.
While fossil-fuel derived CO2 is a very small component of the global carbon cycle, the extra CO2 is Cumulative because the natural carbon exchange cannot absorb all the additional CO2.

The level of atmospheric CO2 is building up, the additional CO2 is being produced by burning fossil fuels, and that build up is accelerating."""

Again Link
So according to your chart.. The differential is 29 billion tons by fossil fuels right?
Now the oceans absorb 6 billion of that 29 billion right?
So is it possible that the larger the oceans the more Co2 would be absorbed?
Measurements of CO2 and other ocean properties suggest that 40% of the human-produced CO2 in the ocean, worldwide, was originally absorbed from the atmosphere into the Southern Ocean, making it one of the most important carbon sinks on our planet.

Now given all the attention Co2 emissions have created this to me is the most important method rather than doing as Biden said..
"I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”...

Direct Air Capture (DAC) is a technology that removes carbon dioxide (CO₂) from the atmosphere.
Using high-powered fans, air is drawn into a processing facility where the CO₂ is separated through a series of chemical reactions. Then the CO₂ is either permanently stored in underground reservoirs through secure geologic sequestration, or is used to make new products such as building materials and low-carbon fuels.

Let's do two things folks... Let's concentrate on continued improvement in reducing fossil fuels Co2 emissions, and lets advance this DAC technology, i.e. capturing Co2.
To me that is more financially practical than totally ignoring the cost of providing 10 trillion kWh per year in the USA IF all vehicles are EVs. To generate that nearly 2 times the current kWh, will require from $5 trillion to almost $100 trillion to build nuclear generating plants, or solar panels or Wind Turbines... ALL which most people haven't realize will cost TRILLIONS of dollars paid for by ultimately CONSUMERS!

Of course, there is a nice synergy there since Wind power increases at night.

It's either Ignorant or Dishonest (like you) to just use one of the Two main renewable sources that in fact COMPLEMENT each other as far as evening out performance.

Livermore Labs:

""..The team found that wind speed and power production varied by season as well as from night to day. Wind speeds were higher at night (more power) than during the day (less power) and higher during the warm season (more power) than in the cool season (less power).".."

Looks like another one of you of Idiotic/obsolete Claims/Wise cracks like "$76 Trillion".. ans even more knowingly Dishonest.


For example, average power production was 43 percent of maximum generation capacity on summer days

43% of maximum? That doesn't sound very reliable.
For example, average power production was 43 percent of maximum generation capacity on summer days

43% of maximum? That doesn't sound very reliable.
Of course, there is a nice synergy there since Wind power increases at night.
It's either Ignorant or Dishonest (like you) to just use one of the Two main renewable sources that in fact COMPLEMENT each other as far as evening out performance.

Livermore Labs:
""..The team found that wind speed and power production varied by season as well as from night to day. Wind speeds were higher at night (more power) than during the day (less power) and higher during the warm season (more power) than in the cool season (less power).".."


Power generation is blowing in the wind

LIVERMORE, Calif. -- By looking at the stability of the atmosphere, wind farm operators could gain greater insight into the amount of power generated at any given time. Power generated by a wind turbine largely depends on the wind speed. In a wind farm in which the turbines experience the same...
Looks like another one of you of Idiotic/obsolete Claims/Wise cracks like "$76 Trillion".. and even more knowingly Dishonest.

Livermore Labs:
""..The team found that wind speed and power production varied by season as well as from night to day. Wind speeds were higher at night (more power) than during the day (less power) and higher during the warm season (more power) than in the cool season (less power).".."

In the "cool season", when we need more electricity for heat, we'll have less wind power and
fewer hours of sunlight?

Green energy sounds AWESOME!!!

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