$3.5T Not As Big As You Might Think

It isn't so far down the road. It is getting very close but by the time we react it will be way too late. That is what you don't understand.
Oddly...you seem to be the ONLY person on the planet that can see that cliff.

What amount of debt service (interest) Papa?

Give us a number.

This is like someone saying...if we go down this road, eventually we'll fall off a cliff.

Could be 100 miles down the road or 10,000 miles...but it's not within sight
You know you've reached fantasy land when people like the OP start claiming trillions of dollars isn't that much money.
Beam me up Scotty.
It's not much at all......................

Take these numbers and multiply by 3.5.

Now, as more dollars are being tossed into relief coffers, the question is once again dominating conversations from the ‘Redwood Forests to the Gulf Stream Waters,” just how much is a trillion?

Well, it’s a million million.

A trillion dollars is a million dollars multiplied by a million. Or if you prefer, a thousand billion. It has an eye-crossing 12 zeroes: 1,000,000,000,000.

In the US, where the average annual income is around $50,000, saving a trillion bucks (with no outgoings) would take 20,000,000 years.

One million dollars spent a day would take 2,800 years to spend $1 trillion.

Or, if you spent one dollar every second around the clock, it would take you 312,688 years to spend a trillion dollars. Spending $1 million an hour, non-stop for 24 hours a day, you wouldn’t run out of $1 trillion for 411 years.

One trillion dollars in $100 dollar bills is 40,000,000 inches high, which is 631 miles.
It's not much at all......................

Take these numbers and multiply by 3.5.

Now, as more dollars are being tossed into relief coffers, the question is once again dominating conversations from the ‘Redwood Forests to the Gulf Stream Waters,” just how much is a trillion?

Well, it’s a million million.

A trillion dollars is a million dollars multiplied by a million. Or if you prefer, a thousand billion. It has an eye-crossing 12 zeroes: 1,000,000,000,000.

In the US, where the average annual income is around $50,000, saving a trillion bucks (with no outgoings) would take 20,000,000 years.

One million dollars spent a day would take 2,800 years to spend $1 trillion.

Or, if you spent one dollar every second around the clock, it would take you 312,688 years to spend a trillion dollars. Spending $1 million an hour, non-stop for 24 hours a day, you wouldn’t run out of $1 trillion for 411 years.

One trillion dollars in $100 dollar bills is 40,000,000 inches high, which is 631 miles.
Don’t confuse libs with math.
Hey smoking meth, why do you say shit all the time that's so fucked over? WTF are you to suggest others revise history when you did exactly that?

Misery Rate
1975FordDemDem8.4812.35.30%-0.21%15.10%9.05%9.14%533.2 B
1976FordDemDem7.7011.85.29%5.39%12.70%8.87%5.74%620.4 B
1977CarterDemDem7.0511.65.08%4.62%13.10%8.85%6.50%699.8 B
1978CarterDemDem6.0711.45.14%5.54%15.00%9.64%7.63%771.5 B
1979CarterDemDem5.8511.75.57%3.17%19.30%11.20%11.25%826.5 B
1980CarterDemDem7.18135.95%-0.26%19.70%13.74%13.55%907.7 B
1981ReaganRepDem7.62145.86%2.54%12.19%16.63%10.33%997.9 B
1982ReaganRepDem9.71155.60%-1.80%12.19%16.04%6.13%1.14 T
1983ReaganRepDem9.6015.25.18%4.58%12.19%13.24%3.21%1.38 T
1984ReaganRepDem7.5114.45.03%7.24%12.19%13.88%4.30%1.57 T
1985ReaganRepDem7.19145.21%4.17%12.19%12.43%3.55%1.82 T
1986ReaganRepDem7.0013.65.50%3.46%12.19%10.19%1.90%2.13 T
1987ReaganDemDem6.1813.45.58%3.46%12.19%10.21%3.66%2.35 T
1988ReaganDemDem5.49135.66%4.18%12.19%10.34%4.08%2.60 T
1989BushDemDem5.2612.85.74%3.68%10.68%10.32%4.83%2.86 T
1990BushDemDem5.6213.55.82%-1.79%10.68%10.13%5.40%3.23 T
1991BushDemDem6.8514.25.90%-1.99%10.68%9.25%4.24%3.67 T
1992BushDemDem7.4914.85.66%3.52%10.68%8.39%3.03%4.06 T
Those cuts led to over a decade of massive economic growth.

Thank you, President Reagan.
No he didn't.
More patron saint 'history' (lies)

During his two terms in the White House (1981–89), Reagan presided over a widening gap between the rich and everyone else, declining wages and living standards for working families, an assault on labor unions as a vehicle to lift Americans into the middle class, a dramatic increase in poverty and homelessness, and the consolidation and deregulation of the financial industry that led to the current mortgage meltdown, foreclosure epidemic and lingering recession.
Iran-Contra, the most corrupt president in the 21st century.
'Finally got inflation under control' yeah, after he created it.

Reagan created Carter's inflation? LOL!

'Beat the commies'?

It was in all the papers.

Do you need proof of his economic growth?

Maybe when you sober up?
Economic growth for whom?
Not the middle class.
Not the working class.
Reagan killed both.
How did Reagan beat the commies.
The USSR fell, two years AFTER the moron was out of office.
Reagan had higher inflation rates than Carter.
Oddly...you seem to be the ONLY person on the planet that can see that cliff.

What amount of debt service (interest) Papa?

Give us a number.

This is like someone saying...if we go down this road, eventually we'll fall off a cliff.

Could be 100 miles down the road or 10,000 miles...but it's not within sight
Well Papa?
No he didn't.
More patron saint 'history' (lies)

During his two terms in the White House (1981–89), Reagan presided over a widening gap between the rich and everyone else, declining wages and living standards for working families, an assault on labor unions as a vehicle to lift Americans into the middle class, a dramatic increase in poverty and homelessness, and the consolidation and deregulation of the financial industry that led to the current mortgage meltdown, foreclosure epidemic and lingering recession.
Iran-Contra, the most corrupt president in the 21st century.

Economic growth for whom?
Not the middle class.
Not the working class.
Reagan killed both.
How did Reagan beat the commies.
The USSR fell, two years AFTER the moron was out of office.
Reagan had higher inflation rates than Carter.

Economic growth for everyone. It was glorious.
Reagan beat the Commies by building more/better weapons.
And by supporting freedom lovers trapped behind the Iron Curtain.
Do you still cry yourself to sleep, mourning the USSR?
Inflation hit 15% in 1980, dropped below 5% at the end of Reagan's term.
Economic growth for everyone. It was glorious.
Reagan beat the Commies by building more/better weapons.
And by supporting freedom lovers trapped behind the Iron Curtain.
Do you still cry yourself to sleep, mourning the USSR?
Inflation hit 15% in 1980, dropped below 5% at the end of Reagan's term.
"Economic growth for everyone. It was glorious."
Some of the darkest years of my life

"Reagan beat the Commies by building more/better weapons."
Ya mean like the fantasy "Star Wars" space lasers?"

"Inflation hit 15% in 1980, dropped below 5% at the end of Reagan's term."
Inflation and interest rates were BRUTAL throughout the Reagan years. And middle class incomes were stagnant.

Like I said...some of the darkest years of my life. Taking EIGHT years to being inflation down from FIFTEEN percent to FIVE is nothing to brag about
"Economic growth for everyone. It was glorious."
Some of the darkest years of my life

"Reagan beat the Commies by building more/better weapons."
Ya mean like the fantasy "Star Wars" space lasers?"

"Inflation hit 15% in 1980, dropped below 5% at the end of Reagan's term."
Inflation and interest rates were BRUTAL throughout the Reagan years. And middle class incomes were stagnant.

Like I said...some of the darkest years of my life. Taking EIGHT years to being inflation down from FIFTEEN percent to FIVE is nothing to brag about

Ya mean like the fantasy "Star Wars" space lasers?"

You don't like us shooting down missiles? Why not?

Inflation and interest rates were BRUTAL throughout the Reagan years.

Inflation dropping into the 3s in 1983, just brutal.
Mortgage rates dropping nearly 8% from their peak....awful!

Taking EIGHT years to being inflation down from FIFTEEN percent to FIVE is nothing to brag about

Within three years it was 3.2%.

Like I said...some of the darkest years of my life.

Commie life ain't easy, eh?
You don't like us shooting down missiles? Why not?
Star Wars was a ...read this slowly...FANTASY until decades later.
Inflation dropping into the 3s in 1983, just brutal.
Mortgage rates dropping nearly 8% from their peak....awful!
Inflation dropped to 3+% for one year and went right back up again
Dropping to 7% in eight years for a mortgage is hardly something to brag about.

"Commie life"? Try middle class life...with two young kids...trying to save for a down payment in THAT economy
Star Wars was a ...read this slowly...FANTASY until decades later.

Inflation dropped to 3+% for one year and went right back up again
Dropping to 7% in eight years for a mortgage is hardly something to brag about.

"Commie life"? Try middle class life...with two young kids...trying to save for a down payment in THAT economy

Star Wars was a ...read this slowly...FANTASY until decades later.

Scared the shit out of Gorby.....in the 80s.

Inflation dropped to 3+% for one year and went right back up again

Up to what?

Dropping to 7% in eight years for a mortgage is hardly something to brag about.

That's something huge to brag about.

"Commie life"? Try middle class life...with two young kids...trying to save for a down payment in THAT economy

I agree, it was much better than Carter's economy.
Economic growth for everyone. It was glorious.
Reagan beat the Commies by building more/better weapons.
And by supporting freedom lovers trapped behind the Iron Curtain.
Do you still cry yourself to sleep, mourning the USSR?
Inflation hit 15% in 1980, dropped below 5% at the end of Reagan's term.
You're FOS.
'Reagan beat the Commies by building more/better weapons'
Like star wars?
Billions of tax payer $$$, wasted and never even sot down a bird, let alone anything else.

'And by supporting freedom lovers trapped behind the Iron Curtain'.
8 years of 'support' did nothing.

'Inflation hit 15% in 1980, dropped below 5% at the end of Reagan's term'.
Unemployment hit 11% in 1982 with his recession.
No one else came close, except, the orange retard we got rid of.
Reagan almost tripled the debt.

Reagan held the top spot in corruption, until the orange grafter, from NYC came along.
Increased defense spending 40% more than it was during the Vietnam war.
Ya mean like the fantasy "Star Wars" space lasers?"

You don't like us shooting down missiles? Why not?

Inflation and interest rates were BRUTAL throughout the Reagan years.

Inflation dropping into the 3s in 1983, just brutal.
Mortgage rates dropping nearly 8% from their peak....awful!

Taking EIGHT years to being inflation down from FIFTEEN percent to FIVE is nothing to brag about

Within three years it was 3.2%.

Like I said...some of the darkest years of my life.

Commie life ain't easy, eh?

It's not much at all......................

Take these numbers and multiply by 3.5.

Now, as more dollars are being tossed into relief coffers, the question is once again dominating conversations from the ‘Redwood Forests to the Gulf Stream Waters,” just how much is a trillion?

Well, it’s a million million.

A trillion dollars is a million dollars multiplied by a million. Or if you prefer, a thousand billion. It has an eye-crossing 12 zeroes: 1,000,000,000,000.

In the US, where the average annual income is around $50,000, saving a trillion bucks (with no outgoings) would take 20,000,000 years.

One million dollars spent a day would take 2,800 years to spend $1 trillion.

Or, if you spent one dollar every second around the clock, it would take you 312,688 years to spend a trillion dollars. Spending $1 million an hour, non-stop for 24 hours a day, you wouldn’t run out of $1 trillion for 411 years.

One trillion dollars in $100 dollar bills is 40,000,000 inches high, which is 631 miles.
Or $2.3 that Trump didn't do anything for America or Americans but make rich people richer.

December 24, 2017
President Trump kicked off his holiday weekend at Mar-a-Lago Friday night at a dinner where he told friends, "You all just got a lot richer," referencing the sweeping tax overhaul he signed into law hours earlier.

The president has spent many weekends of his presidency so far at the "Winter White House," where initiation fees cost $200,000, annual dues cost $14,000, and some of the most affluent members of society have the opportunity to interact with the president in a setting while many Americans cannot.

June 26, 2018
The Republican tax reform package that was supposed to raise wages and spur hiring has instead funded a record stock buyback and dividend spree, benefiting investors and company executives over workers.

President Donald Trump signed the bill in December last year, saying the corporate tax cut would make it favorable for companies to bring back into the U.S. cash stashed in foreign operations.

"More than 70 percent of this [tax cut] will be returned to workers," said White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders at a January press conference after the bill came into effect.
The Republican tax reform package that was supposed to raise wages and spur hiring has instead funded a record stock buyback and dividend spree, benefiting investors and company executives over workers.

President Donald Trump signed the bill in December last year, saying the corporate tax cut would make it favorable for companies to bring back into the U.S. cash stashed in foreign operations.

Stock repurchases hit nearly $190 billion in the first quarter for the S&P 500, according to preliminary results from S&P Dow Jones Indices. The last time that record was set was just before the Great Recession, when companies bought up almost $172 billion of buybacks.

Trumptards think tax cuts help them, just like they believed Reagan, 40 years of lies.
No he didn't.
More patron saint 'history' (lies)

During his two terms in the White House (1981–89), Reagan presided over a widening gap between the rich and everyone else, declining wages and living standards for working families, an assault on labor unions as a vehicle to lift Americans into the middle class, a dramatic increase in poverty and homelessness, and the consolidation and deregulation of the financial industry that led to the current mortgage meltdown, foreclosure epidemic and lingering recession.
Iran-Contra, the most corrupt president in the 21st century.
Your Dimtard lies won't work.

The numbers tell the story. Over the eight years of the Reagan Administration:

  • 20 million new jobs were created
  • Inflation dropped from 13.5% in 1980 to 4.1% by 1988
  • Unemployment fell from 7.6% to 5.5%
  • Net worth of families earning between $20,000 and $50,000 annually grew by 27%
  • Real gross national product rose 26%
  • The prime interest rate was slashed by more than half, from an unprecedented 21.5% in January 1981 to 10% in August 1988
Given actual rates of inflation, through 1987, the Reagan tax cuts saved the median-income two-earner American family of four close to $9,000 in taxes from what it would have owed in 1980.

Tax cuts were only one “leg of the stool.” The second, jobs, was equally strong. Not only were there millions of new jobs, but the benefits of job creation were not limited to one segment of society. Employment of African-Americans rose by more than 25% between 1982 and 1988, and more than half of the new jobs created went to women.

Taming the lion called government spending was another key component of the plan – the “third leg of the stool.” Here, too, President Reagan did what he said he would do. During his Administration, growth in government spending plummeted from 10% in 1982, to just over 1% in 1987. With inflation factored in, Federal spending actually went down in 1987 – the first time that had happened in well over a decade.

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