$3.5T Not As Big As You Might Think

Ya wanna try and make sense out of that troll?
You claim that the debt doesn't matter as long as we pay the interest, so the tax cuts add to the debt but it is all good because as long as we pay the interest, all is good. Demeaning others is a sign of weakness, just sayin.
"The Build Back Better Budget Reconciliation Bill

has an extended child tax credit to cut child poverty by nearly half.

Universal Pre-K for three- and four-year-olds.

Free school meals for an extra nine million kids.

New money to repair run-down schools.

Two free years of community college.

Twelve weeks of paid family and medical leave for the first time in American history.

New powers for Medicare to negotiate drug prices, which will bring down the costs of your prescriptions, which is a good thing, given that we often spend twice as much as people in other countries.

Expanding Medicare to cover dental, vision, and hearing aids, helping millions of seniors.

Lowering the Medicare eligibility age from 65 to 60, again, helping millions of seniors.

Expanding home care, and paying higher wages for home care workers, again, helping millions of seniors.

Closing the Medicaid gap for low-income Americans and getting healthcare to four million uninsured people.

New money for housing choice vouchers to tackle homelessness.

New Justice Department grants for non-profits that work on reducing community violence.

And, of course, action on climate change, including a clean electricity performance program that will create nearly eight million new jobs and financial incentives to buy electric vehicles, to build charging stations for them, and for homeowners to weather-fit their homes, plus new forestry programs, flood control programs.

So stop focusing on the 3.5 trillion, and focus on the popular, necessary, and good stuff that is being invested in over — yeah! — ten years."
You claim that the debt doesn't matter as long as we pay the interest, so the tax cuts add to the debt but it is all good because as long as we pay the interest, all is good.
I never said "debt doesn't matter". I correctly explained that we DO only pay interest on that debt and it's not nearly as scary as cynically dishonest Republicans claim. Notably...it was Republicans who said "debt doesn't matter" when it suited them.

And that IS correct...as long as we can afford that interest it is NOT a problem. Currently that interest amounts to $370B. IF this 3.5T were added to the debt (and all or most of it WON'T be) that would increase to what..$4320B?
Federalism must be re-discovered.
It was the basis of ratification.

Absolutely, and it is even more important given the behemoth size and complexity that has become our Federal government (central government not to be confused with federalism).

The corruption at the Federal level is also impossible to curtail given how vast our bureaucracy has become. Volumes of administrative orders, regulations and selective enforcement of rules has made oversight by interested citizens a complex and daunting task that few are willing to undertake.

Absolutely, and it is even more important given the behemoth size and complexity that has become our Federal government (central government not to be confused with federalism).

The corruption at the Federal level is also impossible to curtail given how vast our bureaucracy has become. Volumes of administrative orders, regulations and selective enforcement of rules has made oversight by interested citizens a complex and daunting task that few are willing to undertake.


Yup....I bet lots of government school grads imagine that federalism is the federal government.
I never said "debt doesn't matter". I correctly explained that we DO only pay interest on that debt and it's not nearly as scary as cynically dishonest Republicans claim. Notably...it was Republicans who said "debt doesn't matter" when it suited them.

And that IS correct...as long as we can afford that interest it is NOT a problem. Currently that interest amounts to $370B. IF this 3.5T were added to the debt (and all or most of it WON'T be) that would increase to what..$4320B?
So, if we pay interest on the debt only, as long as you have enough to pay the interest, then why would a tax cut hurt, as long as we can pay the interest?
So, if we pay interest on the debt only, as long as you have enough to pay the interest, then why would a tax cut hurt, as long as we can pay the interest?
Did I say "a tax cut hurt"?

No . I correctly explained that it adds to the debt. I also explained that that spending is a much more effective way to boost the economy and one that produces things...like roads and bridges etc.
Asking you to clarify your point is now trolling. :rolleyes:
If you were not trolling then you have my apologies. That was a very strange post which showed a glaring lack of understanding. I actually gave you too much credit.

Glad I could help though. You understand the subject better now?
If you were not trolling then you have my apologies. That was a very strange post which showed a glaring lack of understanding. I actually gave you too much credit.

Glad I could help though. You understand the subject better now?
Wow, what a snarky, bitchy little reply that was....
Yup....I bet lots of government school grads imagine that federalism is the federal government.

Our public education system is a complete failure.

More caring parents need to home school their children if it is within their means to do so. No other issue is more vital to our children than the quality of their education.

Our public education system is a complete failure.

More caring parents need to home school their children if it is within their means to do so. No other issue is more vital to our children than the quality of their education.


We were talking about that at home today, and it was brought up that, with more folks working from home, that might also result in being able to supervise children and also be gainfully employed.
Did I say "a tax cut hurt"?

No . I correctly explained that it adds to the debt. I also explained that that spending is a much more effective way to boost the economy and one that produces things...like roads and bridges etc.

The government needs to spend. Less tax revenue and less spending results in no additional debt. Problem solved.


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