3,700,000 AR-15s in private hands...and now the current stock just sold out...

No, it's not. If you remove the black on black and the Hispanic on Hispanic gang crime from the equation we have a lower violence rate than the rest of the world. You all ignore the fact that we have a huge third world population here in the states and they bring their third world culture which is one of violence and who is more macho. If we were able to send them all back where they came from we would look at the rest of the world and wonder why you were all so violent.

It's not a gun problem it is a culture problem.

But the thing is you can't add caveats to your POV. One minute your chastising me for cherry picking mass murders in Australia for the gun ban, then you start cherry picking yourself. Most of your mass murderers and serial killers are white males. And it's the random, mass shootings that is the problem.

Macho? You accuse immigrants of being macho? Who are ones strutting around with CCW and showing off their peashooters? Lotsa white males is what I see.

Send who back? That blacks? To Africa? You're ancestors brought them to the US, but that aside the vast majority are law abiding, as are most Hispanics. Some of the hardest working Americans - and high achievers - are East Indian and oriental migrants from third world countries. Very little crime from those members of society.
Impossible to do

But that's what you people do make impossible statements

Tell me what specific gun legislation will stop people from using guns to kill?

You just refuse to admit that people kill always have always will
People are violent always have been always will be

I would rather see people be able to defend themselves with the best tools available even if that means an extremely small percentage of people use those tools for ill

No, it's not an impossible statement. However what you are trying to do is muddy the waters and are being disingenuous to the nth degree by bringing other tools into the discussion.

Gun violence is a huge issue in the US as is your gun culture in general. You are the only western, civilised nation that has a certain group of people who seem to the think the answer to violent crime is more guns. There is absolutely no evidence to support your POV.

Using your argument, with more guns than people in the US, the US should be one of the safest places on the planet. It's not. It's one of the most violent in the western world. So no, more guns doesn't work. Your own society has proven that.

No, it's not. If you remove the black on black and the Hispanic on Hispanic gang crime from the equation we have a lower violence rate than the rest of the world. You all ignore the fact that we have a huge third world population here in the states and they bring their third world culture which is one of violence and who is more macho. If we were able to send them all back where they came from we would look at the rest of the world and wonder why you were all so violent.

It's not a gun problem it is a culture problem.

Don't worry……Europe is importing violent gun criminals to commit the violent gun crimes European criminals simply won't do……….dittos Australia...

I know. And it saddens me to watch it happen.

I wouldn't read what he types. He has absolutely no idea what he is talking about, thus my lack of interaction with his drivel.

The fact you have some interest in what he has to say speaks volumes of your own POV. None of it good.
No, it's not. If you remove the black on black and the Hispanic on Hispanic gang crime from the equation we have a lower violence rate than the rest of the world. You all ignore the fact that we have a huge third world population here in the states and they bring their third world culture which is one of violence and who is more macho. If we were able to send them all back where they came from we would look at the rest of the world and wonder why you were all so violent.

It's not a gun problem it is a culture problem.

But the thing is you can't add caveats to your POV. One minute your chastising me for cherry picking mass murders in Australia for the gun ban, then you start cherry picking yourself. Most of your mass murderers and serial killers are white males. And it's the random, mass shootings that is the problem.

Macho? You accuse immigrants of being macho? Who are ones strutting around with CCW and showing off their peashooters? Lotsa white males is what I see.

Send who back? That blacks? To Africa? You're ancestors brought them to the US, but that aside the vast majority are law abiding, as are most Hispanics. Some of the hardest working Americans - and high achievers - are East Indian and oriental migrants from third world countries. Very little crime from those members of society.

And it's the random, mass shootings that is the problem.

No…you are wrong…again….mass shooters…individuals who walk into a public space, a gun free zone created by anti gunners, and start shooting people…..murder very few people in any given year. our real problem is the minority criminal gangs in the inner cities, small multi block areas where they murder each other and sometimes innocent people caught in their crossfire…..most of the time this occurs in democrat controlled cities……

Mass shooters are not a problem….I will show you why….
No, it's not. If you remove the black on black and the Hispanic on Hispanic gang crime from the equation we have a lower violence rate than the rest of the world. You all ignore the fact that we have a huge third world population here in the states and they bring their third world culture which is one of violence and who is more macho. If we were able to send them all back where they came from we would look at the rest of the world and wonder why you were all so violent.

It's not a gun problem it is a culture problem.

But the thing is you can't add caveats to your POV. One minute your chastising me for cherry picking mass murders in Australia for the gun ban, then you start cherry picking yourself. Most of your mass murderers and serial killers are white males. And it's the random, mass shootings that is the problem.

Macho? You accuse immigrants of being macho? Who are ones strutting around with CCW and showing off their peashooters? Lotsa white males is what I see.

Send who back? That blacks? To Africa? You're ancestors brought them to the US, but that aside the vast majority are law abiding, as are most Hispanics. Some of the hardest working Americans - and high achievers - are East Indian and oriental migrants from third world countries. Very little crime from those members of society.

In 2014 we had a total of 8,124 gun murders in the United States according to the FBI using table 8 of their homicide data…..

Of those 8,124 gun murders in 2014….how many were from mass shooters, individuals who enter a public space and shoot people…


The rest of the 8,124….the majority were committed by violent career criminals and they primarily murdered other violent career criminals during criminal activity mostly involving drugs……

Here is the rest of the mass shooter data…so of the gun murder rate…it isn't mass shooters that are the problem……

Here is the left wing news source...Mother Jones...they hate guns, just like you...they too have tracked mass shootings...and here is what they found...

If you go to the link they list each year and the specific mass shootings with details....injured, killed, weapons used.....do more research......you will post more intelligently....

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation


US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

How many deaths on average according to Mother Jones...anti gun, uber left wing Mother Jones.......each year, well less than 100.

2014..... 9
2013..... 36
2012..... 72
2011..... 19
2002...not listed by mother jones



Cars, Accidental deaths 2013......35,369

Poisons...accidental deaths 2013....38,851

Alcohol...accidental deaths 2013...29,001

gravity....accidental falling deaths 2013...30,208
Accidental drowning.....3,391
Accidental exposure to smoke, fire and flames.....2,760

Deaths from mass shootings 2013..... 36

Accidental gun deaths 2013......505

Those are the numbers of deaths from mass shootings in the United States.....and even in the big year, 2012, they didn't break 72 deaths by mass shooters.

How many guns are there in American hands....320 million.

How many people carry guns for self defense...over 13 million.
No, it's not. If you remove the black on black and the Hispanic on Hispanic gang crime from the equation we have a lower violence rate than the rest of the world. You all ignore the fact that we have a huge third world population here in the states and they bring their third world culture which is one of violence and who is more macho. If we were able to send them all back where they came from we would look at the rest of the world and wonder why you were all so violent.

It's not a gun problem it is a culture problem.

But the thing is you can't add caveats to your POV. One minute your chastising me for cherry picking mass murders in Australia for the gun ban, then you start cherry picking yourself. Most of your mass murderers and serial killers are white males. And it's the random, mass shootings that is the problem.

Macho? You accuse immigrants of being macho? Who are ones strutting around with CCW and showing off their peashooters? Lotsa white males is what I see.

Send who back? That blacks? To Africa? You're ancestors brought them to the US, but that aside the vast majority are law abiding, as are most Hispanics. Some of the hardest working Americans - and high achievers - are East Indian and oriental migrants from third world countries. Very little crime from those members of society.

Send who back? That blacks? To Africa? You're ancestors brought them to the US, but that aside the vast majority are law abiding, as are most Hispanics. Some of the hardest working Americans - and high achievers - are East Indian and oriental migrants from third world countries. Very little crime from those members of society.

Sadly, the most gun violence comes from those who have given almost all of their political support to democrats, black americans…who commit most of the gun murders in our society…….

East Indians……and other asians……do not commit murder or crime on that scale.
Given how few people (and how few guns) are actually involved in such an event, this is an irrational fear.

Using the above argument, then CCW is borne out of an irrational fear.

I don't see it that way

Tell me is it better to have insurance and never need it or not to have it when you need it?

I bought life insurance when I was young and had little chance of dying because it was cheap and I knew I would need it someday

A weapon is nothing but protection insurance
Given how few people (and how few guns) are actually involved in such an event, this is an irrational fear.

Using the above argument, then CCW is borne out of an irrational fear.

I don't see it that way

Tell me is it better to have insurance and never need it or not to have it when you need it?

I bought life insurance when I was young and had little chance of dying because it was cheap and I knew I would need it someday

A weapon is nothing but protection insurance

Apples and oranges. On the one hand you say people wanting to get rid of guns is because they have an irrational fear of weapons. Yet when I point out the same with regard to using wanting to have guns (an irrational fear of violence - after all the gun lobby's argument seems to be that the number of incidents involving guns is negligible, and if you take out black and black, and Hispanic on Hispanic violence, it's even less so), somehow the parameters of the argument are changed. My dislike of firearms and their place in a modern society is no different from your love of your peashooters.

Your insurance is borne out of fear something might happen.
Last edited:
Given how few people (and how few guns) are actually involved in such an event, this is an irrational fear.
Using the above argument, then CCW is borne out of an irrational fear.
Ah. Red herring.
Good to see you can admit that worrying about getting shot up at the movies is irrational.

Red herring my arse. You can't admit that the reason for CCW - or any reason for having a firearm - is just as irrational. I feel no need to have a firearm - so who is the irrational one?
Yes...Americans understand that the anti gun extremists are nuts.....so...after San Bernadino..where 14 unarmed people in a gun free zone were killed by 2 muslims with guns....in a gun free zone....Americans bought out the entire stock of AR-15s...

Post San Bernardino Gun Sales Surge Drains U.S. AR Supply - The Truth About Guns

TTAG’s reached out to some of this country’s largest firearms wholesalers and learned that the sales channel is dry. AR’s they ain’t got. And no wonder. IWI US’s VP of Sales & Marketing, Michael Kassner, tells TTAG that IWI’s sold thousands of Tavors over the weekend. Folks, that’s a $2k rifle. You can imagine how many low-end AR’s are finding new homes in the rush to tool-up against terrorism, further fueled by the assault media’s decision to come out of the gun confiscation closet, ahead of Hillary Clinton’s potential election. There’s a lag between wholesaler supply and what you see at your local gun store. That means . . .

you’ll still see guns on the shelves for the time being. But for how long?

The odds of these idiots ever using these guns are less than zero.....but that's what stupid white motherfuckers do with all the money they cry about that they don't have because of da government. The NRA and gun manufacturer's around the world, thanks to the American Stupid, will have a most joyful and profitable holiday season!!

To be proud, one need only pray and ask God is HE?
Given how few people (and how few guns) are actually involved in such an event, this is an irrational fear.
Using the above argument, then CCW is borne out of an irrational fear.
Ah. Red herring.
Good to see you can admit that worrying about getting shot up at the movies is irrational.

Red herring my arse. You can't admit that the reason for CCW - or any reason for having a firearm - is just as irrational. I feel no need to have a firearm - so who is the irrational one?

Irrational….so….no one in the United states is ever raped, robbed or murdered? That the San bernadino and Paris shooters never happen….? That the family in the home down the block from Vice President Biden's home weren't tortured and murdered……the husband beaten to death with a baseball bat and the wife stabbed to death…and their young son….tortured and murdered to make the parent's cooperate…they even murdered their housekeeper…..in that neighborhood…..

Bad things never happen where you would want to use a gun to stop them…..who is really the irrational one.

Americans use guns 1.5 million times a year to stop violent criminal attack and save lives….according to bill clinton and supported by obama's CDC…….were those people irrational?
Given how few people (and how few guns) are actually involved in such an event, this is an irrational fear.

Using the above argument, then CCW is borne out of an irrational fear.

I don't see it that way

Tell me is it better to have insurance and never need it or not to have it when you need it?

I bought life insurance when I was young and had little chance of dying because it was cheap and I knew I would need it someday

A weapon is nothing but protection insurance

Apples and oranges. On the one hand you say people wanting to get rid of guns is because they have an irrational fear of weapons. Yet when I point out the same with regard to using wanting to have guns (an irrational fear of violence - after all the gun lobby's argument seems to be that the number of incidents involving guns is negligible, and if you take out black and black, and Hispanic on Hispanic violence, it's even less so), somehow the parameters of the argument are changed. My dislike of firearms and their place in a modern society is no different from your love of your peashooters.

Your insurance is borne out of fear something might happen.

I don't recall saying gun grabbers had an irrational fear of guns please quote me if you can.

So in your opinion people buy life insurance because they are afraid of dying and it has nothing to do with the fact that it is a responsible adult thing to do so if in the case of your untimely death your family is not left destitute?

How is that any different from having the option to defend yourself, your wife, family and property from those who might do you harm?

Acknowledging reality is not fear

Ignoring reality and then possibly being helpless at the hands of another is imprudent at best.
Given how few people (and how few guns) are actually involved in such an event, this is an irrational fear.
Using the above argument, then CCW is borne out of an irrational fear.
Ah. Red herring.
Good to see you can admit that worrying about getting shot up at the movies is irrational.
Red herring my arse.
Yes, red herring,. You tried to move the conversation away from the point being made.
Good to see you can admit that worrying about getting shot up at the movies is irrational.
Yes...Americans understand that the anti gun extremists are nuts.....so...after San Bernadino..where 14 unarmed people in a gun free zone were killed by 2 muslims with guns....in a gun free zone....Americans bought out the entire stock of AR-15s...

Post San Bernardino Gun Sales Surge Drains U.S. AR Supply - The Truth About Guns

TTAG’s reached out to some of this country’s largest firearms wholesalers and learned that the sales channel is dry. AR’s they ain’t got. And no wonder. IWI US’s VP of Sales & Marketing, Michael Kassner, tells TTAG that IWI’s sold thousands of Tavors over the weekend. Folks, that’s a $2k rifle. You can imagine how many low-end AR’s are finding new homes in the rush to tool-up against terrorism, further fueled by the assault media’s decision to come out of the gun confiscation closet, ahead of Hillary Clinton’s potential election. There’s a lag between wholesaler supply and what you see at your local gun store. That means . . .

you’ll still see guns on the shelves for the time being. But for how long?

The odds of these idiots ever using these guns are less than zero.....but that's what stupid white motherfuckers do with all the money they cry about that they don't have because of da government. The NRA and gun manufacturer's around the world, thanks to the American Stupid, will have a most joyful and profitable holiday season!!

To be proud, one need only pray and ask God is HE?
Mindless nonsense from the village useful idiot.
No, it's not. If you remove the black on black and the Hispanic on Hispanic gang crime from the equation we have a lower violence rate than the rest of the world. You all ignore the fact that we have a huge third world population here in the states and they bring their third world culture which is one of violence and who is more macho. If we were able to send them all back where they came from we would look at the rest of the world and wonder why you were all so violent.

It's not a gun problem it is a culture problem.

But the thing is you can't add caveats to your POV. One minute your chastising me for cherry picking mass murders in Australia for the gun ban, then you start cherry picking yourself. Most of your mass murderers and serial killers are white males. And it's the random, mass shootings that is the problem.

Macho? You accuse immigrants of being macho? Who are ones strutting around with CCW and showing off their peashooters? Lotsa white males is what I see.

Send who back? That blacks? To Africa? You're ancestors brought them to the US, but that aside the vast majority are law abiding, as are most Hispanics. Some of the hardest working Americans - and high achievers - are East Indian and oriental migrants from third world countries. Very little crime from those members of society.

It's not a POV. It is a fact. The USA enjoys a murder rate higher than Australia purely because of the third world people that have emigrated here. Most of whom are illegal. The Hispanic culture is all about machismo. I suggest you look it up. Saturday Night Live even did a skit based on it.
I don't recall saying gun grabbers had an irrational fear of guns please quote me if you can.

So in your opinion people buy life insurance because they are afraid of dying and it has nothing to do with the fact that it is a responsible adult thing to do so if in the case of your untimely death your family is not left destitute?

How is that any different from having the option to defend yourself, your wife, family and property from those who might do you harm?

Acknowledging reality is not fear

Ignoring reality and then possibly being helpless at the hands of another is imprudent at best.

My bad, it was a generic 'you' as in gun lovers in general, not you in particular.

So your reality is that the US is a very violent place and you need to protect yourself?
Yes, red herring,. You tried to move the conversation away from the point being made.
Good to see you can admit that worrying about getting shot up at the movies is irrational.

Debates move and morph as people introduce different aspects. My point was relevant to the debate.
Only as irrational as your need for a gun....
It's not a POV. It is a fact. The USA enjoys a murder rate higher than Australia purely because of the third world people that have emigrated here. Most of whom are illegal. The Hispanic culture is all about machismo. I suggest you look it up. Saturday Night Live even did a skit based on it.

Not disagreeing with Hispanics being macho. Your murder rate was well above Australia's and other western countries long before immigrants from third-world countries started arriving.
I don't recall saying gun grabbers had an irrational fear of guns please quote me if you can.

So in your opinion people buy life insurance because they are afraid of dying and it has nothing to do with the fact that it is a responsible adult thing to do so if in the case of your untimely death your family is not left destitute?

How is that any different from having the option to defend yourself, your wife, family and property from those who might do you harm?

Acknowledging reality is not fear

Ignoring reality and then possibly being helpless at the hands of another is imprudent at best.

My bad, it was a generic 'you' as in gun lovers in general, not you in particular.

So your reality is that the US is a very violent place and you need to protect yourself?

People are violent everywhere

Always have been always will be

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