3 mass shooting, three semi automtic rifles

Your entire premise is nefarious and violates the Constitutionally protected rights of citizens ... You have no respect to stand on much less barter with.

Go pound sand ... :thup:

Carrying a concealed weapon does not infringe on your right to bear arms. Going through a labyrinth of paperwork and regulations to own a machine gun does infringe. So precedent has been set. Let's expand that precedent to curb the availability of the weapons used in mass shootings.
let's make sentences a death sentence for violence with a gun period. Why are you against that?
Because the state should not be in the business of killing. One botched car nviction resulting in execution is too many. Our system is not yet perfect enough to assure 100% infallibility.
no it isn't, one innocent life due to gang violence is one too many.
But don't dare limit the availability of assault weapons to those gang members, right?

Gang members do not use assault weapons. Will you please get your terminology straight, or simply shut up?
Carrying a concealed weapon does not infringe on your right to bear arms. Going through a labyrinth of paperwork and regulations to own a machine gun does infringe. So precedent has been set. Let's expand that precedent to curb the availability of the weapons used in mass shootings.
let's make sentences a death sentence for violence with a gun period. Why are you against that?
Because the state should not be in the business of killing. One botched car nviction resulting in execution is too many. Our system is not yet perfect enough to assure 100% infallibility.
no it isn't, one innocent life due to gang violence is one too many.
But don't dare limit the availability of assault weapons to those gang members, right?

Gang members do not use assault weapons. Will you please get your terminology straight, or simply shut up?
How do drive by shootings work? A gang pulls up and brandishes bolt action rifles and revolvers?
let's make sentences a death sentence for violence with a gun period. Why are you against that?
Because the state should not be in the business of killing. One botched car nviction resulting in execution is too many. Our system is not yet perfect enough to assure 100% infallibility.
no it isn't, one innocent life due to gang violence is one too many.
But don't dare limit the availability of assault weapons to those gang members, right?

Gang members do not use assault weapons. Will you please get your terminology straight, or simply shut up?
How do drive by shootings work? A gang pulls up and brandishes bolt action rifles and revolvers?

They don't have assault weapons! They usually just use handguns!

You do realize that revolvers are technically semi-automatics also. Right? One trigger pull equals one round fired.
Because the state should not be in the business of killing. One botched car nviction resulting in execution is too many. Our system is not yet perfect enough to assure 100% infallibility.
no it isn't, one innocent life due to gang violence is one too many.
But don't dare limit the availability of assault weapons to those gang members, right?

Gang members do not use assault weapons. Will you please get your terminology straight, or simply shut up?
How do drive by shootings work? A gang pulls up and brandishes bolt action rifles and revolvers?

They don't have assault weapons! They usually just use handguns!

You do realize that revolvers are technically semi-automatics also. Right? One trigger pull equals one round fired.
Are you a Blood or a Crip? Or do you just live in a neighborhood where drive by shootings are common? Or did you just make that up?
no it isn't, one innocent life due to gang violence is one too many.
But don't dare limit the availability of assault weapons to those gang members, right?

Gang members do not use assault weapons. Will you please get your terminology straight, or simply shut up?
How do drive by shootings work? A gang pulls up and brandishes bolt action rifles and revolvers?

They don't have assault weapons! They usually just use handguns!

You do realize that revolvers are technically semi-automatics also. Right? One trigger pull equals one round fired.
Are you a Blood or a Crip? Or do you just live in a neighborhood where drive by shootings are common? Or did you just make that up?

I live in the country just outside a major city where it is not uncommon to have two or three shootings a day in the darker-hued neighborhoods on the western side of town. They are often "drive-bys".

BTW, what goes "clip, clop, clip, clop, bang, bang, bang, clip, clop, clip, clop"?

An Amish drive-by shooting!
The pragmatic would be to enforce the gun laws we already have with harsh sentencing and no parole not blaming all gun owners for the actions of fucking criminals.

Commit any crime while in possession of a firearm even if that fire arm was never drawn automatic 25 years no parole

Commit any crime and draw a firearm during the commission of that crime even if the gun is not fired 35 years no parole

Commit any crime and fire a gun during the commission of that crime and no one gets injured or killed 50 years no parole

Commit a crime and injure or kill with a firearm during the commission of that crime LIFE no parole

That is gun control
And the men's tally frazzled take all that into account right up to the point they pull the trigger.

What puts the "mass" in "mass shooting"? The weapon.

So, you somehow, magically, get all of the guns off the streets. The bad guys switch to trucks. Do you see where this leads?
Why are you more afraid of trucks than semi-automatics? Can't imagine another use for trucks than as weapons?
we just know that a vehicle kills more than a gun.
With bullets? What was a vehicle designed to do? What is an assault weapon designed to do?

You might be fooled by such a specious argument but give others more credit.
all any firearm is designed to do is to propel a projectile at a chosen target
Well the evidence is clear how to save lives. Hopefully in the future we will value lives over
inanimate objects.

I do value life ... and the ability to protect it when necessary.
Your desire to pass that responsibility and liberty on to someone else is certainly not noteworthy ... :thup:


Gun control has proven to save lives, yet you cling to your guns. Don't kid yourself, you do not value life.
no it hasn't
and in it it states:

"The surges appeared to be driven by increases in murders in Chicago, Baltimore and some other large cities where violence persisted even as neighboring communities reported declines."

conceal and carry.

As we get more concealed carry, violent crime is increasing. Too many guns.
you didn't read your own link. where were the surges again? heavily gang infested areas. duh!! why post something and ignore the facts your own link gave you? I don't know abut you people. At least I'd apologies that I read it wrong or something. but wow.

Violent crime is up, nothing was read wrong.
it isn't that simple to make that statement. look dude i give two shits your beliefs, but a generalization like that is looked into deeper and i posted what the reason was. And it doesn't say conceal and carry. just doesn't. it says gang infested areas. period. I fking quoted it for you. here again.

"The surges appeared to be driven by increases in murders in Chicago, Baltimore and some other large cities where violence persisted even as neighboring communities reported declines."

it says this "even as neighboring communities reported declines."

I didn't say concealed carry was the reason. But the claim of more guns equals less crime sure is down the shitter.
Right along with your claim that gun laws reduce crime
Gun control has proven to save lives, yet you cling to your guns. Don't kid yourself, you do not value life.

I am not the one trying to jack someone up over something they haven't done.

Don't fool yourself into thinking you have a leg to stand on ... You have nothing but speculation and good intentions.
Tough shit ... It isn't your call ... And we are not required to acquiesce to your desires.


You are clinging to guns instead of saving lives.
How many lives would be saved if my guns were confiscated as you would like them to be?

Here's a hint: the answer begins with Z and ends with O
Your entire premise is nefarious and violates the Constitutionally protected rights of citizens ... You have no respect to stand on much less barter with.

Go pound sand ... :thup:

Carrying a concealed weapon does not infringe on your right to bear arms. Going through a labyrinth of paperwork and regulations to own a machine gun does infringe. So precedent has been set. Let's expand that precedent to curb the availability of the weapons used in mass shootings.
let's make sentences a death sentence for violence with a gun period. Why are you against that?
Because the state should not be in the business of killing. One botched car nviction resulting in execution is too many. Our system is not yet perfect enough to assure 100% infallibility.
no it isn't, one innocent life due to gang violence is one too many.
But don't dare limit the availability of assault weapons to those gang members, right?
the firearms of choice for criminals are handguns not rifles
Here, things get a little more technical. Let me start by reminding you of things you probably haven’t considered. In the 1940’s it took the greatest minds of the era to come up with the Atomic Bomb. These were the finest mathematicians, physicists, and theoretical minds of their era. They were infinitely smarter than I am. It took these amazing minds years of hard work to come up with the Atomic Bomb. Today, a fairly bright High School Physics student can do the same thing. A college level student who is practically at the bottom of his class can do it. What prevents them is not that they are too smart to do it. What prevents them is one little thing. They need the fissionable material that has been refined.

Anyone can pick up Uranium. You can find it in Colorado literally laying on the ground. Your Geiger counter will click away letting you know you’ve found some. You can pick it up, and take it home. It is useless. It’s a rock that if you wear it or carry it in your pocket for fifty years might give you a bit of skin cancer. It is not refined. It is the refining that is the really hard part of building a nuclear weapon. The design is well known and able to be duplicated with ease.

This is for the most advanced and most destructive weapons know to our species. How to make it is easy, it’s one part that is hard. Now, what does this matter? Firearms are much simpler, much less complex, and the components are much much easier to get.

View attachment 160939

These are home made submachine guns that were captured by police in Brazil. Look at them. There is nothing refined about them, they are stamped steel and cast aluminum. You can make it out of essentially scrap metal you would throw away, or find at the dump. How do you restrict access to scrap metal? I’ve never done that, but I can. Anyone with even one year of high school metal shop can do it with ease.

Before you say we can limit the ammunition, are you sure we can do that? What is ammunition? Gunpowder, and a hunk of metal. Gunpowder has been around for more than a thousand years. It isn’t exactly like your Momma’s secret Chilli. Everyone knows it. Coal or charcoal, salt peter, and sulfur. When Homer Hickam wanted to build a rocket, his science teacher told him that this would make rocket fuel. Homer and his friends went to the city and found a chemical supply shop. They asked to buy a couple pounds each of those. The man told them that first, the company dealt in train car loads, not pounds. Second, that stuff made gunpowder, and he wasn’t going to sell any to a bunch of kids.

Smokeless powder, or modern powder, has Nitrogen added to it. Nitrates. It makes it more powerful, and really no more unstable.

But we can make ammunition with ease too. Including the cartridge. The secret to that is the primer. The primer is a modern equivalent, but at first it was fulminate of mercury, and then fulminate of silver. The secret for those is known to just about every chemistry student in school today. Making explosives is easy, most of the training for chemists is how not to do it.

So banning the guns doesn’t work. Banning the ammunition makes it a little harder, but not significantly so. We know. We banned Crystal Meth. We made one of the ingredients so hard to get you have to present identification to the drug store to buy it. But guess what? Production of Crystal Meth has increased by 1,000%. Seriously.

All we did was cut down on the number of idiots burning down their mobile home trying to cook meth in their kitchen. The big boys started cooking it in huge factory settings ala Breaking Bad.

So what you are asking is how do we put the Genie back in the bottle? We can’t. It can’t be done. If you managed to ban firearms today. There would be literally tens of thousands of them buried in watertight containers waiting. People would start to work on them with tools they had gotten for a couple hundred bucks. Home made guns would become the norm. Ban high capacity magazines, and people can make those just as easy. A spring is another old invention that we understand pretty well.

You can make a Glock over the next month. It’s called Polymer 80. It is a nearly finished Glock frame. All you have to do is a little filing, and drill a couple holes in it. The parts are readily available, and you would have a pistol with NO SERIAL NUMBER. Untraceable. It’s sold today. Glock Parts for Sale | Best Glock Accessories | GlockStore.com

It is sold from a number of stores and sites. So these pistols are manufactured in people’s homes, garages, workshops, or bedrooms. Basic tools, and you have a gun.

How do you ban knowledge? How do you ban basic tools? The bombing of Oklahoma City happened so long ago, but you can still buy Nitrate based Fertilizer, the key ingredient in the bomb that was used. Go to your local home improvement store, look at the fertilizers, the nitrate rating is on the bag it is sold in. You’ll need 20% or higher to make a bomb. I bet you can find at least two or three different brands of the stuff. Nitrates are very valuable as a fertilizer.

Now, all of this is capable of being made by someone with basic skills. What about those with advanced skills? What about those with advanced metalworking skills? The guys on Mythbusters made a cannon out of pipe. A cannon that was just as effective as one purpose built. They made cannon balls out of stone. They made them out of all sorts of items. How do you stop people from buying a couple hunks of pipe from their local metal supply yard? They could need it to repair a sewage line, or they could be using it to make a cannon. Welding the pipes together to make a cannon barrel is practically child’s play. Again, that one year of high school metal shop would do it to give them the skills.

If you didn’t have that year of shop, watching some You Tube videos on how to weld would give you the foundation, and a few days of practice on scrap metal would give you the skills. Now, all you need are some ball bearings, plentiful everywhere. Some gunpowder, easily manufactured, and you have a cannon firing grapeshot. Those weapons slaughtered people by the dozens with each shot during the era when they were the pinnacle of military technology.

The point I am getting to is this. There are dangerous weapons. Those are weapons that are poorly designed, or manufactured. Otherwise, there are only dangerous people. I was trained by the Army to think of this kind of stuff. I was trained to make weapons out of anything I could find. Wood would make a weapon. I could make a Pungi Pit, or a swinging spike trap. I could make a weapon out of string. Coating those spikes with fecal matter insured an infection, and probably caused the wounded to lose a leg from gangrene.

The only thing you can do is try and protect yourself from those dangerous people. You might not succeed. But you stand a better chance of it than hoping for the kindness of strangers to protect you.
Countries with strong gun control don't have a mass killing problem. Nobody is making guns. People aren't using trucks. Bombs haven't been substituted. Lives are simply saved.

You mean like Norway in which the attack claimed 77 lives? 2011 Norway attacks - Wikipedia

Or the French attack that claimed 137 lives? November 2015 Paris attacks - Wikipedia

They may not get the press our own attacks get. But there are plenty in those nations.

List of rampage killers - Wikipedia

More than 1,500 rampage killings listed.

Even today Ethnic Cleansing is going on. In Myanmar the indigenous Muslim people are being driven out of the nation under threat of death. A threat that has been delivered on many times.

So where is this panacea that you fantasize about. One of the nations with the lowest rate is Switzerland. Where every soldier has a real fully automatic assault rifle in their closet. Even more telling those soldiers can buy their rifles as they end their military service.

How would you react to the soldiers here being offered a chance to buy their fully automatic rifles from the military as they were discharged? I’m betting you would wet your pants at the mere thought.

Chemical weapons attacks in subways.

India has restrictions on weapons. So they should be safe. But for some reason they aren’t. 2008 Mumbai attacks - Wikipedia

What you do have in those unarmed nations is higher casualty numbers.

We had a mass shooting at a nightclub in Florida with a lot of dead. In another instance it could have gone differently.

'Hero' stopped mass murder by crazed bar patron who was armed to the teeth, police say | Arlington | Dallas News

Gun free zones are a favorite target. Why? If you know the population inside there are unarmed you can do whatever you want. But if one of them is armed, your risk increases dramatically.

One event and 49 died. If one had been armed in the club could half have been saved? Could 90% of those victims still be alive today? I don’t know. I do know what happened. I do know that being trusting and defenseless is never a good idea.

Yes, rare events in other countries. How many in Norway since that one rare event? These are regular events here.

There was an armed off-duty cop doing security in Orlando.... he was too outgunned. Need to stop selling weapons for mass killing. Nice try though. The corpses keep piling up while you guys say the same things.

Help me out. How was a customer in my first link able to stop a mass shooting? Not a cop. A citizen. Just a regular guy.

What do you need help with? The bad guy was incoherent. Who knows what his intentions were. Sure would be nice if he wasn't armed though. In Orlando 49 died with an armed police officer there. We need to stop arming killers so well.

Actually. Orlando proves you can’t depend on anyone to protect you.
Well the evidence is clear how to save lives. Hopefully in the future we will value lives over
inanimate objects.

I do value life ... and the ability to protect it when necessary.
Your desire to pass that responsibility and liberty on to someone else is certainly not noteworthy ... :thup:


Gun control has proven to save lives, yet you cling to your guns. Don't kid yourself, you do not value life.

Not really. But all that aside. Right now only 36% of the people agree with even a limited ban. Just on so called assault weapons. So making this a major issue in a political campaign is a guaranteed loser.

It gives the Republicans an issue where again they are on the populist side.
You cling to your guns while people die. That is sad.

Yeah ... I will protect my rights and liberties ... Use my firearms if necessary (hope I don't have to).

Sorry it makes you sad ... Its possible you just aren't cut out for this type of thing.
No worries though ... The government will save you (maybe).
Look at how well background checks, gun free zones and all the laws have already worked to protect you.


Well the evidence is clear how to save lives. Hopefully in the future we will value lives over
inanimate objects.
well it is actually really simple. death sentences for violence with a gun. want to see how fast that shit stops? but you're against that. so innocent lives really aren't important to you, so you actually lie.

We have the fullest jails in the world. Many criminals have guns cause they need protection from other armed criminals. Too many guns.
And you think a ban on guns is going to stop criminals from using guns to protect themselves from other criminals with guns? You can not be serious.

In countries with good gun control it is rare for a criminal to be armed.
As we get more concealed carry, violent crime is increasing. Too many guns.
you didn't read your own link. where were the surges again? heavily gang infested areas. duh!! why post something and ignore the facts your own link gave you? I don't know abut you people. At least I'd apologies that I read it wrong or something. but wow.

Violent crime is up, nothing was read wrong.
it isn't that simple to make that statement. look dude i give two shits your beliefs, but a generalization like that is looked into deeper and i posted what the reason was. And it doesn't say conceal and carry. just doesn't. it says gang infested areas. period. I fking quoted it for you. here again.

"The surges appeared to be driven by increases in murders in Chicago, Baltimore and some other large cities where violence persisted even as neighboring communities reported declines."

it says this "even as neighboring communities reported declines."

I didn't say concealed carry was the reason. But the claim of more guns equals less crime sure is down the shitter.
Right along with your claim that gun laws reduce crime

They reduce death. I have not claimed they reduce crime. Too many guns sure create a lot of problems.
Why the US has the most mass shootings - CNN
US cops killed 100 times more than German police in 2015
Analysis | American toddlers are still shooting people on a weekly basis this year
Study: Road rage incidents involving guns are increasing

The “boyfriend loophole” in U.S. gun laws is costing women’s lives

More police officers die on the job in states with more guns

Fallen officers: 64 shot dead in the line of duty in 2016 - CNN

FBI: Violent crime increases for second straight year

Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year - CNN
Well the evidence is clear how to save lives. Hopefully in the future we will value lives over
inanimate objects.

I do value life ... and the ability to protect it when necessary.
Your desire to pass that responsibility and liberty on to someone else is certainly not noteworthy ... :thup:


Gun control has proven to save lives, yet you cling to your guns. Don't kid yourself, you do not value life.

Not really. But all that aside. Right now only 36% of the people agree with even a limited ban. Just on so called assault weapons. So making this a major issue in a political campaign is a guaranteed loser.

It gives the Republicans an issue where again they are on the populist side.

Yes it does save lives. We have more people accidently killed by guns than most countries have gun deaths.

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