3 Men.......9 Wives.......

And a lot better treatment than Juanita Broderick recieved from the clinton mafia....

Better Clinton lawyers than what Trump could afford???....LOL
(you're getting desperate...give it up.)
The divorce was granted based on " Cruel and inhuman " treatment, but in the Trump voter mind that mean nothing but if it were Bill Clinton you and the fringers would write about how Clinton was a wife beater!

So tell me was the ruling incorrect or is Ivana now lying?

It is rumored that Ivana received $20 million; the $14 million family estate in Connecticut; a $5 million housing allowance; $350,000 annual alimony; all of her jewelry; and 49% of Mar-a-Lago, the family home in Palm Beach, Florida.

NOT A BAD pay-off to keep her mouth shut about our beloved Donald.

Prove it!
Odd talk from the numnut who talks about things being rumored.

Are you NOT basing your "bill raped lots of women" on RUMORS???? LOL

It is also rumored Bill Clinton raped underage girls but the case against Trump is bogus!!!

Trump voters love all the rumors against the Clinton family but then denounce anything against Trump!

The fact is neither Trump or Bill Clinton have been found guilty of the rumor they both enjoy underage girls, but what is factual is a court did grant Ivana Divorce from The Donald because they ( the court ) believed that Donald was " Cruel and Inhuman " against Ivana...

Also what is true is Bill Clinton is guilty of adultery just like Trump, but Trump voters believe Trump past has nothing to do with how he will be President but they believe Bill Clinton perverted past will influence Hillary as being President!
I think you are a completer jerk for inserting God into a political thread so you can insult all those that are Christians.

Sure, that is what I am doing!

No, I wrote God Knows and you are now wanting to twist that my usage of those words are evil and wrong in your eyes and yet you are voting for a man that has sinned more than Lucifer and does it daily...

I guess it must be great to be the judge and jury of what you believe are Christian Morals, and please keep on twisting what I wrote to fit your agenda of excusing a suppose child molester and a man that was convicted for " Cruel and Inhuman " treatment while siring a child out of wedlock and supporting Gay rights and abortion!

What a real Christian Donald John Trump, right!?!

To start with, it is none of your business who I will vote for and when you explain the difference between a Christian and a Real Christian I will get a good laugh.

Well then it is none of your business who I vote for, oh wait Christians like you believe it is your business and believe if someone that is not voting for Trump is a Liberal Heathen that should be stoned off the face of the Earth!

Oh and if you don't want anyone to know which candidate you are voting for then get your loving lips off Trump ass while condemning Clinton for being as perverted as him!

Trump doesn't even come close to being the low life, bottom feeding scumbag Slick Willy is and always has been.

Thanks for answering my question about the difference between a Christian and a Real Christian. LOL

You need to get some mental help to combat your constant fear of being stoned off the face of the earth by Christians. I believe it is the Muslims that bury a women up to her neck and then stone her to death, not Christians. So see your shrink and quit worrying about it.

Yeah, so you enjoy men mistreating their wives like Trump has been convicted of... Also if you believe Christians don't kill gay people then maybe you should check Africa out and discover what your kind does to those they believe that have sinned in God eyes, or don't seeing you will now write about that is not how American Christians act...

You're the one that need to seek help seeing you are voting for a man that has mistreated women, been convicted of " Cruel and Inhuman " abuse and has been accused of raping underage girls while telling everyone how he would date his daughter if she was not his daughter!

What type of sicko are you!?!

What a wonderful Christian of you and you're no better than the Muslims you hate, and you should seek help for your hatred for those like you!

Trump was not convicted of anything. Words were used in a divorce proceeding.

Update 7/28/15 9:50 AM: Ivana Trump released a statement Tuesday morning to CNN.

“I have recently read some comments attributed to me from nearly 30 years ago at a time of very high tension during my divorce from Donald. The story is totally without merit. Donald and I are the best of friends and together have raised three children that we love and are very proud of. I have nothing but fondness for Donald and wish him the best of luck on his campaign. Incidentally, I think he would make an incredible president.”

Ironically, Ivana says a story based on her own words in a divorce deposition are “totally without merit.” I

Of course I didn't say I hated any Muslims, so quit trying to pretend that I did.

Now those myths are taken care of, as a real Christian, I have to go find a liberal heathen to stone to death.
Odd talk from the numnut who talks about things being rumored.

Are you NOT basing your "bill raped lots of women" on RUMORS???? LOL

I never said any such thing... are you high or drunk?

FACT: Bill Clinton has been accused of rape and sexual misconduct on many occasions by several women. They are not rumors, they are actual allegations.

Trump has been accused of rape too, so let see if Trump is accused of rape then it is bogus but Clinton being accused of rape it is real...
Yeah....what part of it isn't infidelity that is the issue with bill clinton don't you get? If it was only consensual cheating no one would be talking about it....what it is, is at least 3 women who say clinton raped them, and about a dozen others who say he sexually assaulted them.....and then hilary using jack palladino and other private detectives and political operatives to make these women go way....

It has never been about cheating....it is about rape and sexual assault, and the lengths hilary went to to keep political power


Hilary said that these women need to be believed....you worship hilary...that should be enough....
Odd talk from the numnut who talks about things being rumored.

Are you NOT basing your "bill raped lots of women" on RUMORS???? LOL

I never said any such thing... are you high or drunk?

FACT: Bill Clinton has been accused of rape and sexual misconduct on many occasions by several women. They are not rumors, they are actual allegations.

Trump has been accused of rape too, so let see if Trump is accused of rape then it is bogus but Clinton being accused of rape it is real...

What on Earth are you babbling about now?
nope, but Clinton was found guilty of sexual harassment of Paula Jones and paid a very large fine, he also made out of court financial settlements with several other female victims.

But I get it, you aren't voting for Trump and love the hildebitch. I understand. But you aren't going to change anyone's mind by repeating the latest DNC lies and talking points over and over and over.

you have let the dems use you as a tool. you are their bitch. do you understand that?

Trump raped a 13 year old....it was in all the papers

Clinton was not found guilty

that is not true. He lost the Paula Jones case and paid her a large settlement

Trump was found guilty of " Cruel and Inhuman " treatment against his ex-wife Ivana, and paid yuuuge for it!

So I guess you support a man right to be " Cruel and Inhuman " as long as he is Republican!

Trump was found guilty of " Cruel and Inhuman " treatment against his ex-wife Ivana,

As usual, you come up with total bullshit. That was alleged during the divorce. Here is what she had to say about it later.

Update 7/28/15 9:50 AM: Ivana Trump released a statement Tuesday morning to CNN.

“I have recently read some comments attributed to me from nearly 30 years ago at a time of very high tension during my divorce from Donald. The story is totally without merit. Donald and I are the best of friends and together have raised three children that we love and are very proud of. I have nothing but fondness for Donald and wish him the best of luck on his campaign. Incidentally, I think he would make an incredible president.”

Ironically, Ivana says a story based on her own words in a divorce deposition are “totally without merit.”

The courts granted the divorce based on " Cruel and Inhuman " acts that Donald did against Ivana Trump, so take it up with the damn courts and not me you worthless fucking twat!

Donald and Ivana Trump fight unsealing of divorce records

So either Ivana Trump is and was lying all this time or the Courts ruled wrongly, which is it?

Ivana was lying and makes you look like the fool you are.

Update 7/28/15 9:50 AM: Ivana Trump released a statement Tuesday morning to CNN.

“I have recently read some comments attributed to me from nearly 30 years ago at a time of very high tension during my divorce from Donald. The story is totally without merit. Donald and I are the best of friends and together have raised three children that we love and are very proud of. I have nothing but fondness for Donald and wish him the best of luck on his campaign. Incidentally, I think he would make an incredible president.”

Ironically, Ivana says a story based on her own words in a divorce deposition are “totally without merit.”
FACT: Bill Clinton has been accused of rape and sexual misconduct on many occasions by several women. They are not rumors, they are actual allegations.

Look up "accusations", "allegations" and "rumors" and see if there's similarities in those 3 definitions.....have fun....LOL
Odd talk from the numnut who talks about things being rumored.

Are you NOT basing your "bill raped lots of women" on RUMORS???? LOL

I never said any such thing... are you high or drunk?

FACT: Bill Clinton has been accused of rape and sexual misconduct on many occasions by several women. They are not rumors, they are actual allegations.

Trump has been accused of rape too, so let see if Trump is accused of rape then it is bogus but Clinton being accused of rape it is real...

We have 3 women......who told people at the time of the attack that they were raped....dittos the women he sexually assaulted......

All the women are lying...and only bill clinton is telling the truth.....that is where you stand your ground?
Ironically, Ivana says a story based on her own words in a divorce deposition are “totally without merit.”

Her pay-off is based on her keeping her mouth firmly shut.......(how much is she still getting from Trump per year?)
Sure, that is what I am doing!

No, I wrote God Knows and you are now wanting to twist that my usage of those words are evil and wrong in your eyes and yet you are voting for a man that has sinned more than Lucifer and does it daily...

I guess it must be great to be the judge and jury of what you believe are Christian Morals, and please keep on twisting what I wrote to fit your agenda of excusing a suppose child molester and a man that was convicted for " Cruel and Inhuman " treatment while siring a child out of wedlock and supporting Gay rights and abortion!

What a real Christian Donald John Trump, right!?!

To start with, it is none of your business who I will vote for and when you explain the difference between a Christian and a Real Christian I will get a good laugh.

Well then it is none of your business who I vote for, oh wait Christians like you believe it is your business and believe if someone that is not voting for Trump is a Liberal Heathen that should be stoned off the face of the Earth!

Oh and if you don't want anyone to know which candidate you are voting for then get your loving lips off Trump ass while condemning Clinton for being as perverted as him!

Trump doesn't even come close to being the low life, bottom feeding scumbag Slick Willy is and always has been.

Thanks for answering my question about the difference between a Christian and a Real Christian. LOL

You need to get some mental help to combat your constant fear of being stoned off the face of the earth by Christians. I believe it is the Muslims that bury a women up to her neck and then stone her to death, not Christians. So see your shrink and quit worrying about it.

Yeah, so you enjoy men mistreating their wives like Trump has been convicted of... Also if you believe Christians don't kill gay people then maybe you should check Africa out and discover what your kind does to those they believe that have sinned in God eyes, or don't seeing you will now write about that is not how American Christians act...

You're the one that need to seek help seeing you are voting for a man that has mistreated women, been convicted of " Cruel and Inhuman " abuse and has been accused of raping underage girls while telling everyone how he would date his daughter if she was not his daughter!

What type of sicko are you!?!

What a wonderful Christian of you and you're no better than the Muslims you hate, and you should seek help for your hatred for those like you!

Trump was not convicted of anything. Words were used in a divorce proceeding.

Update 7/28/15 9:50 AM: Ivana Trump released a statement Tuesday morning to CNN.

“I have recently read some comments attributed to me from nearly 30 years ago at a time of very high tension during my divorce from Donald. The story is totally without merit. Donald and I are the best of friends and together have raised three children that we love and are very proud of. I have nothing but fondness for Donald and wish him the best of luck on his campaign. Incidentally, I think he would make an incredible president.”

Ironically, Ivana says a story based on her own words in a divorce deposition are “totally without merit.” I

Of course I didn't say I hated any Muslims, so quit trying to pretend that I did.

Now those myths are taken care of, as a real Christian, I have to go find a liberal heathen to stone to death.

Tell it to the fucking courts because it seem you can not understand they granted the divorce based on " Cruel and Inhuman " treatment and no matter what Ivana says the reality is the Court said Donald did it, so fuck you because what I wrote was not rumors but fact you stupid twat!

Also it was you that wrote that Muslims buried women to their neck and stone them while writing Christians are more civil and I pointed out the mere fact that Christian Nations kill gays, so yeah you do hate Muslims!

Now tell me what part of the fact that the courts granted the Divorce based on " Cruel and Inhuman " treatment do you not understand?

Also you used the rumor that Bill Clinton raped children, so do you have actual evidence or just tabloid lies as usual!?!
Trump raped a 13 year old....it was in all the papers

Clinton was not found guilty

that is not true. He lost the Paula Jones case and paid her a large settlement

Trump was found guilty of " Cruel and Inhuman " treatment against his ex-wife Ivana, and paid yuuuge for it!

So I guess you support a man right to be " Cruel and Inhuman " as long as he is Republican!

Trump was found guilty of " Cruel and Inhuman " treatment against his ex-wife Ivana,

As usual, you come up with total bullshit. That was alleged during the divorce. Here is what she had to say about it later.

Update 7/28/15 9:50 AM: Ivana Trump released a statement Tuesday morning to CNN.

“I have recently read some comments attributed to me from nearly 30 years ago at a time of very high tension during my divorce from Donald. The story is totally without merit. Donald and I are the best of friends and together have raised three children that we love and are very proud of. I have nothing but fondness for Donald and wish him the best of luck on his campaign. Incidentally, I think he would make an incredible president.”

Ironically, Ivana says a story based on her own words in a divorce deposition are “totally without merit.”

The courts granted the divorce based on " Cruel and Inhuman " acts that Donald did against Ivana Trump, so take it up with the damn courts and not me you worthless fucking twat!

Donald and Ivana Trump fight unsealing of divorce records

So either Ivana Trump is and was lying all this time or the Courts ruled wrongly, which is it?

Ivana was lying and makes you look like the fool you are.

Update 7/28/15 9:50 AM: Ivana Trump released a statement Tuesday morning to CNN.

“I have recently read some comments attributed to me from nearly 30 years ago at a time of very high tension during my divorce from Donald. The story is totally without merit. Donald and I are the best of friends and together have raised three children that we love and are very proud of. I have nothing but fondness for Donald and wish him the best of luck on his campaign. Incidentally, I think he would make an incredible president.”

Ironically, Ivana says a story based on her own words in a divorce deposition are “totally without merit.”

Looks kind of like the letter Trumps doctor wrote about Trump being the healthiest man ever to run for president

You sure Donald didn't write Ivana's statement?
Odd talk from the numnut who talks about things being rumored.

Are you NOT basing your "bill raped lots of women" on RUMORS???? LOL

I never said any such thing... are you high or drunk?

FACT: Bill Clinton has been accused of rape and sexual misconduct on many occasions by several women. They are not rumors, they are actual allegations.

Trump has been accused of rape too, so let see if Trump is accused of rape then it is bogus but Clinton being accused of rape it is real...

We have 3 women......who told people at the time of the attack that they were raped....dittos the women he sexually assaulted......

All the women are lying...and only bill clinton is telling the truth.....that is where you stand your ground?

Nope, what I am saying is women have accused Donald John Trump of abuse in the past and one divorce was granted based on " Cruel and Inhuman " treatment and you are willing to vote for that piece of shit while holding Bill Clinton to a different standard as usual!
Ironically, Ivana says a story based on her own words in a divorce deposition are “totally without merit.”

Her pay-off is based on her keeping her mouth firmly shut.......(how much is she still getting from Trump per year?)

She already got her divorce settlement dumbass.

And the settlement was based on " Cruel and Inhuman " treatment that Donald did to her!
Are you NOT basing your "bill raped lots of women" on RUMORS???? LOL

I never said any such thing... are you high or drunk?

FACT: Bill Clinton has been accused of rape and sexual misconduct on many occasions by several women. They are not rumors, they are actual allegations.

Trump has been accused of rape too, so let see if Trump is accused of rape then it is bogus but Clinton being accused of rape it is real...

We have 3 women......who told people at the time of the attack that they were raped....dittos the women he sexually assaulted......

All the women are lying...and only bill clinton is telling the truth.....that is where you stand your ground?

Nope, what I am saying is women have accused Donald John Trump of abuse in the past and one divorce was granted based on " Cruel and Inhuman " treatment and you are willing to vote for that piece of shit while holding Bill Clinton to a different standard as usual!

Nope....we have 3 women who say rape, about a dozen others who say sexual assault...we have people they told at the time of the rape and the assaults....we are not talking about divorce we are talking about forcible rape......and hilary helped cover it up to keep her political power.....

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