3 Men.......9 Wives.......

Sure, that is what I am doing!

No, I wrote God Knows and you are now wanting to twist that my usage of those words are evil and wrong in your eyes and yet you are voting for a man that has sinned more than Lucifer and does it daily...

I guess it must be great to be the judge and jury of what you believe are Christian Morals, and please keep on twisting what I wrote to fit your agenda of excusing a suppose child molester and a man that was convicted for " Cruel and Inhuman " treatment while siring a child out of wedlock and supporting Gay rights and abortion!

What a real Christian Donald John Trump, right!?!

To start with, it is none of your business who I will vote for and when you explain the difference between a Christian and a Real Christian I will get a good laugh.

Well then it is none of your business who I vote for, oh wait Christians like you believe it is your business and believe if someone that is not voting for Trump is a Liberal Heathen that should be stoned off the face of the Earth!

Oh and if you don't want anyone to know which candidate you are voting for then get your loving lips off Trump ass while condemning Clinton for being as perverted as him!

Trump doesn't even come close to being the low life, bottom feeding scumbag Slick Willy is and always has been.

Thanks for answering my question about the difference between a Christian and a Real Christian. LOL

You need to get some mental help to combat your constant fear of being stoned off the face of the earth by Christians. I believe it is the Muslims that bury a women up to her neck and then stone her to death, not Christians. So see your shrink and quit worrying about it.

There is one where you stated that Donald John Trump was better than Clinton, so were you lying then or were you drunk when you wrote what you wrote?

I don't drink and I don't lie. That wasn't saying Trump is an angel, only that slick Willy, IMO, is lower than whale shit by comparison.

As I wrote you consider Trump to be better than Clinton and so you lied many times in this thread and were caught!

You can't even be honest about the Court ruling and now want to use Ivana Trump interview from 2015 to say that Trump was not found guilty of " Cruel and Inhuman " treatment by the court!
Why would she have to give it up? The court would lock Trump up if he refused to pay the court ordered settlement.

here's ONE example....

Trump Threatened to Cut Off Alimony to Marla Maples if She Spoke Negatively About Him
Trump Threatened to Cut Off Alimony to Marla Maples if She Spoke Negatively About Him

This may sting a little.
Marla Maples Says She Only Received $2 Million In Donald Trump ...

Back to Ivana from your little article: (It all depends on what the definition of "is", is...) LOL

Ivana says that incident happened when their marriage was falling apart and that by “rape” she meant that she felt violated emotionally as Donald was no longer the same “loving and tender” person that she had grown to know. Instead, she says the sexual encounter was cold and left her feeling emotionally raped.
Read more at Marla Maples Says She Only Received $2 Million In Donald Trump Divorce, Not Paid To Remain Quiet About Former Husband

Remember he has gag orders against the first two ex-wives so they are not allow to say anything that he does not approve... Also many that are voting for Trump believe the only evidence that was offered during the Ivana and Donald Trump divorce was her words and nothing else but the reality is if the transcripts were shown it would most likely show that Donald was proven to be abusive verbally and physically.

In the end Donald John Trump can grab a woman from the crowd, bend her over and screw her up the ass, and tell the woman she better have liked it and those voting for him will claim the woman deserved it...

Also the same people voting for Donald John Trump believe I am defending William Jefferson Blythe III and his wife but the reality is I am pointing out the fact Donald John Trump is equally as bad in my opinion as Bill Clinton...

In the end Partisan whores will claim their candidate is the saint while the other is lucifer and the reality is both candidates are worthless to me and Donald and Bill are both male whores!


According to The New York Post, Ivana got a $14 million cash settlement, the family’s 45-room Connecticut mansion, an apartment at Trump Plaza, and use of Trump’s Palm Beach mansion. Not a bad price for her promise to stay silent. Ivana recently gave an interview to the Post (presumably with Trump’s permission as detailed in their agreement) where she talked about how she is still close with her former husband, and has even been advising him in his presidential run. But, if you read through this 1990 Vanity Fair article, you will see their break-up wasn’t quite that smooth.

is that the same article where ivana said that donald kept a copy of hitler's speeches in his nightstand?
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nope, but Clinton was found guilty of sexual harassment of Paula Jones and paid a very large fine, he also made out of court financial settlements with several other female victims.

But I get it, you aren't voting for Trump and love the hildebitch. I understand. But you aren't going to change anyone's mind by repeating the latest DNC lies and talking points over and over and over.

you have let the dems use you as a tool. you are their bitch. do you understand that?

Trump raped a 13 year old....it was in all the papers

Clinton was not found guilty

that is not true. He lost the Paula Jones case and paid her a large settlement

Trump was found guilty of " Cruel and Inhuman " treatment against his ex-wife Ivana, and paid yuuuge for it!

So I guess you support a man right to be " Cruel and Inhuman " as long as he is Republican!

Trump was found guilty of " Cruel and Inhuman " treatment against his ex-wife Ivana,

As usual, you come up with total bullshit. That was alleged during the divorce. Here is what she had to say about it later.

Update 7/28/15 9:50 AM: Ivana Trump released a statement Tuesday morning to CNN.

“I have recently read some comments attributed to me from nearly 30 years ago at a time of very high tension during my divorce from Donald. The story is totally without merit. Donald and I are the best of friends and together have raised three children that we love and are very proud of. I have nothing but fondness for Donald and wish him the best of luck on his campaign. Incidentally, I think he would make an incredible president.”

Ironically, Ivana says a story based on her own words in a divorce deposition are “totally without merit.”

The courts granted the divorce based on " Cruel and Inhuman " acts that Donald did against Ivana Trump, so take it up with the damn courts and not me you worthless fucking twat!

Donald and Ivana Trump fight unsealing of divorce records

So either Ivana Trump is and was lying all this time or the Courts ruled wrongly, which is it?

Divorce testimony is never credible.

Only a fool would believe unsupported claims when the emotional investment and financial motive are both sky high.
is that the same article where ivana said that donald kept a copy hitler's speeches in his nightstand?

Even more scary is the fact that Trump's "mentor" was no other than Roy Cohn.......The attack dog of Joe McCarthy.
No, I'm not referring in the thread's title to some small Mormon enclave.......rather, the 9 wives refers to Trump, Giuliani and Gingrich....

These 3 men are "threatening" to bring up Hillary Clinton's husband infidelity as the main talking point in the next debate between Donald and Hillary.....So, what could possibly go wrong?

(and does anyone......regardless of party affiliation.....think that Hillary is not preparing to counter this line of attack by Trump?)

Yeah....what part of it isn't infidelity that is the issue with bill clinton don't you get? If it was only consensual cheating no one would be talking about it....what it is, is at least 3 women who say clinton raped them, and about a dozen others who say he sexually assaulted them.....and then hilary using jack palladino and other private detectives and political operatives to make these women go way....

It has never been about cheating....it is about rape and sexual assault, and the lengths hilary went to to keep political power .....

If they lie about that loud enough and long enough they can convince themselves and enough other stupid people to win.

And that's all they care about.

Justice for the victims?

No, I'm not referring in the thread's title to some small Mormon enclave.......rather, the 9 wives refers to Trump, Giuliani and Gingrich....

These 3 men are "threatening" to bring up Hillary Clinton's husband infidelity as the main talking point in the next debate between Donald and Hillary.....So, what could possibly go wrong?

(and does anyone......regardless of party affiliation.....think that Hillary is not preparing to counter this line of attack by Trump?)

See If You Can Identify...
newt gingrich:
cheats on wife with whore, divorces wife #1 to marry whore, divorces said whore to marry yet another whore all around the same time he was going after bill clinton for :ack-1: having an affair.

Yeah, the hypocrisy just doesn't get any more rank than that.

traipsing around NYC with his whore as well whilst still married to his wife... wife finds out about pending divorce thru a guiliani news conference. couldn't even get his daughter's endorsement when he was running for POTUS in 2008.


Yeah, that was seriously fucked up. The asshole cheats on his wife and then decides to leave her. And the way he decides to inform his wife is to hold a press conference!


The mother of all blindsides.

That was one of the most publicly humiliating things I have ever seen a man do to his wife. It's right up there with Governor Sanford.
I actually heard Rudy Giulian say on Meet the Press yesterday that everybody cheats on their spouses.

This guy's zeal in defense of a scumbag is over the top.
Family Values :lmao:

Our country should value family, life, and hard work. This is why we insist that public policy – from taxes to education, from health care to welfare – should be created to strengthen and support, not hurt, American families. Individuals and families should be able to maintain their independence from government, raise their children by their own values and build communities of self-reliant neighbors.

Family Values - Page 1 | GOP
newt gingrich:
cheats on wife with whore, divorces wife #1 to marry whore, divorces said whore to marry yet another whore all around the same time he was going after bill clinton for :ack-1: having an affair.

Yeah, the hypocrisy just doesn't get any more rank than that.

traipsing around NYC with his whore as well whilst still married to his wife... wife finds out about pending divorce thru a guiliani news conference. couldn't even get his daughter's endorsement when he was running for POTUS in 2008.


Yeah, that was seriously fucked up. The asshole cheats on his wife and then decides to leave her. And the way he decides to inform his wife is to hold a press conference!


The mother of all blindsides.

That was one of the most publicly humiliating things I have ever seen a man do to his wife. It's right up there with Governor Sanford.

Except the scandal was about Sexual Harassment and Abuse of Power, and the Cover up and of course, Perjury.
Family Values :lmao:

Our country should value family, life, and hard work. This is why we insist that public policy – from taxes to education, from health care to welfare – should be created to strengthen and support, not hurt, American families. Individuals and families should be able to maintain their independence from government, raise their children by their own values and build communities of self-reliant neighbors.

Family Values - Page 1 | GOP

Sounds good to me. What's so funny?
Republican "family values" is obviously a farce at this point. They discussed penis length during their primary. Their nominee appeared in a porn video.
Republican "family values" is obviously a farce at this point. They discussed penis length during their primary. Their nominee appeared in a porn video.

And yet, we still look great compared to the vile piece of shit you dems have put forward.


And yes, he is in the middle of saying,

I actually heard Rudy Giulian say on Meet the Press yesterday that everybody cheats on their spouses.

This guy's zeal in defense of a scumbag is over the top.

Oh, good ol' Rudy really wants that AG post, as "promised" by Trump.........I especially liked during that interview that Rudy stated that it was highly "ethical" for Trump to declare his loss of $916 million.......Among scammers, anything is "ethical".
Family Values :lmao:

Our country should value family, life, and hard work. This is why we insist that public policy – from taxes to education, from health care to welfare – should be created to strengthen and support, not hurt, American families. Individuals and families should be able to maintain their independence from government, raise their children by their own values and build communities of self-reliant neighbors.

Family Values - Page 1 | GOP

Sounds good to me. What's so funny?

they don't practice what they preach.
Republican "family values" is obviously a farce at this point. They discussed penis length during their primary. Their nominee appeared in a porn video.

And yet, we still look great compared to the vile piece of shit you dems have put forward.


And yes, he is in the middle of saying,


“I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do... People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular."
page 58, 'the art of the deal'.

fits you & that ridiculous meme perfectly.
Republican "family values" is obviously a farce at this point. They discussed penis length during their primary. Their nominee appeared in a porn video.

And yet, we still look great compared to the vile piece of shit you dems have put forward.


And yes, he is in the middle of saying,


That's fine. Stop the farce of family values and embrace the party of bad values. Just be honest about it.
Family Values :lmao:

Our country should value family, life, and hard work. This is why we insist that public policy – from taxes to education, from health care to welfare – should be created to strengthen and support, not hurt, American families. Individuals and families should be able to maintain their independence from government, raise their children by their own values and build communities of self-reliant neighbors.

Family Values - Page 1 | GOP

Sounds good to me. What's so funny?

they don't practice what they preach.

So, since the Candidate has been Divorced, you would want him to have a platform of encouraging divorce and broken families?

I can see your point, but, I would rather have the platform encourage healthy families, even if it is somewhat hypocritical.

Much like I am sure that you do not expect or want Hillary to run on a pro-sexual harassment platform.
Family Values :lmao:

Our country should value family, life, and hard work. This is why we insist that public policy – from taxes to education, from health care to welfare – should be created to strengthen and support, not hurt, American families. Individuals and families should be able to maintain their independence from government, raise their children by their own values and build communities of self-reliant neighbors.

Family Values - Page 1 | GOP

Sounds good to me. What's so funny?

they don't practice what they preach.

So, since the Candidate has been Divorced, you would want him to have a platform of encouraging divorce and broken families?

I can see your point, but, I would rather have the platform encourage healthy families, even if it is somewhat hypocritical.

Much like I am sure that you do not expect or want Hillary to run on a pro-sexual harassment platform.
Your candidate appeared in a porn film.
Republican "family values" is obviously a farce at this point. They discussed penis length during their primary. Their nominee appeared in a porn video.

And yet, we still look great compared to the vile piece of shit you dems have put forward.


And yes, he is in the middle of saying,


“I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do... People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular."
page 58, 'the art of the deal'.

fits you & that ridiculous meme perfectly.

That was only in relation to YOUR candidate, as I was very, very clear on.

The meme was to make THAT POINT, with a little bit of humor.

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