3 Men.......9 Wives.......

paying money in an out of court settlement is an admission of guilt. Do innocent people pay their victims to keep quiet? 200K is a large amount for an out of court settlement.

How much did Trump pay his first wife to keep quiet about her former rape by Trump accusation???
so much for the party of 'family values'....

& if trump decides to go there---women will not let this one pass.

Do you consider the Clinton's an honorable example of family values? Check out Trumps kids and learn something.
The women who divorced a cheating husband may understand that Hillary didn't.

lol.. . that shit storm called his offspring want so desperately for daddy to succeed so they can pull his strings even more. . they also want his cash. don't try to pull off how good those kids are m'k? they grew up with nannies, not by their parents. ivanka gets sued for ripping off designer's shoe lines & passing them off as her own creations... guess she is following in daddy's footsteps; who would do his little girl if he could. they are all sick. & which one of his male heirs likes to slaughter endangered animals again?

<pffft> gimmee a break.

I guess you think that Chelsea didn't have a taxpayer funded nanny when she was growing up.

lol, that's right.... raised by nannies most of her life, right? is that what you are trying to say? how many dirty diapers do you think ivana & donny from queens actually changed?

& don't think i haven't noticed the absent response regarding ivanka's lawsuits or jr's blatant lack of humanity towards animals that may not be around when their own kids are grown. that... in part.... certainly has to do with the mindset being molded by the most influential people in their lives.

mummy & daddy.

I'm not trying to say it fool, I posted it. How many of Chelsea's diapers do you think Bill and Hillary changed? And they got changed with taxpayers money.



that takes a pretty sick mind just like daddy drumpf.

now tell me how chelsea comes even close.
Divorce happens but are hypocrite lefties suggesting that Hillary should be congratulated for "standing by her man"? Should Hillary's husband be nominated for man of the year because he convinced his wife to enable his sexual perversion and threaten and intimidate his victims? You really have to question the mental stability of left wing hypocrites when they want to bankrupt an entire state for passing a law protecting genetic women in rest rooms and they want to force girls to accept confused boys in the locker room and shower but they are outraged, I say outraged that a heterosexual republican might have been divorced twice.
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Divorce happens but are hypocrite lefties suggesting that Hillary should be congratulated for "standing by her man"? Should Hillary's husband be nominated for man of the year because he convinced his wife to enable his sexual perversion and threaten and intimidate his victims? You really have to question the mental stability of left wing hypocrites when they want to bankrupt an entire state for passing a law protecting genetic women in rest rooms and they want to force girls to accept confused boys in the locker room and shower but they are outraged, I say outraged that a heterosexual republican might have been divorced twice.

no congrats to either of them actually - HOWEVER, the fact they are still married, to EACH other after everything is said & done is only between them two. their marriage & how they survived it all was their decision & theirs alone to make. although, on the other hand - not much can be said about the commitment of marriage like the stellar representatives in this thread from the party of family values, 'eh? :eusa_clap:
Trump is guilty of raping a 13 year old

nope, but Clinton was found guilty of sexual harassment of Paula Jones and paid a very large fine, he also made out of court financial settlements with several other female victims.

But I get it, you aren't voting for Trump and love the hildebitch. I understand. But you aren't going to change anyone's mind by repeating the latest DNC lies and talking points over and over and over.

you have let the dems use you as a tool. you are their bitch. do you understand that?

Trump raped a 13 year old....it was in all the papers

Clinton was not found guilty

that is not true. He lost the Paula Jones case and paid her a large settlement
Fraud he didn't

The court ruled for Clinton and when she appealed, Clinton settled out of court to make it go away

She received $200,000. Not exactly huge

paying money in an out of court settlement is an admission of guilt. Do innocent people pay their victims to keep quiet? 200K is a large amount for an out of court settlement.


Tell it to Trump
Divorce happens but are hypocrite lefties suggesting that Hillary should be congratulated for "standing by her man"? Should Hillary's husband be nominated for man of the year because he convinced his wife to enable his sexual perversion and threaten and intimidate his victims? You really have to question the mental stability of left wing hypocrites when they want to bankrupt an entire state for passing a law protecting genetic women in rest rooms and they want to force girls to accept confused boys in the locker room and shower but they are outraged, I say outraged that a heterosexual republican might have been divorced twice.

With Trump it happens and happens and happens

Yes, I do commend Hillary for standing by her man. Through the entire Lewinsky scandle Hillary acted commendably....Republicans didn't

Especially those who were cheating on their own wives
me too, like huffpuff post, daily kos, NY times, Wash post, MSNBC, CNN, LA times, CBS, NBC, ABC---------you know, all the media outlets that have a left wing agenda and report propaganda instead of news.

So unless it reports everything you agree with then it must be tabloid!

Notice you left off Al Jazeera and Fox News, so there are two sites you believe are not tabloid!

WND is a tabloid site that has fringer agenda, and yet you bitch about the left doing the same thing!

OK, if the Yoko story is a lie it should be easy for you to prove-------------go for it.

I need to prove WND is not telling the truth!?!

Fake Story: Yoko Ono Admitted Affair With Hillary Clinton - Bad Satire Today

Hillary Did Not Sleep with That Woman, Yoko Ono

Did Yoko Ono really confess to an affair with Hillary Clinton? - ThatsFake.com

The news story was satire but idiots like you believe it just like you believe Bill Clinton anal raped little children on a private Island because some tabloid told you it was true...

Show me Fox News carrying this news story and if not then you are fuck because all you are doing is using satire to try to win your argument without knowing the damn joke is on you!
I believe Billy blow job made several trips to the private island where that happened. Billy BJ probably settled on getting his knob polished. You don't go there to have a cup of coffee.

So then Donald Trump raped that 13 year old girl because there is that rumor and God knows rumors are true!

What could you possibly know about God?
OK, if the Yoko story is a lie it should be easy for you to prove-------------go for it.

OK, if the alluded rumor is that Trump has paid some income tax in the last 20 years is easy for you to prove....go for it !!

Trump has been audited every year and if he did anything illegal on his income tax returns I am sure the IRS caught it and made him pay up with a fine.
Oh my fucking God are you fucking retarded!

What does " Cruel and Inhuman " mean to you?

Donald Trump was not granted the divorce on those grounds but instead Ivana, so she did get the damn divorce!

Also again you are going with tabloid whore nonsense about Bill Clinton molesting Children and Donald John Trump has been accused of the same damn thing, so what make Donald so special that he is not treated the same way as Bill!?!

Now please note you are the one using Tabloid news as your evidence and I can provide actual links to Donald and Ivana divorce that is not tabloid sources!

One last thing Ivanka is his daughter and Ivana is his ex-wife that gave birth to Ivanka!

If you're too stupid to know the difference in spelling then sit the fuck down and stop writing stupid nonsense!

Ivana Trump - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ivanka Trump - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Maybe you thought his daughter is his wife seeing Donald has stated he would have dated his daughter if she was not his daughter, and you want to call Bill Clinton perverted and many other things!?!

Trump jokes that he’d date daughter

One final one and let be clear Donald John Trump has admitted to many affairs, so with that he is no better than Bill Clinton and while you keep on making up shit I will post comments by him and others and let you spin around and around until your head explodes!

GOP senator calls out Donald Trump’s ‘many affairs’ in lengthy tweetstorm

there is one big difference: affairs are consensual, rape is a crime. Bubba Clinton is guilty of rape and sexual attacks.
Trump is guilty of raping a 13 year old

nope, but Clinton was found guilty of sexual harassment of Paula Jones and paid a very large fine, he also made out of court financial settlements with several other female victims.

But I get it, you aren't voting for Trump and love the hildebitch. I understand. But you aren't going to change anyone's mind by repeating the latest DNC lies and talking points over and over and over.

you have let the dems use you as a tool. you are their bitch. do you understand that?

Trump raped a 13 year old....it was in all the papers

Clinton was not found guilty

that is not true. He lost the Paula Jones case and paid her a large settlement

Trump was found guilty of " Cruel and Inhuman " treatment against his ex-wife Ivana, and paid yuuuge for it!

So I guess you support a man right to be " Cruel and Inhuman " as long as he is Republican!
So unless it reports everything you agree with then it must be tabloid!

Notice you left off Al Jazeera and Fox News, so there are two sites you believe are not tabloid!

WND is a tabloid site that has fringer agenda, and yet you bitch about the left doing the same thing!

OK, if the Yoko story is a lie it should be easy for you to prove-------------go for it.

I need to prove WND is not telling the truth!?!

Fake Story: Yoko Ono Admitted Affair With Hillary Clinton - Bad Satire Today

Hillary Did Not Sleep with That Woman, Yoko Ono

Did Yoko Ono really confess to an affair with Hillary Clinton? - ThatsFake.com

The news story was satire but idiots like you believe it just like you believe Bill Clinton anal raped little children on a private Island because some tabloid told you it was true...

Show me Fox News carrying this news story and if not then you are fuck because all you are doing is using satire to try to win your argument without knowing the damn joke is on you!
I believe Billy blow job made several trips to the private island where that happened. Billy BJ probably settled on getting his knob polished. You don't go there to have a cup of coffee.

So then Donald Trump raped that 13 year old girl because there is that rumor and God knows rumors are true!

What could you possibly know about God?

Now let me guess I am one of those Liberal Heathens that you believe that hate America and yet you are voting for a guy that once supported abortion, gay rights and was found guilty of " Cruel and Inhuman " treatment against his ex-wife Ivana!

What a good Christian of you voting for a slug that make Lucifer look like a Saint... :)
traipses around NYC in public with his whore, whilst still married to wife #1. goes on ski vacation to aspen with both of them & thinx it was a hoot- bragging about it on howard stern - telling how they all met up on the slopes...then divorces wife #1 to marry said whore. divorces said whore, marries plastic & saline infused whore #2 that posed nearly nude many times & even had a photo shoot of her spooning with another woman in bed.

newt gingrich:
cheats on wife with whore, divorces wife #1 to marry whore, divorces said whore to marry yet another whore all around the same time he was going after bill clinton for :ack-1: having an affair.

traipsing around NYC with his whore as well whilst still married to his wife... wife finds out about pending divorce thru a guiliani news conference. couldn't even get his daughter's endorsement when he was running for POTUS in 2008.


I sometimes forget. Remind me when these three were elected President?
OK, if the Yoko story is a lie it should be easy for you to prove-------------go for it.

I need to prove WND is not telling the truth!?!

Fake Story: Yoko Ono Admitted Affair With Hillary Clinton - Bad Satire Today

Hillary Did Not Sleep with That Woman, Yoko Ono

Did Yoko Ono really confess to an affair with Hillary Clinton? - ThatsFake.com

The news story was satire but idiots like you believe it just like you believe Bill Clinton anal raped little children on a private Island because some tabloid told you it was true...

Show me Fox News carrying this news story and if not then you are fuck because all you are doing is using satire to try to win your argument without knowing the damn joke is on you!
I believe Billy blow job made several trips to the private island where that happened. Billy BJ probably settled on getting his knob polished. You don't go there to have a cup of coffee.

So then Donald Trump raped that 13 year old girl because there is that rumor and God knows rumors are true!

What could you possibly know about God?

Now let me guess I am one of those Liberal Heathens that you believe that hate America and yet you are voting for a guy that once supported abortion, gay rights and was found guilty of " Cruel and Inhuman " treatment against his ex-wife Ivana!

What a good Christian of you voting for a slug that make Lucifer look like a Saint... :)

I think you are a completer jerk for inserting God into a political thread so you can insult all those that are Christians.
I need to prove WND is not telling the truth!?!

Fake Story: Yoko Ono Admitted Affair With Hillary Clinton - Bad Satire Today

Hillary Did Not Sleep with That Woman, Yoko Ono

Did Yoko Ono really confess to an affair with Hillary Clinton? - ThatsFake.com

The news story was satire but idiots like you believe it just like you believe Bill Clinton anal raped little children on a private Island because some tabloid told you it was true...

Show me Fox News carrying this news story and if not then you are fuck because all you are doing is using satire to try to win your argument without knowing the damn joke is on you!
I believe Billy blow job made several trips to the private island where that happened. Billy BJ probably settled on getting his knob polished. You don't go there to have a cup of coffee.

So then Donald Trump raped that 13 year old girl because there is that rumor and God knows rumors are true!

What could you possibly know about God?

Now let me guess I am one of those Liberal Heathens that you believe that hate America and yet you are voting for a guy that once supported abortion, gay rights and was found guilty of " Cruel and Inhuman " treatment against his ex-wife Ivana!

What a good Christian of you voting for a slug that make Lucifer look like a Saint... :)

I think you are a completer jerk for inserting God into a political thread so you can insult all those that are Christians.

Sure, that is what I am doing!

No, I wrote God Knows and you are now wanting to twist that my usage of those words are evil and wrong in your eyes and yet you are voting for a man that has sinned more than Lucifer and does it daily...

I guess it must be great to be the judge and jury of what you believe are Christian Morals, and please keep on twisting what I wrote to fit your agenda of excusing a suppose child molester and a man that was convicted for " Cruel and Inhuman " treatment while siring a child out of wedlock and supporting Gay rights and abortion!

What a real Christian Donald John Trump, right!?!
I believe Billy blow job made several trips to the private island where that happened. Billy BJ probably settled on getting his knob polished. You don't go there to have a cup of coffee.

So then Donald Trump raped that 13 year old girl because there is that rumor and God knows rumors are true!

What could you possibly know about God?

Now let me guess I am one of those Liberal Heathens that you believe that hate America and yet you are voting for a guy that once supported abortion, gay rights and was found guilty of " Cruel and Inhuman " treatment against his ex-wife Ivana!

What a good Christian of you voting for a slug that make Lucifer look like a Saint... :)

I think you are a completer jerk for inserting God into a political thread so you can insult all those that are Christians.

Sure, that is what I am doing!

No, I wrote God Knows and you are now wanting to twist that my usage of those words are evil and wrong in your eyes and yet you are voting for a man that has sinned more than Lucifer and does it daily...

I guess it must be great to be the judge and jury of what you believe are Christian Morals, and please keep on twisting what I wrote to fit your agenda of excusing a suppose child molester and a man that was convicted for " Cruel and Inhuman " treatment while siring a child out of wedlock and supporting Gay rights and abortion!

What a real Christian Donald John Trump, right!?!

To start with, it is none of your business who I will vote for and when you explain the difference between a Christian and a Real Christian I will get a good laugh.
Trump has been audited every year and if he did anything illegal on his income tax returns I am sure the IRS caught it and made him pay up with a fine.

Madoff would LOVE that same deal.... Most crooks would.
So then Donald Trump raped that 13 year old girl because there is that rumor and God knows rumors are true!

What could you possibly know about God?

Now let me guess I am one of those Liberal Heathens that you believe that hate America and yet you are voting for a guy that once supported abortion, gay rights and was found guilty of " Cruel and Inhuman " treatment against his ex-wife Ivana!

What a good Christian of you voting for a slug that make Lucifer look like a Saint... :)

I think you are a completer jerk for inserting God into a political thread so you can insult all those that are Christians.

Sure, that is what I am doing!

No, I wrote God Knows and you are now wanting to twist that my usage of those words are evil and wrong in your eyes and yet you are voting for a man that has sinned more than Lucifer and does it daily...

I guess it must be great to be the judge and jury of what you believe are Christian Morals, and please keep on twisting what I wrote to fit your agenda of excusing a suppose child molester and a man that was convicted for " Cruel and Inhuman " treatment while siring a child out of wedlock and supporting Gay rights and abortion!

What a real Christian Donald John Trump, right!?!

To start with, it is none of your business who I will vote for and when you explain the difference between a Christian and a Real Christian I will get a good laugh.

Well then it is none of your business who I vote for, oh wait Christians like you believe it is your business and believe if someone that is not voting for Trump is a Liberal Heathen that should be stoned off the face of the Earth!

Oh and if you don't want anyone to know which candidate you are voting for then get your loving lips off Trump ass while condemning Clinton for being as perverted as him!
What could you possibly know about God?

Now let me guess I am one of those Liberal Heathens that you believe that hate America and yet you are voting for a guy that once supported abortion, gay rights and was found guilty of " Cruel and Inhuman " treatment against his ex-wife Ivana!

What a good Christian of you voting for a slug that make Lucifer look like a Saint... :)

I think you are a completer jerk for inserting God into a political thread so you can insult all those that are Christians.

Sure, that is what I am doing!

No, I wrote God Knows and you are now wanting to twist that my usage of those words are evil and wrong in your eyes and yet you are voting for a man that has sinned more than Lucifer and does it daily...

I guess it must be great to be the judge and jury of what you believe are Christian Morals, and please keep on twisting what I wrote to fit your agenda of excusing a suppose child molester and a man that was convicted for " Cruel and Inhuman " treatment while siring a child out of wedlock and supporting Gay rights and abortion!

What a real Christian Donald John Trump, right!?!

To start with, it is none of your business who I will vote for and when you explain the difference between a Christian and a Real Christian I will get a good laugh.

Well then it is none of your business who I vote for, oh wait Christians like you believe it is your business and believe if someone that is not voting for Trump is a Liberal Heathen that should be stoned off the face of the Earth!

Oh and if you don't want anyone to know which candidate you are voting for then get your loving lips off Trump ass while condemning Clinton for being as perverted as him!

Trump doesn't even come close to being the low life, bottom feeding scumbag Slick Willy is and always has been.

Thanks for answering my question about the difference between a Christian and a Real Christian. LOL

You need to get some mental help to combat your constant fear of being stoned off the face of the earth by Christians. I believe it is the Muslims that bury a women up to her neck and then stone her to death, not Christians. So see your shrink and quit worrying about it.
there is one big difference: affairs are consensual, rape is a crime. Bubba Clinton is guilty of rape and sexual attacks.
Trump is guilty of raping a 13 year old

nope, but Clinton was found guilty of sexual harassment of Paula Jones and paid a very large fine, he also made out of court financial settlements with several other female victims.

But I get it, you aren't voting for Trump and love the hildebitch. I understand. But you aren't going to change anyone's mind by repeating the latest DNC lies and talking points over and over and over.

you have let the dems use you as a tool. you are their bitch. do you understand that?

Trump raped a 13 year old....it was in all the papers

Clinton was not found guilty

that is not true. He lost the Paula Jones case and paid her a large settlement

Trump was found guilty of " Cruel and Inhuman " treatment against his ex-wife Ivana, and paid yuuuge for it!

So I guess you support a man right to be " Cruel and Inhuman " as long as he is Republican!

Trump was found guilty of " Cruel and Inhuman " treatment against his ex-wife Ivana,

As usual, you come up with total bullshit. That was alleged during the divorce. Here is what she had to say about it later.

Update 7/28/15 9:50 AM: Ivana Trump released a statement Tuesday morning to CNN.

“I have recently read some comments attributed to me from nearly 30 years ago at a time of very high tension during my divorce from Donald. The story is totally without merit. Donald and I are the best of friends and together have raised three children that we love and are very proud of. I have nothing but fondness for Donald and wish him the best of luck on his campaign. Incidentally, I think he would make an incredible president.”

Ironically, Ivana says a story based on her own words in a divorce deposition are “totally without merit.”

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