3 Men.......9 Wives.......

me too, like huffpuff post, daily kos, NY times, Wash post, MSNBC, CNN, LA times, CBS, NBC, ABC---------you know, all the media outlets that have a left wing agenda and report propaganda instead of news.

So unless it reports everything you agree with then it must be tabloid!

Notice you left off Al Jazeera and Fox News, so there are two sites you believe are not tabloid!

WND is a tabloid site that has fringer agenda, and yet you bitch about the left doing the same thing!

OK, if the Yoko story is a lie it should be easy for you to prove-------------go for it.

I need to prove WND is not telling the truth!?!

Fake Story: Yoko Ono Admitted Affair With Hillary Clinton - Bad Satire Today

Hillary Did Not Sleep with That Woman, Yoko Ono

Did Yoko Ono really confess to an affair with Hillary Clinton? - ThatsFake.com

The news story was satire but idiots like you believe it just like you believe Bill Clinton anal raped little children on a private Island because some tabloid told you it was true...

Show me Fox News carrying this news story and if not then you are fuck because all you are doing is using satire to try to win your argument without knowing the damn joke is on you!

Paula Jones
Juanita Broderick
Jenifer Flowers
Cathlene Wiley

just to name 4 of his victims who have the guts to come forward.

A 13 year old girl claimed Donald John Trump raped her and Donald John Trump has made crazy comments about wanting to date his daughter, so maybe Donald raped that 13 year old girl!?!

I mean you want to go down this road let do it because you have no problem with your candidate being found guilty of " Cruel and Inhuman " treatment against his first ex-wife but have a major problem with Bill being a sicko like him!

what does any of this have to do with being president?

JFK was screwing several women in the white house, he screwed Marilyn Monroe and probably had her killed. LBJ screwed his secretary in the oval office and walked around air force 1 with his dick hanging out. Two heroes of the dem party that you probably think were good presidents.
Like child molesters??? No! That's Clinton! If Ivanka was being abused, why didn't she file for divorce or get a restraining order on Trump?

Oh my fucking God are you fucking retarded!

What does " Cruel and Inhuman " mean to you?

Donald Trump was not granted the divorce on those grounds but instead Ivana, so she did get the damn divorce!

Also again you are going with tabloid whore nonsense about Bill Clinton molesting Children and Donald John Trump has been accused of the same damn thing, so what make Donald so special that he is not treated the same way as Bill!?!

Now please note you are the one using Tabloid news as your evidence and I can provide actual links to Donald and Ivana divorce that is not tabloid sources!

One last thing Ivanka is his daughter and Ivana is his ex-wife that gave birth to Ivanka!

If you're too stupid to know the difference in spelling then sit the fuck down and stop writing stupid nonsense!

Ivana Trump - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ivanka Trump - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Maybe you thought his daughter is his wife seeing Donald has stated he would have dated his daughter if she was not his daughter, and you want to call Bill Clinton perverted and many other things!?!

Trump jokes that he’d date daughter

One final one and let be clear Donald John Trump has admitted to many affairs, so with that he is no better than Bill Clinton and while you keep on making up shit I will post comments by him and others and let you spin around and around until your head explodes!

GOP senator calls out Donald Trump’s ‘many affairs’ in lengthy tweetstorm

there is one big difference: affairs are consensual, rape is a crime. Bubba Clinton is guilty of rape and sexual attacks.

More tabloid nonsense from the idiot crowd that claimed his WND source was legit about Clinton affair with Yoko Ono!

When will Bill Clinton be convicted of rape and remember Donald John Trump has also been accused of rape but you will say that is a lie while believing Bill Clinton forced every woman that blew him to have sex without their permission!

Funny how the Trump voters want to justify Trump infidelity and then claim Clinton does not want to discuss the topics while it is Trump that is going down the low road once again!

Paula Jones won her case against him in a court of law.

But how about if we talk about Hillary's lies, the corruption of the Clinton foundation, the selling of influence as SecState, and her failing health?

Oh, don't want to go there? I wonder why.

No, let write about the fact you offered up tabloid nonsense about Hillary Clinton and have yet to give me any article from Fox News to support the WND article that you claim is true!

without giving you too much personal information, Hillary's lesbianism was well known in DC when bubba was president. He had his women and she had hers. What exactly do you think her relationship with Huma is based on? Do some research, you might learn something.
So unless it reports everything you agree with then it must be tabloid!

Notice you left off Al Jazeera and Fox News, so there are two sites you believe are not tabloid!

WND is a tabloid site that has fringer agenda, and yet you bitch about the left doing the same thing!

OK, if the Yoko story is a lie it should be easy for you to prove-------------go for it.

I need to prove WND is not telling the truth!?!

Fake Story: Yoko Ono Admitted Affair With Hillary Clinton - Bad Satire Today

Hillary Did Not Sleep with That Woman, Yoko Ono

Did Yoko Ono really confess to an affair with Hillary Clinton? - ThatsFake.com

The news story was satire but idiots like you believe it just like you believe Bill Clinton anal raped little children on a private Island because some tabloid told you it was true...

Show me Fox News carrying this news story and if not then you are fuck because all you are doing is using satire to try to win your argument without knowing the damn joke is on you!

Paula Jones
Juanita Broderick
Jenifer Flowers
Cathlene Wiley

just to name 4 of his victims who have the guts to come forward.

A 13 year old girl claimed Donald John Trump raped her and Donald John Trump has made crazy comments about wanting to date his daughter, so maybe Donald raped that 13 year old girl!?!

I mean you want to go down this road let do it because you have no problem with your candidate being found guilty of " Cruel and Inhuman " treatment against his first ex-wife but have a major problem with Bill being a sicko like him!

what does any of this have to do with being president?

JFK was screwing several women in the white house, he screwed Marilyn Monroe and probably had her killed. LBJ screwed his secretary in the oval office and walked around air force 1 with his dick hanging out. Two heroes of the dem party that you probably think were good presidents.

Wow, just wow!

Now what difference does it make when you are losing the argument!?!

Then what difference does it make what Bill Clinton did because it is his stupid whore of a wife running for President and not him!?!

You brought up Hillary Clinton possible affair with Yoko Ono and once that one was debunked you doubled down on that Donald John Trump affairs were not as bad as Bill Clinton and went as far as bring up Bill Clinton past with women but then I presented the fact that Donald John Trump was found guilty of " Cruel and Inhuman " treatment to his ex-wife and not you want to play " what difference does that make " card like the typical partisan nutter you are!

What difference does it make?

Simple, if you view Bill and Hillary treatment of women to be horrendous then you should look at your boy record and realize he is no better.

You believe that what Bill Clinton did in the past along with his wife will reflect how they will govern while ignoring the reality that Donald will be just like them when it come to treatment of women!

So as you defend Donald John Trump please note I am not defending Hillary " Bitch Hound " Clinton or the sicko husband of hers but what I am doing is mocking assholes like you that condone the abusive nature and cheating ways of Donald John Trump!

Now where is that link from Fox News that I have requested more than once to prove Yoko ate Hillary twat!?!
Oh my fucking God are you fucking retarded!

What does " Cruel and Inhuman " mean to you?

Donald Trump was not granted the divorce on those grounds but instead Ivana, so she did get the damn divorce!

Also again you are going with tabloid whore nonsense about Bill Clinton molesting Children and Donald John Trump has been accused of the same damn thing, so what make Donald so special that he is not treated the same way as Bill!?!

Now please note you are the one using Tabloid news as your evidence and I can provide actual links to Donald and Ivana divorce that is not tabloid sources!

One last thing Ivanka is his daughter and Ivana is his ex-wife that gave birth to Ivanka!

If you're too stupid to know the difference in spelling then sit the fuck down and stop writing stupid nonsense!

Ivana Trump - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ivanka Trump - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Maybe you thought his daughter is his wife seeing Donald has stated he would have dated his daughter if she was not his daughter, and you want to call Bill Clinton perverted and many other things!?!

Trump jokes that he’d date daughter

One final one and let be clear Donald John Trump has admitted to many affairs, so with that he is no better than Bill Clinton and while you keep on making up shit I will post comments by him and others and let you spin around and around until your head explodes!

GOP senator calls out Donald Trump’s ‘many affairs’ in lengthy tweetstorm

there is one big difference: affairs are consensual, rape is a crime. Bubba Clinton is guilty of rape and sexual attacks.

More tabloid nonsense from the idiot crowd that claimed his WND source was legit about Clinton affair with Yoko Ono!

When will Bill Clinton be convicted of rape and remember Donald John Trump has also been accused of rape but you will say that is a lie while believing Bill Clinton forced every woman that blew him to have sex without their permission!

Funny how the Trump voters want to justify Trump infidelity and then claim Clinton does not want to discuss the topics while it is Trump that is going down the low road once again!

Paula Jones won her case against him in a court of law.

But how about if we talk about Hillary's lies, the corruption of the Clinton foundation, the selling of influence as SecState, and her failing health?

Oh, don't want to go there? I wonder why.

No, let write about the fact you offered up tabloid nonsense about Hillary Clinton and have yet to give me any article from Fox News to support the WND article that you claim is true!

without giving you too much personal information, Hillary's lesbianism was well known in DC when bubba was president. He had his women and she had hers. What exactly do you think her relationship with Huma is based on? Do some research, you might learn something.

More tabloid nonsense again!

I did the research on the Yoko story and it showed to be false and I requested many times now for you to find it on Fox News, and my guess there is none because you know that one story is total bullshit!

Also who cares if she is a Lesbian and if so then maybe you should care about your candidate sexual past before looking at the other candidate sexual past!?!
there is one big difference: affairs are consensual, rape is a crime. Bubba Clinton is guilty of rape and sexual attacks.

More tabloid nonsense from the idiot crowd that claimed his WND source was legit about Clinton affair with Yoko Ono!

When will Bill Clinton be convicted of rape and remember Donald John Trump has also been accused of rape but you will say that is a lie while believing Bill Clinton forced every woman that blew him to have sex without their permission!

Funny how the Trump voters want to justify Trump infidelity and then claim Clinton does not want to discuss the topics while it is Trump that is going down the low road once again!

Paula Jones won her case against him in a court of law.

But how about if we talk about Hillary's lies, the corruption of the Clinton foundation, the selling of influence as SecState, and her failing health?

Oh, don't want to go there? I wonder why.

No, let write about the fact you offered up tabloid nonsense about Hillary Clinton and have yet to give me any article from Fox News to support the WND article that you claim is true!

without giving you too much personal information, Hillary's lesbianism was well known in DC when bubba was president. He had his women and she had hers. What exactly do you think her relationship with Huma is based on? Do some research, you might learn something.

More tabloid nonsense again!

I did the research on the Yoko story and it showed to be false and I requested many times now for you to find it on Fox News, and my guess there is none because you know that one story is total bullshit!

Also who cares if she is a Lesbian and if so then maybe you should care about your candidate sexual past before looking at the other candidate sexual past!?!

vote for whoever you want. I don't really care.

your mind has been blocked by dem propaganda. I wont waste any more time on you
More tabloid nonsense from the idiot crowd that claimed his WND source was legit about Clinton affair with Yoko Ono!

When will Bill Clinton be convicted of rape and remember Donald John Trump has also been accused of rape but you will say that is a lie while believing Bill Clinton forced every woman that blew him to have sex without their permission!

Funny how the Trump voters want to justify Trump infidelity and then claim Clinton does not want to discuss the topics while it is Trump that is going down the low road once again!

Paula Jones won her case against him in a court of law.

But how about if we talk about Hillary's lies, the corruption of the Clinton foundation, the selling of influence as SecState, and her failing health?

Oh, don't want to go there? I wonder why.

No, let write about the fact you offered up tabloid nonsense about Hillary Clinton and have yet to give me any article from Fox News to support the WND article that you claim is true!

without giving you too much personal information, Hillary's lesbianism was well known in DC when bubba was president. He had his women and she had hers. What exactly do you think her relationship with Huma is based on? Do some research, you might learn something.

More tabloid nonsense again!

I did the research on the Yoko story and it showed to be false and I requested many times now for you to find it on Fox News, and my guess there is none because you know that one story is total bullshit!

Also who cares if she is a Lesbian and if so then maybe you should care about your candidate sexual past before looking at the other candidate sexual past!?!

vote for whoever you want. I don't really care.

your mind has been blocked by dem propaganda. I wont waste any more time on you

So you can not find a legit news source to support your tabloid nonsense!

Idiots write about Bill Clinton sexual past and then want to pretend their candidate is some Holier than thou being when in reality Donald John Trump is a male whore like Bill and has been found guilty once for " Cruel and Inhuman " treatment against his first ex-wife...

Of course I will vote for the Candidate that I want and idiots like you will scream wasted vote because it is not for either whores from the two big party tickets!

If I can not vote for Clinton because how her husband and her have mistreated women in the past then I sure the hell will never vote for Donald John Trump seeing how he mistreated the mother of his first three children and then sired a child out of wedlock with his mistress before marrying her!

So enjoy knowing you are no better than the progressive liberal you whine about while voting for Donald John Trump and remember Donald was for gay rights, abortion and Universal Healthcare but at least he is not Clinton, right!
No, I'm not referring in the thread's title to some small Mormon enclave.......rather, the 9 wives refers to Trump, Giuliani and Gingrich....

These 3 men are "threatening" to bring up Hillary Clinton's husband infidelity as the main talking point in the next debate between Donald and Hillary.....So, what could possibly go wrong?

(and does anyone......regardless of party affiliation.....think that Hillary is not preparing to counter this line of attack by Trump?)

All rape victims have a right to be believed.
Clinton, jumps everything with a heartbeat and a hole and Hillary blames the holes.

That's the "best" you can do to defend the Trumpster???? Really ???

Not a defense, merely a fucking fact.

Fine........So we have ONE woman standing by her husband's infidelity VERSUS 3 guys with 9 wives.......You figure out how most sane women will react.
You are too stupid to see the difference. Trump is still better than the hag hillary.
So is Donald Trump according to one person that is or has sued him, and Ivana Trump was granted her divorce because of Donald Trump " Cruel and Inhuman " Treatment of her!

So why do you like child molesters and those that abuse their wives but hate a man that cheats on his wife!?!
Like child molesters??? No! That's Clinton! If Ivanka was being abused, why didn't she file for divorce or get a restraining order on Trump?

Oh my fucking God are you fucking retarded!

What does " Cruel and Inhuman " mean to you?

Donald Trump was not granted the divorce on those grounds but instead Ivana, so she did get the damn divorce!

Also again you are going with tabloid whore nonsense about Bill Clinton molesting Children and Donald John Trump has been accused of the same damn thing, so what make Donald so special that he is not treated the same way as Bill!?!

Now please note you are the one using Tabloid news as your evidence and I can provide actual links to Donald and Ivana divorce that is not tabloid sources!

One last thing Ivanka is his daughter and Ivana is his ex-wife that gave birth to Ivanka!

If you're too stupid to know the difference in spelling then sit the fuck down and stop writing stupid nonsense!

Ivana Trump - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ivanka Trump - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Maybe you thought his daughter is his wife seeing Donald has stated he would have dated his daughter if she was not his daughter, and you want to call Bill Clinton perverted and many other things!?!

Trump jokes that he’d date daughter

One final one and let be clear Donald John Trump has admitted to many affairs, so with that he is no better than Bill Clinton and while you keep on making up shit I will post comments by him and others and let you spin around and around until your head explodes!

GOP senator calls out Donald Trump’s ‘many affairs’ in lengthy tweetstorm

there is one big difference: affairs are consensual, rape is a crime. Bubba Clinton is guilty of rape and sexual attacks.
Trump is guilty of raping a 13 year old

nope, but Clinton was found guilty of sexual harassment of Paula Jones and paid a very large fine, he also made out of court financial settlements with several other female victims.

But I get it, you aren't voting for Trump and love the hildebitch. I understand. But you aren't going to change anyone's mind by repeating the latest DNC lies and talking points over and over and over.

you have let the dems use you as a tool. you are their bitch. do you understand that?

Trump raped a 13 year old....it was in all the papers

Clinton was not found guilty
Last edited:
OK, if the Yoko story is a lie it should be easy for you to prove-------------go for it.

OK, if the alluded rumor is that Trump has paid some income tax in the last 20 years is easy for you to prove....go for it !!
Like child molesters??? No! That's Clinton! If Ivanka was being abused, why didn't she file for divorce or get a restraining order on Trump?

Oh my fucking God are you fucking retarded!

What does " Cruel and Inhuman " mean to you?

Donald Trump was not granted the divorce on those grounds but instead Ivana, so she did get the damn divorce!

Also again you are going with tabloid whore nonsense about Bill Clinton molesting Children and Donald John Trump has been accused of the same damn thing, so what make Donald so special that he is not treated the same way as Bill!?!

Now please note you are the one using Tabloid news as your evidence and I can provide actual links to Donald and Ivana divorce that is not tabloid sources!

One last thing Ivanka is his daughter and Ivana is his ex-wife that gave birth to Ivanka!

If you're too stupid to know the difference in spelling then sit the fuck down and stop writing stupid nonsense!

Ivana Trump - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ivanka Trump - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Maybe you thought his daughter is his wife seeing Donald has stated he would have dated his daughter if she was not his daughter, and you want to call Bill Clinton perverted and many other things!?!

Trump jokes that he’d date daughter

One final one and let be clear Donald John Trump has admitted to many affairs, so with that he is no better than Bill Clinton and while you keep on making up shit I will post comments by him and others and let you spin around and around until your head explodes!

GOP senator calls out Donald Trump’s ‘many affairs’ in lengthy tweetstorm

there is one big difference: affairs are consensual, rape is a crime. Bubba Clinton is guilty of rape and sexual attacks.
Trump is guilty of raping a 13 year old

nope, but Clinton was found guilty of sexual harassment of Paula Jones and paid a very large fine, he also made out of court financial settlements with several other female victims.

But I get it, you aren't voting for Trump and love the hildebitch. I understand. But you aren't going to change anyone's mind by repeating the latest DNC lies and talking points over and over and over.

you have let the dems use you as a tool. you are their bitch. do you understand that?

Trump raped a 13 year old....it was in all the papers

Clinton was not found guilty

that is not true. He lost the Paula Jones case and paid her a large settlement
OK, if the Yoko story is a lie it should be easy for you to prove-------------go for it.

OK, if the alluded rumor is that Trump has paid some income tax in the last 20 years is easy for you to prove....go for it !!

I really don't care. He filed in compliance with the tax code. If you don't like the way the tax code treats rich people, call your congressmen and senators. It is not a crime to take all legal steps to minimize your tax liability, all intelligent people do it.
Oh my fucking God are you fucking retarded!

What does " Cruel and Inhuman " mean to you?

Donald Trump was not granted the divorce on those grounds but instead Ivana, so she did get the damn divorce!

Also again you are going with tabloid whore nonsense about Bill Clinton molesting Children and Donald John Trump has been accused of the same damn thing, so what make Donald so special that he is not treated the same way as Bill!?!

Now please note you are the one using Tabloid news as your evidence and I can provide actual links to Donald and Ivana divorce that is not tabloid sources!

One last thing Ivanka is his daughter and Ivana is his ex-wife that gave birth to Ivanka!

If you're too stupid to know the difference in spelling then sit the fuck down and stop writing stupid nonsense!

Ivana Trump - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ivanka Trump - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Maybe you thought his daughter is his wife seeing Donald has stated he would have dated his daughter if she was not his daughter, and you want to call Bill Clinton perverted and many other things!?!

Trump jokes that he’d date daughter

One final one and let be clear Donald John Trump has admitted to many affairs, so with that he is no better than Bill Clinton and while you keep on making up shit I will post comments by him and others and let you spin around and around until your head explodes!

GOP senator calls out Donald Trump’s ‘many affairs’ in lengthy tweetstorm

there is one big difference: affairs are consensual, rape is a crime. Bubba Clinton is guilty of rape and sexual attacks.
Trump is guilty of raping a 13 year old

nope, but Clinton was found guilty of sexual harassment of Paula Jones and paid a very large fine, he also made out of court financial settlements with several other female victims.

But I get it, you aren't voting for Trump and love the hildebitch. I understand. But you aren't going to change anyone's mind by repeating the latest DNC lies and talking points over and over and over.

you have let the dems use you as a tool. you are their bitch. do you understand that?

Trump raped a 13 year old....it was in all the papers

Clinton was not found guilty

that is not true. He lost the Paula Jones case and paid her a large settlement
Fraud he didn't

The court ruled for Clinton and when she appealed, Clinton settled out of court to make it go away

She received $200,000. Not exactly huge
No, I'm not referring in the thread's title to some small Mormon enclave.......rather, the 9 wives refers to Trump, Giuliani and Gingrich....

These 3 men are "threatening" to bring up Hillary Clinton's husband infidelity as the main talking point in the next debate between Donald and Hillary.....So, what could possibly go wrong?

(and does anyone......regardless of party affiliation.....think that Hillary is not preparing to counter this line of attack by Trump?)
I'm sure if he tries to through the clinton infidility, he is are going to get it back 3 fold
there is one big difference: affairs are consensual, rape is a crime. Bubba Clinton is guilty of rape and sexual attacks.
Trump is guilty of raping a 13 year old

nope, but Clinton was found guilty of sexual harassment of Paula Jones and paid a very large fine, he also made out of court financial settlements with several other female victims.

But I get it, you aren't voting for Trump and love the hildebitch. I understand. But you aren't going to change anyone's mind by repeating the latest DNC lies and talking points over and over and over.

you have let the dems use you as a tool. you are their bitch. do you understand that?

Trump raped a 13 year old....it was in all the papers

Clinton was not found guilty

that is not true. He lost the Paula Jones case and paid her a large settlement
Fraud he didn't

The court ruled for Clinton and when she appealed, Clinton settled out of court to make it go away

She received $200,000. Not exactly huge

paying money in an out of court settlement is an admission of guilt. Do innocent people pay their victims to keep quiet? 200K is a large amount for an out of court settlement.
Oh my fucking God are you fucking retarded!

What does " Cruel and Inhuman " mean to you?

Donald Trump was not granted the divorce on those grounds but instead Ivana, so she did get the damn divorce!

Also again you are going with tabloid whore nonsense about Bill Clinton molesting Children and Donald John Trump has been accused of the same damn thing, so what make Donald so special that he is not treated the same way as Bill!?!

Now please note you are the one using Tabloid news as your evidence and I can provide actual links to Donald and Ivana divorce that is not tabloid sources!

One last thing Ivanka is his daughter and Ivana is his ex-wife that gave birth to Ivanka!

If you're too stupid to know the difference in spelling then sit the fuck down and stop writing stupid nonsense!

Ivana Trump - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ivanka Trump - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Maybe you thought his daughter is his wife seeing Donald has stated he would have dated his daughter if she was not his daughter, and you want to call Bill Clinton perverted and many other things!?!

Trump jokes that he’d date daughter

One final one and let be clear Donald John Trump has admitted to many affairs, so with that he is no better than Bill Clinton and while you keep on making up shit I will post comments by him and others and let you spin around and around until your head explodes!

GOP senator calls out Donald Trump’s ‘many affairs’ in lengthy tweetstorm

there is one big difference: affairs are consensual, rape is a crime. Bubba Clinton is guilty of rape and sexual attacks.
Trump is guilty of raping a 13 year old

nope, but Clinton was found guilty of sexual harassment of Paula Jones and paid a very large fine, he also made out of court financial settlements with several other female victims.

But I get it, you aren't voting for Trump and love the hildebitch. I understand. But you aren't going to change anyone's mind by repeating the latest DNC lies and talking points over and over and over.

you have let the dems use you as a tool. you are their bitch. do you understand that?

Trump raped a 13 year old....it was in all the papers

Clinton was not found guilty

that is not true. He lost the Paula Jones case and paid her a large settlement
he paid her 800,000 dollars ... according to wikipedia ... the majority of that money went to pay her legal fees ... he wasn't found guilty for sexual harassment ... he was found guilty for giving misleading testimony ... thats it...

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