3 Men.......9 Wives.......

so much for the party of 'family values'....

& if trump decides to go there---women will not let this one pass.

Do you consider the Clinton's an honorable example of family values? Check out Trumps kids and learn something.
The women who divorced a cheating husband may understand that Hillary didn't.

lol.. . that shit storm called his offspring want so desperately for daddy to succeed so they can pull his strings even more. . they also want his cash. don't try to pull off how good those kids are m'k? they grew up with nannies, not by their parents. ivanka gets sued for ripping off designer's shoe lines & passing them off as her own creations... guess she is following in daddy's footsteps; who would do his little girl if he could. they are all sick. & which one of his male heirs likes to slaughter endangered animals again?

<pffft> gimmee a break.

I guess you think that Chelsea didn't have a taxpayer funded nanny when she was growing up.
Five myths about cheating

1. Cheating and affairs are more common among the rich and less common in conservative cultures.

Estimates today find married men cheating at rates between 25 percent and 72 percent. Given that many people are loath to admit that they cheat, research on cheating may underestimate its prevalence. But it appears that cheating is as common as fidelity.

2. If you love your partner, you'll remain faithful.

I found that, though 78 percent of the men I interviewed had cheated on their current partner…

3. We generally agree on what counts as cheating

4. Your partner won’t stray as long as you keep your sex life exciting.

For most people, monogamy does not necessarily provide a lifetime of sexual contentment.

5. Most married people don’t cheat.

In a 1991 study, sex researcher Shere Hite found that 70 percent of married women have cheated on their partners; a follow up study in 1993 showed that 72% of men of married men have as well.

-The Washington Post

If 70% of women cheat, and 72% of men do, what does that tell us? That most likely voters have cheated on their spouse. Are they going to be reticent to vote for a cheater who divorced the spouse and married their mistress? No. They realize they did the same thing. The only difference was that they were not the POTUS at the time where they could have been open to blackmail to disclose secrets of the State.

Seventy percent of voters have cheated and they are going to pass judgment on Trump?? Think not.

Yawn, and yet you passed judgment on Blythe III!

Also Trump was accused of abuse by his ex-wife, so how many of Trump voters beat their spouse daily and verbally abuse them until they feel like they were mentally raped!?!

A SERIAL cheater a sexual abuser of little girls???!!! You bet!

So is Donald Trump according to one person that is or has sued him, and Ivana Trump was granted her divorce because of Donald Trump " Cruel and Inhuman " Treatment of her!

So why do you like child molesters and those that abuse their wives but hate a man that cheats on his wife!?!
Like child molesters??? No! That's Clinton! If Ivanka was being abused, why didn't she file for divorce or get a restraining order on Trump?
so much for the party of 'family values'....

& if trump decides to go there---women will not let this one pass.

Do you consider the Clinton's an honorable example of family values? Check out Trumps kids and learn something.
The women who divorced a cheating husband may understand that Hillary didn't.

lol.. . that shit storm called his offspring want so desperately for daddy to succeed so they can pull his strings even more. . they also want his cash. don't try to pull off how good those kids are m'k? they grew up with nannies, not by their parents. ivanka gets sued for ripping off designer's shoe lines & passing them off as her own creations... guess she is following in daddy's footsteps; who would do his little girl if he could. they are all sick. & which one of his male heirs likes to slaughter endangered animals again?

<pffft> gimmee a break.

I guess you think that Chelsea didn't have a taxpayer funded nanny when she was growing up.

lol, that's right.... raised by nannies most of her life, right? is that what you are trying to say? how many dirty diapers do you think ivana & donny from queens actually changed?

& don't think i haven't noticed the absent response regarding ivanka's lawsuits or jr's blatant lack of humanity towards animals that may not be around when their own kids are grown. that... in part.... certainly has to do with the mindset being molded by the most influential people in their lives.

mummy & daddy.
Five myths about cheating

1. Cheating and affairs are more common among the rich and less common in conservative cultures.

Estimates today find married men cheating at rates between 25 percent and 72 percent. Given that many people are loath to admit that they cheat, research on cheating may underestimate its prevalence. But it appears that cheating is as common as fidelity.

2. If you love your partner, you'll remain faithful.

I found that, though 78 percent of the men I interviewed had cheated on their current partner…

3. We generally agree on what counts as cheating

4. Your partner won’t stray as long as you keep your sex life exciting.

For most people, monogamy does not necessarily provide a lifetime of sexual contentment.

5. Most married people don’t cheat.

In a 1991 study, sex researcher Shere Hite found that 70 percent of married women have cheated on their partners; a follow up study in 1993 showed that 72% of men of married men have as well.

-The Washington Post

If 70% of women cheat, and 72% of men do, what does that tell us? That most likely voters have cheated on their spouse. Are they going to be reticent to vote for a cheater who divorced the spouse and married their mistress? No. They realize they did the same thing. The only difference was that they were not the POTUS at the time where they could have been open to blackmail to disclose secrets of the State.

Seventy percent of voters have cheated and they are going to pass judgment on Trump?? Think not.

Yawn, and yet you passed judgment on Blythe III!

Also Trump was accused of abuse by his ex-wife, so how many of Trump voters beat their spouse daily and verbally abuse them until they feel like they were mentally raped!?!

A SERIAL cheater a sexual abuser of little girls???!!! You bet!

So is Donald Trump according to one person that is or has sued him, and Ivana Trump was granted her divorce because of Donald Trump " Cruel and Inhuman " Treatment of her!

So why do you like child molesters and those that abuse their wives but hate a man that cheats on his wife!?!
Like child molesters??? No! That's Clinton! If Ivanka was being abused, why didn't she file for divorce or get a restraining order on Trump?

she accused him of rape during the divorce hearings. she can't 'talk' about that anymore with a gag order imposed in exchange for the cash she got. she sold out.
All three of these men cheated and didn't do anything to repair their marriage. All three are worse then the Clintons.
And what did Clinton do to repair his marriage? Go to Lolita Island with Epstein!

lol... you do know donny from queens will be facing rape accusations of a (then) 13 year old in a civil trial along with the same epstein dude?
No, I'm not referring in the thread's title to some small Mormon enclave.......rather, the 9 wives refers to Trump, Giuliani and Gingrich....

These 3 men are "threatening" to bring up Hillary Clinton's husband infidelity as the main talking point in the next debate between Donald and Hillary.....So, what could possibly go wrong?

(and does anyone......regardless of party affiliation.....think that Hillary is not preparing to counter this line of attack by Trump?)

These are the three men who are lecturing Hillary on how a jilted woman should respond
Clinton, jumps everything with a heartbeat and a hole and Hillary blames the holes.

That's the "best" you can do to defend the Trumpster???? Really ???

Not a defense, merely a fucking fact.

Fine........So we have ONE woman standing by her husband's infidelity VERSUS 3 guys with 9 wives.......You figure out how most sane women will react.
Many women see a woman who stays with a serial cheater as a total loser. Hillary has/had the means to leave Bill. Instead she stayed. Most of us can see that Hillary stands by her man only for his political power.

Since clearly you aren't a woman so how would you know how Hillary is viewed by other women. I know a lot of women who made their bargain and are sticking to it - 'til death do us part was the vow. I am not one of them. I don't think ill of those who make the choice though.

It's the men who cheat who are the losers and it's the men who the women blame. Going after Hillary because her husband cheated. Let's put it this way: If your son's wife was cheating on her, would you go to him and say "You're one sorry excuse for a man. Your own wife is cheating on you with every guy in town. You can't be much of a man'. Yeah, people would think well of you for that.
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No, I'm not referring in the thread's title to some small Mormon enclave.......rather, the 9 wives refers to Trump, Giuliani and Gingrich....

These 3 men are "threatening" to bring up Hillary Clinton's husband infidelity as the main talking point in the next debate between Donald and Hillary.....So, what could possibly go wrong?

(and does anyone......regardless of party affiliation.....think that Hillary is not preparing to counter this line of attack by Trump?)
Why stop there. Let's throw in another turd - draft dodging, drug addict rushbo --- who like the 3 you already mentioned, is also a proud member of the Party of Family Values, and make it a baker's dozen.
The country may put those criminals back in power, if it does the USA is over as a free democratic representative republic. we will become a socialist dictatorship and you libs can revel as the government take control of everything from your thermostats to what kind of coffee you can drink and what medicines you are allowed to have

have you stacked up on lots of chips and sodas under your bed???? LOL

No, but I have several guns and hundreds of rounds of ammo, but don't worry, momma Hillary will wipe your sorry ass (just before she throws you over the cliff)
Clinton, jumps everything with a heartbeat and a hole and Hillary blames the holes.

That's the "best" you can do to defend the Trumpster???? Really ???

Not a defense, merely a fucking fact.

Fine........So we have ONE woman standing by her husband's infidelity VERSUS 3 guys with 9 wives.......You figure out how most sane women will react.
Many women see a woman who stays with a serial cheater as a total loser. Hillary has/had the means to leave Bill. Instead she stayed. Most of us can see that Hillary stands by her man only for his political power.

Since clearly you aren't a woman so how would you know how Hillary is viewed by other women. I know a lot of women who made their bargain and are sticking to it - 'til death do us part was the vow. I am not one of them. I don't think ill of those who make the choice though.

It's the men who cheat who are the losers and it's the men who the women blame. Going after Hillary because her husband cheated. Let's put it this way: If your son's wife was cheating on her, would you go to him and say "You're one sorry excuse for a man. Your own wife is cheating on you with every guy in town. You can't be much of a man'. Yeah, people would think well of you for that.

You don't get it. Hillary tried to destroy Bill's victims in order to protect their political dynasty. That is the issue. That is why many women refuse to support her-----she has no morals, ethics, or character-----------she stands for nothing except her quest for power.
I love the new Hillary commercial with the young women and Trump ridiculing women's bodies in the background
Link to Hillary Clinton lesbian affairs and women being paid to stay silent or will you just keep on lying!?!


World NUT Daily.......????? Really???..........Scour what the Inquirer while you're at it.....LOL

I love idiots that use Tabloid as real news!

me too, like huffpuff post, daily kos, NY times, Wash post, MSNBC, CNN, LA times, CBS, NBC, ABC---------you know, all the media outlets that have a left wing agenda and report propaganda instead of news.

So unless it reports everything you agree with then it must be tabloid!

Notice you left off Al Jazeera and Fox News, so there are two sites you believe are not tabloid!

WND is a tabloid site that has fringer agenda, and yet you bitch about the left doing the same thing!

OK, if the Yoko story is a lie it should be easy for you to prove-------------go for it.
so much for the party of 'family values'....

& if trump decides to go there---women will not let this one pass.

Do you consider the Clinton's an honorable example of family values? Check out Trumps kids and learn something.
The women who divorced a cheating husband may understand that Hillary didn't.

lol.. . that shit storm called his offspring want so desperately for daddy to succeed so they can pull his strings even more. . they also want his cash. don't try to pull off how good those kids are m'k? they grew up with nannies, not by their parents. ivanka gets sued for ripping off designer's shoe lines & passing them off as her own creations... guess she is following in daddy's footsteps; who would do his little girl if he could. they are all sick. & which one of his male heirs likes to slaughter endangered animals again?

<pffft> gimmee a break.

I guess you think that Chelsea didn't have a taxpayer funded nanny when she was growing up.

lol, that's right.... raised by nannies most of her life, right? is that what you are trying to say? how many dirty diapers do you think ivana & donny from queens actually changed?

& don't think i haven't noticed the absent response regarding ivanka's lawsuits or jr's blatant lack of humanity towards animals that may not be around when their own kids are grown. that... in part.... certainly has to do with the mindset being molded by the most influential people in their lives.

mummy & daddy.

I'm not trying to say it fool, I posted it. How many of Chelsea's diapers do you think Bill and Hillary changed? And they got changed with taxpayers money.
No, I'm not referring in the thread's title to some small Mormon enclave.......rather, the 9 wives refers to Trump, Giuliani and Gingrich....

These 3 men are "threatening" to bring up Hillary Clinton's husband infidelity as the main talking point in the next debate between Donald and Hillary.....So, what could possibly go wrong?

(and does anyone......regardless of party affiliation.....think that Hillary is not preparing to counter this line of attack by Trump?)

Your inability or refusal to distinguish between adultery and sexual harassment (rape?) undermines all the victims of sexual harassment and rape.

IN this we see the complete corruption and intellectual dishonesty of the Left.

When confronted with a choice between Principle and Power, they ALWAYS choose Power, no matter who they have to throw under the bus, nor the amount of suffering they are causing.

This SHOULD reveal that ALL their complaints about various civil rights cases, are in fact nothing but disguised partisan or ideological attacks.
I love the new Hillary commercial with the young women and Trump ridiculing women's bodies in the background

are you a normal male human? do you check out women's bodies when you are in a public place? do you ever make comments to other men about a woman's body?

No? then my impression of you is accurate.
so much for the party of 'family values'....

& if trump decides to go there---women will not let this one pass.

Do you consider the Clinton's an honorable example of family values? Check out Trumps kids and learn something.
The women who divorced a cheating husband may understand that Hillary didn't.

lol.. . that shit storm called his offspring want so desperately for daddy to succeed so they can pull his strings even more. . they also want his cash. don't try to pull off how good those kids are m'k? they grew up with nannies, not by their parents. ivanka gets sued for ripping off designer's shoe lines & passing them off as her own creations... guess she is following in daddy's footsteps; who would do his little girl if he could. they are all sick. & which one of his male heirs likes to slaughter endangered animals again?

<pffft> gimmee a break.

I guess you think that Chelsea didn't have a taxpayer funded nanny when she was growing up.

lol, that's right.... raised by nannies most of her life, right? is that what you are trying to say? how many dirty diapers do you think ivana & donny from queens actually changed?

& don't think i haven't noticed the absent response regarding ivanka's lawsuits or jr's blatant lack of humanity towards animals that may not be around when their own kids are grown. that... in part.... certainly has to do with the mindset being molded by the most influential people in their lives.

mummy & daddy.

I'm not trying to say it fool, I posted it. How many of Chelsea's diapers do you think Bill and Hillary changed? And they got changed with taxpayers money.

which brings up the question: who is changing Hillary's diapers? and what is she hiding under those tents she wears?
I love the new Hillary commercial with the young women and Trump ridiculing women's bodies in the background

are you a normal male human? do you check out women's bodies when you are in a public place? do you ever make comments to other men about a woman's body?

No? then my impression of you is accurate.

I don't criticize them calling them ugly, flat chested or disgusting pigs

That would be your boy Trump

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