3 Men.......9 Wives.......

Clinton, jumps everything with a heartbeat and a hole and Hillary blames the holes.

That's the "best" you can do to defend the Trumpster???? Really ???

Not a defense, merely a fucking fact.

Fine........So we have ONE woman standing by her husband's infidelity VERSUS 3 guys with 9 wives.......You figure out how most sane women will react.
Many women see a woman who stays with a serial cheater as a total loser. Hillary has/had the means to leave Bill. Instead she stayed. Most of us can see that Hillary stands by her man only for his political power.

Since clearly you aren't a woman so how would you know how Hillary is viewed by other women. I know a lot of women who made their bargain and are sticking to it - 'til death do us part was the vow. I am not one of them. I don't think ill of those who make the choice though.

It's the men who cheat who are the losers and it's the men who the women blame. Going after Hillary because her husband cheated. Let's put it this way: If your son's wife was cheating on her, would you go to him and say "You're one sorry excuse for a man. Your own wife is cheating on you with every guy in town. You can't be much of a man'. Yeah, people would think well of you for that.

"Let's put it this way: If your son's wife was cheating on her, would you go to him and say "You're one sorry excuse for a man. Your own wife is cheating on you with every guy in town. You can't be much of a man'. Yeah, people would think well of you for that."

This isn't about my son's wife. It is about a sorry excuse for a husband that that used his power as Governor and later as President to jump everything that moved, and a wife that blamed what moved.
I love the new Hillary commercial with the young women and Trump ridiculing women's bodies in the background

are you a normal male human? do you check out women's bodies when you are in a public place? do you ever make comments to other men about a woman's body?

No? then my impression of you is accurate.

I don't criticize them calling them ugly, flat chested or disgusting pigs

That would be your boy Trump

yeah, right. you always make positive observations of women. you are full of shit, or gay. which is it?
In the muslim world that Hillary and you libs so love, this thread could be titled "3 men over 40, 9 wives under 12".
I love the new Hillary commercial with the young women and Trump ridiculing women's bodies in the background

are you a normal male human? do you check out women's bodies when you are in a public place? do you ever make comments to other men about a woman's body?

No? then my impression of you is accurate.

I don't criticize them calling them ugly, flat chested or disgusting pigs

That would be your boy Trump

yeah, right. you always make positive observations of women. you are full of shit, or gay. which is it?

Trump is not whispering with his buddies.......he is doing it with a microphone in his face

Love the new Hillary commercial with the young women

Go ahead women of America.......vote Trump
I love the new Hillary commercial with the young women and Trump ridiculing women's bodies in the background

are you a normal male human? do you check out women's bodies when you are in a public place? do you ever make comments to other men about a woman's body?

No? then my impression of you is accurate.

I don't criticize them calling them ugly, flat chested or disgusting pigs

That would be your boy Trump

yeah, right. you always make positive observations of women. you are full of shit, or gay. which is it?

Trump is not whispering with his buddies.......he is doing it with a microphone in his face

Love the new Hillary commercial with the young women

Go ahead women of America.......vote Trump

Which lies does it tell?
Five myths about cheating

1. Cheating and affairs are more common among the rich and less common in conservative cultures.

Estimates today find married men cheating at rates between 25 percent and 72 percent. Given that many people are loath to admit that they cheat, research on cheating may underestimate its prevalence. But it appears that cheating is as common as fidelity.

2. If you love your partner, you'll remain faithful.

I found that, though 78 percent of the men I interviewed had cheated on their current partner…

3. We generally agree on what counts as cheating

4. Your partner won’t stray as long as you keep your sex life exciting.

For most people, monogamy does not necessarily provide a lifetime of sexual contentment.

5. Most married people don’t cheat.

In a 1991 study, sex researcher Shere Hite found that 70 percent of married women have cheated on their partners; a follow up study in 1993 showed that 72% of men of married men have as well.

-The Washington Post

If 70% of women cheat, and 72% of men do, what does that tell us? That most likely voters have cheated on their spouse. Are they going to be reticent to vote for a cheater who divorced the spouse and married their mistress? No. They realize they did the same thing. The only difference was that they were not the POTUS at the time where they could have been open to blackmail to disclose secrets of the State.

Seventy percent of voters have cheated and they are going to pass judgment on Trump?? Think not.

Yawn, and yet you passed judgment on Blythe III!

Also Trump was accused of abuse by his ex-wife, so how many of Trump voters beat their spouse daily and verbally abuse them until they feel like they were mentally raped!?!

A SERIAL cheater a sexual abuser of little girls???!!! You bet!

So is Donald Trump according to one person that is or has sued him, and Ivana Trump was granted her divorce because of Donald Trump " Cruel and Inhuman " Treatment of her!

So why do you like child molesters and those that abuse their wives but hate a man that cheats on his wife!?!
Like child molesters??? No! That's Clinton! If Ivanka was being abused, why didn't she file for divorce or get a restraining order on Trump?

Oh my fucking God are you fucking retarded!

What does " Cruel and Inhuman " mean to you?

Donald Trump was not granted the divorce on those grounds but instead Ivana, so she did get the damn divorce!

Also again you are going with tabloid whore nonsense about Bill Clinton molesting Children and Donald John Trump has been accused of the same damn thing, so what make Donald so special that he is not treated the same way as Bill!?!

Now please note you are the one using Tabloid news as your evidence and I can provide actual links to Donald and Ivana divorce that is not tabloid sources!

One last thing Ivanka is his daughter and Ivana is his ex-wife that gave birth to Ivanka!

If you're too stupid to know the difference in spelling then sit the fuck down and stop writing stupid nonsense!

Ivana Trump - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ivanka Trump - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Maybe you thought his daughter is his wife seeing Donald has stated he would have dated his daughter if she was not his daughter, and you want to call Bill Clinton perverted and many other things!?!

Trump jokes that he’d date daughter

One final one and let be clear Donald John Trump has admitted to many affairs, so with that he is no better than Bill Clinton and while you keep on making up shit I will post comments by him and others and let you spin around and around until your head explodes!

GOP senator calls out Donald Trump’s ‘many affairs’ in lengthy tweetstorm
I love the new Hillary commercial with the young women and Trump ridiculing women's bodies in the background

are you a normal male human? do you check out women's bodies when you are in a public place? do you ever make comments to other men about a woman's body?

No? then my impression of you is accurate.

I don't criticize them calling them ugly, flat chested or disgusting pigs

That would be your boy Trump

yeah, right. you always make positive observations of women. you are full of shit, or gay. which is it?

Trump is not whispering with his buddies.......he is doing it with a microphone in his face

Love the new Hillary commercial with the young women

Go ahead women of America.......vote Trump

Trump is not PC, he talks like normal americans talk, he sometimes says stuff that he should not say, just like normal americans. Normal americans understand that, they also understand that all this "women" crap is nothing but an attempt to avoid talking about Hillary's lies, crimes, corruption, and failing health.

the American people are not as stupid as you dems and libs think they are. They see through your bullshit.
Five myths about cheating

-The Washington Post

If 70% of women cheat, and 72% of men do, what does that tell us? That most likely voters have cheated on their spouse. Are they going to be reticent to vote for a cheater who divorced the spouse and married their mistress? No. They realize they did the same thing. The only difference was that they were not the POTUS at the time where they could have been open to blackmail to disclose secrets of the State.

Seventy percent of voters have cheated and they are going to pass judgment on Trump?? Think not.

Yawn, and yet you passed judgment on Blythe III!

Also Trump was accused of abuse by his ex-wife, so how many of Trump voters beat their spouse daily and verbally abuse them until they feel like they were mentally raped!?!

A SERIAL cheater a sexual abuser of little girls???!!! You bet!

So is Donald Trump according to one person that is or has sued him, and Ivana Trump was granted her divorce because of Donald Trump " Cruel and Inhuman " Treatment of her!

So why do you like child molesters and those that abuse their wives but hate a man that cheats on his wife!?!
Like child molesters??? No! That's Clinton! If Ivanka was being abused, why didn't she file for divorce or get a restraining order on Trump?

Oh my fucking God are you fucking retarded!

What does " Cruel and Inhuman " mean to you?

Donald Trump was not granted the divorce on those grounds but instead Ivana, so she did get the damn divorce!

Also again you are going with tabloid whore nonsense about Bill Clinton molesting Children and Donald John Trump has been accused of the same damn thing, so what make Donald so special that he is not treated the same way as Bill!?!

Now please note you are the one using Tabloid news as your evidence and I can provide actual links to Donald and Ivana divorce that is not tabloid sources!

One last thing Ivanka is his daughter and Ivana is his ex-wife that gave birth to Ivanka!

If you're too stupid to know the difference in spelling then sit the fuck down and stop writing stupid nonsense!

Ivana Trump - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ivanka Trump - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Maybe you thought his daughter is his wife seeing Donald has stated he would have dated his daughter if she was not his daughter, and you want to call Bill Clinton perverted and many other things!?!

Trump jokes that he’d date daughter

One final one and let be clear Donald John Trump has admitted to many affairs, so with that he is no better than Bill Clinton and while you keep on making up shit I will post comments by him and others and let you spin around and around until your head explodes!

GOP senator calls out Donald Trump’s ‘many affairs’ in lengthy tweetstorm

there is one big difference: affairs are consensual, rape is a crime. Bubba Clinton is guilty of rape and sexual attacks.
I love the new Hillary commercial with the young women and Trump ridiculing women's bodies in the background

are you a normal male human? do you check out women's bodies when you are in a public place? do you ever make comments to other men about a woman's body?

No? then my impression of you is accurate.

I don't criticize them calling them ugly, flat chested or disgusting pigs

That would be your boy Trump

yeah, right. you always make positive observations of women. you are full of shit, or gay. which is it?

Trump is not whispering with his buddies.......he is doing it with a microphone in his face

Love the new Hillary commercial with the young women

Go ahead women of America.......vote Trump

Which lies does it tell?

Since when is playing a Trump voiceover a lie
Yawn, and yet you passed judgment on Blythe III!

Also Trump was accused of abuse by his ex-wife, so how many of Trump voters beat their spouse daily and verbally abuse them until they feel like they were mentally raped!?!

A SERIAL cheater a sexual abuser of little girls???!!! You bet!

So is Donald Trump according to one person that is or has sued him, and Ivana Trump was granted her divorce because of Donald Trump " Cruel and Inhuman " Treatment of her!

So why do you like child molesters and those that abuse their wives but hate a man that cheats on his wife!?!
Like child molesters??? No! That's Clinton! If Ivanka was being abused, why didn't she file for divorce or get a restraining order on Trump?

Oh my fucking God are you fucking retarded!

What does " Cruel and Inhuman " mean to you?

Donald Trump was not granted the divorce on those grounds but instead Ivana, so she did get the damn divorce!

Also again you are going with tabloid whore nonsense about Bill Clinton molesting Children and Donald John Trump has been accused of the same damn thing, so what make Donald so special that he is not treated the same way as Bill!?!

Now please note you are the one using Tabloid news as your evidence and I can provide actual links to Donald and Ivana divorce that is not tabloid sources!

One last thing Ivanka is his daughter and Ivana is his ex-wife that gave birth to Ivanka!

If you're too stupid to know the difference in spelling then sit the fuck down and stop writing stupid nonsense!

Ivana Trump - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ivanka Trump - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Maybe you thought his daughter is his wife seeing Donald has stated he would have dated his daughter if she was not his daughter, and you want to call Bill Clinton perverted and many other things!?!

Trump jokes that he’d date daughter

One final one and let be clear Donald John Trump has admitted to many affairs, so with that he is no better than Bill Clinton and while you keep on making up shit I will post comments by him and others and let you spin around and around until your head explodes!

GOP senator calls out Donald Trump’s ‘many affairs’ in lengthy tweetstorm

there is one big difference: affairs are consensual, rape is a crime. Bubba Clinton is guilty of rape and sexual attacks.
Trump is guilty of raping a 13 year old

World NUT Daily.......????? Really???..........Scour what the Inquirer while you're at it.....LOL

I love idiots that use Tabloid as real news!

me too, like huffpuff post, daily kos, NY times, Wash post, MSNBC, CNN, LA times, CBS, NBC, ABC---------you know, all the media outlets that have a left wing agenda and report propaganda instead of news.

So unless it reports everything you agree with then it must be tabloid!

Notice you left off Al Jazeera and Fox News, so there are two sites you believe are not tabloid!

WND is a tabloid site that has fringer agenda, and yet you bitch about the left doing the same thing!

OK, if the Yoko story is a lie it should be easy for you to prove-------------go for it.

I need to prove WND is not telling the truth!?!

Fake Story: Yoko Ono Admitted Affair With Hillary Clinton - Bad Satire Today

Hillary Did Not Sleep with That Woman, Yoko Ono

Did Yoko Ono really confess to an affair with Hillary Clinton? - ThatsFake.com

The news story was satire but idiots like you believe it just like you believe Bill Clinton anal raped little children on a private Island because some tabloid told you it was true...

Show me Fox News carrying this news story and if not then you are fuck because all you are doing is using satire to try to win your argument without knowing the damn joke is on you!
A SERIAL cheater a sexual abuser of little girls???!!! You bet!

So is Donald Trump according to one person that is or has sued him, and Ivana Trump was granted her divorce because of Donald Trump " Cruel and Inhuman " Treatment of her!

So why do you like child molesters and those that abuse their wives but hate a man that cheats on his wife!?!
Like child molesters??? No! That's Clinton! If Ivanka was being abused, why didn't she file for divorce or get a restraining order on Trump?

Oh my fucking God are you fucking retarded!

What does " Cruel and Inhuman " mean to you?

Donald Trump was not granted the divorce on those grounds but instead Ivana, so she did get the damn divorce!

Also again you are going with tabloid whore nonsense about Bill Clinton molesting Children and Donald John Trump has been accused of the same damn thing, so what make Donald so special that he is not treated the same way as Bill!?!

Now please note you are the one using Tabloid news as your evidence and I can provide actual links to Donald and Ivana divorce that is not tabloid sources!

One last thing Ivanka is his daughter and Ivana is his ex-wife that gave birth to Ivanka!

If you're too stupid to know the difference in spelling then sit the fuck down and stop writing stupid nonsense!

Ivana Trump - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ivanka Trump - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Maybe you thought his daughter is his wife seeing Donald has stated he would have dated his daughter if she was not his daughter, and you want to call Bill Clinton perverted and many other things!?!

Trump jokes that he’d date daughter

One final one and let be clear Donald John Trump has admitted to many affairs, so with that he is no better than Bill Clinton and while you keep on making up shit I will post comments by him and others and let you spin around and around until your head explodes!

GOP senator calls out Donald Trump’s ‘many affairs’ in lengthy tweetstorm

there is one big difference: affairs are consensual, rape is a crime. Bubba Clinton is guilty of rape and sexual attacks.
Trump is guilty of raping a 13 year old

nope, but Clinton was found guilty of sexual harassment of Paula Jones and paid a very large fine, he also made out of court financial settlements with several other female victims.

But I get it, you aren't voting for Trump and love the hildebitch. I understand. But you aren't going to change anyone's mind by repeating the latest DNC lies and talking points over and over and over.

you have let the dems use you as a tool. you are their bitch. do you understand that?
World NUT Daily.......????? Really???..........Scour what the Inquirer while you're at it.....LOL

I love idiots that use Tabloid as real news!

me too, like huffpuff post, daily kos, NY times, Wash post, MSNBC, CNN, LA times, CBS, NBC, ABC---------you know, all the media outlets that have a left wing agenda and report propaganda instead of news.

So unless it reports everything you agree with then it must be tabloid!

Notice you left off Al Jazeera and Fox News, so there are two sites you believe are not tabloid!

WND is a tabloid site that has fringer agenda, and yet you bitch about the left doing the same thing!

OK, if the Yoko story is a lie it should be easy for you to prove-------------go for it.

I need to prove WND is not telling the truth!?!

Fake Story: Yoko Ono Admitted Affair With Hillary Clinton - Bad Satire Today

Hillary Did Not Sleep with That Woman, Yoko Ono

Did Yoko Ono really confess to an affair with Hillary Clinton? - ThatsFake.com

The news story was satire but idiots like you believe it just like you believe Bill Clinton anal raped little children on a private Island because some tabloid told you it was true...

Show me Fox News carrying this news story and if not then you are fuck because all you are doing is using satire to try to win your argument without knowing the damn joke is on you!
I believe Billy blow job made several trips to the private island where that happened. Billy BJ probably settled on getting his knob polished. You don't go there to have a cup of coffee.
Yawn, and yet you passed judgment on Blythe III!

Also Trump was accused of abuse by his ex-wife, so how many of Trump voters beat their spouse daily and verbally abuse them until they feel like they were mentally raped!?!

A SERIAL cheater a sexual abuser of little girls???!!! You bet!

So is Donald Trump according to one person that is or has sued him, and Ivana Trump was granted her divorce because of Donald Trump " Cruel and Inhuman " Treatment of her!

So why do you like child molesters and those that abuse their wives but hate a man that cheats on his wife!?!
Like child molesters??? No! That's Clinton! If Ivanka was being abused, why didn't she file for divorce or get a restraining order on Trump?

Oh my fucking God are you fucking retarded!

What does " Cruel and Inhuman " mean to you?

Donald Trump was not granted the divorce on those grounds but instead Ivana, so she did get the damn divorce!

Also again you are going with tabloid whore nonsense about Bill Clinton molesting Children and Donald John Trump has been accused of the same damn thing, so what make Donald so special that he is not treated the same way as Bill!?!

Now please note you are the one using Tabloid news as your evidence and I can provide actual links to Donald and Ivana divorce that is not tabloid sources!

One last thing Ivanka is his daughter and Ivana is his ex-wife that gave birth to Ivanka!

If you're too stupid to know the difference in spelling then sit the fuck down and stop writing stupid nonsense!

Ivana Trump - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ivanka Trump - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Maybe you thought his daughter is his wife seeing Donald has stated he would have dated his daughter if she was not his daughter, and you want to call Bill Clinton perverted and many other things!?!

Trump jokes that he’d date daughter

One final one and let be clear Donald John Trump has admitted to many affairs, so with that he is no better than Bill Clinton and while you keep on making up shit I will post comments by him and others and let you spin around and around until your head explodes!

GOP senator calls out Donald Trump’s ‘many affairs’ in lengthy tweetstorm

there is one big difference: affairs are consensual, rape is a crime. Bubba Clinton is guilty of rape and sexual attacks.

More tabloid nonsense from the idiot crowd that claimed his WND source was legit about Clinton affair with Yoko Ono!

When will Bill Clinton be convicted of rape and remember Donald John Trump has also been accused of rape but you will say that is a lie while believing Bill Clinton forced every woman that blew him to have sex without their permission!

Funny how the Trump voters want to justify Trump infidelity and then claim Clinton does not want to discuss the topics while it is Trump that is going down the low road once again!
are you a normal male human? do you check out women's bodies when you are in a public place? do you ever make comments to other men about a woman's body?

No? then my impression of you is accurate.

I don't criticize them calling them ugly, flat chested or disgusting pigs

That would be your boy Trump

yeah, right. you always make positive observations of women. you are full of shit, or gay. which is it?

Trump is not whispering with his buddies.......he is doing it with a microphone in his face

Love the new Hillary commercial with the young women

Go ahead women of America.......vote Trump

Which lies does it tell?

Since when is playing a Trump voiceover a lie

When you lie about it.

I asked which lies the ad uses.

I've heard some. They all used lies.
World NUT Daily.......????? Really???..........Scour what the Inquirer while you're at it.....LOL

I love idiots that use Tabloid as real news!

me too, like huffpuff post, daily kos, NY times, Wash post, MSNBC, CNN, LA times, CBS, NBC, ABC---------you know, all the media outlets that have a left wing agenda and report propaganda instead of news.

So unless it reports everything you agree with then it must be tabloid!

Notice you left off Al Jazeera and Fox News, so there are two sites you believe are not tabloid!

WND is a tabloid site that has fringer agenda, and yet you bitch about the left doing the same thing!

OK, if the Yoko story is a lie it should be easy for you to prove-------------go for it.

I need to prove WND is not telling the truth!?!

Fake Story: Yoko Ono Admitted Affair With Hillary Clinton - Bad Satire Today

Hillary Did Not Sleep with That Woman, Yoko Ono

Did Yoko Ono really confess to an affair with Hillary Clinton? - ThatsFake.com

The news story was satire but idiots like you believe it just like you believe Bill Clinton anal raped little children on a private Island because some tabloid told you it was true...

Show me Fox News carrying this news story and if not then you are fuck because all you are doing is using satire to try to win your argument without knowing the damn joke is on you!

Paula Jones
Juanita Broderick
Jenifer Flowers
Cathlene Wiley

just to name 4 of his victims who have the guts to come forward.
I love idiots that use Tabloid as real news!

me too, like huffpuff post, daily kos, NY times, Wash post, MSNBC, CNN, LA times, CBS, NBC, ABC---------you know, all the media outlets that have a left wing agenda and report propaganda instead of news.

So unless it reports everything you agree with then it must be tabloid!

Notice you left off Al Jazeera and Fox News, so there are two sites you believe are not tabloid!

WND is a tabloid site that has fringer agenda, and yet you bitch about the left doing the same thing!

OK, if the Yoko story is a lie it should be easy for you to prove-------------go for it.

I need to prove WND is not telling the truth!?!

Fake Story: Yoko Ono Admitted Affair With Hillary Clinton - Bad Satire Today

Hillary Did Not Sleep with That Woman, Yoko Ono

Did Yoko Ono really confess to an affair with Hillary Clinton? - ThatsFake.com

The news story was satire but idiots like you believe it just like you believe Bill Clinton anal raped little children on a private Island because some tabloid told you it was true...

Show me Fox News carrying this news story and if not then you are fuck because all you are doing is using satire to try to win your argument without knowing the damn joke is on you!
I believe Billy blow job made several trips to the private island where that happened. Billy BJ probably settled on getting his knob polished. You don't go there to have a cup of coffee.

So then Donald Trump raped that 13 year old girl because there is that rumor and God knows rumors are true!
A SERIAL cheater a sexual abuser of little girls???!!! You bet!

So is Donald Trump according to one person that is or has sued him, and Ivana Trump was granted her divorce because of Donald Trump " Cruel and Inhuman " Treatment of her!

So why do you like child molesters and those that abuse their wives but hate a man that cheats on his wife!?!
Like child molesters??? No! That's Clinton! If Ivanka was being abused, why didn't she file for divorce or get a restraining order on Trump?

Oh my fucking God are you fucking retarded!

What does " Cruel and Inhuman " mean to you?

Donald Trump was not granted the divorce on those grounds but instead Ivana, so she did get the damn divorce!

Also again you are going with tabloid whore nonsense about Bill Clinton molesting Children and Donald John Trump has been accused of the same damn thing, so what make Donald so special that he is not treated the same way as Bill!?!

Now please note you are the one using Tabloid news as your evidence and I can provide actual links to Donald and Ivana divorce that is not tabloid sources!

One last thing Ivanka is his daughter and Ivana is his ex-wife that gave birth to Ivanka!

If you're too stupid to know the difference in spelling then sit the fuck down and stop writing stupid nonsense!

Ivana Trump - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ivanka Trump - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Maybe you thought his daughter is his wife seeing Donald has stated he would have dated his daughter if she was not his daughter, and you want to call Bill Clinton perverted and many other things!?!

Trump jokes that he’d date daughter

One final one and let be clear Donald John Trump has admitted to many affairs, so with that he is no better than Bill Clinton and while you keep on making up shit I will post comments by him and others and let you spin around and around until your head explodes!

GOP senator calls out Donald Trump’s ‘many affairs’ in lengthy tweetstorm

there is one big difference: affairs are consensual, rape is a crime. Bubba Clinton is guilty of rape and sexual attacks.

More tabloid nonsense from the idiot crowd that claimed his WND source was legit about Clinton affair with Yoko Ono!

When will Bill Clinton be convicted of rape and remember Donald John Trump has also been accused of rape but you will say that is a lie while believing Bill Clinton forced every woman that blew him to have sex without their permission!

Funny how the Trump voters want to justify Trump infidelity and then claim Clinton does not want to discuss the topics while it is Trump that is going down the low road once again!

Paula Jones won her case against him in a court of law.

But how about if we talk about Hillary's lies, the corruption of the Clinton foundation, the selling of influence as SecState, and her failing health?

Oh, don't want to go there? I wonder why.
I love idiots that use Tabloid as real news!

me too, like huffpuff post, daily kos, NY times, Wash post, MSNBC, CNN, LA times, CBS, NBC, ABC---------you know, all the media outlets that have a left wing agenda and report propaganda instead of news.

So unless it reports everything you agree with then it must be tabloid!

Notice you left off Al Jazeera and Fox News, so there are two sites you believe are not tabloid!

WND is a tabloid site that has fringer agenda, and yet you bitch about the left doing the same thing!

OK, if the Yoko story is a lie it should be easy for you to prove-------------go for it.

I need to prove WND is not telling the truth!?!

Fake Story: Yoko Ono Admitted Affair With Hillary Clinton - Bad Satire Today

Hillary Did Not Sleep with That Woman, Yoko Ono

Did Yoko Ono really confess to an affair with Hillary Clinton? - ThatsFake.com

The news story was satire but idiots like you believe it just like you believe Bill Clinton anal raped little children on a private Island because some tabloid told you it was true...

Show me Fox News carrying this news story and if not then you are fuck because all you are doing is using satire to try to win your argument without knowing the damn joke is on you!

Paula Jones
Juanita Broderick
Jenifer Flowers
Cathlene Wiley

just to name 4 of his victims who have the guts to come forward.

A 13 year old girl claimed Donald John Trump raped her and Donald John Trump has made crazy comments about wanting to date his daughter, so maybe Donald raped that 13 year old girl!?!

I mean you want to go down this road let do it because you have no problem with your candidate being found guilty of " Cruel and Inhuman " treatment against his first ex-wife but have a major problem with Bill being a sicko like him!
So is Donald Trump according to one person that is or has sued him, and Ivana Trump was granted her divorce because of Donald Trump " Cruel and Inhuman " Treatment of her!

So why do you like child molesters and those that abuse their wives but hate a man that cheats on his wife!?!
Like child molesters??? No! That's Clinton! If Ivanka was being abused, why didn't she file for divorce or get a restraining order on Trump?

Oh my fucking God are you fucking retarded!

What does " Cruel and Inhuman " mean to you?

Donald Trump was not granted the divorce on those grounds but instead Ivana, so she did get the damn divorce!

Also again you are going with tabloid whore nonsense about Bill Clinton molesting Children and Donald John Trump has been accused of the same damn thing, so what make Donald so special that he is not treated the same way as Bill!?!

Now please note you are the one using Tabloid news as your evidence and I can provide actual links to Donald and Ivana divorce that is not tabloid sources!

One last thing Ivanka is his daughter and Ivana is his ex-wife that gave birth to Ivanka!

If you're too stupid to know the difference in spelling then sit the fuck down and stop writing stupid nonsense!

Ivana Trump - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ivanka Trump - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Maybe you thought his daughter is his wife seeing Donald has stated he would have dated his daughter if she was not his daughter, and you want to call Bill Clinton perverted and many other things!?!

Trump jokes that he’d date daughter

One final one and let be clear Donald John Trump has admitted to many affairs, so with that he is no better than Bill Clinton and while you keep on making up shit I will post comments by him and others and let you spin around and around until your head explodes!

GOP senator calls out Donald Trump’s ‘many affairs’ in lengthy tweetstorm

there is one big difference: affairs are consensual, rape is a crime. Bubba Clinton is guilty of rape and sexual attacks.

More tabloid nonsense from the idiot crowd that claimed his WND source was legit about Clinton affair with Yoko Ono!

When will Bill Clinton be convicted of rape and remember Donald John Trump has also been accused of rape but you will say that is a lie while believing Bill Clinton forced every woman that blew him to have sex without their permission!

Funny how the Trump voters want to justify Trump infidelity and then claim Clinton does not want to discuss the topics while it is Trump that is going down the low road once again!

Paula Jones won her case against him in a court of law.

But how about if we talk about Hillary's lies, the corruption of the Clinton foundation, the selling of influence as SecState, and her failing health?

Oh, don't want to go there? I wonder why.

No, let write about the fact you offered up tabloid nonsense about Hillary Clinton and have yet to give me any article from Fox News to support the WND article that you claim is true!

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