3 More of Biden's Lies Exposed

Shocking how every judge in the nation is suddenly a flaming liberal...even the ones your blob appointed.
Well that's the beauty of it. Anyone who brings a law-suit over an election has to go thru a process.....and if the Democrats control the vote counting in every important state....then chances are there will never be any proof presented in court. Georgia deleted hundreds of thousands of vote images to prevent discovery. Democrats even staged a riot outside the Capital to prevent discovery during the certification to bring it to a screeching halt.....then rubber-stamped it a few hours later rather than actually dare to go thru the process of allowing the Republicans to show evidence.
Covid will be over by Easter. " Did you know anything about the payments to Stormy Daniels", asked on Air Force 1? Answer by Trump, "no." It was exposed that he signed the check; President Trump’s checks repaying Michael Cohen for hush money, explained
Trump said it could be over by Easter when the CDC was saying the warm weather may kill it...they were wrong....and I don't care about his affairs before he became president....weak jackass very weak....try again to find a lie like "you can keep your doctor"....
Come on man! Joey Xi say's he was in the 6 day war to advise Golda Maier.
I have noticed Joe says a lot of things.

He probably could have made a good living as a fiction writer.

Fake News, correct?
Let's see you spin this mudwhistle

Depends on who you want to believe.
One of his staffers was from Michigan and gave him the award for all of the work he did in keeping the auto industry going.

But personally...having MSNBC, and the rest, pointing this BS out when Biden lied about things that caused hundreds if not hundreds of thousands of deaths:

  • Biden said he would beat COVID and yet he has had more people die in less than a year than Trump all last year
  • Biden said that anyone who had 200,000 COVID deaths during his presidency should be impeached....yet he's had almost twice that many
  • Biden said he would get every American out of Afghanistan....then made sure hundreds of them couldn't leave when they made the attempt
  • Biden said there was no chance of the Afghan government falling to the Taliban knowing that it was near total collapse, and then fell in days after he abandoned Bagram air field
  • Biden said that Kyle Rittenhouse was a White Supremacist without a shred of evidence
  • Biden said the Southern border was closed
  • Biden said that border agents were whipping illegals
  • He said that the drone strike in Afghanistan was a righteous strike knowing from the beginning that they killed aid workers and innocent children instead of ISIS-K members
  • Biden said he would not rest till the people responsible for the deaths of 13 service members was avenged....and they still haven't been avenged.....and he's been doing nothing but resting ever since we left Afghanistan

Do you still believe COVID is a hoax and that the election was stolen?

If you do, stop whining about being lied to by a politician. Because these were actually lies, what Biden is saying isn't.
China virus was not a hoax and the election was stolen. Oh by the way Stacey Abrams never conceded the 2018 election for Gov of Georgia, but that is her choice.
Well that's the beauty of it. Anyone who brings a law-suit over an election has to go thru a process.....and if the Democrats control the vote counting in every important state....then chances are there will never be any proof presented in court. Georgia deleted hundreds of thousands of vote images to prevent discovery. Democrats even staged a riot outside the Capital to prevent discovery during the certification to bring it to a screeching halt.....then rubber-stamped it a few hours later rather than actually dare to go thru the process of allowing the Republicans to show evidence.

Meanwhile back in reality, in many of the battleground states, the GOP controls the State House, and one or both houses of the legislature.

So your post, like your life, is a complete lie.
Trump..... "I was Voted Michigan's Man of the Year."

Trump has never lived in Michigan. Why would he have been named Michigan's Man of the Year years before his presidency?
He wouldn't have been. He wasn't. And yet this lie he appeared to have invented in the final week of his 2016 campaign became a staple of his 2020 campaign, repeated at Michigan rally after rally.
It's so illustrative because it makes so little sense.

It makes sense if you just dig a little bit. You know, FACT CHECK like you liberals love to do to Republicans.

Was he named Man of the year? No. But Republican of the year? Yes. AND Statesman of the year? Yes. Just not in Michigan.

It's not required to be named "anything of the year" that you live in that state.

"We found that in 2014, the Somerset County Republican Organization in New Jersey honored Trump with the group’s “Republican of the Year” award. Trump’s award came after he developed Trump National Country Club in Bedminster, which is located in Somerset County. He also snagged Time magazine’s 2016 Person of the Year, and the Republican Party of Sarasota in Florida awarded Trump the organization’s “Statesman of the Year” in 2012."

"Trott said he made the connection to the 2013 Lincoln Day Dinner because Trump referenced the “man of the year” award during a CEO roundtable in Ypsilanti, Michigan, on March 15, 2017. Trott, then-a congressman was in attendance, and Trump thanked him when discussing the award."

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Biden was busted for plagiarism when he ran for prez in the 80's. He is a lifelong liar

You mean like when he claimed he graduated at the top of his class, when he graduated at the bottom? That he went to law school on a full scholarship, when he didn't? Saying he was the only one in his class that had one? Saying he graduated with 3 degrees when he had one?

His 1988 presidential run was killed by him plagiarizing speeches made by John and Robert kennedy and a British labor party leader.

His campaign even ADMITS it:

The man has been lying for DECADES without so much as a question raised by the left.

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