3 takeaways from the 2022 election

The way electoral votes are distributed is a problem.
You take Illinois. Chicago rules the entire state 100% in national voting.
Indiana is red as red gets. Illinois throughout the state is the same. But because Chicago is totally blue - the whole state becomes blue.
The system wasn't set up for how Americans live now.
You make a very good point.

Well actually it was totally set up for how Americans live now.
MOST of them live in America's cities....like Chicago.
That is how a large city (like Chicago) can turn the entire state blue.
Because that is where the MAJORITY of voting PEOPLE live....
and PEOPLE tend to vote Democrat.
Out there in the woods and the farm fields those counties tend to vote R....but it doesn't count because that is the minority.

Glad I could help clear that up for you.
The whole point of the electoral college was so that the minority wouldn't suffer under the tyranny of the majority. Go read what the founding fathers had to say about it.
With Biden in the WH a GOP Congress cannot accomplish much; the important thing is the capacity to prevent Biden pushing his agenda.
Control of the house achieves this.
Or.... We get the House and Senate and we push Potato to sign our legislation. His demented mind will be easy to persuade. Just dangle some ice cream in front of him
Or.... We get the House and Senate and we push Potato to sign our legislation. His demented mind will be easy to persuade. Just dangle some ice cream in front of him
Those whispering in his ear will tell him not to sign it bc the conservatives want it and he will comply.. Just don't take away my ice cweeeemmm!
Very similar to 2010 when Rs won 51.3 percent of the vote to the Ds 44 percent. 2022, Rs won 52 percent of the vote while Ds won 43 percent. Rs won 63 seats in 2010 and lost the senate. 2022, Rs will probably win 11 seats and take the house and quite possibly the senate.
Sorry Billo_Really But as a fellow Democrat, I support political Reparations in turning prisons into effective teaching hospitals, treatment centers and work rehab to correct and prevent criminal abuses wasting billions in Taxpayers money that could already pay for universal health care, housing and education instead of increased taxes debts and dependence on govt. The ownership needs to shift back to the people to empower democratic equal protection and representation for all.

The student bailouts only pay off big corporate interests, when we should be paying for medical education and facilities to manage local ownership.

Bailing out DACA doesn't hold traffickers responsible for costs of criminal racketeering and genocide, but enables and rewards more trafficking by encouraging benefits without setting up legal tracks to avoid illegal shortcuts that exploit the poor.

I agree we need better help and solutions, but these shortcut compromises don't solve the long-term problems.

We can't keep paying for short term bandaids but need to agree on long-term solutions that will stop debts and pay back for past damages.

These bailouts don't address that.
What are you talking about? The Inflation Reduction Act and the infrastucture bill do exactly that!

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