3 takeaways from the 2022 election

Three takeaways....
1) Like many here have said including myself - people will vote for a turnip if it has the right letter by it's name.
2) Trump backed candidates did not do well. In fact, so much so, you can arguably claim a fair amount of the reason there was no red wave was those candidates.
3) DeSantis is the lone hero this election. Beating his opponent hands down - even in blue counties. If Republicans finally brush off Trump and embrace DeSantis... an actual red wave will happen.
When 1 or 2 inter-generational welfare Blue Cities across a huge State can turn that state Blue, we have a problem with the popular vote.
The Inflation Reduction Act, the Infrastucture bill, the DACA bill and reducing student debt loans are all major acts of legislation that will help this country. There is nothing delusional about that.
Sorry Billo_Really But as a fellow Democrat, I support political Reparations in turning prisons into effective teaching hospitals, treatment centers and work rehab to correct and prevent criminal abuses wasting billions in Taxpayers money that could already pay for universal health care, housing and education instead of increased taxes debts and dependence on govt. The ownership needs to shift back to the people to empower democratic equal protection and representation for all.

The student bailouts only pay off big corporate interests, when we should be paying for medical education and facilities to manage local ownership.

Bailing out DACA doesn't hold traffickers responsible for costs of criminal racketeering and genocide, but enables and rewards more trafficking by encouraging benefits without setting up legal tracks to avoid illegal shortcuts that exploit the poor.

I agree we need better help and solutions, but these shortcut compromises don't solve the long-term problems.

We can't keep paying for short term bandaids but need to agree on long-term solutions that will stop debts and pay back for past damages.

These bailouts don't address that.
Getting back to the OP
1. Yes America is more divided than ever thanks to Biden's stoking racism, and the USSC's shitty timing for undoing RvW. That gave the MSM all the fuel it needed to ignore Biden's failures as president.

2. Hispanics voted Republican in record numbers. Wouldn't it be too sweet if the 5,000,000 illegals the dems let in eventually voted with Republicans since they are violently opposed to Socialism?

3. Will Joe Biden declare he is running in 2024? LOL!! That would be too good to be true.
I'm not sure Mexico falls into the Socialism category? But I don't know much about Mexico.. which is kind of odd since it's the first country you come to when crossing out of the US in the south.. You'd think we'd get more in the news on Mexico..

But anyway.. thanks for the reminder that people from other countries don't like socialism.. I guess that's why bidum didn't want to let.. I think it was Cubans through the border. I heard something about he deported them..

Wow.. what a total a-hole..

How many times and how many different ways can this be explained to you people before you FINALLY get it?

With more and more registered voters than ever before across America it takes longer to count the votes.
Especially with those registered voters turning out in record numbers the way they did yesterday.

Many states have rules that counting of absentee and other mail in ballots cannot even begin until the polls close in that state.
At that point envelopes have to be opened, flattened, stacked, signatures matched, and then tabulated.

This takes time.

And statistically these late counted ballots favor Democrats preffered voting method.

How many of those are blue states?
when do we find out about Alaska?
Good news is its actually 49-48 repubs for the senate so we only need two which we will get with AK and NV so we have both House and Senate now it looks like :)

yeh, i think that Roe thing made them all lose their collective "minds"... dunno.. just a thought.. :dunno:

Once again, hell hath no fury like a pussy scorned!!
Turned out to be the joker in the mid-term deck.
American women will deep-six our Country for their misperceived right to kill their own babies.
When 1 or 2 inter-generational welfare Blue Cities across a huge State can turn that state Blue, we have a problem with the popular vote.
The way electoral votes are distributed is a problem.
You take Illinois. Chicago rules the entire state 100% in national voting.
Indiana is red as red gets. Illinois throughout the state is the same. But because Chicago is totally blue - the whole state becomes blue.
The system wasn't set up for how Americans live now.
The way electoral votes are distributed is a problem.
You take Illinois. Chicago rules the entire state 100% in national voting.
Indiana is red as red gets. Illinois throughout the state is the same. But because Chicago is totally blue - the whole state becomes blue.
The system wasn't set up for how Americans live now.
Which is why giving everyone the vote was a massive mistake.
The way electoral votes are distributed is a problem.
You take Illinois. Chicago rules the entire state 100% in national voting.
Indiana is red as red gets. Illinois throughout the state is the same. But because Chicago is totally blue - the whole state becomes blue.
The system wasn't set up for how Americans live now.
Well actually it was totally set up for how Americans live now.
MOST of them live in America's cities....like Chicago.
That is how a large city (like Chicago) can turn the entire state blue.
Because that is where the MAJORITY of voting PEOPLE live....
and PEOPLE tend to vote Democrat.
Out there in the woods and the farm fields those counties tend to vote R....but it doesn't count because that is the minority.

Glad I could help clear that up for you.
Well actually it was totally set up for how Americans live now.
MOST of them live in America's cities....like Chicago.
That is how a large city (like Chicago) can turn the entire state blue.
Because that is where the MAJORITY of voting PEOPLE live....
and PEOPLE tend to vote Democrat.
Out there in the woods and the farm fields those counties tend to vote R....but it doesn't count because that is the minority.

Glad I could help clear that up for you.
You are describing a democracy. America is a Republic.
Glad I could clear that up for you
That is how a large city (like Chicago) can turn the entire state blue.
Because that is where the MAJORITY of voting PEOPLE live....
and PEOPLE tend to vote Democrat.
Out there in the woods and the farm fields those counties tend to vote R....but it doesn't count because that is the minority.

Glad I could help clear that up for you.

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