3 takeaways from the 2022 election

What happened in 2014 in Ukraine?
How much does Ukraine owe Russia for back USSR debts?
How many ethnic Russians in the Eastern Ukraine were being bombed by Ukraine for 8 years straight?

You don't know cause you don't know shit except what the media tells you BITCH
So you're a Russian kiss-ass? Just like Trump!
So you're a Russian kiss-ass? Just like Trump!
Ah yes cause anyone who knows history is a Russian Kiss Ass. Ignorance truly is bliss huh

What is really strange to me (not really, though) is that a lot of Rs were winning at first.. then as the night went on, or should I say as the next day went on, :rolleyes: the wins disappeared

I'm afraid that you are again getting gaslighted. Look at what your own articles says:
  1. Karl Rove: In a way, it was never going to be a 'red wave'
  2. The days of unchecked Democratic rule, runaway spending, and killing American energy are done.
  3. America is still as divided as ever. More than anything, Tuesday night proved that we are as divided as ever.
  4. Aside from a few select issues, it’s unlikely much will get done in Washington.
  5. Republicans are poised to return to power in Washington and be the brake pedal on a Biden agenda.
Use your head.
  1. How does Karl Rove, part of the Washington elite, know we were never going to get a red wave when BY EVERY MEASURE, EVERY POLL, EVERY EXPECTATION, 75% of everyone asked is greatly upset by the direction this country is headed?
  2. How are a few more republicans in the house going to stop Joe killing our energy sector when it wasn't the house who gave it to him in the first place? He's been doing it by executive fiat!
  3. America may be very divided on social issues but NO ONE is for $7.00 diesel, massive inflation, high crime, or drugs! It is IMPOSSIBLE for most everyone to be strongly against the direction our government is taking the country, then to go to the polls and vote to pretty much keep going the same direction!
  4. The ONE TRUE STATEMENT in your article is that it’s unlikely much will get done or change in Washington. And just who does that benefit? Certainly not you or I so who does that leave?
  5. How will a few more repubs in DC put much of a brake or change on anything?

Everything being written and told you in media, papers, internet or television all comes mostly from big corporations owned by bigger corporations whose parent companies are FOREIGN INTERESTS.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to have a situation where most everyone is against how things are going then vote to pretty much leave it all unchanged.

Does it not raise your suspicion one bit at all that no matter what the circumstances, that year after year, candidate after candidate, issue after issue, that most every election still comes out virtually deadlocked coming down to the last vote to decide leaving our government paralyzed in a tug of war where no real change is ever passed or gotten done? And those that are are never for the benefit of the people?

At what point do you begin to realize that you are being gaslighted, we are fed nothing but lies and propaganda and that you are being controlled and manipulated like a rat in a maze?

Right, support a war to stop a worse war. Logic? You're just a simp for Empire Imperialism, Wall St and the military industrial complex

Rainbow, why argue with an idiot who thinks that not supporting a war which we don't have any interest in anyway letting the attacked country defend itself and fight its own war whether they succeed or not could ever lead to Russia nuking other countries?

Not that anyone SUPPORTS Russian aggression or can't lend a little aid, we are already into it for about 70 BILLION dollars (that we know of) while people here starve. Meantime, before this stupid war started, the media sang A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT TUNE ABOUT UKRAINE! Proving once again that our media is nothing but total propaganda.


The way electoral votes are distributed is a problem.
You take Illinois. Chicago rules the entire state 100% in national voting.
Indiana is red as red gets. Illinois throughout the state is the same. But because Chicago is totally blue - the whole state becomes blue.
The system wasn't set up for how Americans live now.
So, one person one vote isn't working for you?

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