3 takeaways from the 2022 election

We’re a Representative Democrcy.

James Madison, the father of the U.S. Constitution and primary author of the Bill of Rights, repeatedly emphasized that the United States is a “republic” and not a “democracy.”
The way electoral votes are distributed is a problem.
You take Illinois. Chicago rules the entire state 100% in national voting.
Indiana is red as red gets. Illinois throughout the state is the same. But because Chicago is totally blue - the whole state becomes blue.
The system wasn't set up for how Americans live now.
That's Illinois' problem!

James Madison, the father of the U.S. Constitution and primary author of the Bill of Rights, repeatedly emphasized that the United States is a “republic” and not a “democracy.”
The United States is a representative democracy. This means that our government is elected by citizens. Here, citizens vote for their government officials. These officials represent the citizens' ideas and concerns in government.
"In a pure democracy, the government isn’t required to adhere to a constitution. Majority voters are responsible for making “the rules,” so to speak. But this can often leave the rights and opinions of minority voters not only unheard but in some cases, completely disrespected and ignored. Those who actively participate in the system (majority voters) also often end up getting a bigger “say” than those who opt-out."

This right here is why the democrats are always talking about a threat to democracy, cuz that is exactly what they want. They do not want a constitutional republic, they want complete majority rule, 50% + 1. Fuck the other 49.9%, if they don't like it then tough shit.
"In a pure democracy, the government isn’t required to adhere to a constitution. Majority voters are responsible for making “the rules,” so to speak. But this can often leave the rights and opinions of minority voters not only unheard but in some cases, completely disrespected and ignored. Those who actively participate in the system (majority voters) also often end up getting a bigger “say” than those who opt-out."

This right here is why the democrats are always talking about a threat to democracy, cuz that is exactly what they want. They do not want a constitutional republic, they want complete majority rule, 50% + 1. Fuck the other 49.9%, if they don't like it then tough shit.
Look at what Propositions have done to Californication.
Look at what Propositions have done to Californication.

Don't know much about CA Props, but I do know they tried to repeal Proposition 209 (1996), which stated that the government and public institutions cannot discriminate against or grant preferential treatment to persons on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, public education, and public contracting. They want to be able to discriminate or grant preferential treatment to some over others, which of course is expressly forbidden in our US Constitution Amendments. That's what democracy actually means, if you have a majority you can screw over any minority group you want to without consequence cuz there's no Constitution to adhere to. That repeal failed, thank God, but the democrats in the US Senate tried hard to abolish the filibuster, which is basically majority rule (democracy). And if they retain their Senate majority, they'll try again until they succeed.

I don't think people realize how easy it is to slide from a democracy into a totalitarian one-party state. Getting rid of the filibuster is probably the fastest way to do that in this country. And allowing total mail-in balloting without voter-id is another.
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At least they spend it on the country and not on themselves, like Trump did. That POS charged the Secret Service 5 times the cost of rooms in his hotels. Fuck him!
Hotel rooms didnt break our economy. The Democrats wasteful spending did that. :cuckoo:

So I guess the Rs don't take over the Senate but do take over the House..

What is really strange to me (not really, though) is that a lot of Rs were winning at first.. then as the night went on, or should I say as the next day went on, :rolleyes: the wins disappeared

Where have we seen that before?

Yep, we have seen that every election for the past 30 years.

So I guess the Rs don't take over the Senate but do take over the House..

What is really strange to me (not really, though) is that a lot of Rs were winning at first.. then as the night went on, or should I say as the next day went on, :rolleyes: the wins disappeared

Where have we seen that before?
I called it before the election. Once the Republicans were ahead the Democrats were going to come up with enough fraudulent votes to put the Democrat filth ahead.

We are seeing it in several states.

Just wait until the runoff in GA. We will see it big time. Those shithead Negro Democrats in Atlanta are going to make sure that Warnock has enough votes to win. They are printing them up now.

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