3 teens arrested for assault after girl's suicide

Teenagers are typically ,selfish creatures who are impulsive, rebellious, peer driven and lack the brain development to always accurately predict the consequences of their actions. The girl gave no thought to the danger of drinking and sleeping at a party, the boys gave no thought to taking advantage of the situation.

However, let us remember, we don't know what these boys did. The girl is not around to tell her side, and its possible that while they crossed a line, and she was humiliated, it wasnt the same thing that happened in Stubenville.

The same thing that happened in both circumstances is that other kids were aware of what happened, were active on Facebook reading and posting about it, were looking at pictures of it, etc., and didn't, apparently, think this was something to be disgusted and outraged about. Whatever the type of sexual assault on this girl, she was unconscious when it happened. Would you have a child who thought it was okay to have sexual contact with someone who was unconscious? Is that something you would teach your child was okay?

It's not the same thing. In the stubenville case they did it in front of people, who not only watched but took pics and tweeted and laughed. In that case we had the victims testimony along with witnesses and pics and video.

In this case, the alleged attack took place in a bedroom away from the party. We don't know if people were aware at the time or only became so later once the boys posted pics. We don't have the victims testimony of what happened, only things she posted on social media, and from what I've read, most of that centered around people at school talking about it. We don't know what the pics show or the story they tell.

Again, I think its clear the boys crossed a line, but we don't know yet how far over the line they went. I don't want to tar these boys with the stubenville brush when so little is known about the case.
"The family has been trying to understand why their loving daughter would have taken her life at such a young age and to make sure that those responsible would be held accountable," said family attorney Robert Allard.

Maybe the parents should be trying to understand why their 15 year old daughter was passed out drunk at a party, and hold themselves a little accountable.

Maybe the parents should be asking why she posted about the assault on Facebook instead of feeling she could talk to them about it, and hold themselves a little accountable.

That statement goes both ways, maybe the parents of the boys should know why the boys were drinking and raping a passed out girl, and why the boys were sending her naked raped pictures over the internet and cell phones.

This is an age old problem that parents are often unaware of what their teenagers are up to.

In the 1950's you had scandalous teenager pregnancies, that were hushed away either with abortion or adoption.

I think blaming the parents has never really solved the problem.

Teenage years are a time of rebellion and also trying to establish identity outside of family, this is when classic peer pressure can get group think to act in deviant ways that a person would not do individually but would do collectively.

What is missing is empathy in society in general, we don't teach it and we promote an exploitive mentality in our culture.

You just nailed it.
Teenagers are typically ,selfish creatures who are impulsive, rebellious, peer driven and lack the brain development to always accurately predict the consequences of their actions. The girl gave no thought to the danger of drinking and sleeping at a party, the boys gave no thought to taking advantage of the situation.

However, let us remember, we don't know what these boys did. The girl is not around to tell her side, and its possible that while they crossed a line, and she was humiliated, it wasnt the same thing that happened in Stubenville.

The same thing that happened in both circumstances is that other kids were aware of what happened, were active on Facebook reading and posting about it, were looking at pictures of it, etc., and didn't, apparently, think this was something to be disgusted and outraged about. Whatever the type of sexual assault on this girl, she was unconscious when it happened. Would you have a child who thought it was okay to have sexual contact with someone who was unconscious? Is that something you would teach your child was okay?

It's not the same thing. In the stubenville case they did it in front of people, who not only watched but took pics and tweeted and laughed. In that case we had the victims testimony along with witnesses and pics and video.

In this case, the alleged attack took place in a bedroom away from the party. We don't know if people were aware at the time or only became so later once the boys posted pics. We don't have the victims testimony of what happened, only things she posted on social media, and from what I've read, most of that centered around people at school talking about it. We don't know what the pics show or the story they tell.

Again, I think its clear the boys crossed a line, but we don't know yet how far over the line they went. I don't want to tar these boys with the stubenville brush when so little is known about the case.

I'm not 'taring' anyone. I am saying this is broad social issue, one which is true in both this case and in Stubenville. If you want to have tunnel vision about it, do so. That kind of vision is why we have such a social problem to begin with.
This is not a discussion of consenual oral sex between two consenting adults. Your post has nothing to do with rape or sexual assault, or sexual molestation of any kind.

Of course it has to do with the subject. If they don't know it's sex, how do they know it's sexual assault or molestation?

Sexual contact is sexual contact. It has nothing to do with an individual's opinion on what is full out sex. Touching someone or molesting or assaulting someone in a sexual way when they are not conscious is the issue, not what an individual's opinion of full sex or partial sex is.

By extension you are trying to blame this and other similar types of incidents on Bill Clinton. That is possibly the most intensely ludicrous stretch of logic and exteme example of fallacious thinking I've ever heard.

No, I'm blaming the fact that young people are confused about the definition of sex on Bill Clinton. You're an idiot if you think his "depends on the definition of the word 'is'" didn't affect our country and our young people. People who supported Clinton's claim that oral sex isn't sex is part of the reason why young people today are stupid when it comes to sex. You're are right in that it's all sexual and it is sexual molestation if not rape. Amy is right in that young people aren't making that distinction and I am right in that the fault lies with Clinton and his defenders.

What, you didn't think this would come back to haunt us in the future?
I know every time something bad happens people get into a sweeping "new societal issue" mentality. I think we can do more to educate that rape isn't just the lifetime movie masked stranger in a park, but I also like to keep a bit of prospective. Sexual assault has been on a pretty steady decline for the last 20+ years. Yes, I'm disturbed by the idea of teens who seem to lack empathy for others, but honestly, that's not new. Social media has simply made it more obvious that teens can be truly brutal to one another.

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