3 teens arrested for assault after girl's suicide

Maybe the focus should be on those who violated her regardless of the situation..... unless you think it's okay to sexually assault women/girls who are passed out.

No...and no. The focus needs to be on ALL those who are responsible.

I do not think it is okay to let absentee parents off the hook. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

15 year old boys behaving like animals. The parents are at least partly to blame.

15 year old girls passing out at parties. The parents are at least partly to blame.

A 15 year old girl so disconnected from her parents she doesn't tell them she was sexually assaulted. The parents are 100 percent to blame.

You think 15 year olds don't know the difference between right and wrong?

Do you know why we have statutory rape laws? Precisely because 15 year olds do not always know the difference between right and wrong. It is a physical, scientific fact the judgment centers of their brains are not fully developed.

Add alcohol on top of that undeveloped brain, and you are going to have Trouble. Alcohol targets your judgment centers first. That's gasoline on a fire.

Kids make bad choices. All the time. Which is why it is the parent's job to teach them right from wrong, good choices from bad choices, and to make sure their children can tell them ANYTHING. At any time. No matter what.
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Also, when things like this happened, women tended not to report it. They kept it quiet in shame. The boys took that option away from her with those pictures they posted on the net.

Well, considering g5000's "blame the victim" attitude, not reporting rape is/was a sadly understandable choice.


That's the point sailing a mile over your head.

I am not blaming the victim, dickweed.

Do you need a definition for "parents"?

Pissing on parents who are grieving for their daughter is disgusting.
"The family has been trying to understand why their loving daughter would have taken her life at such a young age and to make sure that those responsible would be held accountable," said family attorney Robert Allard.

Maybe the parents should be trying to understand why their 15 year old daughter was passed out drunk at a party, and hold themselves a little accountable.

Maybe the parents should be asking why she posted about the assault on Facebook instead of feeling she could talk to them about it, and hold themselves a little accountable.

Those are acceptable questions however I am still concerned about our teen boys who see it as a green light to sexually assault a girl who is passed out, drunk or not.

I think it has something to do with the fact that disiplining children has become seen as passe in some circles. Now this isnt an issue for the children who would behave due to it being thier nature, however this whole hands off approach is being used across the board, on children who would probably benefit from a good ol' fashioned whoopin to get the point across that "you know what, what you did was not a great idea"

Before the child welfare people go nuts, I am differentiating between the abusers that smack around thier kids because they hate thier own lives, and a concerned parent that lays a beat down on a kid when they did something really really wrong.

Hit your kid because they dropped thier cereal? Thats abuse. Whup your kid after you catch them stealing candy from a local store or bullying some other poor kid? Parenting.
Also, when things like this happened, women tended not to report it. They kept it quiet in shame. The boys took that option away from her with those pictures they posted on the net.

Well, considering g5000's "blame the victim" attitude, not reporting rape is/was a sadly understandable choice.


That's the point sailing a mile over your head.

I am not blaming the victim, dickweed.

Do you need a definition for "parents"?

Oh no, we got your point just fine. The girl isn't old enough for you to blame so you're blaming her parents.
Someone provided alcohol to children.

Someone's daughter felt she could not talk to them.

There's lots of blame to go around besides on a couple of children.

If our society does not learn from these mistakes, it WILL get a chance to learn them again.

Do you know where your 15 year old is?
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Someone provided alcohol to children.

Someone's daughter felt she could not talk to them.

There's lots of blame to go around besides on a couple of children.

If our society does not learn from these mistakes, it WILL get a chance to learn them again.

IOW, you think you are the someone who should make the parents more miserable than they already are.

Got it.
Someone provided alcohol to children.

Someone's daughter felt she could not talk to them.

There's lots of blame to go around besides on a couple of children.

If our society does not learn from these mistakes, it WILL get a chance to learn them again.

Just a couple of children?

They raped a girl and then posted pics online.

That isn't just a little mistake like say, I don't know, getting drunk and passing out. That was damn heinous. Usually I'm for treating children as minors in court. Until we're talking about child abuse, torture, rape and murder. I stop being interested in the circumstances once they cross these lines.
Someone provided alcohol to children.

Someone's daughter felt she could not talk to them.

There's lots of blame to go around besides on a couple of children.

If our society does not learn from these mistakes, it WILL get a chance to learn them again.

Do you know where your 15 year old is?

My parents sure thought they knew where their 15 year old daughter was. My friend's parents sure thought they knew where their 15 year old daughters were. But damn, they often did not know where their 15 year old daughters were. We were good kids, but no, we weren't always where we said we were.
Maybe the parents should be trying to understand why their 15 year old daughter was passed out drunk at a party, and hold themselves a little accountable.

Maybe the parents should be asking why she posted about the assault on Facebook instead of feeling she could talk to them about it, and hold themselves a little accountable.

Those are acceptable questions however I am still concerned about our teen boys who see it as a green light to sexually assault a girl who is passed out, drunk or not.

I think it has something to do with the fact that disiplining children has become seen as passe in some circles. Now this isnt an issue for the children who would behave due to it being thier nature, however this whole hands off approach is being used across the board, on children who would probably benefit from a good ol' fashioned whoopin to get the point across that "you know what, what you did was not a great idea"

Before the child welfare people go nuts, I am differentiating between the abusers that smack around thier kids because they hate thier own lives, and a concerned parent that lays a beat down on a kid when they did something really really wrong.

Hit your kid because they dropped thier cereal? Thats abuse. Whup your kid after you catch them stealing candy from a local store or bullying some other poor kid? Parenting.

Actually the best response to that used to be taking them back to the store, making them confess the crime and pay for the candy. I say "used to be" because today the store manager would probably either have you or your kid arrested or both.

As for the bullying, that was usually taken care of by older siblings. Kids don't have enough siblings today. I beat up the neighborhood bully when I was a kid, I was bigger than him and he'd gone one step too far. I also let him know if he ever bothered any of the little kids in our neighborhood again and I heard about it, I was gonna beat him up again. And I'm a girl, obviously he never told his parents. Who tells their parents he was beat up by a girl?
Someone provided alcohol to children.

Someone's daughter felt she could not talk to them.

There's lots of blame to go around besides on a couple of children.

If our society does not learn from these mistakes, it WILL get a chance to learn them again.

Do you know where your 15 year old is?

My parents sure thought they knew where their 15 year old daughter was. My friend's parents sure thought they knew where their 15 year old daughters were. But damn, they often did not know where their 15 year old daughters were. We were good kids, but no, we weren't always where we said we were.

Yep, the old, call your parents from your friend's house and tell them your spending the night, then have your friend call from your house and tell her parents she's spending the night with you, then you both have the whole night....my sisters used that trick. I never did, I was the good daughter. :D
Someone provided alcohol to children.

Someone's daughter felt she could not talk to them.

There's lots of blame to go around besides on a couple of children.

If our society does not learn from these mistakes, it WILL get a chance to learn them again.

Just a couple of children?

They raped a girl and then posted pics online.

Who said they raped her? They sexually assaulted her. If they raised her shirt and took a shot of her tits, that would be sexual assault.

And I will say it again. The judgment center of a juvenile brain is not developed. And as everyone knows, alcohol targets that very same part of the brain first. So what kind of judgment do you think a 16 year old is going to have in that situation? Virtually zero.

Why is no one asking where they got the booze and holding that person accountable? They basically gave those kids a loaded weapon.

A party. That suggests it was at someone's home. Where was the master of the house while a party was going on?

Lots of things we are not being told.

There's way more culpability to this than a couple of unsupervised kids acting like animals. Do you want to punish these kids and leave it at that? I guess you don't think we should prevent this from happening again, too.
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Who said they raped her? They sexually assaulted her. If they raised her shirt and took a shot of her tits, that would be sexual assault.

Wow. Really. Wow.
Who said they raped her? They sexually assaulted her. If they raised her shirt and took a shot of her tits, that would be sexual assault.

And I will say it again. The judgment center of a juvenile brain is not developed. And as everyone knows, alcohol targets that very same part of the brain first. So what kind of judgment do you think a 16 year old is going to have in that situation? Virtually zero.

Why is no one asking where they got the booze and holding that person accountable? They basically gave those kids a loaded weapon.

A party. That suggests it was at someone's home. Where was the master of the house while a party was going on?

Lots of things we are not being told.

There's way more culpability to this than a couple of unsupervised kids acting like animals. Do you want to punish these kids and leave it at that? I guess you don't think we should prevent this from happening again, too.

And you're doing your damndest to excuse those boys. You imagine they raised her shirt. :doubt: Okay, it's official. You disgust me.
Someone provided alcohol to children.

Someone's daughter felt she could not talk to them.

There's lots of blame to go around besides on a couple of children.

If our society does not learn from these mistakes, it WILL get a chance to learn them again.

Just a couple of children?

They raped a girl and then posted pics online.

Who said they raped her? They sexually assaulted her. If they raised her shirt and took a shot of her tits, that would be sexual assault.

And I will say it again. The judgment center of a juvenile brain is not developed. And as everyone knows, alcohol targets that very same part of the brain first. So what kind of judgment do you think a 16 year old is going to have in that situation? Virtually zero.

Why is no one asking where they got the booze and holding that person accountable? They basically gave those kids a loaded weapon.

A party. That suggests it was at someone's home. Where was the master of the house while a party was going on?

Lots of things we are not being told.

There's way more culpability to this than a couple of unsupervised kids acting like animals. Do you want to punish these kids and leave it at that, or don't you think we should prevent this from happening again, too?

I won't argue that the parents have some blame, both the boy's parents and the girl's parents. The boys are still responsible and deserve punishment, as does whoever gave them the alcohol. I don't know enough about the story, I don't know if someone bought the alcohol for them or if they stole it or what. It doesn't really matter, the boy's are responsible, even if some of the responsibility lays on other people's shoulders, ultimately it's the boys who did the deed and deserve to be punished.
I won't argue that the parents have some blame, both the boy's parents and the girl's parents. The boys are still responsible and deserve punishment, as does whoever gave them the alcohol. I don't know enough about the story, I don't know if someone bought the alcohol for them or if they stole it or what. It doesn't really matter, the boy's are responsible, even if some of the responsibility lays on other people's shoulders, ultimately it's the boys who did the deed and deserve to be punished.

"Sexual assault."

So let's say that means they raised her shirt and took a boob shot.

Still want to burn them at the stake?

A lot of women have been sexually assaulted. A lot. And a lot of women have had even more horrible things done to them. They don't all commit suicide. So there were clearly other factors involved in the girl's death besides this incident. This incident was a trigger, but by no means the entirety of the cause of her death.

Everyone wants a quick fix, and to move on. Hang the boys...done!
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"Sexual assault."

So let's say that means they raised her shirt and took a boob shot.

Still want to burn them at the stake?

A lot of women have been sexually assaulted. A lot. And a lot of women have had even more horrible things done to them. They don't all commit suicide. So there were clearly other factors involved in the girl's death besides this incident. This incident was a trigger, but by no means the entirety of the cause of her death.

Everyone wants a quick fix, and to move on. Hang the boys...done!

Sexual assault can mean many things. Things that are a lot worse than "lifting a shirt". Depending on the jurisdiction, it could mean gang rape.

You honestly don't know.
I won't argue that the parents have some blame, both the boy's parents and the girl's parents. The boys are still responsible and deserve punishment, as does whoever gave them the alcohol. I don't know enough about the story, I don't know if someone bought the alcohol for them or if they stole it or what. It doesn't really matter, the boy's are responsible, even if some of the responsibility lays on other people's shoulders, ultimately it's the boys who did the deed and deserve to be punished.

"Sexual assault."

So let's say that means they raised her shirt and took a boob shot.

Still want to burn them at the stake?

A lot of women have been sexually assaulted. A lot. And a lot of women have had even more horrible things done to them. They don't all commit suicide. So there were clearly other factors involved in the girl's death besides this incident. This incident was a trigger, but by no means the entirety of the cause of her death.

Everyone wants a quick fix, and to move on. Hang the boys...done!

The boys took pictures and put them on the web for everybody to see. How would you feel if you were raped and the pictures were on the web for everybody to see?
There is absolutely no excuse for what those boys did to her..whether the girl was drunk or not, it should have never taken place...and to video tape it??? Really??? That's what sickens me the most..is that it was known what these boys were doing and no one tried to stop it. You can't tell me that no one in that house at the time did not know what was taking place. What about the kid that video taped the whole thing? Instead of playing camera man, he should have beat the shit out of the others for even attempting to violate her in the first place.
And where were the parents/adults that owns the home this took place at? They should be held accountable as well..for leaving underage teens unsupervised.
I hope those boys get what they deserve, and then some. If nothing more, than to be made an example of. Maybe if enough teenage boys get tried as adults and do serious time for sexual based crimes, other boys will think twice before committing such a heinous act.
I hope they get the maximum possible sentence.

The charges should be for murder.

No. The charges should be for sexual assault. The parents are to blame for her suicide as much as the boys are.

Absolutely wrong. They are not 'as much to blame,' not by far.

I see your point that with more effective parenting, a child will not go to a drinking party and get blind drunk, nor will she be so lost about it that she will kill herself. But this is not something for which to hold her parents equally responsible. There are many variables. Some children are more influenced by peer pressure than others, some are more vulernable emotionally, no matter what the parenting. In the same family, with the same parenting, you can have two children that are polar opposites.

The boys who raped her are not responsible for murder, but definitely for rape and sexual assault. They will have to live with the fact she died as a result of their actions, and, perhaps that will haunt them to the end of their days

This poor child, the girl who killed herself, it's tragic. I think the real culprit is society as a whole: American society has become crude, base, harsh, cruel, and ugly. I see that in every medium: music, movies, television, print media, radio, etc. Our children emulate what they see, hear and read. Many are more influenced by these things than they are by family, parents or teachers. There are children who are more easily influenced than others, and I suspect this girl was one; someone who wanted to be part of the crowd and do what the others were doing, which is drink to excess. Then, she also showed how she was deeply influenced by peer or social pressure, her self esteem destroyed by this event, unable to face others, etc. It is an example of a sensitive soul destroyed by an insensitive society.

Boys and men who rape and sexually assault women have far deeper problems than weak parenting, peer/social pressure, or low self esteem.
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