3 Things To Watch For in Obama's State of the Union

I'm going with 'me, 'I' and 'Republicans'.

I'm leaning to me, I and inherited. I mean Obama did inherit quite a mess from the 2008-2012 Administration.

He inherited a mess from the 2000-2008 Administration. Economic Armageddon. And then Obama decided the best thing to do was create a gigantic, massively expensive, new entitlement program rather than work to help turn the economy around.
I hope he does his "Negro-dialect" "Where's yo dollah?" speech!
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Infrastructure Projects

Who in their right minds would oppose enhancing the nations infrastructure .... at least Obama works for America rather than the Iraqi War Republicans working for the Iraqi's.

I thought that's what the failed stimulus was for? Oh that's right....it was given away to his special interests. And he even actually admitted those "shovel ready jobs were not so shovel ready" (the ONLY thing i think he's ever admitted to!). Now they're saying they need another stimulus? For what? It doesn't go where it needs to go, all he plans on doing is spending more money on failed ideas.

Did Paul Ryan get the piece he asked for?

Infrastructure Projects

Who in their right minds would oppose enhancing the nations infrastructure .... at least Obama works for America rather than the Iraqi War Republicans working for the Iraqi's.

I thought that's what the failed stimulus was for? Oh that's right....it was given away to his special interests. And he even actually admitted those "shovel ready jobs were not so shovel ready" (the ONLY thing i think he's ever admitted to!). Now they're saying they need another stimulus? For what? It doesn't go where it needs to go, all he plans on doing is spending more money on failed ideas.

Did Paul Ryan get the piece he asked for?


I really don't give a crap who got what....it was people on both sides that took advantage of it. It was still a failure and didn't do what it was meant to. We knew that would happen before it was passed!
I'd rather watch paint dry than that ugly man with his hateful rhetoric

we still have 8% unemployment under four years of him and he is going to talk, climate change..

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Let's see... Obama will probably say:

1. All of our problems are the fault of President George W. Bush.
2. The reason we can't get anything done is because of the Republicans in the House.
3. We don't have a spending problem in Washington.

In addition, he will say the word "I" approximately 1600 times.
FOR THE FULL ARTICLE GO TO Cameron Harris: 3 Things To Watch For In Obama's State of the Union Address

Tuesday night, President Barack Obama is slated to give his annual State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress. Politico reports that Obama will use his address to issue more challenges to a Republican Party that he sees as "vulnerable and divided." Here are 3 key issues and proposals to watch for in Tuesday night's address:

1. Infrastructure Projects
The President is expected to announce a new slate of infrastructure projects targeted at the nation's roads, bridges, and ports as an avenue towards jobs creation. Many have warned that such a proposal could see resistance from the House, but Obama and Democrats are expected to key on the Republican lawmakers who would not mind spending money to improve decaying bridges and aging roadways in their districts. Many close to the President have hinted that Obama will focus more on the middle class than he has in previous addresses and proposals. NBC reports that we should see from the President a "ramped-up progressive tone."

Yeah right...and how much will go to useless pork?
Skipping it here too. Going to watch something much more interesting... Top Gear America.
Anything I miss on the SOTU speech will be here for me later.
I have watched, and posted, about every SotU speech since Clinton's Presidency.

I am going to skip this years.

He will refer to himself, using "I" or "Me" at least 100 times. He will bash the Courts, Republicans, Conservatives, and Gun Owners.

He will claim to want to work with others who disagree with him, but will also say that he won't compromise.

I think I will go to work instead.

I can't see too many here in Michigan watching it...the biggest basketball game of the season is tonight! Michigan v Michigan State!! (Michigan will win! :) ) We have our priorities! Lol!
This administration wants us to believe that ramping up improvements to infrastructure is the big fix.
It will solve everything...It will benefit construction workers and the businesses associated with it I get that.

Let's ask a simple question here....

How do we pay for it?.....

Go after the rich people again.
Nationalize our retirement accounts and just take our money.
Infrastructure Projects

Who in their right minds would oppose enhancing the nations infrastructure .... at least Obama works for America rather than the Iraqi War Republicans working for the Iraqi's.

Did you bother to read the thread that showed federal road projects cost as much a 5 times more than those of similar state projects. The feds waste resources, their not efficient, leave the money in the states, let them do the job.
What I wanna see is Michele Bachmann finally crack and just rush the podium yelling,



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