3 years late could have used this starting in 2019

That's right. The whole world, including the Trump-appointed judges and Republican election officials, they're all conspiring against you.

When people say such things, they're generally classified as paranoid loons.

That classification is correct.

The problem is that you Trump cult imbeciles have isolated yourself in a moron echo chamber. You've driven away all the normal people, so there's no one around to tell you that you're kooks.
You should write comedy for SNL. There is plenty of video evidence from Georgia and other places with the demrats throwing out GOP poll watchers and pulling cases of ballots out with no chain of custody or any of the sort. The courts refused to hear actual evidence, so the demrats got away with theft in several key states. So go suck a cactus.
In some states, like Wisconsin, leftist groups had access to the online voter rolls — something nobody else had. They could track every voter and vote for all of them if they did not show up in 2020.

Remember the stories in 2020 of people coming out to vote, often for the first time in years, to be told, "Sorry, you already voted"? Your Voter Concierge voted for you! Saved you the gas money to drive to the polls!

There are people voting from Salvation Army Food Banks who registered at that address twelve years ago. Those people are likely dead or living in a tent in Austin now — but still voting.

There are people at the Alabama college dorm, registered since 1984, still active and voting.

In Wisconsin, the Voter Concierges went to cognitive care facilities, where the patients did not recognize their own children. Their Voter Concierge voted them. Now part of a criminal investigation, this is how it's done.

So how bad is the problem?

The Wisconsin voter integrity team did a deep dive, using U.S. government and state databases, and found 225,000 active, current voters who had "issues." Those included addresses that did not exist; locations that could not be a true registration address, like a jail; and scores of others.

Elections are often decided by 1% of the vote. The Wisconsin team identified potential phantom voters easily able to impact an election.

The other half of the scam is sending out absentee ballots to addresses that don't line up.

For instance, there may be an apartment building at 145 Essex Street. The ballot-harvesting industry registers people there, deliberately skipping their apartment number.

Their mail gets returned to — you guessed it, smarty-pants! Those absentee ballots accumulate at the local Post Office.

The Wisconsin voter integrity team, one of the best in the country, found evidence that the Post Office collected those ballots and gave them to the Voter Concierges — to vote. Pretty good USPS customer service!

You might think this would be caught with signature matching. Right! That is why so many states or counties eliminate the signature match — like Maricopa County in Arizona.

If your blood is boiling right now, you just don't get it. This is customer service on a whole new level. The Voter Concierge gets votes counted – even if the voter never casts that vote.

Voter integrity teams are now applying advanced computer technology to thwart the Voter Concierge by deep-cleaning the rolls.

In 2022, the vote-harvesting industry will again flood the zone in swing counties with over 250,000 new registrants from September to November.

Several voter integrity teams, using advanced artificial intelligence technology, can check every registrant, at silicon speed, against over 30 databases, with a billion records, ensuring that the registrant is not living in an R.V. park, a church, or a UPS store, and that his address meets current legal standards.

Sorry, Beto, but registering every itinerant is no longer the key to the Texas Governor's Mansion.

For the first time, phantom voters are being identified before their registrations take effect.

Living in an apartment where you do not designate the apartment number? Sorry, pal — you aren't voting this year. Registering from a church? There had better be enough bathrooms to meet the certificate of occupancy requirements for that county.

More voters showing up in a county than there are eligible citizens? Flagged hourly! Alert issued before the ballots are counted!

As ballots arrive during early voting, artificial intelligence snapshots aggregate voter identities. That guy who voted on day 2 in person, disappeared on snapshot 8, reappeared on snapshot 11 with his ballot changed to absentee...is identified.

Before that ballot is tabulated, it is red-flagged, and the voter integrity team files a protest.

Thirty-five thousand inactive voters, changed to active — then voted, then changed to inactive again? The A.I. systems pick this up with snapshot analysis. That scam is over!

For the first time, voter integrity teams have technology ballot-harvesters cannot outrun.

When Sheriff Clarke and Mike Lindell started supporting these kinds of technologies, after the 2020 election, the focus was voter roll anomalies. Anomalies were abundant.

The battlefield has changed to real-time analysis, driven by artificial intelligence.

The combined knowledge of a dozen gifted voter integrity teams, with 16 months of experience, is built into an artificial intelligence engine, identifying phantom voters before they are registered, before they can illegally vote.

Every time a fake vote is cast by a Voter Concierge, an American is disenfranchised.

Artificial intelligence helps the good guys protect the vote and gives confidence to all Americans that ttheir elections are legit.

Voter integrity teams learned that chasing 2020 voter fraud after the election is too late.

Some leading election integrity teams are stopping phantom voter fraud before it impacts elections.

Cleaning up voter rolls just became an A.I.-driven, real time endeavor.

Those voters still living in the college dorms, as they are still waiting for the University of Alabama to finally educate them!

War Eagle!

Auburn University Alumnus.
You should write comedy for SNL. There is plenty of video evidence from Georgia
Suuuuuuuuure there is. Funny how none of you will present it to a court under oath. That would be because your masters know perjury is a crime.

It's all an obvious scam to keep you rubes hysterical, because that keeps you obedient, which is how your masters want to keep you.
You should write comedy for SNL. There is plenty of video evidence from Georgia and other places with the demrats throwing out GOP poll watchers and pulling cases of ballots out with no chain of custody or any of the sort. The courts refused to hear actual evidence, so the demrats got away with theft in several key states. So go suck a cactus.

The video evidence was brought into Court in Georgia with Trump's lawyer making their claims. The Secretary of State got on the stand and explained that this was the standard procedure for election workers at the change of their shift. Everybody puts all their ballots back in their boxes and leave. Then the next shift comes in and takes out their boxes and starts counting.

In other words, everything that voice over told you was happening in Georgia, was a complete LIE.

Case dismissed.

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