30,000 Ballots Scanned Multiple Times

So you *haven't* started thread after thread about 911 Truther conspiracies?

Because our conspiracy board might say something different.
You're a creepy robot.
Stupid, but creepy.

You'd better hope I'm not a robot. If an app can so thoroughly shred your claims with this much ease.......things don't look good for your conspiracies.
Why not 30 MILLION times, OP, hmmm...?!!??

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Why not 30 MILLION times, OP, hmmm...?!!??


Laughing.....you only think you're joking. This is the actual exchange verbatim:

Carone: That poll book is completely off. Completely off.

Rep. Johnson: Off by 30,000?

Carone: I'd say that poll book is off by over 100,000.

Why not triple her original estimate, pulled sideways out of her ass?
Or...Occupied is aware that her affidavit is contracted by every other affidavit offered from the same facility.

And that she contradicted her own affidavit by randomly tripling the number of ballots she claims were effected. Backed by nothing, of course.

And finally, that a judge has already reviewed her affidavit and found that it lacked credibility.
If she were a witness against Trump, CNN and NBC would be fighting over who has her on first.

Or.....she's not a credible witness. As the judge that addressed her affidavit already found:

“Ms. Carone’s description of the events at the TCF Center does not square with any of the other affidavits,” Judge Kenny found. “There are no other reports of lost data, or tabulating machines that jammed repeatedly every hour during the count. Neither Republican nor Democratic challengers nor city officials substantiate her version of events. The allegations simply are not credible.”
Why aren’t more people willing to put their livelihoods on the line to convict these mobsters. Asked a very concerned democrat judge.

Sorry, Mike....but she contradicted her own affidavit during testimony, more than tripling the number of affected ballots she was alleging from 30,000 to 100,000. For no particular reason, backed by nothing.

That's not a credible witness.
No she didn’t. She said it could result in 100k or more. 30k for sure. Could be many more.

Nope. She said 'I'd say that poll book is off by over 100,000'.

Just randomly tripling her numbers and contradicting her own affidavit.
Yes when asked a hypothetical she said it could be way more than she witnessed. How is that a dequalifying statement?

Here's the exchange:

Carone: That poll book is completely off. Completely off.

Rep. Johnson: Off by 30,000?

Carone: I'd say that poll book is off by over 100,000.

There was no mention of 'hypothetical'. There was no mention of her saying that the poll book 'could' have been off. Or it 'could have been many more. You made all of that up.
Since you asked i would guess the poll book could be off by way more than previously estimated.

So what?

So why change her testimony? If her claims are so malleable that she can change them from 30,000 to 100,000 if she's asked a question she doesn't like......how reliable is she?

And remember, she's was contradicted by *every* other affidavit submitted from the same facility.

“Ms. Carone’s description of the events at the TCF Center does not square with any of the other affidavits,” Judge Kenny found. “There are no other reports of lost data, or tabulating machines that jammed repeatedly every hour during the count. Neither Republican nor Democratic challengers nor city officials substantiate her version of events. The allegations simply are not credible.”

Its why judge Timothy Kenny concluded that her allegations simply were not credible.
I’m not going to keep explaining this to you clown. You’re too stupid to come off your original point.

My original point does a pretty good job of establishing she's not a reliable witness.

If you'd like to change the topic of our conversation to something else, pitch it to me. I'll see if I'll agree to the change.
It does no such thing. Your victories are all purely imaginary.
Why not 30 MILLION times, OP, hmmm...?!!??


Laughing.....you only think you're joking. This is the actual exchange verbatim:

Carone: That poll book is completely off. Completely off.

Rep. Johnson: Off by 30,000?

Carone: I'd say that poll book is off by over 100,000.

Why not triple her original estimate, pulled sideways out of her ass?
Your speculation is meaningless. The point is she saw poll workers counting illegal ballots.
Why not triple her original estimate, pulled sideways out of her ass?
Why not do a craniotomy on your colon and extract what is left of your head?

You blithering gullible Marxist shit4brains are not convincing anyone that their eyes are lying to them, you stupid freak.
So you *haven't* started thread after thread about 911 Truther conspiracies?

Because our conspiracy board might say something different.
You're a creepy robot.
Stupid, but creepy.

You'd better hope I'm not a robot. If an app can so thoroughly shred your claims with this much ease.......things don't look good for your conspiracies.

You haven't shredded anything, turd.
Your speculation is meaningless. The point is she saw poll workers counting ballots illegally.
Libtards seem to think that if they do mental pratfalls and cant get up that somehow proves something other than that they are idiots, which most of us know already.
Anonymous sources: enough said.

Loon cultist: enough said.

Guess what briptard - Biden is going to be the President. And you are a whiny loser.
You slap a label on someone, and you believe that proves something? You only prove that you're a jackass.

Wait....YOU are going to snivel about labels? If not for name calling, most of your posts would be little more than punctuation.
Doing anything more with dirtbags like you is a waste of effort.

Smiling....you slap a label on someone, and you believe that proves something?
No, turd, I'm just expressing my opinion of you.
The highest court in the land must uphold....One Man One Vote...if they fail.....the American great experiment of self governing will be lost forever.....

I agree.

That's why it will upheld this election rather than succumb to bizarre conspiracy theories.
Yeah, I bet Clarence Thomas is eager to put Biden in the Whitehouse.

The voters put Biden in the White House. And there's zero indication that Clarence Thomas is eager to overturn the election results.
The voters did not put Biden in the Whitehouse.

How would you know what Clarence Thomas wants to do?
One person, a few votes. New standard.

A contractor for Dominion Voting Systems, who worked at Detroit's TCF Center on Election Day, has told Michigan lawmakers that she saw roughly 30,000 ballots being scanned multiple times by the counting machines. The contractor, Mellissa Carone, who works as a freelance IT professional, made the allegations Wednesday night before a panel of Michigan House Oversight Committee members.

Carone was at the Detroit center early on Election Day, Nov. 3, until about 4 the next morning. She also returned to the site later on Nov. 4.

On November 10, Carone said in an affidavit that she witnessed "nothing but fraudulent actions take place. I observed numerous employees, city workers, running batches of ballots through the tabulators countless times, without discarding them first," Carone said during the Wednesday evening hearing.

She testified next to Rudy Giuliani, the personal attorney to President Trump, who has been leading most of the litigations efforts pertaining to the election. Carone testified that on Election Day, the vote tabulating machines would jam up to three times an hour. When the machines would jam, election officials were supposed to reset the count on the machines to ensure that no ballots were scanned more than once, explained the witness.

"Instead of discarding, they were just rescanning, rescanning, rescanning. Counting ballots nine to 10 times," Carone said. She also said there were more than 20 tabulating machines at her ballot counting center.

The ballots were meant to be counted in batches of 50, though, Carone noted that she observed the tabulation count climb well into the hundreds multiple times throughout the day.

"I called my manager to a specific tabulating machine and I showed him a number on it that was over 500. They shouldn’t be over 50. Ballots come in batches of 50. I said that we have a severe problem here Nick," said Carone, of her attempt to notify her manager about the issue. "He [Nick] said, ‘Melissa I don’t want to hear that we have a problem, we are here to assist with IT, we are not here to run their election.’ And at that point, I was really frustrated and upset, I could tell what was going on," she continued. "They were cheating. It was very, very apparent."
Donald simply got out-cheated for once. Suck it up brah.
This is fake news from a criminal

A source at Dominion, who was granted anonymity as they were not authorized to speak on the record, confirmed that Carone was “one of several thousand technicians we hired for a day or two” and her role “was to troubleshoot level 1 problems for City staff,” such as cleaning the read heads on the scanners.​
The source pointed out that the TCF Center, where Carone was stationed, was used to process absentee ballots en masse, and said if Carone’s allegations that thousands of ballots were processed twice, the numbers would simply not tally.​
“She alleges that she saw staff count ‘over 30,000’ ballots multiple times. If true, there would be 30,000 more scanned ballots than ‘returned ballots.’” The source added that covering up an operation like this would “require massive coordination between hundreds of staff and the poll watchers.”​

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This is fake news from a criminal

A source at Dominion, who was granted anonymity as they were not authorized to speak on the record, confirmed that Carone was “one of several thousand technicians we hired for a day or two” and her role “was to troubleshoot level 1 problems for City staff,” such as cleaning the read heads on the scanners.

The source pointed out that the TCF Center, where Carone was stationed, was used to process absentee ballots en masse, and said if Carone’s allegations that thousands of ballots were processed twice, the numbers would simply not tally.

“She alleges that she saw staff count ‘over 30,000’ ballots multiple times. If true, there would be 30,000 more scanned ballots than ‘returned ballots.’” The source added that covering up an operation like this would “require massive coordination between hundreds of staff and the poll watchers.”

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I feel your desperation to hide the facts.
CNN is in panic mode and that's the best clip they can do damage with ?

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