30,000 dead in just 13 days.

How many of those 30,000 came from New York where the leadership encouraged people to take the subway and the buses go to your favorite resturant? Selective memory is becoming almost as bad as cornavirus.
This was when Drumpf was claiming the virus was a dem hoax. He obviously was a horrible leader and as a result got people killed.
The United States reached the 1,000 dead mark from covid-19 on March 26, 2020.

The United States reached the 10,000 dead mark from covid-19 on April 6, 2020.

The United States reached the 40,000 dead mark from covid-19 on April 19, 2020.

That's an average of 2,307 people dying from covid-19 every day or the past 13 days. Seasonal flue only kills 200 people a day.

Yet we have idiot Trump supporters wanting to open up non-essential business's in various states which will allow the pathogen access to more hosts and lead to more deaths.

The smart Americans are considering closing grocery stores to customers and going strictly to curbside take away and delivery. Idiot customers are not following social distancing in grocery stores and its helping spread the virus and kill grocery store workers.

In the mean time only 6 people have died in TAIWAN since the outbreak began while the United States is at 40,265 deaths.

The United States could have been like Taiwan, but because of the idiot Trump who is currently President, the United States waited until late March to institute the restrictions that Taiwan put in place on January 20, 2020. TRUMP WAITED AND WAITED and now the United States has tens of thousands of dead, rising each day by more than 2,000, with schools shut down and large parts of the economy shut down.

But in TAIWAN, the schools are still open because they have contained the virus. Only 6 people of died in Taiwan, a country of 24 million people more densely populated than any U.S. state and larger than any U.S. state in population with the exception of California and Texas.
It's a free country...choose to stay in.

People know the risks now...their bodies, their choice... right?

The individual rights are null and void over the rights of the common good(public).
View attachment 325464
Problem is what is needed for the many is unproven and unknown.
The individual rights are null and void over the rights of the common good(public).
Wow. This is sig-worthy, because it exemplifies the dangerous, useful idiot, totalitarian communist mindset that some of you have. You do realize that throughout history, government abuses and atrocities have always been under the pretext of "the common good"? People never learn.

Not what this says:

You like my sig, so do I.

No, I don't, in fact I'm compiling all the totalitarian, Soviet-like quotes from some of you, because mindsets like yours need to be pointed out. You are the type of people that the corrupt subversive powers LOVE, because you do their 'work' for them, for free.
The United States reached the 1,000 dead mark from covid-19 on March 26, 2020.

The United States reached the 10,000 dead mark from covid-19 on April 6, 2020.

The United States reached the 40,000 dead mark from covid-19 on April 19, 2020.

That's an average of 2,307 people dying from covid-19 every day or the past 13 days. Seasonal flue only kills 200 people a day.

Yet we have idiot Trump supporters wanting to open up non-essential business's in various states which will allow the pathogen access to more hosts and lead to more deaths.

The smart Americans are considering closing grocery stores to customers and going strictly to curbside take away and delivery. Idiot customers are not following social distancing in grocery stores and its helping spread the virus and kill grocery store workers.

In the mean time only 6 people have died in TAIWAN since the outbreak began while the United States is at 40,265 deaths.

The United States could have been like Taiwan, but because of the idiot Trump who is currently President, the United States waited until late March to institute the restrictions that Taiwan put in place on January 20, 2020. TRUMP WAITED AND WAITED and now the United States has tens of thousands of dead, rising each day by more than 2,000, with schools shut down and large parts of the economy shut down.

But in TAIWAN, the schools are still open because they have contained the virus. Only 6 people of died in Taiwan, a country of 24 million people more densely populated than any U.S. state and larger than any U.S. state in population with the exception of California and Texas.

You trust Tai stats/ You understand we count every dead body with the corona virus?

If I had AIDS and got corona. I'd die of AIDS. But that's not what goes on the death certificate. You can ply with the numbers all sorts of ways.

Clearly the Taiwanese are counting them in a more rational way.

Asthma ok...But most pre existing conditions/ You died of that pre existing condition. By this standard no1 dies of aids it's the cold/flu that pushes them over the edge.

The data is so tainted it's worthless. No idea how many have it, no idea who has actual covid 19, and no attempts to disentagle pre existing conditions from flu deaths.

The United States is undercounting dead from covid-19. Every day, 200 people are dying in their homes in New York City alone, possibly from covid-19, but when you die in your home, your not given a test to confirm you died of covid-19. So the official death count in the United States is an under count!

TAIWAN has a total of 422 confirmed infections. Then a total of 6 confirmed deaths. Even if all of TAIWAN's confirmed infections led to death, they would still be beating us by light years.

Hospitals in many cities are being overwhelmed. Bodies are stacking up outside hospitals. If this was business as usual, there would not be so much excess death in the month of April in the United States. Flu season in the United States last from October through March and kills an average of 200 people a day. Over the past 13 days, 2,300 people have died from just covid-19.
The United States reached the 1,000 dead mark from covid-19 on March 26, 2020.

The United States reached the 10,000 dead mark from covid-19 on April 6, 2020.

The United States reached the 40,000 dead mark from covid-19 on April 19, 2020.

That's an average of 2,307 people dying from covid-19 every day or the past 13 days. Seasonal flue only kills 200 people a day.

Yet we have idiot Trump supporters wanting to open up non-essential business's in various states which will allow the pathogen access to more hosts and lead to more deaths.

The smart Americans are considering closing grocery stores to customers and going strictly to curbside take away and delivery. Idiot customers are not following social distancing in grocery stores and its helping spread the virus and kill grocery store workers.

In the mean time only 6 people have died in TAIWAN since the outbreak began while the United States is at 40,265 deaths.

The United States could have been like Taiwan, but because of the idiot Trump who is currently President, the United States waited until late March to institute the restrictions that Taiwan put in place on January 20, 2020. TRUMP WAITED AND WAITED and now the United States has tens of thousands of dead, rising each day by more than 2,000, with schools shut down and large parts of the economy shut down.

But in TAIWAN, the schools are still open because they have contained the virus. Only 6 people of died in Taiwan, a country of 24 million people more densely populated than any U.S. state and larger than any U.S. state in population with the exception of California and Texas.

You trust Tai stats/ You understand we count every dead body with the corona virus?

If I had AIDS and got corona. I'd die of AIDS. But that's not what goes on the death certificate. You can ply with the numbers all sorts of ways.

Clearly the Taiwanese are counting them in a more rational way.

Asthma ok...But most pre existing conditions/ You died of that pre existing condition. By this standard no1 dies of aids it's the cold/flu that pushes them over the edge.

The data is so tainted it's worthless. No idea how many have it, no idea who has actual covid 19, and no attempts to disentagle pre existing conditions from flu deaths.

"If I had AIDS and got corona. I'd die of AIDS. "

No dummy. You would die of Corona. If you didnt have Corona then you wouldnt die. Does that make sense to you?

Its like if you get covid 19, then you die from pneumonia. ;) That is what the republican states are mainly doing; to make tramp look good.
I heard Trump has no authority to close, or open anything. That’s on the governors.

Trump did have the authority to institute TRAVEL BANS, TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS, CLOSING BORDERS, and ISOLATION OF ANYONE STILL ALLOWED TO ENTER THE COUNTRY under special circumstances. But Trump only instituted on travel ban on China which was useless given that pathogen is spreading worldwide and penetration into the United States can come from ANY COUNTRY!
And you fuckwits said he was overreacting.

I recall some people saying it was racist to just ban travel from China and in a sense it was, because the pathogen can make it into the United States from any country.

If Trump had made the United States great, he should have been ahead of TAIWAN in fighting this pathogen!

Again, the failure of TRUMP can be best described by this statistic: only 6 dead in TAIWAN, but 40,265 dead in the United States.
"Chinese" isn't a race, dipshit.
The individual rights are null and void over the rights of the common good(public).
Wow. This is sig-worthy, because it exemplifies the dangerous, useful idiot, totalitarian communist mindset that some of you have. You do realize that throughout history, government abuses and atrocities have always been under the pretext of "the common good"? People never learn.

Not what this says:

You like my sig, so do I.

No, I don't, in fact I'm compiling all the totalitarian, Soviet-like quotes from some of you, because mindsets like yours need to be pointed out. You are the type of people that the corrupt subversive powers LOVE, because you do their 'work' for them, for free.

Go ahead. Your welcome to it, but just remember the ind. rights are null and void over the rights of the common good. Which is why its against the law to steal, murder, driving while intoxicated etc.
I heard Trump has no authority to close, or open anything. That’s on the governors.

Trump did have the authority to institute TRAVEL BANS, TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS, CLOSING BORDERS, and ISOLATION OF ANYONE STILL ALLOWED TO ENTER THE COUNTRY under special circumstances. But Trump only instituted on travel ban on China which was useless given that pathogen is spreading worldwide and penetration into the United States can come from ANY COUNTRY!
And you fuckwits said he was overreacting.

I recall some people saying it was racist to just ban travel from China and in a sense it was, because the pathogen can make it into the United States from any country.

If Trump had made the United States great, he should have been ahead of TAIWAN in fighting this pathogen!

Again, the failure of TRUMP can be best described by this statistic: only 6 dead in TAIWAN, but 40,265 dead in the United States.
The thing is that even after he put the restriction in place 40K people still came over from China, some from Wuhan, and landed all over the country.

In TAIWAN, it did not matter where you were from, if you were a citizen etc. You were not let in. If you were able to get a way in, eventually, you were held in quarantine for up to 25 days. TAIWAN treated anyone coming into the country as potentially carrying the pathogen and at risk for killing other people in TAIWAN. TAIWAN's EARLY and strict measures saved lives. Only 420 infections and 6 deaths.
The United States reached the 1,000 dead mark from covid-19 on March 26, 2020.

The United States reached the 10,000 dead mark from covid-19 on April 6, 2020.

The United States reached the 40,000 dead mark from covid-19 on April 19, 2020.

That's an average of 2,307 people dying from covid-19 every day or the past 13 days. Seasonal flue only kills 200 people a day.

Yet we have idiot Trump supporters wanting to open up non-essential business's in various states which will allow the pathogen access to more hosts and lead to more deaths.

The smart Americans are considering closing grocery stores to customers and going strictly to curbside take away and delivery. Idiot customers are not following social distancing in grocery stores and its helping spread the virus and kill grocery store workers.

In the mean time only 6 people have died in TAIWAN since the outbreak began while the United States is at 40,265 deaths.

The United States could have been like Taiwan, but because of the idiot Trump who is currently President, the United States waited until late March to institute the restrictions that Taiwan put in place on January 20, 2020. TRUMP WAITED AND WAITED and now the United States has tens of thousands of dead, rising each day by more than 2,000, with schools shut down and large parts of the economy shut down.

But in TAIWAN, the schools are still open because they have contained the virus. Only 6 people of died in Taiwan, a country of 24 million people more densely populated than any U.S. state and larger than any U.S. state in population with the exception of California and Texas.
It's a free country...choose to stay in.

People know the risks now...their bodies, their choice... right?

The individual rights are null and void over the rights of the common good(public).
Thanks, Vlad.
I heard Trump has no authority to close, or open anything. That’s on the governors.

Trump did have the authority to institute TRAVEL BANS, TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS, CLOSING BORDERS, and ISOLATION OF ANYONE STILL ALLOWED TO ENTER THE COUNTRY under special circumstances. But Trump only instituted on travel ban on China which was useless given that pathogen is spreading worldwide and penetration into the United States can come from ANY COUNTRY!
And you fuckwits said he was overreacting.

I recall some people saying it was racist to just ban travel from China and in a sense it was, because the pathogen can make it into the United States from any country.

If Trump had made the United States great, he should have been ahead of TAIWAN in fighting this pathogen!

Again, the failure of TRUMP can be best described by this statistic: only 6 dead in TAIWAN, but 40,265 dead in the United States.
"Chinese" isn't a race, dipshit.

Its an ethnic group though, and there is racism towards that ethnic group.
The United States reached the 1,000 dead mark from covid-19 on March 26, 2020.

The United States reached the 10,000 dead mark from covid-19 on April 6, 2020.

The United States reached the 40,000 dead mark from covid-19 on April 19, 2020.

That's an average of 2,307 people dying from covid-19 every day or the past 13 days. Seasonal flue only kills 200 people a day.

Yet we have idiot Trump supporters wanting to open up non-essential business's in various states which will allow the pathogen access to more hosts and lead to more deaths.

The smart Americans are considering closing grocery stores to customers and going strictly to curbside take away and delivery. Idiot customers are not following social distancing in grocery stores and its helping spread the virus and kill grocery store workers.

In the mean time only 6 people have died in TAIWAN since the outbreak began while the United States is at 40,265 deaths.

The United States could have been like Taiwan, but because of the idiot Trump who is currently President, the United States waited until late March to institute the restrictions that Taiwan put in place on January 20, 2020. TRUMP WAITED AND WAITED and now the United States has tens of thousands of dead, rising each day by more than 2,000, with schools shut down and large parts of the economy shut down.

But in TAIWAN, the schools are still open because they have contained the virus. Only 6 people of died in Taiwan, a country of 24 million people more densely populated than any U.S. state and larger than any U.S. state in population with the exception of California and Texas.

You trust Tai stats/ You understand we count every dead body with the corona virus?

If I had AIDS and got corona. I'd die of AIDS. But that's not what goes on the death certificate. You can ply with the numbers all sorts of ways.

Clearly the Taiwanese are counting them in a more rational way.

Asthma ok...But most pre existing conditions/ You died of that pre existing condition. By this standard no1 dies of aids it's the cold/flu that pushes them over the edge.

The data is so tainted it's worthless. No idea how many have it, no idea who has actual covid 19, and no attempts to disentagle pre existing conditions from flu deaths.

The United States is undercounting dead from covid-19. Every day, 200 people are dying in their homes in New York City alone, possibly from covid-19, but when you die in your home, your not given a test to confirm you died of covid-19. So the official death count in the United States is an under count!

TAIWAN has a total of 422 confirmed infections. Then a total of 6 confirmed deaths. Even if all of TAIWAN's confirmed infections led to death, they would still be beating us by light years.

Hospitals in many cities are being overwhelmed. Bodies are stacking up outside hospitals. If this was business as usual, there would not be so much excess death in the month of April in the United States. Flu season in the United States last from October through March and kills an average of 200 people a day. Over the past 13 days, 2,300 people have died from just covid-19.
You do realize that to Drumpfbots all youre doing is using fake news right? They no longer believe what they see with their own eyes or what they hear with their own ears. They look at Drumpf for directions on how to think now.
The United States is undercounting dead from covid-19. Every day, 200 people are dying in their homes in New York City alone, possibly from covid-19, but when you die in your home, your not given a test to confirm you died of covid-19. So the official death count in the United States is an under count!

TAIWAN has a total of 422 confirmed infections. Then a total of 6 confirmed deaths. Even if all of TAIWAN's confirmed infections led to death, they would still be beating us by light years.

Hospitals in many cities are being overwhelmed. Bodies are stacking up outside hospitals. If this was business as usual, there would not be so much excess death in the month of April in the United States. Flu season in the United States last from October through March and kills an average of 200 people a day. Over the past 13 days, 2,300 people have died from just covid-19.

The individual rights are null and void over the rights of the common good(public).
Wow. This is sig-worthy, because it exemplifies the dangerous, useful idiot, totalitarian communist mindset that some of you have. You do realize that throughout history, government abuses and atrocities have always been under the pretext of "the common good"? People never learn.

Not what this says:

You like my sig, so do I.

No, I don't, in fact I'm compiling all the totalitarian, Soviet-like quotes from some of you, because mindsets like yours need to be pointed out. You are the type of people that the corrupt subversive powers LOVE, because you do their 'work' for them, for free.

Go ahead. Your welcome to it, but just remember the ind. rights are null and void over the rights of the common good. Which is why its against the law to steal, murder, driving while intoxicated etc.
There is no right to steal or murder, Dumbass.
In TAIWAN, it did not matter where you were from, if you were a citizen etc. You were not let in. If you were able to get a way in, eventually, you were held in quarantine for up to 25 days. TAIWAN treated anyone coming into the country as potentially carrying the pathogen and at risk for killing other people in TAIWAN. TAIWAN's EARLY and strict measures saved lives. Only 420 infections and 6 deaths.
You mean China?

We already discussed China.

How many of those 30,000 came from New York where the leadership encouraged people to take the subway and the buses go to your favorite resturant? Selective memory is becoming almost as bad as cornavirus.
More than half.
How many of those 30,000 came from New York where the leadership encouraged people to take the subway and the buses go to your favorite resturant? Selective memory is becoming almost as bad as cornavirus.
AOC said you were a racist if you didn’t make it a point to eat out at Chinese restaurants. And we all know how much liberals live to prove they ain't bigots.
How many of those 30,000 came from New York where the leadership encouraged people to take the subway and the buses go to your favorite resturant? Selective memory is becoming almost as bad as cornavirus.
This was when Drumpf was claiming the virus was a dem hoax. He obviously was a horrible leader and as a result got people killed.
It’s Trumps fault Cuomo and De Blasio were telling people to do these stuff that is the logic of a true idiot. Thanks for the laugh going to go back to binge watching NCIS LA now.
U2 Edge!!!!
Where is your predicted 4.4% of 20,000,000 or 880,000 dead Americans based on the global death rate???

You remind me of Joe Biden, haven't been right in 30-years.

Thank you President Trump for beating U2Edge's certified prediction of 880,000 dead Americans!!!!

The death rate in the United States is 5.3% now. 40,265 Americans are dead. Only 6 are dead in TAIWAN. Why is TAIWAN beating the United States if were the greatest country in the world thanks to the past 3 years under TRUMP?

The only prediction I made was that 2.4 million Americans would die by August if no restrictions were put in place at all.
I'm not looking back to find your posts, but your predictions were based on global averages, not with/without mitigation.
Even the CDC's numbers were way off, 2.2m, then 240,000, then 60,000, which might be a little low.
Before it was Japan, and now its Taiwan?! How about the EU with countries that add up to the same population as the US, [GER, FRA, ITA, SPA, UK, SWI ]?
They have more than twice the number of deaths than the US has, thank you President Trump!

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