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30,000 E-Mails, 38 Individuals Perpetrated 91 Violations: Snowflakes / CNN: 'No Big Deal'

'One trick Pony', snowflake? You are obviously admitting your death-grip on denial of reality. :p

38 Democrats / Clinton Team Members / Associates perpetrated 91 violations of the law (CRIMES)
450 more were found related to her illegal server

The FBI publicly stated Hillary Clinton deleted THOUSANDS of SUBPOENAED OFFICIAL GOVT documents which they were able to recover

The FBI publicly stated there were THOUSANDS of official govt documents that had not been turned in for archival as per FOIA / FRA (CRIMES)
-- Each document NOT turned in for archival was a criminal violation of the FOIA and a criminal violation of the FRA - 2 crimes per document
-- Each one of those documents she tried to permanently delete constitutes a 3rd criminal count of Obstruction each
** This discovery / announcement meant the FBI had THOUSANDS of criminal counts they could have charged Hillary with. (PROTECTED!)

FBI Director Comey openly declared she had committed crimes, then attempted to claim 'Ignorance of the Law' was a legitimate HILLARY defense

Under Oath testifying before Congress Comey stated Hillary had lied before Congress, that there was classified, that she sent and received it, that there were classified markings on the material, that she had multiple classified govt devices - not just one - and that she had illegally destroyed them, etc...

FBI Agent Page testified under oath that Obama's DOJ - that Rosenstein - had informed her and FBI Deputy Director McCabe that the DOJ wanted no part in holding a legitimate criminal investigation or indicting Hillary...

That's right, no crimes.


'Nuff Said.
"A State Department report obtained by Fox News on Friday summarized a review of the handling of classified information relating to Clinton’s private email server. The report reflected only approximately 30,000 emails that the State Department was able to physically review and found 38 individuals were responsible for 91 violations."

Snowflakes still claim no laws were ever broken.

CNN wishes it had never covered the story at all, instead wish they had hidden it from the country / Americans.


CNN's Jeffrey Toobin regrets covering 'no big deal' Clinton email scandal

How much money has been spent investigating Hillary's emails, and since NOT ONE CHARGE HAS BEEN FILED.

I would also question just what those "violations" might have been. It appears that sending an email to Clinton's private server was deemed a "violation". You keep referring to Clinton's server as "illegal', but it wasn't. The law forbidding the use of private servers and private emails wasn't passed until after Clinton left office, so how could sending emails to Clinton's private server be a "violation".

It appears that after all these years of wailing about the horror of Hillary's emails, Barr had to have SOMETHING, ANYTHING to justify this boondoogle.

Once again you fools waste money investigating the Clintons and come up with NOTHING, ZIP, NADA.

Too bad for you that Putin's Puppet is about to be impeached. And come 2020, regardless of what happens in the impeachment, Trump will be gone. Watching Putin and Erdogan carve up Syria, while Trump has stranded your troops in Syria, is not playing well with the American public.

Neither is sending more troops to Saudi Arabia. Of all of the countries in the world to prop up, Saudi Arabia. The home and native land of the 911 bombers. The murderer of Adnan Kashoggi.
'One trick Pony', snowflake? You are obviously admitting your death-grip on denial of reality. :p

38 Democrats / Clinton Team Members / Associates perpetrated 91 violations of the law (CRIMES)
450 more were found related to her illegal server

The FBI publicly stated Hillary Clinton deleted THOUSANDS of SUBPOENAED OFFICIAL GOVT documents which they were able to recover

The FBI publicly stated there were THOUSANDS of official govt documents that had not been turned in for archival as per FOIA / FRA (CRIMES)
-- Each document NOT turned in for archival was a criminal violation of the FOIA and a criminal violation of the FRA - 2 crimes per document
-- Each one of those documents she tried to permanently delete constitutes a 3rd criminal count of Obstruction each
** This discovery / announcement meant the FBI had THOUSANDS of criminal counts they could have charged Hillary with. (PROTECTED!)

FBI Director Comey openly declared she had committed crimes, then attempted to claim 'Ignorance of the Law' was a legitimate HILLARY defense

Under Oath testifying before Congress Comey stated Hillary had lied before Congress, that there was classified, that she sent and received it, that there were classified markings on the material, that she had multiple classified govt devices - not just one - and that she had illegally destroyed them, etc...

FBI Agent Page testified under oath that Obama's DOJ - that Rosenstein - had informed her and FBI Deputy Director McCabe that the DOJ wanted no part in holding a legitimate criminal investigation or indicting Hillary...

That's right, no crimes.


'Nuff Said.

“While there were some instances of classified information being inappropriately introduced into an unclassified system in furtherance of expedience,” the report said, “by and large, the individuals interviewed were aware of security policies and did their best to implement them in their operations.”

The report concluded, “There was no persuasive evidence of systemic, deliberate mishandling of classified information.”

The New York Times owes her one too.
I guess you’ll just have to wait for a Republican President to appoint to a Republican AG before Hillary is brought to justice.
Hillary was protected from Indictment by the Obama administration, which refused to investigate / indict her, instead allowing the 'clock to run out'. Unless Barr finds 'new' crimes with which she can be indicted - like, let's say, having an illegal hand in reaching out to corrupt Ukrainians for dirt on the President - I don't see her going to prison. Then again, she has a nasty habit of breaking laws ...although she is known for being too stupid to know she is doing it...which, according to Democrats, is a legal defense for any Democrat who breaks laws.




I see. It’s Obama’s fault that a Republican president and Republican AG won’t indicit Hillary now despite them sitting on an overwhelming amount evidence of her guilt. You’ve got more excuses than a doctor’s office.
How much money has been spent investigating Hillary's emails, and since NOT ONE CHARGE HAS BEEN FILED.

How many billions of dollars - and time - have the treasonous Democrats wasted manufacturing a 'Collusion Delusion' attempted Coup against President Trump based on zero evidence of a crime, zero evidence of a crime warranting an investigation, zero evidence of a crime warranting a Special Counsel appointment, that has resulted in zero indictments / arrests in regards to the manufactured Obama failed coup attempt...and now 'Collusion Delusion 2: Ukraine'?

Why didn't the Democrats show any interest in investigating the exposed crimes committed by their fellow Democrats, crimes the US IG reported and used to recommend the indictment of several top democrats exposed as having participated in the failed coup attempt?

Why did the Democrats just block the deserved vote to Censure D-Adam Schiff for his YEARS so far of lying to Congress, lying to the American people, Sedition by falsely claiming he had evidence of criminal activity by the President, coaching a criminal Perjurer before his 2nd time testifying before Congress - during which time he committed Perjury again, for being a Contact Witness by communicating with the bogus set-up CIA Agent Whistle Blower telling to Congress that he had not, for admitted leaking classified, and finally for attempting to present a personally-authored fictional account of the Conversation Trump had with the Ukraine PM as 'using Trump's own words' - the very definition of Sedition - 'attempting to incite opposition against / a call for the unwarranted overthrow (Impeachment) of a leader?

Why do you continue to skulk around the board on your knees attempting to defend proven criminal traitorous Democrats, lying and personally attacking anyone who calls you on it?
I see. It’s Obama’s fault that a Republican president and Republican AG won’t indicit Hillary now despite them sitting on an overwhelming amount evidence of her guilt.

Thank you for proving you are the perfect reflection of uneducated, Hillary-defending, Trump-hating morons on this board.

Please, if you can read above a 3rd-grade level, look up the legal term 'Statute of Limitations' and then research how it applies to Hillary Clinton and her crimes, despite the overwhelming evidence in-hand now of her guilt. If you can't, ask someone to do so and explain it to you.

Have a nice day.

That's right, no crimes. You should join me and call for Trumpybear to apologize to the former Sec. of State for all the flagrant lies he used in the campaign and continues to use!

If Anyone Should Be Complaining About Unfair Political Attacks It's Hillary Clinton
she was found to have committed crimes, but they said "she didn't mean to? and chose not to prosecute.

this is not the same as "no crimes" but you just can't see it clearly. must be the dog-shades.
"A State Department report obtained by Fox News on Friday summarized a review of the handling of classified information relating to Clinton’s private email server. The report reflected only approximately 30,000 emails that the State Department was able to physically review and found 38 individuals were responsible for 91 violations."

Snowflakes still claim no laws were ever broken.

CNN wishes it had never covered the story at all, instead wish they had hidden it from the country / Americans.


CNN's Jeffrey Toobin regrets covering 'no big deal' Clinton email scandal

Dummy, you don't even know a difference between a law and a department policy.

Clinton was slammed by Comey for sloppy handling of emails and for her part appologized for it. It did not however rise to CRIMINAL level.

Newest report in no way changes any of that.
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"A State Department report obtained by Fox News on Friday summarized a review of the handling of classified information relating to Clinton’s private email server. The report reflected only approximately 30,000 emails that the State Department was able to physically review and found 38 individuals were responsible for 91 violations."

Snowflakes still claim no laws were ever broken.

CNN wishes it had never covered the story at all, instead wish they had hidden it from the country / Americans.


CNN's Jeffrey Toobin regrets covering 'no big deal' Clinton email scandal

Dummy, you don't even know a difference between a law and a department policy.

Clinton was slammed by Comey for sloppy handling of emails and for her part appologized for it. It did not however rise to CRIMINAL level.

Newest report in no way changes any of that.
except i know many military people who feel that if her name were not clinton she'd be in jail for the rest of her life.

but hey - if you like someone, an apology will do. if you hate them, nothing is ever good enough.

nothing you say will ever changes any of that.
1.) 18 U.S. Code § 793 – Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information / 18 U.S. Code § 798 – Disclosure of classified information
-- 'Willfully transmitting or willfully retaining Top Secret and Compartmented (TS/SCI) material using a private server system'

When Hillary Clinton left the State Department she was 'Read Out' of TS/SCI programs, meaning she could no longer have legal access...to the information they found on her personal server.

2.) U.S. Code § 1924 – Unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or material

See 'above'

3.) 18 U.S. Code § 2071(b) — Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally

The FBI reported Hillary attempted to permanently delete Subpoenaed official government documents, attempted to Bleach-Bit her server, and that she and her team destroyed classified govt devices in violation of laws governing acceptable methods of the destruction of classified, as well as her and her team keeping classified SIM cards instead of turning them in.

4.) 18 U.S. Code § 641 – Public money, property or records

See 'U.S. Code § 1924'

5.) 18 U.S. Code § 1505 – Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committees

The FBI reported Hillary attempted to delete THOUSANDS of Subpoenaed official govt document, EACH ONE OF THEM being 1 criminal count of Obstruction.....THOUSANDS of them....

6.) 18 U.S. Code § 1519 — Destruction, alteration, or falsification of records in federal investigations

See '18 U.S. Code § 2071(b)'

7.) 18 U.S. Code § 1031 — Fraud against the United States
18 U.S. Code § 1343 – Fraud by wire, radio or television
18 U.S. Code § 1346 — Definition of “scheme or artifice to defraud”
18 U.S. Code § 371 – Conspiracy to defraud the United States

Having the United States pay an employee salary and/or official travel funds for performing private services - running / maintaining Hillary's illegal, un-authorized, unencrypted server makes her - as it is her server - guilty of these crimes as well as the IT Tech, if you can remember back, the govt gave immunity to...after which he appeared before Congress and pled the 5th, getting off 'scott-free' before ever appearing before Congress.

8.) 18 U.S. Code § 371 – Conspiracy to commit a federal offense

- 'colluded in any violation of federal, criminal law, then all involved can be charged with criminal conspiracy'

Deleting subpoenaed documents, Bleach-Bitting the subpoenaed server, illegally destroying subpoenaed devices.....

.......the very THOUGHT of attempting to deny Hillary did any of this considering the facts makes one a world-class idiot with sub-zero-level credibility.

Eight Laws Hillary Clinton Could Be Indicted For Breaking

she was found to have committed crimes,

“sloppy bad judgment but not illegal”

But that was known before the election of 2016 and it has been confirmed again.
not illegal FOR HER.

FBI: Yes, Queen Hillary Broke The Law. No, She Won't Be Prosecuted.
During His Testimony, Comey Drops Major Hillary Clinton Bombshell!

and hey - not over yet.
Here’s why Hillary Clinton can still be charged and imprisoned for her misuse of classified emails

just cause some pompomwaving rag said this doesn't make it true unless you want it to be. so you'll take 1 link and cry FOUL on the others who give a different point of view.

38 people
91 violations

but to the left, that's nothing. yet get trump to say something on the phone about looking into all this crap, FOUL FOUL FOUL IMPEACH IMPEACH.

god y'all are pathetic.
“sloppy bad judgment but not illegal”
Deleting subpoenaed official govt documents, using Bleach-Bit on a subpoenaed server, destroying official subpoenaed devices and stealing the SIM Cards in violation of existing laws governing storage, handling, and destruction of classified information...and that's your snowflake definition of 'sloppy bad judgmennt'.....

..and you wanted this criminal - 'sloppy bad judgment' bitch to be President of the United States?

except i know many military people who feel that if her name were not clinton she'd be in jail for the rest of her life.
...and I am one of them. 30 years in service and 10 years still serving on top of that, 30+ years working with classified information. Any idiot who sees the partial list of laws she violated / what she reportedly did and says 'Nothing there' is someone who has never handled classified, a liar, or both.
except i know many military people who feel that if her name were not clinton she'd be in jail for the rest of her life.
...and I am one of them. 30 years in service and 10 years still serving on top of that, 30+ years working with classified information. Any idiot who sees the partial list of laws she violated / what she reportedly did and says 'Nothing there' is someone who has never handled classified, a liar, or both.
just funny as hell to watch people bend over backwards to excuse what is clearly something they'd hyperventilate to death over 3 times over if trump did it.

i have zero use for people who can't hold people to the same standards as equally as possible.

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