30 foot sections of wall going up in San Diego. I was wrong.

Walls Work

Apart from defense, other purposes of the Great Wall have included border controls, allowing the imposition of duties on goods transported along the Silk Road, regulation or encouragement of trade and the control of immigration and emigration. Furthermore, the defensive characteristics of the Great Wall were enhanced by the construction of watch towers, troop barracks, garrison stations, signaling capabilities through the means of smoke or fire, and the fact that the path of the Great Wall also served as a transportation corridor.

The frontier walls built by different dynasties have multiple courses. Collectively, they stretch from Dandong in the east to Lop Lake in the west, from present-day Sino-Russian border in the north to Qinghai in the south; along an arc that roughly delineates the edge of Mongolian steppe. A comprehensive archaeological survey, using advanced technologies, has concluded that the walls built by the Ming dynasty measure 8,850 km (5,500 mi).[4] This is made up of 6,259 km (3,889 mi) sections of actual wall, 359 km (223 mi) of trenches and 2,232 km (1,387 mi) of natural defensive barriers such as hills and rivers.[4] Another archaeological survey found that the entire wall with all of its branches measures out to be 21,196 km (13,171 mi).[5] Today, the Great Wall is generally recognized as one of the most impressive architectural feats in history.[6]

Great Wall of China - Wikipedia

The Left, Lying about The Great Wall of China or other defensive barriers we may discuss in comparison, simply because they oppose The United States of America reinforcing it's border defenses is a political ploy. Their rhetoric has nothing to do with history, nor should their assertions that "Walls Do Not Work" ever be believed.

I will also point you ALL to another Great Wall.

Hadrian's Wall.

Hadrian's Wall allowed The Roman Empire to control the entire South of The British Isle for centuries. Had it not been for Hadrian's Wall, The City of London does not develop. London was a Roman City, developed by Romans, fortified by The Roman Empire, roads and drainage and bridges and buildings and trade routes, canals etc. all built by The Roman Empire and all possible because of the Defensive Structures in place which allowed for relative stability in the region and allowed for development of that area. Without such defenses London would have probably been burnt down to the ground 100s of times.

Hadrian's Wall (Latin: Vallum Aelium), also called the Roman Wall, Picts' Wall, or Vallum Hadriani in Latin, was a defensive fortification in the Roman province of Britannia, begun in AD 122 in the reign of the emperor Hadrian.[1] It ran from the banks of the River Tyne near the North Sea to the Solway Firth on the Irish Sea, and was the northern limit of the Roman Empire, immediately north of which were the lands of the northern Ancient Britons, including the Picts.

It had a stone base and a stone wall. There were milecastles with two turrets in between. There was a fort about every five Roman miles. From north to south, the wall comprised a ditch, wall, military way and vallum, another ditch with adjoining mounds. It is thought the milecastles were staffed with static garrisons, whereas the forts had fighting garrisons of infantry and cavalry. In addition to the wall's defensive military role, its gates may have been customs posts.[2]

One possible explanation for the wall is the degree of control it would have provided over immigration, smuggling and customs.[13] Limites did not strictly mark the boundaries of the empire: Roman power and influence often extended beyond the walls.[13] People within and beyond the limites travelled through it each day when conducting business, and organised check-points like those offered by Hadrian's Wall provided good opportunities for taxation. With watch towers only a short distance from gateways in the limites, patrolling legionaries could have kept track of entering and exiting natives and Roman citizens alike, charging customs dues and checking for smuggling.[citation needed] Another theory is of a simpler variety—that Hadrian's Wall was partly constructed to reflect the power of Rome and was used as a political point by Hadrian. Once its construction was finished, it is thought to have been covered in plaster and then whitewashed: its shining surface reflected the sunlight and was visible for miles around.[13]

Hadrian's Wall - Wikipedia

The Great Wall of China like other Great Defensive Structures in the Ancient Wold, helped China to absorb 100s of Invasions, Impede Invading Armies, and served as a rallying point to push invaders back across it, when they managed to circumvent weaker parts of it. It also helped to control immigration and served as a source of revenue as it funneled people through checkpoints to pay duties or taxes, and helped to curtail smuggling. A Sovereign Nation has a duty to defend it's Sovereign Borders, to manage and control trade, immigration, to fight crime, and to prevent illegal entry across it's borders.

Obama realized that, and so did President Bush. Does The LEFT realize that both Obama and George Bush built parts of the wall under their administrations, and that much of the wall being built now is due to legislation and funding slated for The Wall and Border Security under both Bush, and Obama? The project is way overdue, and The Left has been playing political football with The Security of American Citizens, so it is time to get it done. Obama wanted to wall and got some of it built, so why the resistance against President Trump doing the same?

Obama did do some things right, and that was one of them. if you want to continue his legacy, continue building the wall.

It makes me wonder if the leftist on this board have any education at all, or even understand politics, or history. Seems they are all about an uninformed agenda. Useful Idiots is what they are.

If You Like Trump’s 'Wall,' Thank Obama And Bush. It’s Basically Just Their Fence. | HuffPost

Walls work, The Roman Empire relied on them and lasted for centuries, Roman Culture still is part of our culture and architecture today. Likewise, Chinese Culture has endured for centuries too, and they persisted because they were able to defend their territories, control trade and immigration, and their defensive structures were a primary part of their ability to do so.
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ya know what San Diego's fence is good for ?


The problem is it's not true. This is a section of replacement fence. Nothing more. No new wall. It's illegal.

And, they are replacing it with a 30-foot wall, right?

No, they're using the same replacement fencing that Obama was using.

Not according to the New York Post

Beautiful? Maybe. But big? Definitely.

A 14-mile section of President Trump’s border wall is under construction in San Diego, at a cost of $147 million.

The San Diego wall will reach up to 30 feet high, topped with a sheer vertical “anti-climbing plate” that offers no hand- or footholds for illicit border crossers.

It will replace a long stretch of 8-to-10-foot-high metal fencing that was built in the 1990s out of scrap metal and repurposed steel plates. Rusted and wobbly in places, the old wall has been no match for drug smugglers and human traffickers.


So yes, it is a replacement of a wall that was virtually useless. Apparently it could be compromised by a small ladder or a cutting torch. With a little time, probably could put a hole in it with bolt cutters.

It will replace a long stretch of 8-to-10-foot-high metal fencing

FROM YOUR ARTICLE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^



Give up already, little "desperado."

New ground being broken is irrelevant. The wall is going up.
The problem is it's not true. This is a section of replacement fence. Nothing more. No new wall. It's illegal.

And, they are replacing it with a 30-foot wall, right?

No, they're using the same replacement fencing that Obama was using.

Not according to the New York Post

Beautiful? Maybe. But big? Definitely.

A 14-mile section of President Trump’s border wall is under construction in San Diego, at a cost of $147 million.

The San Diego wall will reach up to 30 feet high, topped with a sheer vertical “anti-climbing plate” that offers no hand- or footholds for illicit border crossers.

It will replace a long stretch of 8-to-10-foot-high metal fencing that was built in the 1990s out of scrap metal and repurposed steel plates. Rusted and wobbly in places, the old wall has been no match for drug smugglers and human traffickers.


So yes, it is a replacement of a wall that was virtually useless. Apparently it could be compromised by a small ladder or a cutting torch. With a little time, probably could put a hole in it with bolt cutters.

It will replace a long stretch of 8-to-10-foot-high metal fencing

FROM YOUR ARTICLE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^



Give up already, little "desperado."

New ground being broken is irrelevant. The wall is going up.

fence moron, FENCE.

And, they are replacing it with a 30-foot wall, right?

No, they're using the same replacement fencing that Obama was using.

Not according to the New York Post

Beautiful? Maybe. But big? Definitely.

A 14-mile section of President Trump’s border wall is under construction in San Diego, at a cost of $147 million.

The San Diego wall will reach up to 30 feet high, topped with a sheer vertical “anti-climbing plate” that offers no hand- or footholds for illicit border crossers.

It will replace a long stretch of 8-to-10-foot-high metal fencing that was built in the 1990s out of scrap metal and repurposed steel plates. Rusted and wobbly in places, the old wall has been no match for drug smugglers and human traffickers.


So yes, it is a replacement of a wall that was virtually useless. Apparently it could be compromised by a small ladder or a cutting torch. With a little time, probably could put a hole in it with bolt cutters.

It will replace a long stretch of 8-to-10-foot-high metal fencing

FROM YOUR ARTICLE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^



Give up already, little "desperado."

New ground being broken is irrelevant. The wall is going up.

fence moron, FENCE.
No, they're using the same replacement fencing that Obama was using.

Not according to the New York Post

Beautiful? Maybe. But big? Definitely.

A 14-mile section of President Trump’s border wall is under construction in San Diego, at a cost of $147 million.

The San Diego wall will reach up to 30 feet high, topped with a sheer vertical “anti-climbing plate” that offers no hand- or footholds for illicit border crossers.

It will replace a long stretch of 8-to-10-foot-high metal fencing that was built in the 1990s out of scrap metal and repurposed steel plates. Rusted and wobbly in places, the old wall has been no match for drug smugglers and human traffickers.


So yes, it is a replacement of a wall that was virtually useless. Apparently it could be compromised by a small ladder or a cutting torch. With a little time, probably could put a hole in it with bolt cutters.

It will replace a long stretch of 8-to-10-foot-high metal fencing

FROM YOUR ARTICLE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^



Give up already, little "desperado."

New ground being broken is irrelevant. The wall is going up.

fence moron, FENCE.

Trump can build 50 new fences - if someone wants on the other side you can bet his fat ass they will get to the other side.
Not according to the New York Post

Beautiful? Maybe. But big? Definitely.

A 14-mile section of President Trump’s border wall is under construction in San Diego, at a cost of $147 million.

The San Diego wall will reach up to 30 feet high, topped with a sheer vertical “anti-climbing plate” that offers no hand- or footholds for illicit border crossers.

It will replace a long stretch of 8-to-10-foot-high metal fencing that was built in the 1990s out of scrap metal and repurposed steel plates. Rusted and wobbly in places, the old wall has been no match for drug smugglers and human traffickers.


So yes, it is a replacement of a wall that was virtually useless. Apparently it could be compromised by a small ladder or a cutting torch. With a little time, probably could put a hole in it with bolt cutters.

It will replace a long stretch of 8-to-10-foot-high metal fencing

FROM YOUR ARTICLE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^



Give up already, little "desperado."

New ground being broken is irrelevant. The wall is going up.

fence moron, FENCE.

Trump can build 50 new fences - if someone wants on the other side you can bet his fat ass they will get to the other side.

So when are you taking your fat ass and trying to climb over the "Fence" to come here in to the Good Ole USA?
Can you even climb a ladder?
Not according to the New York Post

Beautiful? Maybe. But big? Definitely.

A 14-mile section of President Trump’s border wall is under construction in San Diego, at a cost of $147 million.

The San Diego wall will reach up to 30 feet high, topped with a sheer vertical “anti-climbing plate” that offers no hand- or footholds for illicit border crossers.

It will replace a long stretch of 8-to-10-foot-high metal fencing that was built in the 1990s out of scrap metal and repurposed steel plates. Rusted and wobbly in places, the old wall has been no match for drug smugglers and human traffickers.


So yes, it is a replacement of a wall that was virtually useless. Apparently it could be compromised by a small ladder or a cutting torch. With a little time, probably could put a hole in it with bolt cutters.

It will replace a long stretch of 8-to-10-foot-high metal fencing

FROM YOUR ARTICLE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^



Give up already, little "desperado."

New ground being broken is irrelevant. The wall is going up.

fence moron, FENCE.

Trump can build 50 new fences - if someone wants on the other side you can bet his fat ass they will get to the other side.
There is substantial evidence that the fence will keep nearly all of those who want to breach it out. But you don't have to take my word for it, just ask Chuck Schumer. In 2013 Schumer introduced a bill into the Senate that would have provided billions of dollars to build hundreds of miles of border fence and billions more to purchase hi tech surveillance and communications equipment to make it a smart fence, just like the one President Trump is building, and every Democrat in the Senate voted for it. The stated purpose of the bill was to reduce illegal immigration from Mexico by at least 90%. You can Google it, Senate bill S. 744. The bill failed in the House, but the Democrats continued to love it right up until President Trump said he liked it, too.
Construction begins on 30-foot-tall border wall in San Diego

I recall ridiculing people who believed Trump could get the wall built. I figured for sure that even if he wanted to, the bed wetters would tie it up in court, sabotage the equipment, lay down in the way or otherwise do whatever they could to stop it.

I happily stand corrected.

Bed wetters are trying to stop it of course, but it's happening, and it's happening in commiefornia of all places. Trump is doing a great job undoing regressive policy and beating these parasites on many fronts. We never would have gotten these results from any of the RINOs, and I don't think even Ted Cruz would have achieved nearly as much as Trump. I have become one of his zealots and I make no apology for it. He earned it.


saw it on the news - they are repairing/replacing 43's FENCE.

NO new fence is being built.
News is always right. lol
It will replace a long stretch of 8-to-10-foot-high metal fencing

FROM YOUR ARTICLE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^



Give up already, little "desperado."

New ground being broken is irrelevant. The wall is going up.

fence moron, FENCE.

Trump can build 50 new fences - if someone wants on the other side you can bet his fat ass they will get to the other side.

So when are you taking your fat ass and trying to climb over the "Fence" to come here in to the Good Ole USA?
Can you even climb a ladder?

Native Texan

fuck you RUSSIAN.

And, they are replacing it with a 30-foot wall, right?

No, they're using the same replacement fencing that Obama was using.

Not according to the New York Post

Beautiful? Maybe. But big? Definitely.

A 14-mile section of President Trump’s border wall is under construction in San Diego, at a cost of $147 million.

The San Diego wall will reach up to 30 feet high, topped with a sheer vertical “anti-climbing plate” that offers no hand- or footholds for illicit border crossers.

It will replace a long stretch of 8-to-10-foot-high metal fencing that was built in the 1990s out of scrap metal and repurposed steel plates. Rusted and wobbly in places, the old wall has been no match for drug smugglers and human traffickers.


So yes, it is a replacement of a wall that was virtually useless. Apparently it could be compromised by a small ladder or a cutting torch. With a little time, probably could put a hole in it with bolt cutters.

It will replace a long stretch of 8-to-10-foot-high metal fencing

FROM YOUR ARTICLE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^



Give up already, little "desperado."

New ground being broken is irrelevant. The wall is going up.

fence moron, FENCE.

That's one hell of a "fence", dipshit.


Not according to the New York Post

Beautiful? Maybe. But big? Definitely.

A 14-mile section of President Trump’s border wall is under construction in San Diego, at a cost of $147 million.

The San Diego wall will reach up to 30 feet high, topped with a sheer vertical “anti-climbing plate” that offers no hand- or footholds for illicit border crossers.

It will replace a long stretch of 8-to-10-foot-high metal fencing that was built in the 1990s out of scrap metal and repurposed steel plates. Rusted and wobbly in places, the old wall has been no match for drug smugglers and human traffickers.


So yes, it is a replacement of a wall that was virtually useless. Apparently it could be compromised by a small ladder or a cutting torch. With a little time, probably could put a hole in it with bolt cutters.

It will replace a long stretch of 8-to-10-foot-high metal fencing

FROM YOUR ARTICLE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^



Give up already, little "desperado."

New ground being broken is irrelevant. The wall is going up.

fence moron, FENCE.

Trump can build 50 new fences - if someone wants on the other side you can bet his fat ass they will get to the other side.

Let's see your fat ass try to get over it, just for shits and grins.
Give up already, little "desperado."

New ground being broken is irrelevant. The wall is going up.

fence moron, FENCE.

Trump can build 50 new fences - if someone wants on the other side you can bet his fat ass they will get to the other side.

So when are you taking your fat ass and trying to climb over the "Fence" to come here in to the Good Ole USA?
Can you even climb a ladder?

Native Texan

fuck you RUSSIAN.

"Russian" :laughing0301:

Dude, you must be a wacko from Waco if everybody's starting to look like "Russians" to you.
No, they're using the same replacement fencing that Obama was using.

Not according to the New York Post

Beautiful? Maybe. But big? Definitely.

A 14-mile section of President Trump’s border wall is under construction in San Diego, at a cost of $147 million.

The San Diego wall will reach up to 30 feet high, topped with a sheer vertical “anti-climbing plate” that offers no hand- or footholds for illicit border crossers.

It will replace a long stretch of 8-to-10-foot-high metal fencing that was built in the 1990s out of scrap metal and repurposed steel plates. Rusted and wobbly in places, the old wall has been no match for drug smugglers and human traffickers.


So yes, it is a replacement of a wall that was virtually useless. Apparently it could be compromised by a small ladder or a cutting torch. With a little time, probably could put a hole in it with bolt cutters.

It will replace a long stretch of 8-to-10-foot-high metal fencing

FROM YOUR ARTICLE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^



Give up already, little "desperado."

New ground being broken is irrelevant. The wall is going up.

fence moron, FENCE.

That's one hell of a "fence", dipshit.



since youre too stupid to know the difference detween a fence and a wall YOU GET A DUMBFUCK PASS
Not according to the New York Post

Beautiful? Maybe. But big? Definitely.

A 14-mile section of President Trump’s border wall is under construction in San Diego, at a cost of $147 million.

The San Diego wall will reach up to 30 feet high, topped with a sheer vertical “anti-climbing plate” that offers no hand- or footholds for illicit border crossers.

It will replace a long stretch of 8-to-10-foot-high metal fencing that was built in the 1990s out of scrap metal and repurposed steel plates. Rusted and wobbly in places, the old wall has been no match for drug smugglers and human traffickers.


So yes, it is a replacement of a wall that was virtually useless. Apparently it could be compromised by a small ladder or a cutting torch. With a little time, probably could put a hole in it with bolt cutters.

It will replace a long stretch of 8-to-10-foot-high metal fencing

FROM YOUR ARTICLE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^



Give up already, little "desperado."

New ground being broken is irrelevant. The wall is going up.

fence moron, FENCE.

That's one hell of a "fence", dipshit.



since youre too stupid to know the difference detween a fence and a wall YOU GET A DUMBFUCK PASS

Donald Trump didn't say he was going to build the Great Wall of fucking China. He said that he would build a wall to keep illegal immigrants out and if that 30' WALL won't do that, it needs to be bigger.
Construction begins on 30-foot-tall border wall in San Diego

I recall ridiculing people who believed Trump could get the wall built. I figured for sure that even if he wanted to, the bed wetters would tie it up in court, sabotage the equipment, lay down in the way or otherwise do whatever they could to stop it.

I happily stand corrected.

Bed wetters are trying to stop it of course, but it's happening, and it's happening in commiefornia of all places. Trump is doing a great job undoing regressive policy and beating these parasites on many fronts. We never would have gotten these results from any of the RINOs, and I don't think even Ted Cruz would have achieved nearly as much as Trump. I have become one of his zealots and I make no apology for it. He earned it.


saw it on the news - they are repairing/replacing 43's FENCE.

NO new fence is being built.

So they are replacing an old fence with an old fence?

Do you ever read your own posts and see how stupid they are?


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