30 foot sections of wall going up in San Diego. I was wrong.

Give up already, little "desperado."

New ground being broken is irrelevant. The wall is going up.

fence moron, FENCE.

Trump can build 50 new fences - if someone wants on the other side you can bet his fat ass they will get to the other side.

Let's see your fat ass try to get over it, just for shits and grins.
Get over it?

A $100 sawzall could cut through it in less than an hour. An oxyacetylene torch even quicker

You must not be familiar with power tools.
fence moron, FENCE.

Trump can build 50 new fences - if someone wants on the other side you can bet his fat ass they will get to the other side.

Let's see your fat ass try to get over it, just for shits and grins.
Get over it?

A $100 sawzall could cut through it in less than an hour. An oxyacetylene torch even quicker

You must not be familiar with power tools.

Must not be familiar with engineers and border patrol either; as if nobody ever thought of the things he did.
Nobody said a barrier will keep everybody out.

So it won't work....

Why are we pissing away all that money on it??

why are the left pissing away money on poor ass broke illegal rapist killer Mexicans for???

oh yea they need the votes after killing off 50 million plus potential democrat voters since the early 1970's
It’s about getting unfair representation in The House of Representatives and stealing taxpayer’s money by inflating Census numbers.

They have to flood the country with the blue wave so they can drown anyone who opposes their wealth redistribution schemes and everything they advocate is a wealth redistribution scheme.

I dare any leftist DemNazi son of a bitch to prove that any of their schemes does not involve wealth redistribution.
Border wall work begins in downtown Calexico
A Border Patrol agent looks over the wall in Calexico. A barrier built in the 1990s from recycled metal scraps and landing mat will be torn down for bollard-style posts that are 30 feet high. (Sandy Huffaker / AFP/Getty Images)

The federal government began work Wednesday to replace a section of border wall in California, the first wall contract awarded in the Trump administration outside of eight prototypes that were built last year in San Diego.
Nobody said a barrier will keep everybody out.

So it won't work....

Why are we pissing away all that money on it??

why are the left pissing away money on poor ass broke illegal rapist killer Mexicans for???

oh yea they need the votes after killing off 50 million plus potential democrat voters since the early 1970's
It’s about getting unfair representation in The House of Representatives and stealing taxpayer’s money by inflating Census numbers.

They have to flood the country with the blue wave so they can drown anyone who opposes their wealth redistribution schemes and everything they advocate is a wealth redistribution scheme.

I dare any leftist DemNazi son of a bitch to prove that any of their schemes does not involve wealth redistribution.

Their ultimate goal is to make us white people a minority in our own country as soon as possible. That way they create a path to a one-party government forever in the USA. If successful, that will quickly lead to Socialism and Communism right behind it.
saw it on the news - they are repairing/replacing 43's FENCE.

NO new fence is being built.

Dammit. Stop spoiling this. Let them think their wall is being built! Let them sit at home on the couch, stroking it to Fox News. It won't hurt to let them think they've won. Especially if they haven't.
How can the wall be built? We haven't got any money from Mexico yet.

Do you know how many minds of ours you're going to change with that BS? ZERO! So write CNN and tell them it's not working as they thought.

Just reminding you that you bought a bill of goods and support someone who lies to your face. Whether you wish to accept the truth or continue to deceive yourself and retreat to your safe space...that is your choice.
saw it on the news - they are repairing/replacing 43's FENCE.

NO new fence is being built.

Dammit. Stop spoiling this. Let them think their wall is being built! Let them sit at home on the couch, stroking it to Fox News. It won't hurt to let them think they've won. Especially if they haven't.

is this where you ask your nanny did her health insurance go down with obozo care?

Construction begins on 30-foot-tall border wall in San Diego

I recall ridiculing people who believed Trump could get the wall built. I figured for sure that even if he wanted to, the bed wetters would tie it up in court, sabotage the equipment, lay down in the way or otherwise do whatever they could to stop it.

I happily stand corrected.

Bed wetters are trying to stop it of course, but it's happening, and it's happening in commiefornia of all places. Trump is doing a great job undoing regressive policy and beating these parasites on many fronts. We never would have gotten these results from any of the RINOs, and I don't think even Ted Cruz would have achieved nearly as much as Trump. I have become one of his zealots and I make no apology for it. He earned it.

Anytime America wins, Democrats lose.
Just reminding you that you bought a bill of goods and support someone who lies to your face. Whether you wish to accept the truth or continue to deceive yourself and retreat to your safe space...that is your choice.
Well, let us remind you to cry in your appletini.

We WILL get the wall where we need it.
saw it on the news - they are repairing/replacing 43's FENCE.

NO new fence is being built.

Dammit. Stop spoiling this. Let them think their wall is being built! Let them sit at home on the couch, stroking it to Fox News. It won't hurt to let them think they've won. Especially if they haven't.
is this where you ask your nanny did her health insurance go down with obozo care?

I don't understand. What do you mean?
How can the wall be built? We haven't got any money from Mexico yet.

Do you know how many minds of ours you're going to change with that BS? ZERO! So write CNN and tell them it's not working as they thought.

Just reminding you that you bought a bill of goods and support someone who lies to your face. Whether you wish to accept the truth or continue to deceive yourself and retreat to your safe space...that is your choice.

Lied to our face? On what?
Just reminding you that you bought a bill of goods and support someone who lies to your face. Whether you wish to accept the truth or continue to deceive yourself and retreat to your safe space...that is your choice.
Well, let us remind you to cry in your appletini.

We WILL get the wall where we need it.

We already have the wall "where we need it". Of course that violates the campaign promise but lets not talk about how many lies trump tells...that makes you more angry and bitter than normal.
How can the wall be built? We haven't got any money from Mexico yet.

Do you know how many minds of ours you're going to change with that BS? ZERO! So write CNN and tell them it's not working as they thought.

Just reminding you that you bought a bill of goods and support someone who lies to your face. Whether you wish to accept the truth or continue to deceive yourself and retreat to your safe space...that is your choice.

Lied to our face? On what?

Mexico paying for the wall.
How can the wall be built? We haven't got any money from Mexico yet.

Do you know how many minds of ours you're going to change with that BS? ZERO! So write CNN and tell them it's not working as they thought.

Just reminding you that you bought a bill of goods and support someone who lies to your face. Whether you wish to accept the truth or continue to deceive yourself and retreat to your safe space...that is your choice.

Lied to our face? On what?

Mexico paying for the wall.

We haven't finished it yet..and .apparently lefties think the only way to get paid is via a check.......it only gets them in trouble
How can the wall be built? We haven't got any money from Mexico yet.

Do you know how many minds of ours you're going to change with that BS? ZERO! So write CNN and tell them it's not working as they thought.

Just reminding you that you bought a bill of goods and support someone who lies to your face. Whether you wish to accept the truth or continue to deceive yourself and retreat to your safe space...that is your choice.

Lied to our face? On what?

Mexico paying for the wall.

We haven't finished it yet..and .apparently lefties think the only way to get paid is via a check.......it only gets them in trouble

Okay...it's been over 2 years; how much have we gotten from the Mexican government so far?

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