30% of Covid deaths not caused by Covid...DUH!!! We told you so and so did Trump!

Back in covids heyday, if someone committed suicide with covid. They died from covid. Had to have the death count high to make Trump look bad. Cuomo even put covid positive people in a nursing home, to make Trump look bad. Killed thousands, now that's evil.
Golfing gator, did Cuomo not put covid positive patients in a nursing home? Yes or no?
Sorry Lesh, I don't respond to folks that are so incapable of formulating an intelligent and coherent response that they are reduced to mindless ad hominum insults.

You gotta give Lesh and co some kind of slack though. Their brains are simply overloaded trying to take in the fact that they were wrong, it was all wrong.

What happened with Covid is not even close to the Holocaust/Nazi Germany in terms of evil. I am not making the comparison evil for evil However, people coming out of the fog of propaganda? That IS the same. Even after '45 and beyond, people clung to all sorts of rationalizations. It took YEARS for some--decades--to see clearly what happened. Some never did. Some went to their graves insisting that they were "just following orders".

Nothing to do about those types but pray for them I guess.

New York Times Admits 30% of “COVID Deaths” Weren’t From COVID​

July 19, 2023
After years of subjecting the public to fear-mongering, The New York Times has admitted that nearly a third of “Covid deaths” weren’t actually caused by Covid-19.
The official number [of Covid-19 deaths] is probably an exaggeration because it includes some people who had [the] virus when they died even though it was not the underlying cause of death,”
In 2020, The Times attacked Trump when he suggested that the number of Covid deaths was exaggerated, claiming “most statisticians and public health experts say he is wrong” and arguing the number was in fact “far higher” than recorded.

So why did the BIASED MSM over exaggerate COVID deaths?
This study shows the reason why!
"Physiologically, people are more triggered by negative news than positive news. Scientists see it in skin conductance levels and heart rate variability.
Negative news attracts more viewers.
More viewers means more advertising revenue.

Very simple folks, COVID, Trump coverage, all of that made the biased MSM just salivate at the negative news.

Another example of good news not reported is I've tracked Covid cases from this site
https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ United States COVID Statistics Since 3/31/20.
But I've had to get the following statistic from this site: Provisional COVID-19 Deaths: Focus on Ages 0-18 Years | Data | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
because it wasn't BAD NEWS!!!

Since I started tracking Covid out of 74 million kids in the USA under age 18... 1,847 have died. This is 0.00251%.

Yet we had school closings because of why? The teachers couldn't wear masks? I remember in my school days the teachers were in the front of the class, i.e.
at least 6 feet away. But just as we now know that 30% of Covid deaths were exaggerations..i.e.
The reason we weren't told that under 18 their bodies were growing, were more healthy, and those that died most likely had comorbidity... but we never heard that!
Folks those of you that still believe the MSM are truth tellers... grow up!

The kids are safe. They always have been.
It may sound strange, given a year of panic over school closures and reopenings, a year of masking toddlers and closing playgrounds and huddling in pandemic pods, that, according to the CDC, among children the mortality risk from COVID-19 is actually lower than from the flu.
The risk of severe disease or hospitalization is about the same.

And yet with all the above proof there will still be some of you that don't follow the FACTS, the reality, the truth
because you still believe the BIASED MSM that sells negative news!

The exaggeration is greater than that.

At some point, the CDC admitted that 94% of claimed COVID-1984 deaths involved “comorbidities”. Taken at face value, that means that those 94% were not from COVID-1984 alone, but involved other serious health issues which significantly contributed to the deaths of persons who otherwise would likely not have died just from COVID-1984. And whatever the CDC admits on this matter, you have to know that the truth is more damning than that.

And we've all heard the stories of deaths being counted as COVID-1984 deaths, where there was another clear cause of death that surely would have been fatal even if the decedent didn't have COVID-1984—heart attacks, vehicle accidents, etc.
One fucking million…
Many healthy and more than a few young

Obesity is not normally a death sentence jackass
And yet you fully support the ChiComs who created and unleashed the virus.

You can care less about people.
By closing education we now have Children lost about 35% of a normal school year's worth of learning during the pandemic, study suggests.

The one bit of good news is that due to the “remote learning”, parents were alerted to the faggot/tranny/childfucker grooming that had been going on in public schools against their children.
No one called polio a hoax. And no one called the polio vaccine more deadly than polio. People lined up to get the vaccine, and every kid was vaccinated in school and no one protested.

People were a lot smarter back then.

Polio really is as serious as was ever claimed about it, and the polio vaccine really is effective at preventing it.

Neither of these was ever true, or ever will be true, about the #CoronaHoax2020.

Neither was polio ever exploited and exaggerated for the purpose of promoting a corrupt political agenda.
You have to be straight stupid to actually belive that

Says someone who is so deeply stupid that he fell completely for the #CoronaHoax,2020, and still fully believes it.

Shocking. Prevent old people from seeing their doctors and they start dropping like flies.

I broke my leg in September of 2019, and as the #CoronaHoax2020 started to hit, there was a very noticeable increase in the difficulty of obtaining the treatment that I needed to help recover from it.

Forget all the lies you've heard about overcrowded hospitals. The two different hospitals that I was regularly visiting became like ghost towns, much of their services shut down, and any treatments deemed sufficiently “non-essential” not being offered (including the physical therapy that I had been receiving, and was supposed to continue receiving).

My own condition was not life-threatening but I have no doubt at all that there were many people who have died, because they were unable, during this time, to receive necessary treatments for conditions which were life-threatening. Most of them were surely counted as COVID-1984 deaths.
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I broke my leg in September of 2019, and as the #CoronaHoax2020 started to hit, there was a very noticeable increase in the difficulty of obtaining the treatment that I needed to help recover from it.

Forget all the lies you've heard about overcrowded hospitals. The two different hospitals that I was regularly visiting became like ghost towns, much of their services shut down, and any treatments deemed sufficiently “non-essential” not being offered (including the physical therapy that I had been receiving, and was supposed to continue receiving).

My own condition was not life-threatening but I have no doubt at all that there are many people who have died, because they were unable, during this time, to receive necessary treatments for conditions which were life-threatening. Most of them were surely counted as COVID-1984 deaths.
Millions were denied routine checkups and cancer screening. Nobody wants to talk about the consequences of that stupid action.
People STILL wearing masks simply show their fear and ignorance

In a way, it's unfortunate that enough of us smart enough to know better, wore masks anywhere, where required. In my case, I knew better than to believe that mask with 50-micron or larger gaps can stop a 0.05 to 0.2-micron virus from getting through it, but it just didn't seem it worth the fight to refuse to wear a mask when doing so was made a condition of getting into any place that I needed to get into.

Think of Bill Engvall's iconic Here's Your Sign! routine. If only people stupid enough to fall for that part of the #CoronaHoax2020 were to wear masks, then they would have served as an excellent Real World counterpart to Engvall's signs.
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