30 people shot, 7 killed! Oh wait it's Chicago......never mind.

No. I’m talking about LAUGHatLEFTISTS and your government killing Native children with smallpox infested blankets.
His quote:
PM me your address and I’ll send you some blankets.
What is your view on the government murdering Native kids?
MY VIEW I assume you are asking me to answer from the perspective of a half breed Iroquios.

It was a terrible time, although no one knew the blankets were infected with small pox. Whites died as well as natives. It was a war. Natives fought just as hard as they could but they were technologically outclassed. The native tribes lost. They made the best deals they could. The worst way forward is to mire one's self into historical pain as if they could actually do something about it.

My father was a big Indian. He was 6'5" and weighed 280. He was with the force that stormed Normandie Beach. He was a genuine American hero of any race. He was a loyal American until.... when shitstain obama was elected Dad said "if I knew this was going to happen I would have defected and fought for the Nazis ".

When you wallow in the past you never know who else will wallow or in what past. Today, the legacy and history of the Native Americans is being systematically replaced. No more Native names. Native mascots are being removed. In the guise of fighting an esoteric racism all memory of the fact of Native existence is being scraped away. If you want a fight, there it is.
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Tell me, what did the Natives do to spark this war? What wrong did we commit?
Actually, it doesn't matter. The world is what it is. Complaining because of a war honestly and well fought long ago makes as much sense as the average Brit painting themselves blue and complaining about the Roman army taking slaves.

The conflict between the Tribes and Europeans was going to happen no matter what or when. The natives were always going to lose just like the Aztecs lost and King Kamehameha lost. I really don't understand your fury. It's not like you can have an effect.

The one most admirable thing about my heritage is that they never saw themselves as victims. Neither do I. Geronimo said when he accepted terms was "I have stopped fighting. I will never again take up a weapon but I will never surrender."

You, though, are a classic victim. At times your complaints are indistinguishable from IM2.

Other tribes. The Clovis people likely descended from Asians, and the Paleoindians descended from Siberians.
It's the way of the world. Superior tribes, cultures, etc. have always taken land from others. You are a typical Indian that wants history to begin only at the time that your ancestors were conquered by Europeans.

My advice for you, is to get over it. Anything else will not change anything and you will only wallow in bitterness.
Along with death, diseases and pollution.
Look at this country you created.
A shithole.
You must be proud.

It became the greatest most powerful, most technologically advanced single country this world had ever seen.
I am very proud of it's accomplishments. Western culture rewrote how the world would revolve and advance.
Your ancestors inferior as they were, were caught up in the western tidal wave that changed the world for the better.
We need to train these ghetto punks how to shoot straight.... so they can solve the crime issue themselves...

For the amount of people killed in Chicago daily..... these punks are doing a great job solving the crimes among themselves!

They are shooting pretty good , it seems to me. :wink:
For the amount of people killed in Chicago daily..... these punks are doing a great job solving the crimes among themselves!

They are shooting pretty good , it seems to me. :wink:
They are getting better...
Another asshole who likes dead kids.
You are the worst kind of asshole.
What is wrong with your brain? The entire reason I bring attention to Chicago and Philly etc. is I detest dead kids. Look at my avatar do you know who that is? Do you know why I keep her as my avatar?
What is wrong with your brain? The entire reason I bring attention to Chicago and Philly etc. is I detest dead kids. Look at my avatar do you know who that is? Do you know why I keep her as my avatar?
I think I see your problem. You are responding to a post of mine. My post
Another asshole who likes dead kids.
You are the worst kind of asshole.
Was not in response to anything you said. It was directed to the asshat, LAUGHatLEFTISTS.
Its post,
I apologize. PM me your address and I’ll send you some blankets.
This is in reference to what your government did. Give blankets infected with smallpox to Native CHILDREN. Since you detest dead kids, how does it feel knowing your government did this kind of thing? How does it feel knowing that at Wounded Knee, where native men women and children were killed for doing the Ghost Dance, soldiers killed kids and then took their dead bodies and threw them around like a football? Now, people on the right deny any of this happened. It clearly did. Don't even get me started on the first Thanksgiving. If I had to guess, I would say you probably don't care as black people were not responsible. Feel free to prove me wrong.
You, though, are a classic victim. At times your complaints are indistinguishable from IM2.
This is where you're wrong. I am not a victim. I have no reason to be. I have done what the white man claimed they wanted me to do. Assimilate to your culture. I own my house. I own the land it's on. I have a successful career as a musician. I don't want reparations. What I want is for white people to admit what happened. Nothing more, nothing less.
This is where you're wrong. I am not a victim. I have no reason to be. I have done what the white man claimed they wanted me to do. Assimilate to your culture. I own my house. I own the land it's on. I have a successful career as a musician. I don't want reparations. What I want is for white people to admit what happened. Nothing more, nothing less.

Odd you never post the atrocities different Indian tribes committed against each other.
Odd you never post the atrocities different Indian tribes committed against each other.
No need to. Ignorant motherfuckers like you do it, so I don't have to. Not to mention what we did is pale in comparison to what you colonizers did.
This is where you're wrong. I am not a victim. I have no reason to be. I have done what the white man claimed they wanted me to do. Assimilate to your culture. I own my house. I own the land it's on. I have a successful career as a musician. I don't want reparations. What I want is for white people to admit what happened. Nothing more, nothing less.
That is exactly what IM2 wants. Just admit to wrongs and feel some sense of responsibility. Even though most of what you believe is completely wrong. There is no such thing as guilt for historical wrongs. No white today has a smidgen of responsibility over what happened over a hundred years ago. Most of them didn't have ancestors here to mistreat ours.

I am half Iroquios but the other half is Jewish. Jews from Georgia who were loyal Confederates some belonging to the Ku Klux Klan. I joke about my ancestors all being slave owners. My Indian forebears had slaves and ate them. My Jewish ancestry had slaves but didn't eat them. If there had been Iroquios at the first Thanksgiving they would have eaten leg of white settler. Or, liver of some other Indian. Do I feel guilty because my people slit the bellies of pregnant women to scalp the unborn. No. Neither do I feel any need to apologize for the wanton murder that wiped out other tribes. No misgivings over canabalism either.

So. Get over yourself.
That is exactly what IM2 wants. Just admit to wrongs and feel some sense of responsibility. Even though most of what you believe is completely wrong. There is no such thing as guilt for historical wrongs. No white today has a smidgen of responsibility over what happened over a hundred years ago. Most of them didn't have ancestors here to mistreat ours.

I am half Iroquios but the other half is Jewish. Jews from Georgia who were loyal Confederates some belonging to the Ku Klux Klan. I joke about my ancestors all being slave owners. My Indian forebears had slaves and ate them. My Jewish ancestry had slaves but didn't eat them. If there had been Iroquios at the first Thanksgiving they would have eaten leg of white settler. Or, liver of some other Indian. Do I feel guilty because my people slit the bellies of pregnant women to scalp the unborn. No. Neither do I feel any need to apologize for the wanton murder that wiped out other tribes. No misgivings over canabalism either.

So. Get over yourself.
White Eyes is repeating this irresponsibility with the coming of the communist virus. The sanctions operated slowly, but killed as surely as bullets or bombs. Ward Churchill, A Little Matter of Genocide.
That is exactly what IM2 wants. Just admit to wrongs and feel some sense of responsibility.
The harm in that would be what, exactly?
Even though most of what you believe is completely wrong.
No gaslighting allowed.
No white today has a smidgen of responsibility over what happened over a hundred years ago.
They do have a responsibility as it is still happening to this day.
I am half Iroquios but the other half is Jewish.
If what you say is true, what have you done for your people?

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