$300+ Million Spent By Out-Of-State Groups, $415+ Total Million On 2020 Ga Run-Off-Elections so far...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
A group bankrolled by liberal billionaires George Soros and Michael Bloomberg is pouring $300,000 into Georgia to back Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff in the runoff elections....

...as insane amount of money flooding into Ga for run-off elections......

...while voter registration group[ founded by Abrams and D-candidate Warnock still being investigated for 'aggressively attempting to register out-of-state, non-resident voters and DEAD people....

If Bloomberg and Soros are spending huge amounts you can bet the ChiComs are 'investing', too...

Gee, what does Bloomberg, Soros, Abrams, and Warnock all have in common?

Answer: They all have been and / or are being investigated for election fraud....

I got a call yesterday from Republicans asking me to contribute to the Georgia race.

Both sides are all in
What's your problem... Are the Republicans running a Campaign for free?

Those GOP senators need to get elected, do we expect to be trading with out insider knowledge?

Loeffler embarrassed herself the last night but still was less embarrassing than Perdue...
If Bloomberg and Soros are spending huge amounts you can bet the ChiComs are 'investing', too...

Gee, what does Bloomberg, Soros, Abrams, and Warnock all have in common?

Answer: They all have been and / or are being investigated for election fraud....


You are just embarrassing yourself...

You support Trump the China enabler... Trump gave the largest gift to China than any other President but you ignore that...

Trump was the pro China President in his actions... You just can't handle the truth...
What's your problem... Are the Republicans running a Campaign for free?

Those GOP senators need to get elected, do we expect to be trading with out insider knowledge?

Loeffler embarrassed herself the last night but still was less embarrassing than Perdue...
Election fraud the likes we just saw recently does not come cheap....


Gee, how much does the salaries of BOTH positions up for election come to ... now compare that to the amount of money being spent on it.

That will give people a REAL idea of just what is at stake....
You are just embarrassing yourself...You support Trump the China enabler... Trump gave the largest gift to China than any other President but you ignore that...

And what was that 'gift', snowflake?

Trump was the 1st US President to get off his knees and actually stand up to China in DECADES. Trump imposed massive tariffs on China, and Russia, in order to punish them for unfair trade practices and illegal theft of intellectual property and to get better trade deals for Americans.

Democrats facilitated the spread of a virus created and unleashed on the world by China. Despite all the evidence proving both China and their puppet, the WHO, lied to the world and that Trump was actually ahead of the WHO and Democrats on actions to protect the American people, China/$1.5 BILLLION Joe and Democrats accused the US President for the virus and sought to undermine every life-saving action he took.

While Joe Biden was telling America the Chinese are 'really good people' the ChiComs were declaring they would murder millions of Americans during the pandemic by withholding critical drugs they create Americans lives depend on.

And you deranged ass-clowns are defending both the ChiComs and China Joe.

Good grief, comrade.....
I am sure all ballots cast will be 100% legal and all ballots will be counted with comfirmation by both a Dem and Pub poll auditor.

Isnt that correct? Every single vote will be verified that the person is not dead, is a citizen, a legal resident of Georgia, is not a duplicate, and the signature is verified.

Thats what you want, right liberals? A fair election....every single vote audited and verified by a Dem and Pub representative?
We need vote counters with cases of ballots hidden under tables in red counties. Guess that's totally cool.
What's your problem... Are the Republicans running a Campaign for free?

Those GOP senators need to get elected, do we expect to be trading with out insider knowledge?

Loeffler embarrassed herself the last night but still was less embarrassing than Perdue...
Election fraud the likes we just saw recently does not come cheap....


Gee, how much does the salaries of BOTH positions up for election come to ... now compare that to the amount of money being spent on it.

That will give people a REAL idea of just what is at stake....

Election Fraud... Don the Con played one of last big Con before signing off.. $200m+ he swindled out of them this time...

easy your some fucking fool... You know Trump is laughing at you... Democrats pity you...

As for spending in elections, Republicans are the ones behind big money...
....spending in elections, Republicans are the ones behind big money...
Why do you spew such lies...an your unsubstantiated irrational hate-driven rant, that has already been debunked? You should really read the article, and others, about the massive infusion of foreign and out-of-state funding for Democrats into the Ga run-off elections. Your comments are extremely entertaining...considering...
....spending in elections, Republicans are the ones behind big money...
Why do you spew such lies...an your unsubstantiated irrational hate-driven rant, that has already been debunked? You should really read the article, and others, about the massive infusion of foreign and out-of-state funding for Democrats into the Ga run-off elections. Your comments are extremely entertaining...considering...

Trump Deputy Campaign Manager

Citizens United v. FEC - Wikipedia

GOP is the ones increasing the money... Citizens United v FEC case allowed them to vastly increase it
You are just embarrassing yourself...You support Trump the China enabler... Trump gave the largest gift to China than any other President but you ignore that...

And what was that 'gift', snowflake?

Trump was the 1st US President to get off his knees and actually stand up to China in DECADES. Trump imposed massive tariffs on China, and Russia, in order to punish them for unfair trade practices and illegal theft of intellectual property and to get better trade deals for Americans.

Democrats facilitated the spread of a virus created and unleashed on the world by China. Despite all the evidence proving both China and their puppet, the WHO, lied to the world and that Trump was actually ahead of the WHO and Democrats on actions to protect the American people, China/$1.5 BILLLION Joe and Democrats accused the US President for the virus and sought to undermine every life-saving action he took.

While Joe Biden was telling America the Chinese are 'really good people' the ChiComs were declaring they would murder millions of Americans during the pandemic by withholding critical drugs they create Americans lives depend on.

And you deranged ass-clowns are defending both the ChiComs and China Joe.

Good grief, comrade.....
On day 3 he pulls out of TPP, massive win for China

The because there is a gap China step in and take control

Even Trump figured out he screwed up

You just see the small stuff, this is nothing compared to the US surrendering control to China... US got played big time under Trump... Trump played snap and everyone else is playing Chess..

Biden has to clean up this mess.

By the way Republicans under Bush first started negotiations around TPP.
....spending in elections, Republicans are the ones behind big money...
Why do you spew such lies...an your unsubstantiated irrational hate-driven rant, that has already been debunked? You should really read the article, and others, about the massive infusion of foreign and out-of-state funding for Democrats into the Ga run-off elections. Your comments are extremely entertaining...considering...

GOP led Senate Intelligence Commitee

Main findings

So that was the findings...

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