327 million cases

At least twice a day 3/30/20 I've tracked COVID-19 from the below site.
I've yet to hear from the media the below facts, i.e....that 94% of cases survive.
We also haven't heard that there has never been a hospitalization bed shortage.
There are a total of 924,107 staffed beds in the USA..https://www.aha.org/statistics/fast-facts-us-hospitals
Compared to how many beds have been needed: at most 17,000... again vs 924,107 beds.
So why haven't we heard?
My conclusion is it is political. The media has tried EVERYTHING to destroy Trump, Russia, Ukraine, Flynn, etc. and even
Bill Maher has recognized what this means i.e. the MSM's attempts to blame Trump.
Read his comments...https://deadline.com/2020/04/bill-maher-rails-against-media-covid-19-panic-porn-donald-trump-re-elected-1202911733/
Bill Maher Blasts Media’s COVID-19 “Panic Porn,” Warning Gloom-And-Doom Coverage May Get Donald Trump Re-Elected

View attachment 334298


everyone was told that most people would survive.

the point was to try and MINIMIZE the number of deaths.

because....you know.....all life is precious....
At least twice a day 3/30/20 I've tracked COVID-19 from the below site.
I've yet to hear from the media the below facts, i.e....that 94% of cases survive.
We also haven't heard that there has never been a hospitalization bed shortage.
There are a total of 924,107 staffed beds in the USA..https://www.aha.org/statistics/fast-facts-us-hospitals
Compared to how many beds have been needed: at most 17,000... again vs 924,107 beds.
So why haven't we heard?
My conclusion is it is political. The media has tried EVERYTHING to destroy Trump, Russia, Ukraine, Flynn, etc. and even
Bill Maher has recognized what this means i.e. the MSM's attempts to blame Trump.
Read his comments...https://deadline.com/2020/04/bill-maher-rails-against-media-covid-19-panic-porn-donald-trump-re-elected-1202911733/
Bill Maher Blasts Media’s COVID-19 “Panic Porn,” Warning Gloom-And-Doom Coverage May Get Donald Trump Re-Elected

View attachment 334298


everyone was told that most people would survive.

the point was to try and MINIMIZE the number of deaths.

because....you know.....all life is precious....
So we quarantine the healthy and destroy the economy? Smart move.
...No, put yourself in Trump's shoes, he was constantly fighting the left over travel bans, the wall..
The President 'fighting' with the Free Press? Hostility from some quarters of the press domain? His 44 predecessors oftentimes had the same problem.

And yet none of those 44 had the arrogance and stupidity to label the Free Press - including his critics - as Enemies of the People - like so many tyrants have done in the past.

Please don't change the goal post, we are talking travel bans, the left was against it, now they are for it.

It's gets embarrassing, a person would be hesitant.
similar thread
Initial forecasts were 2.2 Americans dead.

Now it’s like 80,000.

Trump Really rocked it and insane Democrat want more death so Trump will lose,

So disgusting
2.2 million Americans dead..

They knew that was a lie. It was just cover for bringing on a depression...a bad one.
They got it, too. Hold onto your butts, here we go!
Only way it doesn't get super-bad and we recover quickly is a blessing from God.
If it gets to being famine, it's gonna last for 7 years.
Initial forecasts were 2.2 Americans dead.

Now it’s like 80,000.

Trump Really rocked it and insane Democrat want more death so Trump will lose,

So disgusting
2.2 million Americans dead..

They knew that was a lie. It was just cover for bringing on a depression...a bad one.
They got it, too. Hold onto your butts, here we go!
I hope the majority are smart enough to remember who to blame in November.
...No, put yourself in Trump's shoes, he was constantly fighting the left over travel bans, the wall..
The President 'fighting' with the Free Press? Hostility from some quarters of the press domain? His 44 predecessors oftentimes had the same problem.

And yet none of those 44 had the arrogance and stupidity to label the Free Press - including his critics - as Enemies of the People - like so many tyrants have done in the past.

Please don't change the goal post, we are talking travel bans, the left was against it, now they are for it.

It's gets embarrassing, a person would be hesitant.
Labeling the Free Press as an Enemy of the People was equivalent to crossing the Rubicon... once out, there was no taking it back... the fool brought it on himself.

He is his own worst enemy... thank God.
...No, put yourself in Trump's shoes, he was constantly fighting the left over travel bans, the wall..
The President 'fighting' with the Free Press? Hostility from some quarters of the press domain? His 44 predecessors oftentimes had the same problem.

And yet none of those 44 had the arrogance and stupidity to label the Free Press - including his critics - as Enemies of the People - like so many tyrants have done in the past.

Please don't change the goal post, we are talking travel bans, the left was against it, now they are for it.

It's gets embarrassing, a person would be hesitant.
Labeling the Free Press as an Enemy of the People was equivalent to crossing the Rubicon... once out, there was no taking it back... the fool brought it on himself.

He is his own worst enemy... thank God.

I agree he went a little to far, maybe MSM will eventually wake up one of these days and just give us the news and entire unbiased truth. Not half truths.
...So we quarantine the healthy and destroy the economy? Smart move.
The life of a single child or senior citizen is worth more than corporate or personal solvency.

Yes... it was, indeed, a smart move.

In many regions of the country, sheltering-in-place orders prevented hospitals from becoming overrun so that they could not treat the afflicted.

Such emergency public health orders are not designed to prevent the spread of the contagion so much as to slow it down so that it remains manageable.

Selfish greedy thoughtless people who prize going to the beach or bar or nail-salon more than human life are always the first to criticize such common-sense measures.
...No, put yourself in Trump's shoes, he was constantly fighting the left over travel bans, the wall..
The President 'fighting' with the Free Press? Hostility from some quarters of the press domain? His 44 predecessors oftentimes had the same problem.

And yet none of those 44 had the arrogance and stupidity to label the Free Press - including his critics - as Enemies of the People - like so many tyrants have done in the past.

Please don't change the goal post, we are talking travel bans, the left was against it, now they are for it.

It's gets embarrassing, a person would be hesitant.
Labeling the Free Press as an Enemy of the People was equivalent to crossing the Rubicon... once out, there was no taking it back... the fool brought it on himself.

He is his own worst enemy... thank God.

I agree he went a little to far, maybe MSM will eventually wake up one of these days and just give us the news and entire unbiased truth. Not half truths.
We're on the same page on that one, anyway :)
...So we quarantine the healthy and destroy the economy? Smart move.
The life of a single child or senior citizen is worth more than corporate or personal solvency.

Yes... it was, indeed, a smart move.

In many regions of the country, sheltering-in-place orders prevented hospitals from becoming overrun so that they could not treat the afflicted.

Such emergency public health orders are not designed to prevent the spread of the contagion so much as to slow it down so that it remains manageable.

Selfish greedy thoughtless people who prize going to the beach or bar or nail-salon more than human life are always the first to criticize such common-sense measures.
Then dont EVER get behind the wheel of your car again. That's a small price for you to pay to save the child who may die from your careless driving
And that 94% survival rate figure is based on our current case numbers, which we know have been vastly under-reported, which in turn means that our case death rate is far below 6%. Three COVID-19 anti-body studies indicate that the actual survival rate is in the neighborhood of 99.xx%. The three studies found that the actual case death rate was 0.1% to 0.3%, which is flu-like territory (the flu's case death rate ranges between 0.13% and 0.17%).
At least twice a day 3/30/20 I've tracked COVID-19 from the below site.
I've yet to hear from the media the below facts, i.e....that 94% of cases survive.
We also haven't heard that there has never been a hospitalization bed shortage.
There are a total of 924,107 staffed beds in the USA..https://www.aha.org/statistics/fast-facts-us-hospitals
Compared to how many beds have been needed: at most 17,000... again vs 924,107 beds.
So why haven't we heard?
My conclusion is it is political. The media has tried EVERYTHING to destroy Trump, Russia, Ukraine, Flynn, etc. and even
Bill Maher has recognized what this means i.e. the MSM's attempts to blame Trump.
Read his comments...https://deadline.com/2020/04/bill-maher-rails-against-media-covid-19-panic-porn-donald-trump-re-elected-1202911733/
Bill Maher Blasts Media’s COVID-19 “Panic Porn,” Warning Gloom-And-Doom Coverage May Get Donald Trump Re-Elected

View attachment 334298

No dummy.

News stations do not report items that are not newsworthy
...So we quarantine the healthy and destroy the economy? Smart move.
The life of a single child or senior citizen is worth more than corporate or personal solvency.

Yes... it was, indeed, a smart move.

In many regions of the country, sheltering-in-place orders prevented hospitals from becoming overrun so that they could not treat the afflicted.

Such emergency public health orders are not designed to prevent the spread of the contagion so much as to slow it down so that it remains manageable.

Selfish greedy thoughtless people who prize going to the beach or bar or nail-salon more than human life are always the first to criticize such common-sense measures.
Then dont EVER get behind the wheel of your car again. That's a small price for you to pay to save the child who may die from your careless driving
Sit down, child... you're not ready for the grown-up's table yet. Wake me up when you can address the issue rationally.
...So we quarantine the healthy and destroy the economy? Smart move.
The life of a single child or senior citizen is worth more than corporate or personal solvency.

Yes... it was, indeed, a smart move.

In many regions of the country, sheltering-in-place orders prevented hospitals from becoming overrun so that they could not treat the afflicted.

Such emergency public health orders are not designed to prevent the spread of the contagion so much as to slow it down so that it remains manageable.

Selfish greedy thoughtless people who prize going to the beach or bar or nail-salon more than human life are always the first to criticize such common-sense measures.
Then dont EVER get behind the wheel of your car again. That's a small price for you to pay to save the child who may die from your careless driving
Sit down, child... you're not ready for the grown-up's table yet. Wake me up when you can address the issue rationally.
Do you think your putting on childs life at risk by you getting behind the wheel is ok? You are very selfish.

Stay home and save a life!
saddam created that--he started not 1, but 2 wars/etc
He was a monster but there are lots of them in the world. We chose, that is globalist president Bush chose,
to go to war. He's not sitting in his Crawford, Texas ranch right now with two stumps for legs (speaking
of monsters).

The point is the public panicked and was driven to war just the way we have been driven to make the fifty states one big internment camp. I was fully on board with the Saddam is a monster movement.

I could not understand then, nor now, the "we have to go get him" drive to invade Iraq.
Because frankly you and people like you believed the MSM!
A) Desert Storm was never ended! As a result
B) The Liberation of Iraq (remember this was a Bill Clinton bill and the MSM used the term "Liberation"... when Bush became
president... it became the Invasion of Iraq. Choices of words by the MSM biased the news, and hence biased the public.
C) If Saddam were still in office today..3,600,000 children would have starved to death simply because Saddam kept the myth going that he had WMDs. And I back this with FACTS!!!
In 1995 as many as 576,000 Iraqi children may have died since the end of the Persian Gulf war because of economic sanctions imposed by the Security Council, according to two scientists who surveyed the country for the Food and Agriculture Organization.
Those 3,600,000 children would be dead would you be oK with that?
D) Saddam had WMDs ...even Scott Pelley of CBS news said so!
Scott Pelley of CBS news declared WMDs were found!
It turns out Saddam Hussein did possess a weapon of mass destruction and he used it in a slaughter that few have heard of until now after the Gulf War in 1991, the dictator spent untold millions on this weapon, designed to exterminate an ancient civilization called the "Ma'dan," also known as the "Marsh Arabs."
In a five-year project 90 percent of the marshes were drained - an area of more than 3,000 square miles.
"... the marsh dwellers were important elements in the uprising against Saddam Hussein’s regime. To end the rebellion, the regime implemented an intensive system of drainage and water diversion structures that desiccated over 90% of the marshes. The reed beds were also burned and poison introduced to the waters.
It is estimated that more than 500,000 were displaced, 95,000 of them to Iran, 300,000 internally displaced, and the remainder to other countries. By January 2003, the majority of the marshes were wastelands.
"As an engineer, I'm telling you, drying of the marshes is definitely not an easy task. It's a monumental engineering project," Alwash explained. "He put every piece of equipment available in Iraq under his control at the services of the projects needed to dry the marshes."
"Saddam was using water as a weapon?
" Pelley asked.
"You know, the world was looking for weapons of mass destruction. And the evidence was right under its nose," Alwash.

Again.. folks like you continue to believe the MSM and it's biased hatred of Trump today and the USA during GWB presidency.
The MSM was pissed because Gore wasn't elected and again after this FACT for example... which people like you totally ignore out your totally uninformed and basically unsophisticated understanding of what Trump is...not your politically correct president BUT a Queens New York, loud mouth, braggart, boisterous BUT deeply committed to America and his family which again people like you have NO idea why Trump appeals to us "deplorables"! We are refreshed by a President who unlike Obama doesn't want to see high gas prices, utilities going bankrupt and 1,400 companies bankrupt by stupidity!

In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton, compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump. While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative, coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.
...So we quarantine the healthy and destroy the economy? Smart move.
The life of a single child or senior citizen is worth more than corporate or personal solvency.

Yes... it was, indeed, a smart move.

In many regions of the country, sheltering-in-place orders prevented hospitals from becoming overrun so that they could not treat the afflicted.

Such emergency public health orders are not designed to prevent the spread of the contagion so much as to slow it down so that it remains manageable.

Selfish greedy thoughtless people who prize going to the beach or bar or nail-salon more than human life are always the first to criticize such common-sense measures.
Then dont EVER get behind the wheel of your car again. That's a small price for you to pay to save the child who may die from your careless driving
Sit down, child... you're not ready for the grown-up's table yet. Wake me up when you can address the issue rationally.
Do you think your putting on childs life at risk by you getting behind the wheel is ok? You are very selfish.

Stay home and save a life!
A child's argument, in defense of a childish, selfish idea.
...So we quarantine the healthy and destroy the economy? Smart move.
The life of a single child or senior citizen is worth more than corporate or personal solvency.

Yes... it was, indeed, a smart move.

In many regions of the country, sheltering-in-place orders prevented hospitals from becoming overrun so that they could not treat the afflicted.

Such emergency public health orders are not designed to prevent the spread of the contagion so much as to slow it down so that it remains manageable.

Selfish greedy thoughtless people who prize going to the beach or bar or nail-salon more than human life are always the first to criticize such common-sense measures.
Then dont EVER get behind the wheel of your car again. That's a small price for you to pay to save the child who may die from your careless driving
Sit down, child... you're not ready for the grown-up's table yet. Wake me up when you can address the issue rationally.
Do you think your putting on childs life at risk by you getting behind the wheel is ok? You are very selfish.

Stay home and save a life!
A child's argument, in defense of a childish, selfish idea.
Your argument doesnt stand up to logic.

I understand your defensiveness.

People see thru the tard fearmongering
I have heard about it several times....Where have yous been?

I don't believe you because there has NOT been one mention on ABC,CBS,NBC,CNN,etc. the FACT that 94% of the 1,348,315 or over 1,267,416 SURVIVE! YOU had no idea.
All the MSM tells you in loud blaring 7/24 oh woe 80,056 (only 19 the last day) DEATHS!
Oh woe! Yet in that same 24 hour period HERE are the DEATHS from the top 10 causes in America!
Nearly 6 times the number of deaths of the top 10 causes. Where's the ANGST?

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